phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
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‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:10-16‬ ‭NLT "But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths. But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.” #cozyoumovemountains #mountainsaremoving #strongholdshavebroken #chainshavefallen #withyourpower 💪👊🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼☝🏻 #hesintentionalneverfailing #Romans8_28 NLT‬ @travisgreenetv 😆💡👌 (at Durban, South Africa)
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
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Serious talk !!! Sometimes lotsa giant organizations and other relevant disciplines have gotten shut and well known organizations with great reputation shuts down simply because they have gone way opposite to maintain the level of their policies and principles ....... What gets more complicated and throws them down the drain is the brutality concerning matters of justice, and even worse through investigations to realize that even the other bigger/top officials within those disciplines have become ignorant to rise to their level of command !!!!! Obedience is better than sacrifice !!! It calls for humility to correct that which was despised by many. Our God we serve He is the Just God !! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 He is the God who reveals to redeem !!! Our God is no respecter of man !!! There is no law above His law !!! Some situations really require relevant sources of advice : like very relevant pertaining to the subject.... You can not go to the dentist if you have got a stomach related problem..... Well they are both doctors !! But you went to the wrong one so most likely even if you get the advice it might not address your problem and it might actually cause more problems!!!!!! Secondary symptoms can't be always be given first priority, rather you'd investigate and address the root cause and give all your attention in dealing with that root problem otherwise by knowing that root problem and not addressing it, it's called ignorance and its prices is priceless until you see it's results....and also Obedience is better than sacrifice !!!! #MayTheGodAriseForYouTodayToYourSituation #TheHealerIsHere 🎶🎶🎶@williammurphyiii #BeStillAndKnowThatHeIsGod #FootPrints #DontYouWorryItsWorkingForYou #CoZYouMoveMountains #MadeAWay #StrongholdsHaveBroken #HeCausesWallsToFallWithHisPower @travisgreenetv 🙌🏼💪 (at Durban, South Africa)
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
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There is a sweet anointing in the Sanctuary !! There is a stillness in the atmosphere ! Come and lay down ! The burdens you have carried ! In the Sanctuary ! God is here !!! There is a sweet anointing in the Sanctuary (There is a sweet anointing!!) There is a stillness in the atmosphere (There is a stillness!) Come and lay down the burdens you have carried !! For in the Sanctuary God is here ! He is here (I know He's here today!) He is here (Oh Yeah He's here to break the yoke! ) To break the yoke and Lift the heavy burdened ! Oh yeah! Oh yeah ! I know He is here ! He is here ! He is here right Now ! He is here right now ! He is here ! To heal the hopeless heart ❤️ 😩 !! And bless the broken 💔! So come and lay down all the burdens you have carried ! (All the burdens!) (So come and lay down all the burdens that you've been carrying Eeeeahh !!) So com'on and lay down everybody!! The burdens you have carried !! (Everybody!! ) For in the Sanctuary God is here ! He's here He's here He's here !!! (Yyeeeaaah!!) I know that God is here (Yeah!!) Wheeeeeehh !🙌🏼🚀🚀 @iamdrjuanitabynum 🎶 🎶 ‭‭MATTHEW‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭AMP ““Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation]. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST (renewal, blessed quiet) FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.”” ‬‬ #AsITypedTheLyricsWhileSongOnRepeat #YouAreGreatYouDoMiraclesSoGreat #ThereIsNoOneElselikeYou! #YouMakeTheLameToWalk #YouMakeTheSoCalledPsychicToMakeSenseWonderIfReallyTheyArePsychicByTheWay! #YouDeserveTheGloryAndTheHonor #ILiftMyHandsInWorshipAndIBlessYourHolyName #MyHallelujahBelongsToYou ! #YouDeserveIt Lord 🙌🏼😭 @jjhairston 🎶 #cozyoumovemountains #MadeAWay #StrongholdsHaveBroken #ShackelsHaveBeenSetFree #WithYourPower 💪 #IntentionalGod #AllNationsEveryTongueWillConfessAndEveryKneeWillBowDown !! #teamboldness #TeamFearless #FreeSomeMinds @unclereece 🙌🏼🙌🏼🎶 #FreeToSingAndDanceCozImAFreeWorshiper @todddulaney1 #John4_SpiritAndTruth❤️ (at Durban, South Africa)
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
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Everybody Knows I'm Going Through But I Lord (I still Put my Trust on you) Every Second and Every Hour Lord I need you I need your power cause you're the only help I know my only strength my only hope and I am Gonna keep My Eyes on you Remember while I'm going through Here's my Prayer. Be Glorified 4x 2: Everybody Saw me Going Through SO I (I put my Hope in you) Hope is Built on Nothing less Jesus Blood and Righteousness So Lord I'm gonna Trust your Word its the last Good thing I heard specially when I am Going through Gotta Keep my Eyes on you Here's my Prayer. Be Glorified 4x Bridge: For I know you Take Pleasure in your Finish Work you have Prepared for me. Vamp Get the Glory Show us Your Glory 2x 🙌🏼🎶❤️🔥 @williammurphyiii @tashacobbs #MountainsAreMoving #StrongholdsHaveBroken #CozYouMoveMountains #MadeAWay #IntentionalWorship #IntentionalPursuit 🙌🏼😀😊 (at Durban, South Africa)
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
