#sun conure Grian is top tier btw
scarabies-real · 2 years
Scarian prompt: Grian gets jealous very easily, so if Scar hangs out with someone(Jimmy maybe?) Grian will just fly over to where Scar is and demand attention/if Scar is in the middle of a convo with said person Grian will jump Scar and start making out with him right in front of said person
It was a normal day. It was a normal day. Scar was talking to—swindling—Jimmy about his diamonds, Jellie was rolling in the grass and chasing butterflies, and Scar was excited to finish his work and go home to his boyfriend.
Turns out his boyfriend came to him, for some reason, if the bright yellow and green feathers in his peripheral and face and mouth are any indication.
“Uh, Grian?” Scar asks after spitting feathers out of his mouth. “Care to explain why you’re perched on my shoulders? Where did you even come from?”
“No, not particularly, and I was around.”
“So, just gonna chill there while I talk to Jimmy?”
“You mean scam me?” Jimmy pipes up from somewhere to his left. Scar can’t see him from behind the feathers blocking his view.
“I can assure you we here at GoodTimes Emporiums have no reason to scam you, a loyal and valued customer!”
“Scar, that sounds suspicious, you know that, right?” Jimmy replies.
“Timmy can do what he wants,” Grian interrupts, nestling further into Scar’s long hair, making a mess of them both.
“I was asking what you wanted to do,” Scar clarifies, trying and failing to get Grian to unlatch from his head.
“Well, what I want to do is kiss you stupid,” Grian leans over his head and meets his eyes upside down, his smug grin unmistakable even from this angle.
Scar’s brain stops working.
“That’s—you can’t just—Gri, we have company.”
“What? Embarrassed?” Grian taunts.
“I’m not—oh, come here, you jealous bird,” Scar leans forward to dislodge him and Grian falls with a squawk. Before he hits the ground, Scar heaves him into his lap.
“You’re so strong,” Grian swoons mockingly “Do I even weigh anything to you?”
Scar raises an eyebrow but falls for the bait anyways.
“No, you’re like a bag of grapes,” he sighs, tormented eternally by the man he loves.
Grian giggles and regains his balance. “Kiss me?” He asks.
“That, I can do.”
He meets Grian’s lips with a sigh of relief, having been all too aware of how much he had missed him, even if they had not been apart for long. Grian’s hands find their way into his hair again, this time careful not to tangle or scratch with his talons. He tilts Scar’s head, adjusting the angle, and suddenly Scar no longer cares about who is around.
Neither of them notices Jimmy checking out entirely, too focused on finding their homes in one another.
Jealous, pesky bird indeed.
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