#straight outta Storybrooke
screwhope · 3 months
IS YOUR MUSE TALL / SHORT / AVERAGE ? 5’5”. tall for a girl. made her feel 'other' as a teenager. ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT ? yeah , she doesn't care. WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE ? though naturally brown if she wasn't gifted with light magic, emma's hair is golden blonde &* naturally forms "princess curls" no matter how little effort she puts into it. ( this is a 'straight hair emma' hater zone. getting rid of her curls was a hatecrime against me specifically. ) DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR / GROOMING ? nope. she rolls out of bed &* gets outta there. sometimes, when she's going on a date -- mostly for the bail bondsperson jobs -- she does herself up really nice so the person is captivated. DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE / WHAT OTHERS THINK ? not really. she only cares that she does her job. otherwise, she prefers to be comfy &* practical. she obv wants her partners to find her attractive, but ??
INDOORS OR OUTDOORS ?  out. she doesn't like being caged up. RAIN OR SUNSHINE ?  sunshine. FOREST OR BEACH ?  both ? she didn't get to go to the beach as a kid so it's weird to her. she's not much for swimming. PRECIOUS METALS OR GEMS ?  metals ? she likes silver a lot. she's never had anyone get her like anything expensive tho. FLOWERS OR PERFUMES ?  flowers. for sure. she can't keep them alive, though. PERSONALITY OR APPEARANCE ?  personality. she loves a charmer, even if she won't admit it. BEING ALONE OR BEING IN A CROWD ?  she's been alone her whole life so that is comfortable for her, but once she's exposed to the big system that is storybrooke, she prefers that. ORDER OR ANARCHY ?  order. she hates things being chaotic. PAINFUL TRUTHS OR WHITE LIES ?  painful truths. she'd much rather you be honest with her than hide shit from her. SCIENCE OR MAGIC ?  science. she doesn't come around to magic even when she HAS it. she's still like this is stupid &* i don't understand it. PEACE OR CONFLICT ? peace. obviously as the savior conflict clings to her &* always finds her, but she fights it to achieve peace every time. however, were her life perfectly peaceful, i think she'd get bored after so long in fight or flight. NIGHT OR DAY ?  day! night is for sleepies &* smooches. DUSK OR DAWN ?   dawn ? i don't know. she doesn't clock me as a morning girlie. WARMTH OR COLD ?  warm! very warm. she hates being cold. catch her bundled up in 5 layers at all times. MANY ACQUAINTANCES OR A FEW CLOSE FRIENDS ?   again, she's been alone her whole life. she valued having close friends but they all fucked her over, so she's wary. but she grows to love it &* need it. READING OR PLAYING A GAME ? hi i'm emma i'm 19 &* i never learned how to fucking read. ( she knows how. she just hates it. )
WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS ? prone to shutting people out or blowing up. she can't keep her car clean -- there's fast food &* protein bars all over the place. she can't feed herself -- she lives off of grilled cheeses &* cereal. she likes to take apart things when she's angry or anxious but she cannot put them back together -- rip to mary margaret's toaster. she is overly sarcastic &* catty, often pushing people away before they have the chance to get close. she can't trust for shit. HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE ? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM ?  so, her first friend (&* girlfriend) was lily, who 'betrayed' her &* left. then you have ingrid (her adoptive mother) who technically erased her memories of her so emma doesn't directly remember that, but she still has the feelings of loss. you have neal, who she pictured forever with, who left her with a baby. henry was her choice to give up, but no mother does that easily. you have cleo, who she wasn't close to persay, but did teach her a lot -- this was emma's first death. you get around to storybrooke, she loses graham. she loses neal right after getting him back again. she loses henry momentarily &* that fucks her up. she loses hook for a bit. she loses august. you have the overarching loss of her parents &* childhood. basically, emma has lost everyone in her life that was ever important to her. loss has fucked her up so significantly that she cannot let people in, for fear that they will leave or damage her even more beyond repair. WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS ?  i think her time with neal &* lily are genuinely her best memories as a kid. as an adult, her life is not 'memorable' until storybrooke. any moment she has with henry is engrained in her from there. in particular, she holds on to learning new things about him that remind her of neal or herself. that moment in neverland where neal admits he loves her &* she can open up &* say she never stopped loving him was so cathartic for her. IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL ? god, no. she only kills 1 person in the show &* that was by accident &* it fucked her up. WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN ?  really fucking sad. she just exudes her emotions in waves bc of how often she's choking things down. so when she's upset, you can feel it in your bones. she sobs &* yells &* lashes out. she has to be physically restrained if she's angry or crushed in a hug if she's losing it. IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE ? ' the only person who saves me is me. ' but she will make sure everyone knows she'd jump on a grenade for them. WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE ? dedicated. i think when emma falls in love ( great song by the way. very emma coded. ) she is very ... zoned in ? like. she doesn't see other people. i personally write emma as having BPD so she is very scared of being in love -- knows its the easiest way to lose someone. but she is endlessly compassionate &* loyal &* will protect them with her life. she is also very sensual ? that's not specific to love persay, but it like ... triples ? when she loves someone. very touchy -- &* not just like sexually. she just wants to touch you &* lay her head on you.