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One of the most memorable days of the year 2015 !!! THE WORLD 🌎 CONGRESS OF NEPHROLOGY 2015 held in CAPETOWN, SOUTH AFRICA 🇿🇦...What a privilege of friendship!! Here I'm seated with friends and colleagues!! Life is just amazing 😉 that these friends I'm seated next to, today through God's unmerited favor I'm working for the very same great 👍🏻 company they are working for, Fresenius Medical Care -FMC- (it's just God's grace and a great privilege to be one of the employees 🙌🏼)...Well this is one giant International company amongst others in the area of Nephrology and Dialysis!! Such a divine shift from a public/provincial work sector into a private work environment 🙌🏼 and God has been amazing 😉...moving from strength to strength! From glory to glory !! Growing everyday and with every opportunity !! Meeting newer awesome colleagues, clients, a new family ❤️, another level, greater experience, new lessons and the likes ❤️😍🙌🏼..... In my heart I've got so much gratitude towards everyone and every situation I've been through...for at the end of it all we are all learning and it is through tests and challenges that determines our loyalty, our dependency, our commitment and other attributes to whoever we are subjected to!!....mainly thank God for every season and for every new challenge that comes your way!! And never think that the devil brings such challanges, Nope!Nope👎🏾 !! God brings such to test your reliability and accountability on Him (Deuteronomy 8:2-..AMP❤️) .. Don't just give the devil credit he deserves Not !! In fact Never even mention his Name!! We're given a Spirit of Love ❤️, Power Sober Mind....not fear (Fearless) ...11Six ❤️🙌🏼👊🏼.... #Cozyoumovemountains #Mountainsaremoving #Strongholdshavebroken #chainshavefallen #MadeAWay #Theonepercentcrew 👍🏻 (at Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC))
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
Part 2 ...OnlyBecause_Reprise!!! Don't know how but he did it !!! @travisgreenetv. Start seeing a way in your still situation.... #MountainsAreMoving #StrongholdsHaveBroken #ChainsHaveFallen #WithHisPowerPerformingMiracles #ThereIsAPraiseThatPreceedsTheMoveOfGod #PraiseYourWayIn #PraiseYourWayThrough #PraiseYourWayOut #ThereIsPowerToBreakEveryChain (at Durban University of Technology City Campus)
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
Wake up and start praising your way through !!!!! @travisgreenetv @thewallsgroup @darrelwallslover @movingmountainsseo #OnlyBecauseReprise !! #DonKnowHowButHeDidIt #ThereIsAPraiseThatPreceedsTheMoveOfGod #MountainsAreMoving #StrongholdsHaveBroken #ChainsHaveFallen #IntentionalFaith #HeDwellsInThePraisesOfHisChildren (at Durban,Glenwood)
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
Only because! !!! Only because !!! Only because You made A Way !!! @travisgreenetv #OnlyBecauseRepriseLoading.... .. #MadeAWay #MountainsAreMoving #StrongholdsHaveBroken #ChainsHaveFallen
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
#WeddingThings ♡♡...... #AboutTheWeekendPast Invite me into your wedding to dance for you (two minutes is more than enough to capture the audience attention)....and I will share the open secrete for free and give you some material for free (book/s and a few CD's) to further learn and study about this kinda open secrete on how to do what you want to do and have tried so many times but with successive failed attempts.....further more i'll come with the wedding gift which has a full package of this open secrete which makes one to have such energy, love, and other related vitamins and ingredients....also this gift is the main one which will make your marriage ever be fruitful regardless of any challenges/trials you'll face along the way.... I believe that He is the God of miracles and consider this free package as a miracle and another discovery Miracle for your marriage !!!!... Marriages are beautiful Marriages are encouraged A three corded thread can not be easily broken.....who is your provider ...who is your real Bless(er)...... #LifeOfAbundance #JesusKingOfZion #LionOfJudah #ReignJesusReign #LordYouAreFaithful #ThereIsADanceThatPreceedsTheMoveOfGod #SomebodyTalkToMe #KingdomSlayer101 #BoldnessToInfinity #WorldMovers #MountainsAreMoving #MadeAWay #AbundantGrace #SocialNetworkMarketingGuru #AmazingLove #StrongholdsHaveBroken #ChainsHaveFallen #GameChangers #StrongFinishers #GloryHallelujahToTheLamb #DurbanWeatherIsSoCool (at Durban,Glenwood)
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phumlanipm-blog · 8 years
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In Him do I move, find my being, live and i am made able because He is all able... My all sufficiency in my insufficiency.... All knowing all powerful... Unconditionally loving with abundant grace and His amazing love 😍..... Through you Lord I have find my purpose and my reason for existence... Despite the pressure/forces/accusations/unfair blame /hatred/victimization of uncertain circumstances /any other discouraging or limiting force above, underground or on earth 🌍... Nothing shall stop ✋ the great work that you've already started and finished long ago in Calvary that you've predestined for each and every one of us.... So as for me is to play ▶ my part, I have to do and go where you lead me to go and say what you want me to say before anyone for you've have already gone ahead of us in everyway and every situation.....lest you dismay me before them due to my ignorance/quenching of the Holy Spirit /complacency etc... I choose to do right.. I choose to persistently follow order regardless of any shortcomings.... I chose to differ from the crowd for a good course.... I chose you to associate me, my future better for you know the plans you have for each and everyone of us... Such plans to prosper us, have bright 🔆 future.... For you've given us life in abundance..... Jesus you are my way in..!! 🙌 🙌 You are my Through!! 🙌 You are my way out!!! 🙌 You are my way down ⬇ and you are my way Up ⬆ ⤴... If it ain't giving you glory and praise it's not for me.... If you ain't part of it let me not even think of it..... For me to live is Christ and to die is gain...... One time too early!! 🙌 Daniel 3:18 Job 13:15 Psalm 37:25 Psalm 37:33-34 Psalm 63 1John4:8 Matthew 6:33-34 Isaiah45, Jeremiah 1 2Corinthians 10:5 #ToHimBeTheGlory 🙌 🙌 #MountainsAreMoving #StrongholdsHaveBroken #ChainsHaveFallen 🙌 🙌 (at Durban, South Africa)
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