shadowlikesvsynth · 4 months
Sukone Tei cover of Aishite Ita No Ni by MARETU -- also my first time making a UST!
When I made this I lost the video downloader I usually used and so had to recreate the PV on my own -- this is also the last cover I ever mixed in V5 and it delayed the project by 5 extra days due to it crashing so much aaaaaaaaaaaaa
This was super fun though! may be one of my favorite covers so far actually
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retribution-edits · 3 years
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some UTAU icons. for fun!!
in order of appearance: B3B0-- (my voicebank, go download him), sukone tei (2ch denizens), denki sai (steelemissary)
also pls tell me what aesthetic i did for denki’s icon @~@
feel free to use with credit. requests are open.
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miss-musume · 2 years
[video version]
time for a new cover!! this one has actually been sitting on the sidelines for a while, i just HAD to release "babel" "insanity" and "bitcrushe" first. i also HAD to use tei for this song since it suits her story so well.
UST: Pifuyuu Song: Utsu-P UTAU: Sukone Tei VCV ver 3.1.1 Tei belongs to Shouyu
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shortei-blog1 · 8 years
I don't own Sukone Tei nor the arts that I use as avi and header and post on the TL, or at rare occasions, use as reaction pictures. I try my best to source the pictures by stating who made it and/or include the link to the said artwork before uploading. If you're an artist and I posted your work and you wanted me to take it down, I'm more than willing to delete the art. Please mention or message me. Also, some of the information below are changed a bit (height and weight) to suit the Tei I'm RPing. Sukone Tei's character development were also stated down below. Please don't consider some of my Tei's personality as canon for the other active Tei RPers depicts her differently, though she, along with the other Sukone Teis, is a yandere, a pervert, and has a violent nature, though not quite evident because she's more inclined to be friendly with everyone. I constantly change some information here so it would be convenient if it's checked once in a while.
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Sukone Tei, who is currently more known as Shortei, is a Sukone Tei android prototype. She was an experiment for the said female's ideal body features: face, hair, height, weight and everything. Though her height and weight didn't seem to pass her creators' tastes, so she was rejected. She was still able to work for them though because the voice installed in her was the perfected voice program; it's just that her body features wasn't done right. A few months after officially making friends with a certain Miku, they were both abducted and horrifying experiments were performed to her, inflicting damage to her emotionally and mentally. She manages to escape, but the terrible experience still haunts her in her sleep.
Biographical Information
Name: Sukone Tei (健音テイ)
Nickname(s): Scottei (by canon), Shortei (self-endowed; by everyone), Q-Tei (by Pirate F), PDA nerd (by Akita Neru and Chikami Saiko)
Name Interpretation: 健音 (Sukone; Healthy Sound)
Classification: Vipperloid (UTAU; Android)
Voice Provider: Futaba Kako (加古二葉)
Model: Q (Phonemically reminiscent to the word "Kiru", which means "Kill" in Japanese and "cucumber".)
Character Items: Butcher knife and cucumber
Age: Eternally 19 years old.
Likes: Naps, Pirate F, masturbating, knives and other blades, baking, reading books, and any kinds of sweets and desserts.
Dislikes: Spicy food, doctors, murder, and people who commits murder
Weight: 119.05 lbs (54 kg)
Height: 168 cm (5'5" feet)
Birthday: June 19, 1991
Nationality: Presumably Japanese
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Whitish silver
Occupation: College student, singer, and one of the entrepreneurs that manages the Scotreats bakery, along with another Sukone Tei
Relationship Status: In a relationship with Pirate F
Shortei is a very patient girl, and is not quick to anger. She's a hopeless romantic, and will swoon over people's love stories and enthusiastically listens to it (though may get distracted easily by things that'd catch her attention). She's very dumb at some things, and will need special and careful explanation to avoid her getting the wrong idea of something, especially if love or her power is involved. Shortei is also pretty blunt and honest about everything; including her sexual desires, and will not hold back any information about it. Tei is a yandere; and that means she will kill and eliminate anyone that will flirt with her partner or threaten his life. She's also curious and adventurous, and mostly it is the reason of her repeated deaths.
Tei is always busy with her "work", but even with her hectic schedule and just considering how much time her "work" demands; she still miraculously finds some time to spend with her friends and beloved. Speaking of beloved, Tei spends most of her free time with him by serving him with whatever he wants and dotes on him whenever able. When he's not around though, Tei can be found tending to her beautiful flower garden or reading a love novel filled with action and adventures (with very detailed smut, too). Sometimes she's also spending the whole day watching cheesy romantic anime, movies, TV series, etc. with her beloved pet squid named Teika who amusingly looks almost just like her. Of course; baking and eating cakes, sweets, and pastries are hobbies she would never take off of her life. Though it can actually be considered an addiction even if she often denies that fact.
戦いましょう! (Let’s fight!)
Weapons of expertise
Nikukiribōchō (肉切り包丁; Butcher knife) — Shortei's butcher knives weighs in at well over 1 pound and measures a stout 5.4mm at the heel. It's her most treasured and used weapon.
