The gap filler
So the first confession that I have to make is that I am a liar because in the last blog post I said they would become monthly... but girls got uni and a job to attend to so that's why that went downhill. So this post is everything which has happened between February and the beginning of May. 
Pretty much every Friday I would attend team leader meetings with Alan and the fellow team leaders, which was actually really useful and I feel like it helped bring a lot of the areas which we weren't sure about together. The main part of these meetings I struggled with was where I has delegated tasks out and asked people to report back to me and they hadn’t, I felt that I was maybe slightly letting the other teams down when I couldn’t give them the information which they needed because I also didn’t have it.
One of the other things I struggled with in the last few weeks was that I felt like I was pestering a lot of my teammates to pull together the last final things and get all of the information over to me. As there were some group changes just before Easter when we had mainly completed everything, I also struggled with those who had joined later as I felt that I couldn’t give them any tasks to complete and that I was leaving them out. However, I did feel that 3/4 of my group were mainly doing all of the work and I will never be able to thank them enough for all of the hard work which they have put in over the past 8 or so months, I just hope they are all as proud of what the event turned out to be as I am. 
Last time I wrote a blog, we had no bar, but, we did manage to secure one! After months of trying to find a bar, then thinking that we didn’t one, we actually had a cocktail van, a beer stall and a food trader selling Pimms and Prosecco! After months of trying to understand terms of generators and putting it off for so long, we also finally got that sorted. I was a bit worried about the pricing which we gave to the traders which needed power as we had left it so late to get that information to them but thankfully they were all okay with it.
Also after quite some time of trying to sort out a Raffle licence in time to be able to sell Raffle tickets in the lead up to the event, this fell through as it turns out local councils don’t actually also want to be so helpful. The Raffle was one of the slower things to come together as we were very slow on collecting prizes to win and getting out into the town to sort these out.  
In one of the last sessions in the lead up to the event, it was time to establish who would do what for the different plans which needed piecing together. When it came round to the Major Incident Plan, who said they had experience in those? Me. Who instantly regretted it afterwards? Also me. Thankfully working till shifts at work are boring so I was able to crack on with a good deal of it then. Looking back now, I am really glad that I took that on as I have been able to learn now what really should be put into one and get to grips with writing one before heading out into the big wide world of events. I also contributed my parts to the Event Management Plan on the bars and cash handling and some other bits, which was also really useful to see how one should be written and the contents of one. 
The next blog post is incoming very soon, thats actually a promise (only because i have a deadline to reach)...
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