puzzlebean · 9 months
Happy New Year!
To celebrate New Year's Eve I wrote a series of F1 drabbles. I hope everyone has a happy and safe new year 💗
Precious Memories - Lestappen
Charles wants to make sure their first New Year's Eve as a couple is a good one.
Start - Chestappen
Max loves being able to spend New Year's Eve in Checo's hometown.
Unexpected - 4433
Max unexpectedly doesn't have plans for New Year's Eve. He decides to call Lewis.
A Proper Thank You - Gax
Max has a much better time than expected at George's New Year's Eve party. He decides he needs to thank the host.
Watch Him Shine - Logax
Max wanted to make sure he was the first to wish Logan a happy birthday.
First Kiss At Midnight - Strollstappen
Lance knows exactly what he wants.
Extra Happiness - Maxiel
Being apart for New Year's Eve never gets easier.
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f1-disaster-bi · 3 years
17. Holding hands while skating... Lance and max 👀👉👈
Here you go bae <3 Hope you enjoy this!
Lance/Max- 17. Holding Hands While Skating
‘Are you sure this is safe?’.
Max had his hands tucked into his pockets, his thin gloves doing little to keep his fingers warm. He could already feel his knuckles aching with the cold and flexed them absentmindedly as he eyed the frozen lake before him.
His question went unanswered as he turned away from his boyfriend, taking in the sights around him and the people skating on the far side of the small lake. Far enough that under all their winter gear, no one should recognize them.
Max had even swapped out his typical Redbull beanie and scarf for one of the ones lying around the holiday chalet they were staying in that was owned by his boyfriend’s family.
If they happened to smell like his boyfriend or were the ones, he had worn two days ago running to the shop to get milk for Max’s coffee, then Max claimed plausible deniability even when his cheeks flushed pink under the questioning.
He had to admit that the scenery was stunning. The Swiss countryside covered in thick fluffy white snow, trees tall and forming an almost protective barrier around the lake. Almost tucking it away as if it was a hidden gem. The sun was high in the sky despite the cold weather and made the surface of the lake glitter as max gazed at it wearily from where he stood at the back of their car.
Max had always wanted to go ice skating. Even as a small child he had watched others skating on the lakes or in the rinks that popped up in the city around Christmas time, his tiny face lighting up as people whizzed past, giggling, and holding hands as they waved at him. He had only asked twice, once when he was five when his mother had taken him and Victoria out shopping and they couldn’t go because Victoria was too small, and the second when he was around eleven and living with his father, separated from his mother and sister and every waking moment was spent thinking about racing.
He had asked to go with his class, handing his father the form to sign but his father had told him no. That he could slip and break his wrist or get hurt by someone else’s skates and then he wouldn’t be able to race. Although he was sad at the time, Max head understood. Racing was his life and he wanted to drive a formula one car more than he wanted to skate. So instead of skating with his friends, Max spent the free time during the trip on track with his dad training.
Now, at twenty-three with twenty-four creeping close, Max knew that racing was not the be all and end all of his life. He was able to give it 100% on race weekends and during the season, but the off-season was his to enjoy and he wanted to live his life.
And that included learning how to ice skate for the first time at twenty-three.
Arms wound around his was watching the scenery, just taking it all in and he didn’t flinch. Max relaxed, leaning back into the warmth of the other and letting him support him until he tilted his head back against the other’s shoulder, gazing up at Lance who was already grinning down at him with a wide goofy grin that tugged at Max’s heart, making him grin back at him.
‘You look cute all bundled up in my hat and scarf’, Lance teased, dropping a quick kiss on the Dutchman’s lips as Max rolled his eyes at him.
‘You never answered my question’, Max complained as Lance pulled back, watching him with a soft look in his eyes, before patting Max’s stomach gently.
‘It’s perfectly safe, I have elbow and knee pads you can wear if you’re afraid of falling’, Lance reassured, kissing his cheek gently, ‘And if you fall backwards, this will definitely protect you’.
Max supressed a yelp as Lance’s words were accompanied by a cheek pinch on his right ass cheek, whirling around to shove the laughing Canadian.
‘Stop it!’, Max laughed as Lance reached for him again, wrapping his arms around his waist and putting them chest to chest and letting his hands rest on Max’s ass.
‘But you look so cute when you blush’, Lance laughed, his chest vibrating against Max’s and looking freer than he had in weeks.
This Lance was something only Max got to see. The carefree, nature loving goof with little care for the other people possibly watching him rest his hand on Max’s ass in a public carpark.
‘Seriously though, it’ll be fine’, Lance reassured once more as Max rest his head against the others shoulder, ‘I’ll be right beside you the whole time, and the worst that will happen is a few bruises’.
