#stuff like the heights and worldbuilding will b on the neocities page for future reference
missr3n3 · 2 months
Bro I'm so sorry if you're getting tired of me showing up in your inbox, I just have random thoughts and questions that I have to share. Still, sorry :(
Okay, actual reason why I'm here is that I have some questions regarding CDTA and RR: 1.) For both CDTA and RR, where do they take place (currently)? // 2.) Since CDTA is your own project, things like the TV/mirror ban don't exist, so Isaac legally owns a computer along with Sarah + Peter? // 3.) When does CDTA and RR take place (like afterwards when everything is done)? // 4.) What are their canon nationalities/heights for no particular reason? // 5.) Can I pretty please add Delilah and her buddy (also where are they living lol)??
Bye bye now, this might be the last thing you'll get in your inbox for a week if my brain decides to function properly
there's no need to apologize! even if i may not answer right away, im always down to chat about blorbos and ocs ❤
anyway, to answer the questions
at the most recent point in both stories, the CDTA cast (including delilah and sam) lives in Rochester, New York, and Peter and Sarah live in rural farm country in Ohio while the cult members are still in Detroit, Michigan (the ohio location is kinda kept vague on purpose)
indeed! so far the only legal restrictions devils have caused are increased drug regulation (particulary regarding psychedelics) and most paranormal equipment being banned (though this isn't enforced very well lol)
CDTA at it's most recent point in the timeline is summer 2011 (still working out exact months), while rotten roots' most recent point is October 1983.
since delilah and sam are just canon characters in CDTA now, you absolutely can include them!
almost everyone in both cdta and rotten roots are american, save for the supernatural entities like luce, cairyx, and michael, as well as elijah and cassandra who are canadian. here's all the heights:
Rotten Roots:
sarah - 5'7
peter - 5'11
officer wong - 5'5
norman - 6'2
steve - 6ft
isabelle - 5'2
cut down the altar!
isaac - 5'11
joshua - 6'3
jessie - 5'9
madeline - 5'4
leah - 6ft
sam - 6'5
delilah - 5'3
luce - 10ft
cairyx - 7ft in spider alien form, 6ft in human form
elijah - 6'1
cassandra - 5'6
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