#such a nothingburger response set from me but thats alright i guess
deep-space-atomic-clock ยท 4 months
I was tagged by @flingsky , thank you!! um. ill do my best.
Were you named after anyone?
yep, but thats a secwet!
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
my eleven beautiful children named malaise rafflesia
What sports do you/have you played?
I haven't played any.... ever...... I've been working out lately, though
Do you use sarcasm?
Mostly in frustration, yeah.
First thing you notice about people?
Their hairstyle!
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don't entirely understand the purpose of the question ^^
Any talents?
umm. i can do cool tetris tricks
Where were you born?
tha 'states
what are your hobbies?
i'm real into tea :) im into tea, and im still struggling on the drawing grind despite the lack of product from it.
Oh, ive also tried growing plants lately! excited to use my lavender in recipes in approximately two years
Do you have any pets?
yes! two cats, Min and Chance.
How tall are you?
5'7... last I recall.
Favourite subject in school?
algebra kinda rocks with the right teacher
Dream job?
I'm already trying to go into it, but I'd love to persue something in the study of entomology.
ok well. im obligated to tag people here, so.. no pressure, really. @lemon-3ds @starocide @floofdroid @cardcaptor-lisia @violetlilly23 @final-dream-machine ... and um. anyone else interested!
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