Max hummed, hands curled on Lance’s shoulders, letting himself just soak in the others warmth and calming presence before pulling back and nodding with determination.
He drove fast cars for a living, he could easily learn how to ice skate.
‘Okay, let’s do this’, Max decided, grabbing a pair of skates that Lance had dropped beside them when he had wrapped his arms around him.
Lance gave him once last quick kiss before leading him over to a shelter built at a more secluded edge of the lake where they could sit on the bench that was snow free yet freezing as Max perched on it, making him wince.
Yet it didn’t dissuade him, especially as Lance crouched before him, lifting one of Max’s legs to rest on his knee, gently removing his trainers and explaining what each part of the skate was as he laced them, checking if they were too tight before sitting beside Max to work on his own.
It was fascinating watching those strong, yet gentle hands work at the laces and fasteners at the sides. A different type of work than Max was used to seeing. Lance’s hands were always something he loved to watch the other worked on their rig at home, studying the way the Canadian gripped the wheel and the flex of his arms as he drove.
When they were ready, Lance gracefully got to his feet, obviously used to standing in the skates whereas Max was nervous once more, eying the short distance to the edge of the lake.
‘Just hold my hand babe’, Lance spoke softly, voice soothing as he held his hands out to Max, pulling him to his feet and smiling at Max’s surprised expression.
‘I thought it would feel weird not having my feet on the ground’, Max admitted as he watched Lance take a step and copied him until they were slowly making their way to the edge before Lance stopped.
‘This will feel weird at first, you can’t walk on ice, you glide’, Lance instructed him, letting go of Max’s hand as he stepped onto the lake, ‘Look at my feet Maxy, see how they glide out the way in a V shape? That’s how you skate, okay?’.
Max nodded, watching as Lance did a slow glide back and forth in front of him and Max balanced on the bank until he signalled that he was ready, edging towards the ice as Lance skated back to him.
Just before he hit the ice, Max glance up nervously again, swallowing down the fear of the unknown and looking into Lance’s warm brown eyes.
‘Will you hold my hands? Just until I get going?’, Max muttered, glancing down and blaming the pink on his cheeks from the cold.
‘Of course, baby, I won’t let okay’, Lance smiled softly, holding his hands out to Max.
Max relaxed at the other’s words, tightly gripping Lance’s hands and letting himself be pulled on the ice. He wobbled at first, making a noise of discomfort as he glanced at Lance in panic but the other just smiled patiently.
‘When I squeeze a hand, glide that foot out in a V okay? Keep your eyes on me, you’re doing great Maxy’, Lance praised as Max copied his instructions eyes never leaving Lance’s face as the other skated backwards, letting Max push forwards with small glides.
They spent awhile like that, Lance holding Max’s hands and squeezing one to get him to skate with that foot. Slowly speeding up little by little until Max didn’t need the signals, skating on his own and laughing, head thrown back as he did with Lance’s hands held tightly in his.
Until the Canadian gave him smirk and dropped his hands, skating further backwards in challenge as Max stared at him in disbelief as he tried to keep skating.
The loss of Lance’s comfort and reassurance immediately having an effect on the other he panicked, trying to ush forward faster than his skillset was ready support, resulting in his legs wobbling and Max letting out a yelp as one foot slide too far forward and out from under him, landing him on his ass in the cold as he sat there in shock.
‘Baby I’ m so sorry’, Lance rushed, dropping to his knees beside Max and patting him down to check if he was okay, ‘It’s how my mom taught us to skate and you were doing so well, I thought you’d be fine’.
‘You said you wouldn’t let go’, Max pouted, brushing ice and bits of snow off his knees.
‘I know, I know, I shouldn’t have let go. Forgive me?’, Lance asked softly, getting to his knees before standing and holding his hand out to Max once more, ‘Do you want to try again? I won’t let go’.
Max hesitated, fear of falling in the back of his mind as his butt ached, but he was having fun. Skating was freeing and it was something Lance loved, Max wanted to love it too, so he nodded. Letting Lance pull him to his feet once more but this time, taking Lance’s right hand in his and moving to his side.
‘Can we skate like this?’, Max blushed, squeezing his hand gently as Lance nodded his agreement, ‘Don’t let go’.
‘Never’, Lance answered softly, ducking his head to kiss Max softly before tugging the other to skate lazily along the edge of the lake.
Max couldn’t help but to smile every time Lance glanced at him as they skated, gliding across the ice with their hands held tightly together, fingers intertwined as they took their time.
And Lance never let go, not even as they made their way back to where they had stashed their trainers and bag at the shelter, making Max laugh with how silly the other was being when he insisted on changing their skates with one hand until Max shoved his sock covered foot in his face to get him to let go of his hand.
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