#suffering so rk1k can be happy
autiacorart · 5 months
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was drawing for 10h instead of 2h
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bisexual-ashe · 4 years
aight yall hear me out on this
stardew valley au
yeah, the farm game LSDJFDSLK
but!! it has.. potential. aaaaand i think.. it would work rather nicely for rk1k too??? uwu
so. lets say that markus is essentially the player character. the farmer. he’s come to the valley to basically honor his father carl, and aspires to be the bestest farmer of them all. he mostly grows flowers and makes various artisan goods, but he’s happy and stable in his job.
moving to a new place, however, brings a lot of new people. and markus soon learns that stardew valley has a rather.. interesting variety of residents.
theres hank. the ex police lieutenant. mostly hostile and grumpy in demeanour, suffers with depression and alcoholism due to the loss of his son cole. he lives with his adoptive son, connor. a reserved, yet polite young man, that proves surprisingly difficult to befriend, despite his warm personality. he seems to interact with noone, aside from hank and refuses to speak of his past before coming to the valley. connor volunteers at a small animal rescue center, and has his own cat called nacho.
there is also kamski, the reclusive millionaire and hermit. he’s rarely seen outside of his mansion, and only, if ever, interacts with the rest of the town on special event days. upon closer friendship, markus finds out that kamski was a friend of carl. and is the REASON that markus himself was even raised by carl.
much like hank, north was initially hostile. she wanted little to do with markus, little to do with ANYONE despite existing within her own little bubble of friends. shes often seen hanging out with simon and josh, although most of her time is spent bickering with the latter. close friendship with north involves vandalising local properties, and graffiting almost EVERYTHING. 
josh, the rather quiet and pacifistic librarian, can often be seen with north and simon. his favorite subject to talk about is history, and he wishes to open up his own museum within the valley. sometimes, he reads non-fiction books to the children of stardew valley and has somewhat of a love-hate relationship with north.
and then theres simon. good ol simon. mr “i just saw you and i want to be ur love interest”, probably the easiest guy to befriend out of everyone. he runs a flower shop, selling bouquets and various flower seeds. honestly, he just wants to get into farmer markus’s pants.
there’s also kara and luther, and their daughter alice. a rather private, but friendly family. 
but... back to connor. good old mysterious connor. why is markus so intrigued by him? is it that pretty face? those doe-like eyes? that unspoken, tragic past?
whatever it is, he has markus’s interest. and markus will do just about ANYTHING to work out just why he’s so hard to get to know. and why he keeps rejecting the friendship of everyone and anyone. coughhewasabusedasachildthatswhycough poor bb boy
but all of these fun folks? they make up the valley. and now? markus just has to get to know each and every one of them.
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thelaughingmagician · 4 years
Connor for the character ask meme!
I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character: oh lord how do I make this short?  I guess the most basic feeling I have for him is that Connor is an example of high potential thwarted by Cyberlife’s bullshit?  Like, I would have loved to know more about Deviant Connor.  
What does he like?  How does he dress?  Does he start to question the humans around him?  (Does he wonder what kind of people would hide behind a badge to take out Deviants? Because one of the biggest flaws of the game is Connor never being able to address the fact that Cyberlife saw making him a cop the easiest way to weaponize him, and I think he’d have some major not okay with that feelings when he started to think about it).  Does he question other Deviants?  We know he’s going to have some post revolutionary feelings in the best outcome, but does he take it personally when his own people are afraid of him?  Or does he try to work towards a place where they can trust him?  I have a lot of unanswered questions with Connor honestly, and my feelings change depending on the version of the play through.  
But if we’re talking ‘good ending’ Deviant Connor, I just really love him and want him to find some happiness now that he can feel happiness.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Markus first and foremost - RK1K is easily otp.  North too though, in tragic scenarios where Markus isn’t there–I’ve bombarded my dash before with reasons why that ship would work and be really interesting.  I’ve read some interesting fics with Connor and Kara too post revolution, and Chloe interests me a bit because I wonder what they’d have to say to each other about that Kamski scene if she’s deviated too?
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Hank!  idk how I could have any other answer for this one.  Aside from maybe Josh.  I think Connor would appeal to Josh’s academic curiosity, and Connor would be completely willing to answer his questions to help further Jericho’s understanding of what Cyberlife was trying for.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think he was a prototype because the RK900 was Cyberlife’s ultimate goal.  I think they got sidetracked while trying to design a military android because Deviants became a thing, so they modified Connor for it, and I think the dude suffers because of it.  His programming is not as smooth as some of the other androids in the game.  I think this is only an unpopular opinion because even as a prototype a lot of people think of Connor as Cyberlife’s originally intended model with Nines being simply an upgrade, but yeah, I don’t think that was the case.  The sneaky bastards were trying for something more sinister all along to sell to whoever the top bidder was whichever government that ended up being.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would have loved a chance for Connor to confront Kamski over his stupid test.  Amanda too.  I know the popular theory is that once he deviated she was gone, but I like to think maybe she was then the prisoner trapped in his mind, and Connor got to turn the tables on her.  Assuming she has some AI qualities beyond being Cyberlife’s mouthpiece that is.
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