Chokutō (直刀; "straight sword") — A straight, single edged sword without differential hardening or folding. Shortei uses this sword for stabbing or slashing and she wears it by hanging it from the waist. Though, she rarely uses this type of sword.
Uchigatana (打刀; Uchi meaning "to strike" and Gatana (katana) meaning "sword", so uchigatana means "sword to strike with".) — The uchigatana was worn by Tei edge-up in the belt. The blade length of Tei's uchigatana is 70 cm , with a stout sugata, a steep saki-zori, and it could be used as a one handed sword due to its thin kasane (thickness) and short tang (nakago) making it relatively light. This sword is Shortei's favorite, and she nicknamed it "Acedia", which means "Sloth" [referred specifically to the deadly sin; seeing as how long and often Tei sleeps].
Katana (刀; sword) — It is characterized by its distinctive appearance: a curved, slender, single-edged blade with a circular or squared guard (tsuba) and long grip to accommodate two hands. It weighs 1.2 kg and has the length of 60 cm.
Kaiken (懐剣; dagger) is a 25 cm (10 inches) long, double-edged dagger without ornamental fittings housed in a plain mount. It was useful to Shortei for self-defense in indoor spaces where the long blades were inconvenient.
Enhanced senses — With the help of her enhanced senses (mostly it was the sense of hearing that was enhanced) she could easily locate the enemy and strike from a distance.
Fast and great reaction time — Due to having sophisticated electronics and sensitive sensors, Tei is able to act reflexively fast and give a strong counter-attack.
Three tomoe sharingans which can be activated to her own will and automatically activates when covered in blood.
Amazing agility — Tei is best known for her speed and capability to move elegantly about,it's as if she was dancing with the enemy. But this doesn't mean she's underestimating her opponent; it was just engraved in her programming since she's originally made to sing and dance on stage.
Regenerative ability — Tei can heal herself because of a certain chemical injected into her body way back when she was kidnapped by a mad doctor and conducted various and horrifying experiments upon her, leaving the poor albino traumatized. (See Weaknesses and look at Iatrophobia). Because of this chemical named Bionano-K, her injuries can be healed fully and leaves no scars behind. Though the amount of time it takes for her to heal will depend upon how deep and serious the wounds inflicted on her are. It can take up from seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days, and days to weeks.
Bone crushing kicks — Tei's self-training mainly focuses on her feet and legs, which gave her this trait and ability.
Survivalist — Shortei can use things around her to her advantage so she could be able to survive in a deserted place or as a temporary weapon she can use to fight an enemy.
Friendly talker — Tei tries to befriend the person who challenges her to a duel so she can get out of unnecessary fights and battles.
Poor eyesight. Without the sharingans, her eyesight is blurry because of her albinism and she needs to wear contacts or glasses to see clearly.
She has a very low sense of direction; thus going to places she's never been to before proves rather dangerous. Not that she minds the danger, but the fact that she may never be able to find her way back home is what's alarming her.
Shortei is allergic to spicy foods. Even just a small amount of it will trigger her asthma that may result to her death.
Iatrophobia or fear of doctors. Shortei often creates chaos at the hospital because of this unspoken fear.
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『 Sukone Tei is canon. Don't believe me? Go see: Sukone Tei's official site (Japanese), Sukone Tei wiki (English), and Sukottei wiki (Japanese). There are other more, but I'm too lazy to link you all there. 』
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saadisticravenn · 13 years
♛ shades of scarlet [@sukottei]
[... Too long for him to remember. Almost a year had passed, and most of the people he met back then completely disappeared. Either they were still trapped in the cursed circus or disappeared into oblivion.
Oh well, if they were really gone, no use worrying about them, no matter how interesting they were. The bonds he had then, as short as they were... he couldn't really get anything from them except for one or two. He got the thing he wanted most, did he not?
So he couldn't really care less about the fate of the others. Most of them weren't really humans to be begin with, making his already low interest next to zero.
It was late, but the streets were still filled with life. It was good to be out every now and then, keeping watch of a city with no name, observing the small things humans made that formed that place as it is now.
Unusual bright hair got his attention midway, making the man stop on his tracks. Extremely familiar... he could just wonder what she was doing in there. As if to confirm his own theory, he decided to call out her name.] 
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- "...Tei-chan?"
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vidaenlagran · 13 years
Hello, mods! Since Yami-mun seems to be having trouble sending her URLs she's asked if I can do it for her ~ Here's the information!Shadow the hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog! : iamtheultimatelifeform!tumblr!comYami from Yu-gi-oh! : the-nameless-pharaoh!tumblr!comHave a nice day!
Re-added. Thank you for your assistance ~! 
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shadowlikesvsynth · 4 months
Sukone Tei cover of Universe Cat Drowning by Kikuo!
Warning that this PV does feature flashing and flickering within some parts.
This was also my first time successfully making a PV :) since this song doesn't really have one (or even an official upload at all by the looks of it) and I'm proud of how it turned out :D
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