#stylin' breeze fics
stylinbreeze60 · 2 years
An Argument Lost Before It Started (Haikyuu)
The start of the worst blizzard in 30 years came with large snowflakes dancing loftily to the ground. The weather forecasted worse effects in the mountains, but that hadn’t discouraged Ukai’s long-planned retreat with Karasuno, Nekoma, and Fukurodani into the foothills. He rented a large lodge with an enormous reception hall that could be used as a volleyball court. Ukai declined assistance chaperoning the ruffians. Nothing could go wrong, he told Nekomata before an untimely sneeze.
Two things went wrong.
The first was that one untimely sneeze became many untimely sneezes. By the third day in the hills, while moist snow started to float down onto the tongues of excitable teenagers, Ukai found himself unable to get out of bed.
The second thing to go wrong was the snow itself. It didn’t stop. It blew and piled, wind whistling through the windows of the lodge like a ghost howling. Kuroo kept an eye on his brand new car in the parking lot, the only vehicle at the site. Everyone else had been dropped off by the chartered bus, but Kuroo insisted on driving up to show off his overly glamorous birthday gift.
Kuroo may have thought it glamorous, but it was anything but. 150,000 miles, two-wheel drive, no key fob to unlock the door–he was lucky it was an automatic. Right now the blowing snow around that crimson car (he thought the color very appropriate) created dynamic drifts that had morphed every time he peeked out his assigned dormitory’s window.
The others did their best to keep the ailing Ukai company. Recovering a thermometer from a first aid kit, the coach’s temperature reached 104.5 degrees. Jokes of rolling him downhill to melt a path through the snow aside, something needed to be done soon.
They tried calling for help. Cell signal was always dodgy at the remote locale, but now in the travails of the storm, it was nonexistent.
Kuroo’s eyes widened when he heard there was no way to get help. The snow continued unabated. They couldn’t contact anyone to retrieve Ukai.
The answer was clear. While everyone fretted, Kuroo knew they did have a way to get help. He tried to act strong, even though his knees were shaking.
Continued here (3,451 words): AO3 FFnet
I made bingo! Thank you to all who selected prompts. Next up, hopefully, a blackout.
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Outstanding requests:
Gaslighting - requested Jan. 25, 2021 (tumblr anon): 35% drafted
Falling from a Great Height - requested Aug. 5, 2021 (tumblr): planning complete; drafting phase
Revenge by Proxy - requested Aug. 16, 2021 (discord): 40% planned
Unwilling Suspension - requested Oct. 18, 2021 (tumblr): planning complete; drafting phase
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renaerys · 4 years
PPG One-Shot: Six Degrees Chiller (Brick/Blossom)
A new cute one-shot in honor of @carriedreamerx birthday! In the same high school AU as part 1, part 2, and part 3, but can totally stand-alone. Also posted on my AO3. Tune in for some laughs and some Reds cuteness!
Summary: Brick goes deodorant shopping. It doesn't end well. (Or does it??)
Brick squinted at the nine-foot shelf packed with a full color wheel of deodorants and antiperspirants. The sheer surfeit of brands and scents was as daunting to behold as it was absolutely batshit insane—how many ways did people need to not smell like a dirty gym sock?
He picked a random stick and scowled at the label as if it had offended him and all his future progeny. Who the fuck would want to smell like mango lassi?
The squeak of a shopping cart rolling down the aisle sent Brick into a febrile panic for a hot second, and he shoved the saccharine deodorant stick back onto the shelf. A geriatric woman with a hunched back, a bright head scarf, and eyes so folded over with wrinkles it was a miracle she could see anything at all wheeled her cart slowly past Brick, who froze where he stood. She smiled politely at him, and he nodded out of sheer self-preservation instinct. The moment she passed him, he yanked the bill of his red cap lower over his eyes.
“Get a grip,” he grumbled. He was an eighteen-year-old guy buying deodorant, not stool softener. He was totally casual and had absolutely no reason to be so fucking paranoid. Nobody who might recognize him was coming to Cooper’s Market at 8 a.m. on a Sunday.
Brick wiped his clammy palms on his jeans and searched the shelves for what he’d come for so he could hurry up and leave. There it was, fifth shelf in a sea of sleek black and edgy, neon letters: Axe Ice Chill.
