14dayswithyou · 6 months
hey sai! i’ve read the rules <3 i stumbled upon this vid on my fyp and felt like it was redacted-coded if not correct me if im wrong LOL
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✦゜ANSWERED: KGKGJSGSJH this could be Teo or Moth I fear 🤔
When it comes to Angel, [REDACTED] would be more gentle(?) with his teasing (unless they're into this kind of banter!!). He's also more likely to respond with: "nice nap? i can tell by the drool lol" sjgsjjsja
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catboys-in-paradise · 3 years
My my, it has been a very long time since I’ve written to you, has it? Oh, I can already imagine the surprise on your face as you tear open my letter...please do mind the wax seal, it took me...longer than I’d like to admit to get it perfect. Ugh, you are the only person I would dare to admit a shortcoming to. Even now it is...embarrassing.
Regardless! I have written to you to, once again, declare my everlasting affection for you. I can’t imagine you’ve forgotten, not when I compliment you so lavishly. I just wanted to remind you that you’re always in my thoughts, and that even when I am away for so long, you are the only thing occupying my head. I miss being able to hold you in my arms…I think you miss that too, don’t you?
I cannot stop thinking about how absolutely amazing you look...you have the perfect form, gorgeous hands for kissing, and stunning eyes. It pains me that sometimes you forget these things about yourself. You are a perfectly crafted dagger made to stab directly into my heart. My affections bleed only for you. Do not ever forget that, even if I have to spend all this time out on missions.
I...can’t get you out of my head. It’s starting to interfere with my work. Even when I’m sharpening my skills with my scythe, all I can think of is coming home to you. I don’t understand it. I care for you...obviously...yet something as simple as a romantic relationship cannot keep coming between me and my combat! This is ridiculous, you are too amazing to leave my mind for more than a moment or two.
...Maybe this relationship isn’t so simple then.
Maybe you mean more to me than I’d like to say out loud.
This is...a new development.
I...don’t know why admitting that I...love you is so difficult. It feels so right pouring out onto this letter, but when I think of telling you...my stomach ties up in knots. Is that what love is? Is it the fluttering feeling I get when I look into your eyes? Is it the warmth in my chest when you hold my hand and tell me everything will be alright? Is it the pure joy that floods my brain and spills from my lips whenever I get to talk to you?
It must be.
...Regardless, don’t let this get to your head too much. I know you’d use these confessions against me to make me...feel strongly about you. And it is NOT my fault that I couldn’t hold these feelings in long enough to tell you in person! It is certainly yours, with your overzealous affections and the way you always know what to say to make me feel better...I pity your inability to contain your love for me.
...Please write back to me sometime. I guess I miss you more than I thought was possible.
I love you.
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Congrats on getting married!! You guys were made for each other! I am so happy to see you guys together! Best wishes! ❤️💕🥳 -strawberryj4m
@strawberryj4m Aaah thank you so much!! I saw ur tag on the art that Scout made me when you said it’s about time, and honestly I couldn’t agree more 🥺💖🥺💖 I’m so happy to finally be married to Jamie, he really and truly is my sunshine!!
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cupidrpgmoved · 4 years
C...change ur url impulsively >:3 I encourage u. -strawberryj4m
GGGGHRGRHRHR BROOO i dont even have any ideas omg GSJDBFK
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lgbtselfships · 4 years
Welcome to the LGBTAQ+ self ships blog!
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We’re a small imagines blog geared towards people in the LGBTAQ+ community! All pronouns, sexualities, and genders are welcome! We’re open to asks, submissions, and requests all the time unless stated otherwise! Read our CARRD
💝 x reader fics
💞 headcanons
💗 (Basically just ask us if what you want is okay!)
💔 Adult/Minor dynamics (even if aged up)
💔 (Ask us if you think something is too much!)
Mod Vulpix ( @pixs-slow-burns​ )
Mod Boo ( @strawberryj4m​ )
Mod Bunnie ( @self-ship-madness​ )
Stay safe and hydrated! Your f/os love you!
