#stressed and sick but now......hey I got antibiotics and my mom bought me some grapes and sandwiches so fuck yeah
iguessigotta · 2 years
this is pure self-indulgence because I just got back from spending all day between urgent care and the ER haha woooo literally 8am - 7pm yeah we're having fun in hereeeee (don't worry they think they figured it out and tbh it's more stupid than life threatening and I wanna punch my own self for almost keeling over because of this lmao) smh my head @ my own body
Sighing heavily, you flopped down on the couch, not even bothering to take off your shoes. Dark was right on your heels, pausing to shut the door and set your bag down in the entryway. You closed your eyes, slouched down low and sunk into the cushions, letting out an unhappy sound when you realized being too lazy to remove your shoes meant you couldn't toss your feet up on the cushion next to you.
Today sucked.
There was a quiet brush of fabric, along with the telltale ringing that accompanied your boyfriend, as he walked into the living room and stopped by the couch. Without a word, he knelt down and started removing your shoes and socks.
"Dark? What are you doing?" you grumbled, cracking one eye open to look at him, noting the slight upturn of the corner of his mouth.
He hummed and placed your things off to the side before planting a kiss on your knee. "No shoes in the house," he paused to look you in the eye, "wasn't that your rule?"
"Oh, haha," you said through a huff, rolling your eyes so hard you thought they'd fall out. Dark let out a huff of his own - one that sounded suspiciously like a laugh - before he lifted your legs and set them on the couch. While you sat there confused - comfortable, but confused, he walked to your small kitchen and out of your line of sight. You frowned and went to sit up a bit so you could be nosy and see what he was doing, but he stopped you with a sharp "Ah. Stay where you are."
You frowned even harder. How the hell did he know you were trying to get up when he couldn't see you? When Dark came back into the room, a small tray of food and drink in his hand, you were still half-sitting, frown stuck on your face. He raised an eyebrow at you but didn't say anything as he set the tray down on the small table next to the couch.
"How do you do that?" you asked, folding your legs up to give Dark space to sit down with you, "It's like you can see me even when you can't."
This time you were sure he actually did laugh. "There are many things you don't know about me," he said, a smile audible in his voice, as he pulled your legs into his lap, "Is it really so far-fetched to think I might be able to keep an eye on you at all times?"
The look he gave you made heat flood your face at the implication.
Letting out another faint chuckle, Dark turned towards the tv, which had at some point been turned on and tuned to one of your favorite movies. He kept his hands on your legs, running them up and down, pausing every now and then to give a light squeeze. You could feel his eyes on you, watching for any signs of distress of discomfort, though every time you looked a him, his gaze would be so focused on the movie that you started to doubt that feeling of being watched.
It would have been annoying if you didn't understand why he was acting so worried over you.
You'd spent all day in the ER after finally caving and seeking help for a health issue that had been making your life hell the past few months. It was a drawn-out, expensive process, but by the end of it they'd found what they had reason to believe was the root cause. They'd given you packet after packet of info, a prescription, and a pat on the back, sending you on your way. Straight into the arms of your boyfriend, who was doing his best to appear calm for you. The louder-than-normal ringing had given him away though.
And so here you found yourself, reclining sideways on the couch, a mountain of pillows between your back and the armrest, legs in Dark's lap, half-watching one of your favorite movies. A sigh - content this time - escaped you, earning another light squeeze to your leg, and a small smile on Dark's lips.
It had been rough going the past few months, your health had been causing both of you quite a bit of stress, but you were finally on the mend, that was all that mattered.
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