“Okay, do you consider yourself more of a music lover, sports star, gaming guru, or style icon?” Boomer had asked as he sat cross-legged on the sofa with his laptop open to the Axe “Find Your Magic” test a few months ago.
“Sports star,” Butch had said on his left, and poked the screen that wasn’t a touch-screen.
“That’s you, moron,” Brick had said, totally above this stupid test. “Pick style icon.”
Boomer grinned. “Oh yeah, your hoodies are so stylin’.” He clicked the next question. “Signature scent? Huh, maybe warm and aromatic?”
“Sounds like one of those Yankee holiday candles,” Butch had said.
Unfortunately, he had a point.
“Well, you're not exactly woody and earthy, and you’re definitely not fruity and sweet—”
“Just go to the next one.” Brick clicked on “fresh and cool” and waited for the screen to load. “Smellin’ good!” the loading page flashed at him. Jesus fucking Christ.
When the quiz presented a true or false statement, Butch moved like he had a bug up his ass and slammed the touchpad before Brick or Boomer could do anything about it.
Boomer tried not to laugh. “Dude, come on.”
“Please, he’s a punk-ass dweeb who’d never make the first move in a fight, let alone on a girl—” Butch had taunted.
Brick punched him in the throat with his Super speed and smiled at the sound of his asshat brother gagging. “Choke and die, motherfucker.”
Butch wheezed as he laughed through the pain, and Brick and Boomer breezed through the more generic age and appearance questions: under 18, long hair (“Mane Man!” the quiz gushed, and Brick almost melted Boomer’s laptop right there), and natural look. After an artificially anticipatory loading screen, a picture of a dude with a clown nose crowd surfing in a sepia Instagram filter appeared on the screen with the generic “Be your best self!” encouragement in blocky letters superimposed upon it, and finally the expert, personalized recommendation for Brick’s body spray needs.
“Because you’re hotter when you’re chill.” Brick had cringed when he read that idiotic tagline the first time, and he cringed reading it again now in the deserted personal hygiene aisle where he prayed no one would find him buying this cry-for-help vanity spritz.
He sprayed a bit of mist in the air and reveled in that cool, icy scent that wasn’t a scent so much as a feeling. Six degrees chiller in a bottle. The first time he’d tried it (under great duress), he’d griped and bitched and slammed his bedroom door to get away from his howling brothers. Settled on his bed with a frown, he had to admit it did cool him off. It was almost pleasant. The smell wasn’t overwhelming like that tiger piss Butch bathed in on the daily. But it wasn’t out of this world compared to the generic shit he’d been using before.
It wasn’t until Blossom sneezed on their way out of AP Lit that her ice breath—and understanding—hit him with the force of a cold snap to the balls.
“Sorry, did I get you?” she’d said, abashed as she covered her mouth with one hand and fished out a bottle of Purell from her messenger bag with the other. Her ice splatter fast melted on his shoulder as his too-warm body absorbed the cold with a bizarre, but extremely pleasant, shiver down his spine.
Son of a bitch, but he had a kink.
Which, of course, spiraled way the hell out of control when he found himself here months later with a recycled shopping bag he’d brought so he could carry the three bottles of Axe Ice Chill he planned to purchase home, because Brick planned ahead and liked to keep his bathroom well-stocked.
Which also, of course, was why at that very moment, fate decided to punch him in the dick.
“Bubbles, you have, like, fourteen bottles of shampoo at home! You don’t need another one,” Buttercup groused at 8 in the goddamned morning on a Sunday.
“Those are all different products, not just shampoo. Honestly, Buttercup.” Bubbles zipped into the aisle with Buttercup on her tail just at the moment Brick had his second panic attack in the span of five minutes and completely lost his shit.
He launched the bottle of Axe Ice Chill so hard into the ceiling that it lodged in there tighter than a prairie-dogging turd.
“Brick?” Blossom’s hand on his shoulder nearly sent him yeeting after his abused body spray, if the sheer mortification didn’t rob him of further motor function and exactly one hundred percent of his brain cells.
Like her sisters, she wore a jacket over her pajama pants. They must have just popped over for some last-minute breakfast staples and a side of peer humiliation. But even in those criminally hideous Ugg boots and five boxes of pancake mix in her shopping basket at 8 on a fucking Sunday morning, her smile glowed.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hi,” he returned lamely, because that was all she was getting from him until his neurological functions rebooted.