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roboraindrop · 4 years
I smile whenever I see your ships and content on my dash! I know it’s really hard to keep fighting during the dark times, but know that you bring a lot of joy to everyone around you, and that your life means so much! Take care of yourself, and disregard that absolutely disgusting anon. 💕💕💕 -strawberryj4m
@strawberryj4m !!!! ahh,,, thank you so much. This is so kind of you. Knowing that I can bring joy to people makes my heart glow... 💕 I know I say this a lot, but I really wish that I had better words to say to convey how much this means to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
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lovecremoved · 4 years
What do you and Razor do on date nights or free time? Do you guys like to spoil each other often? -strawberryj4m
i already answered about dates in previous asks !!!! he likes to show me cool things he finds in the woods like big sticks or flowers and also the occasional set of bones from his family’s previous meals (i actually have a collection of dried flowers he’s given me and i also keep the especially cool bones) i like to make food for him!!! hashbrowns, fisherman’s toast, steak, u name it! i actually learned some liyue recipes for him (he’s not used to spicy food so i make him non spicy recipes) !!!!!
[ @strawberryj4m ]
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soulnottainted · 3 years
I’m Michael, 18, and I prefer animated/3D characters over live action! Take that for what you will! :D
Basically tell me your age, pronouns, and whatever about yourself that you'd like, and I'll pair you with one of my fos that would hang out with you for the day! And I'll sprinkle in some ideas of what you two might do together!
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I honestly have to give a guess because of little information you gave, but I chose you to spend the day with my parental angel Aziraphale!
My guardian angel (no pun intended) would watch ALL the cartoons with you or anime that you'd like! He loves to binge watch animated shows, so he would be delighted to know you like them too! He would spoil you by asking you your favorite beverage and cookies and giving them to you to snack on while watching! Azi would probably fall asleep first if you are watching for a long period of time though. His bookkeeping job is quite the handful and makes him tire easily. But he hopes that his sleeping didn't ruin the rest of your watching!
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14dayswithyou · 6 months
heyyy sai! the pinned post sent me here! ^^ i luv ur game & i hope ur doin well :) smth i was curious abt was what if Angel & Redacted (in a relationship) were the completely opposite of each other? Like, Angel is optimistic, early bird/morning person, loves the outdoors, extrovert, empathetic, not to mention, knows how to cook LOLL. Would Redacted like it? Orr would he be slightly annoyed because his bae is wanting to leave the house to do errands at 5:30 in the morning while he’s sleeping 💀
✦゜ANSWERED: Thank you for reading da pinned post!!
I don't think [REDACTED] would mind in the slightest what Angel's personality is like, considering the reason he's so in love with them in the first place is because it makes them who they are. He'd never be annoyed with Angel in any capacity, and any form of irritation would be at the behest of their friends or the inanimate objects they interact with.
Alongside that, [REDACTED] is also more than willing to adjust himself to suit Angel's personality. If they wanted someone who was similar to them, he could easily change his outlook on life and put up with it to make Angel happy.
Like... Taking his "Ren" persona into consideration; he's already acting optimistic (seeing the bright side of sleeping on the floor and getting wet in the rain), waking up early (for his date with Angel), doing extraverted things (visiting libraries, cafes, and piers), pretending to be empathetic (when talking about Moth's social situation), and being able to cook (a whole stack of perfectly made pancakes vs one burnt one stuck to the pan).
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lilacslovers · 4 years
(this ask comes from @strawberryj4m on discord who asked opal for gordie (^▽^))
opal: how does your f/o compliment you? - gordie says the typical ‘you look beautiful/so cute/etc’ and that always makes me blush .. n sometimes he does it without words where he’ll just hug me and smile ^^ sometimes he’ll be poetic and try and act like we’re somewhere fancy and that always makes me laugh but its super duper cute no matter how he does it!! i’ll always feel loved >///w///<
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lovecremoved · 4 years
How did you fall in love with your mains? Was it like a “oh wow” moment or was it more gradual? -strawberryj4m
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ooh this is a difficult question!! it was more of an “oh wow” moment for me!! i get crushes pretty easily especially on pretty anime men ajshdhjdkdkfjfhgjkjgj
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