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fiftyshitsofgay · 7 years
You can't spell it that way even if swan queen got married which would make me vomit
i like how you just assume bc i don’t like cooked swan i must ship swan queen bc there are definitely only two options
i mean i do ship it but it’s not my number one. i’m not at the point in my shipping where i can visualize and write the perfect wedding for them (weddings in general don’t really excite me) but let me tell you what i can already see bud
the poster for that won’t look like a terrible slasher film
regina would be honest about things and give emma plenty of time to back out if she needs it or just wants to flat-out cancel
it’d be explained how regina got a hold of rings… maybe she takes someone with her to go ring shopping idk. also there’s no way emma would have the chance to find them unless regina was either careless (which she isn’t) or wanted her to find them (which she won’t because who’d wanna miss the look on emma’s face when she’s surprised in a good way? henry might even snap a picture it’s so iconic)
the wedding would look like the one we saw in the show, but right before she gets to archie emma stops and lets her hair down with a smirk bc she can and she should and then after their vows they’d all burst into song and dance yadda yadda
also everyone who encountered emma would be there bc of course. like lily, and ashley, and aurora, and snow would probably send word to ruby somehow. and regina would definitely make sure mal would be front and center
either during or before all the singing and dancing emma’d do the thing where she removes the skirt of her wedding dress and reveals she’s wearing pants or at least a more modern dress that lets her move about just as easily. regina actually did NOT expect that but she fucking should have
when the blf’s curse hits instead of emma just standing there leaning against hook, she and regina woman up and faces it. they walk hand in hand to the edge of the roof with determined eyes and nerves of steel. maybe they squeeze each other’s hands but no one notices bc it’s subtle and they’re too busy watching black magic smoke engulf everything. regina and emma share a look™ and that’s how they wish each other luck without words
when henry brings cursed!emma to the roof it won’t play like a horror flashback. depending on how gay-friendly this cursed!world is emma’s either going to be asking why she married a woman or why she married “the evil queen but she’s not really evil anymore” as henry tried to delicately put it
she’d be lying if her curiosity isn’t piqued since her relationship with fiona isn’t half as cordial as her supposed relationship with regina seems to be… that and she’s damn sure even with her delusions™ she and fiona despite being henry’s mothers™ are better off acquaintances than even friends
hook never gets the badge and emma tries to find a way to bring mulan to storybrooke not only to sheriff with her but she’s pretty sure aurora would want to see her again (remember aurora?)
with zelena as her sister-in-law even without her magic, zelena can still give emma pointers or little tricks to make magic even more convenient for her than it already is. and ya know, sometimes suggestions for getting under regina’s skin
also with swan queen established they can hang with mal and lily and go riding on the back of their dragon friends like something straight outta fucking dragon tales
if emma and regina ever wanted another or more kids, one would look at henry like “why? we already have a perfectly good son right here. who we were parenting before we realized everything”
maybe then henry wouldn’t become a recluse in the rainy city of seattle (hi henry) but maybe he likes the gloomy atmosphere idk
oh look at that i created something
i mean, none of that has to be with regina exclusively. swap a few names, take a few details out, you have virtually every other emma ship there is, but because you assumed i’m happy to oblige.
this was fun tho let me know if you want more!
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teespeech-blog · 8 years
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Straight Outta Storybrooke Pullovers, Hoodies, Unisex and Women’s tees and Tanks.
25% from all items sold in the Once Upon a Time collection is donated to Make a Wish Foundation.
A minimum of 3 must be sold for your shirt to be printed so buy one and like, reblog and share to guarantee getting your hands on one.
Click here to view all styles and designs available.
Available until MIDNIGHT (GMT) 27th March.
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