“Hi, Brick,” Buttercup said, suspicious like usual and searching for some excuse to bust his balls for a laugh. “What’re you doing here?”
The Super sisters had cornered him in front of the Teen Spirit, which came in an absolutely frightful eighteen scents because there was nothing pubescent teenagers needed more than eighteen reassurances that their social survival depended on smelling like a potpourri candy bar.
“Shopping, obviously,” Bubbles said. “Ooh, Brick, you have straight hair. What do you think?” She held up two bottles of brightly colored free-range, organic hair shit.
“I think I was just leaving,” he managed.
“Empty-handed?” Buttercup peered at him like he might transform into a literal dick with ears if she only managed not to blink for long enough. He could smell the threat of a joke on her.
“They didn’t have the brand I wanted.”
“Oh, that sucks,” Bubbles said, genuinely stricken.
“Girls, let’s get going. I really want those pancakes,” Blossom said.
“We better grab more syrup. Buttercup finished it all,” Bubbles said, already moving away. She dropped both hair products in Blossom’s basket, not bothering to choose between them.
“Oh please, everybody knows you and the Professor are the syrup fiends in this house.” Buttercup floated after her and waved to Brick. “Hey, tell that shithead to answer my texts. He owes me $20.”
“Uh-huh,” Brick said, fully intending not to mention anything about this conversation to Butch at all.
“Sorry about your favorite brand being sold out,” Blossom said.
It’s fine, he would have said had she not caught his cheek in her hand and pressed a frosty kiss to the corner of his lips before he could do anything about it. Frozen fernlings crept over his cheek and chin, down his neck, and slowly absorbed through his now flushed skin, and he shivered. Without even thinking about it, he reached for her, but she was already walking away to catch up with her sisters.
When she got to the end of the aisle, she shot him a cheeky grin over her shoulder and had the nerve to wink at him. “Stay cool, Brick.”
Red in the face and high on her, Brick just stood there like an idiot gawking at his kind of unofficial girlfriend and the singular dominating object of his fantasies, be they sexual or otherwise. What was dignity when she smiled at him like that? What was a paltry imitation in a bottle when she kissed him like that?
The paltry imitation fell from its hole in the ceiling and exploded on the tiled floor at Brick’s feet with a winter ferocity that, in that moment at least, rivaled Blossom’s in the heat of battle.
When Brick got home later that morning and Boomer asked him why he smelled like a snowman’s asshole, Brick burned the clothes on his back and spent the next half hour in the shower thinking about how he was going to convince Blossom to make the first move and finally make them official.
Y’all better appreciate the research that went into this fic. That Axe quiz is real and I took it pretending to be Brick, and it literally does spit out a photo of a dude wearing a clown nose in a club. If that’s not a sign from the Daddy that I’ve chosen the righteous path, then idk what is. Sacrifices to my Chrome search history were made for this fic in the name of celebrating Carrie, ergo, worth it.
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
The Kenma Project (Haikyuu)
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Ch.22 (the final chapter): The End of the Beginning
Dawn came sooner than expected as the carrier traveled east. Terushima didn’t expect to sleep but had passed out once provided with a cabin. On the flight deck, he took in the salty morning breeze, enjoying the rhythmic sloshing of the waves against the hull.
Suddenly splitting the silence, helicopter blades overpowered the ocean’s serenity. The first choppers came in to expedite the squad members and mission targets to Anabara Field. …
After three years, the fic is finally done.
