#strxngetimes; anton and aleister
mastcrmarksman · 5 months
Clint could only enjoy the high of his climax for about 90 seconds before snickering could be heard in the distance.
❝ HEY GIRL. ❞ ❝ Come here often? ❞
@strxngetimes and clint will never get a moment to last, huh?
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Now Clint was a man who liked sex, he'd say that he was particularly good at activity in a lot of ways. Several ways he was quite proud of. The particulaar pitiful dry spell had come to a surprising end when something started to click between him and Doctor Strange after so many years of knowing him. Seeing Stephen has been fantastic for getting some in the sexdepartment, but there always came two major caveats with that.
They weren't having as much sex as Clint's appetite may crave. This first caveat would be due to three major factors. Stephen Strange had many duties, most of them self assigned (mind you), and they could and did take him for varible amounts of time (he knows time doesn't work like how he knows it to; save the lecture, Stephen). There's the factor that Clint's in recovery and that's played a part in his body being sexually active or not. It's a thing, and Stephen being a doctor doesn't necessarily help with the whole embarrassment feeling.
In addition, Clint's a superhero himself that gets the call to go deal with this or that, from multiple sources; the avengers, the thunderbolts, and he was guilty of doing his heroing on the side (so he can't groan about Doctor Strange business too). There's also the interruptions because the world needs saving which means that may be four factors to caveat one alone.
Now caveat two won't come into play... until.... well... an example like RIGHT NOW.
The four reasons of caveat one were not present which meant that Clint finlly got the time to make Mister Tall, Dark, and Handsome into Mister Tall, Dark, and Horitzontal. Originally, he had started out with Stephen being vertifcal but after Clint had banged his knee quite harshly in to the wall (there's a goddamn bruise the size of an egg like he was a little kid), causing for Clint to yelp and Stephen to laugh. Due the minor injury, the couple had ended up taking things to the bedroom. Where the bed wwould be there to comfort the parts of them that were forty years old.
From there, Clint had felt his mood shift to desiring to dote upon Stephen. DOTE, HE DID. If there was an inch that he hand touched, that his mouth hadn't been, then give him a several minutes after this delightful bliss that was being warmed by Stephen's most intimate place. Panting above him, barely holding himself up until....
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❝ HEY GIRL. ❞ ❝ Come here often? ❞
Well, there kills that thought of a round two to make sure that Stephen was thoroughly taken care of. Here arrives caveat two which often the main cockblockers of the house would be Anton and Aleister. The twin serpents were always intent in making sure that any lustful mood that Clint was in got snuffed out or took particular joy in ruining a moment. A moment that Clint won't say he was a little desparate for, if the bruise on his knee wasn't proof of that.
That's it, this is the last time he wears his hearing aids. He doesn't want to hear them again or any of their dumb comments especially when they came at the expanse of his (their) sex life. If only because this very moment would be undisturbed for Clint at least if he couldn't hear them; it's something that he's been meaning to talk to Stephen about. That thought is on pause as Clint slips out of his boyfriend unceremoniously because the only thought on his mind, is his annoyance with A&A, desparately needing to shoo them away so they can enjoy any moment at all.
He pushes his hair back, groaning in complaint as his hand searches for a pillow. Clint lobs the pillow (it is his pillow; he will regret this) in the direction to where Anton and Aleister had silthered in from. ❝ YOU TWO! ❞ If he sound particularly whiny, that would be due to fact that his high got cut short (and he's not happy about it). Stephen's temporarily abandoned to see if his pillow had found his targets. At least one of the snakes is under the pillow (they are fine; a pillow is soft and they can slither out).
❝ GET OUT! Moment ruined, good job. ❞ He points out, for their satisifaction and does he have to get up to shoo them out further? That's another conversation he'll have to have with Stephen, these two bastards.
Once they've slithered out, only then does Clint turn back to his boyfriend. Delicately he folds his arms over his chest and props his head on his arms to stare up at Stephen. The sight that the sorcerer would see is a man pouting, it is the only waay to describe Clint's face. A wistful sigh before he's asking, ❝ Where'd they come from again and can't we trade them for, I don't know, two magical puppies? ❞
A few more moments pass as he just lays on Stephen before he speaks again. ❝ Was that good for you? Need anything? ❞ Still a bit pouty, red in the face. Mood for round two is definitely still killed.
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