Continue reading here:  AO3  FFN
(Chapter length: 8,318 words) Timeline, Character List and Map Chs.1-13 in Chronological Order Chapter 1 links: AO3 FFN 
Art credit to @crazycookiemaniac
AO3 Tags below
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Category: M/M, Gen Relationships: Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru Characters: Terushima Yuuji, Yahaba Shigeru, Futakuchi Kenji, Shirabu Kenjirou, Akaashi Keiji, Kozume Kenma, Ennoshita Chikara, Yamamoto Taketora, Kyoutani Kentarou, Fukunaga Shouhei, Bokuto Koutarou, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Tanaka Saeko, Semi Eita, Daishou Suguru, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kindaichi Yuutarou, Seguro Akihiko, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kunimi Akira, Kageyama Tobio, Nishinoya Yuu, Kuguri Naoyasu, Akama Sou, Usuri Michiru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Kita Shinsuke, Watari Shinji, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Kawanishi Taichi, Oomimi Ren, Ginjima Hitoshi, Akagi Michinari, Ojiro Aran, Kinoshita Hisashi, Narita Kazuhito, Kiryuu Wakatsu Additional Tags: Next Generation Captains (Haikyuu!!), Alternate Universe - War, Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Alternate Universe - Scientists, Non-Chronological, Conspiracy, Genetic Engineering, Nudity in one chapter, Mentions of Erectile Dysfunction, Relationship Problems, Some angst, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Grief/Mourning, Peril, Unrequited Crush, Car Accidents, Surprise Kissing, Explosions, Blood and Injury, Non-lethal Bodily Injury, Permanent Injury, one occasion of suicidal thoughts, Minor Character Death
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stylinbreeze60 · 2 years
A Haikyuu fanfic inspired by, and dedicated, to my friend Phantom.Star
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Read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39155115 (968 words)
AO3 tags
Rating: G Category: Gen Characters: Futakuchi Kenji, Datekougyou Volleyball Club Additional Tags: Angst, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Supernatural Elements
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
Can I request Usuri and Akaashi, thanks!
Your wish is my command.
Learning and Growing
The hotel room pairings for the captains’ leadership camp couldn’t have been worse. Ennoshita was guaranteed no peace paired with Futakuchi. Sakusa and Yamamoto was a disaster waiting to happen. One of Atsumu or Shirabu would be dead by the end of it. Terushima promised to get on Yahaba’s nerves. (At least the odd one out Hirugami got a room to himself.)
And then there was Usuri and Akaashi, whose pairing, once announced to the group, gave some of them pause. These two had played each other at nationals a few scant months ago.
Upon hearing his assignment, Usuri’s heart sank. Flashbacks of their defeat at nationals and seeing Kiryuu cry filled his head. Akaashi took the key from the coordinator and cast a glance at his roommate for the weekend. Making eye contact, Usuri blushed embarrassedly.
“Once you’ve dropped your things in your rooms, come down for a meeting in an hour,” their coordinator commanded.
Petty bickering erupted among the group over the assigned roommates. Akaashi stoically made his way to the elevator with his roller bag. Hunched in annoyance under the weight of his backpack, Usuri met him at the elevator bank.
Continued reading here: AO3 ffnet (1,166 words)
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
Bad things bingo! Falling from a great height for Inuhina! Just not too explicit if it… ends up messy if you get my drift LOL
I know who this is, and I know she would be a little upset with the fic I actually have planned for the prompt, so instead here's another idea that technically meets the conditions.
It was a clamorous sound: monsters wailing in all pitches, charging towards the group of four from all directions. Kenma, Inuoka, Hinata, and Lev found themselves surrounded on a desert mesa, forced to fend off this horde of beasts with only the weapons and ammunition they brought.
Kenma, by far the most adroit of them, pulled out his signature double machineguns and unloaded into the monsters. With each one that fell, more surged forward in its wake, raising clubs and claws. Before long they were upon the band of adventurers. Lev dispatched several with head shots from his revolvers, but the creatures continued to close in. Inuoka mowed some down with his assault rifle, providing cover for Hinata who took the foes down one-by-one with shots from his crossbow.
As hard as they tried, the horde would not cease. Kenma stopped to reload both guns simultaneously, creating an opening for a beast the size of an ogre to charge with his club. Lev sniped the monster in the head with one shot of his revolver. Ten more monsters rushed the vulnerable Kenma, but with his guns fully loaded again, Kenma hopped up and rapidly quashed the creatures in an instant.
“That’s so cool!” Lev squealed in admiration at their squad leader.
“Lev, you idiot! Behind you!” Kenma yelled too late.
Continued here: AO3 ffnet (674 words)
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
Can I request a drabble with Usuri and Shirabu? I feel they could both get in some ridiculous shenanigans, but angst is cool too. Thank you in advance!
Thank you for the request! I have done UsuYaha, UsuAka, UsuFuta, and UsuEnno. It was fun to add another Next Gen Captain to the mix. :3
Michiru Usuri ogled the high ceiling of the bus depot with nonchalance. His backpack occupied the adjoining seat on the bench. The rows of uncomfortable chairs occupied the center of the drab bus hall, its walls lined with overpriced food stalls. The restrooms sat at one end with a turnstile requiring payment to enter. A pigeon alighted on a ceiling beam spanning the length of the room. Usuri hadn’t planned to be here long, but his bus transfer was late.
He fiddled on his phone when another man sat down a few seats away and instantly pulled out a magazine from his suitcase. Usuri’s interest piqued when he recognized the cover of the latest issue of Monthly Volleyball. Usuri now swore he’d seen the reader’s face somewhere, and his eyes fluttered between his phone and the magazine reader’s lopsided, sandy-colored bangs and irritable face.
Continued here: AO3 ffnet (793 words)
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
The Things We Like (Haikyuu fanfic)
An exploration of the formative moments in Yaku's life, and the person who one day spites all of them...
The grill sizzled, and 6-year-old Morisuke wanted a closer look. His dad shooed him away for fear of the boy getting burned, so young Yaku watched from a distance while his father flipped the items on the grill. The slabs of meat crackled when the other sides met the trellis.
Morisuke peeked from behind his dad’s legs at the layer of meat that sat at eye level. He kept an eye on the dish from a distance as tongs transferred the meals from grill to serving platter and then as the platters were ferried smoothly to the picnic table. His mom stabbed one item with a steak fork and plopped it onto a plate for her son with ketchup on the side, the boy’s favorite condiment. The various grownups, attending the celebration of his dad’s promotion, applauded how good the food looked and smelled.
Wide eyes greeted the entrée when the plate landed on Yaku’s placemat. His mom cut it lovingly before cueing her son to eat up. Morisuke took his fork unsurely and stabbed it into one of the pie slice-shaped cuts. He inspected the meat’s black grill lines, questioning if they were safe. He dipped it in the ketchup and plopped it in his mouth.
The flavor exploded inside. So much taste had been packed in. He swore it was the best thing he’d ever had.
When his mother came over asking whether he liked it, because it looked as if her son would cry, Yaku realized there was such a thing as tears of happiness.
From then on, he decided all important dinners must have meat.
Continued at AO3 or ffnet (1,974 words)
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
A Day in the Life of a Security Guard at Border
Recently, I ended six years of working in security, moving on to a career I find much more enjoyable. To celebrate the transition, enjoy this nonsense satire of my former industry, courtesy of World Trigger.
Chapter 1
“Hey, can you stay an extra four hours today?” the manager asks.
“Sure, that’s fine. Whatever you need,” I reply automatically.
“Great, cos I may need you the full eight. In fact, count on it.”
“A double? I can do that. What’s the concern?”
“I think Leo is going to no-show.”
“Of course. I don’t know why. This is the easiest job in the world.” The manager always says that as if everyone agrees with him. “Oh, I'm leaving at 8 to have my wisdom teeth taken out. You’re in charge. Call me if you need anything.”
“But you’ll be unconscious!”
“Call me anyway.”
“What if there’s trouble?”
“Zeke’s here, and Kenji will show at 2. You’ll be fine. Oh, there’s a trainee coming at 10. Show him the ropes.”
“I’ll do my best. But seriously, what were you going to do if I didn’t agree to stay?”
“I knew you would,” he shrugs and waddles away to do...whatever it is he does in the office.
Oh, well. It can’t be helped. Days like this happen, and I won’t decline the overtime. It’s only 6 a.m., so there’s a nice lull yet before the morning rush.
And then I spy my first customer, uncharacteristically early, signing peace suavely with that dopey grin of his.
“Good morning, Mr. Jin. What brings you in so early?”
Yuichi Jin throws his cell phone, keys, wallet, trigger, and assorted metal knickknacks on the counter, breezes through the metal detector that remains comfortably silent, and scoops the items back up, his easy grin undisturbed the whole time.
“Let’s just say I have a feeling you’re going to get slammed today, so I thought I’d come in before the rush.”
Continue reading here: AO3 FFnet
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
From the Rivers of Siberia to the Setter of Kyushu (Haikyuu fic)
Happy Birthday Michiru Usuri! Here's a KiryUsu drabble for the occasion.
Kiryuu took a deep breath before following the winding cobblestones to the front door. The tatami house clashed with the modern neighborhood. Unable to find a doorbell, Wakatsu knocked. He hoped he wasn’t too early for the party. He didn’t want to risk being late, so he’d left his house early and found himself 30 minutes ahead of schedule.
No one came to the door right away, perhaps in the midst of setting up for the birthday celebration for Mujinazaka’s invaluable setter, Michiru Usuri.
At last, the shoji door slid open, revealing the birthday boy, blinking in confusion.
“Wakatsu? What are you doing here?”
What a question to ask right before a birthday party one was invited to.
Nevertheless, Usuri eagerly gestured for the ace to come inside. Michiru skipped into a spacious meeting room. Right away, Kiryuu noticed something odd for the occasion: a complete lack of birthday décor. It seemed like any other day at the household.
Click here to find out what's going on :3 AO3 FFN
(950 words)
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
We're Lost in the Woods Somewhere in Fukushima
“Guys, I think we just exploded a bus,” Lev said. “Is the whole trip going to be like this?”
(A Haikyuu/Lightning Thief one-shot parody)
Read here: AO3 ffnet (2,275 words)
Inspired by this tiktok, written with permission
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
With the completion of The Kenma Project, here's where my fic work stands:
Before I pick up any more WIPs, I will focus on clearing the Bad Things Happen Bingo backlog. Current statuses on the fics are below, and expect this to change much more quickly than previously:
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Outstanding prompts:
Communication Suddenly Cut Off - requested July 28, 2020 (discord): 70% planned
Forced to Hurt Someone - requested Sept. 9, 2020 (discord): 80% planned
Slowly Running Out of Air - requested Nov. 2, 2020 (discord): premise chosen; planning stage
Natural Disaster - requested Dec. 8, 2020 (tumblr): premise chosen; planning stage
Gaslighting - requested Jan. 25, 2021 (tumblr anon): conceptual stage
Falling from a Great Height - requested Aug. 5, 2021 (tumblr): 30% planned
Revenge by Proxy - requested Aug. 16, 2021 (discord): conceptual stage
Rules if you want to send in a prompt:
Only Haikyuu characters/pairings please
Requests can be made via ask, message, Discord dm, ffnet private message, or any method you can contact me by
Anon requests are ok
Please pick one unrequested prompt from the bingo board, and one character or one ship
You may provide additional details on what you’d like the request to encompass, but anything beyond the prompt and the one character/ship will be treated as a suggestion only
You may not select a prompt that is already filled or requested
Fic will likely be a one-shot
Fic will likely be Gen
Fic may be rated up to Mature
Fics will be posted on AO3 and, in most cases, Fanfiction.net
If you want the fic gifted to you on AO3, tell me your AO3 name
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stylinbreeze60 · 4 years
Come see me stumble through the reading of my latest fanfic!
The final draft of the fic can be legibly read here: AO3  FFN  (warning for manga spoilers)
AO3 Tags
Length: 1,591 words Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hinata Shouyou & Hoshiumi Kourai Characters: Hoshiumi Kourai, Hirugami Sachirou, Hakuba Gao, Hirugami Fukurou, Kageyama Tobio, Kamomedai Volleyball Club, Hinata Shouyou Additional Tags: Haikyuu!! Manga Spoilers, Tokyo Nationals Arc (Haikyuu!!), Post-Time Skip, Angst with a Happy Ending, One-track mind Hoshiumi, Meta, Cursed Fullmetal Alchemist References Summary:
"I'll be waiting for you!" Hoshiumi yelled when Hinata left the court.
He didn't yet realize how long a wait it would be.
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
Ooh so many good questions! B and H please!
Sorry this took so long, Felix!
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Yes: Stupid Pride, a first-year Tendou-centric fic. While some of the details are made up (such as Tendou's secret, to clarify right off the bat), it is true that in middle school some bullies claimed they locked me in the locker room when they actually hadn't done a thing, and I had too much pride to try to force my way out, so I sat in there for 15 minutes.
(AO3 link above. ffnet link here)
H: How would you describe your style?
How tricky, because I'm trying to be more like writers I admire. I would describe the works of writers I look up to as vibrant, "indirect," and poetic. If I had to categorize my own writing as somehow the opposite of that (and calling it the "opposite" probably isn't a fair assessment), I'd call it action-oriented and sometimes even "clinical." But I've even had writers I admire say they admire my writing, so...it's all perception, I guess?
The important part is, I am proud of everything I've put into the ethers. Even the stuff I recognize as a product of less honed skills, I don't let myself cringe at it.
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
D (Kenma Project) and F?
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [Kenma Project]?
In fact, yes and no. I did start making a playlist for Kenma Project, but I am not hip when it comes to music, so (against the advice of a friend) I limited myself to a certain selection of songs with which I was familiar. There was supposed to be one song per chapter, each representing a different character, but I couldn't find one I liked for Yamaguchi and Kuguri, so it stalled and I never made it public. ^-^;
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
This was so hard, but at the risk of sounding self-centered, this is from my next gen captains borderline-crack fic Chikara the Catbat:
“Hey. How’d y’all meet Chikara anyway?” Atsumu asked.
He first looked to Akaashi who pondered. “Chikara saved me from drinking a can of Mountain Dew,” Keiji said, looking dead serious.
“I saved his scrappy middle blocker from dying of hunger and homelessness!" offered Terushima proudly, making even less sense.
“He tried to entrap my cousin at the airport,” said Yahaba with an air of spite.
“He likes the café my manager works at—although I swear if he lays a finger on her…,” Futakuchi snarled....
The intent was for the answers to sound incredulous, but in fact they were all references to other fics of mine. It was also meant to be a treat for a particular person, because this fic was gifted to a friend, and all of the referenced fics were written for that same friend.
And ultimately, it was further to set up this joke, which wasn't a reference to any fic:
Atsumu turned to Shirabu hoping for a normal answer. “And what’s your excuse?”
“All these people started coming over to my house,”—he gestured at the posse of captains—“and I didn’t tell them to leave, so here we are.”
Thank you for the questions!
See the ask questions here (text version)
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stylinbreeze60 · 3 years
how about some usuri/akaashi 👁️👁️ or just usuri having Fun with whomever u like!!
This took far too long, but it's done!
Cell Phone Snafu
Friendships are weird.
That was the conclusion Usuri came to as he typed “Keiji Akaashi” into the contact form on his phone.
Moments earlier, after Mujinazaka gathered up its stuff following their loss, Fukurodani’s setter coincidentally appeared in search of towels for their ace, who apparently had decided the ones previously provided were too rough. Mujinazaka’s bags were piled up in front of the towel rack, and Akaashi politely asked to get by. Everyone tried to hide their puffy faces from their victorious opponent, but Usuri unexpectedly stepped forward to address the setter against whom he’d lost fair and square.
“You have a really good ace! Don’t take advantage of him too much!” he’d shouted, to the embarrassment of his teammates. The awkward gesture didn’t put Akaashi off, taking it in stride with a genial grin.
“I admire setters like you,” were the words Usuri remembered most from the resulting exchange. “Setters who don’t let themselves get overwhelmed because of the amazingness of their teammates,” Akaashi would clarify. Usuri said he admired Akaashi’s even keel (Keiji pretended the compliment was true) and that he didn’t get tempted to rely on Bokuto too much. Suddenly they were conversing about setting tactics and then shared hobbies while Usuri’s teammates trickled away with their things. And suddenly, they were exchanging phone numbers in front of an indoor bonsai display.
Keiji chuckled when he saved it to his phone.
Mami finally called to Usuri for help with their bags. Not thinking to put his phone in his pocket, Usuri quickly set it on the brick rim around the bonsai tree.
Before Akaashi could belatedly skedaddle with the towels, Bokuto stomped forward, leading Sarukui, Komi, and Konoha.
“Hey, hey, hey! Making friends with the enemy?” he laughed.
Keiji shrugged. Usuri wasn’t that bad of a person based on their conversation.
“He’s nice,” he said.
Bokuto whisked one of the towels from Keiji’s hands and buried his face in the softness. When he pulled it away, he spotted Usuri’s cell phone.
“Wait.” Koutarou pulled out his own phone and set it beside Usuri’s.
To the surprise of everyone, the phones were the same size, model, and color.
What could possibly go wrong here? 3:)
Continue reading here: AO3 FFnet (3,189 words)
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