nitrosplicer · 1 year
“I'm moving forward. My gaping mouth swallowing rock songs, all the rhythm, howling lyrics and speed. They interrupt the music. A man's voice announces a disaster, an earthquake. I lean on the voice and it gets lost inaudible tsunami in the distant Pacific. I don't like my mother to be alone at night. It haunts me. Mothers are like civilization, fragile in front of their television sets, forgotten like some ancient knowledge. Mothers are open spaces. I love driving violently fast in the Meteor. I love the repeated horizon. No fear, no panic comes my way in the middle of the night or during cloud of sand and I can't see a thing in front of me. I stop, I become living matter; isolated from everything, hands on the steering wheel, sunkdeep into the gloom, I listen to the world's fracas burying my car in sand. I submit, blinded. I look into the inside at my brain moving forward in time, multiplying seconds, crystals, aerial creatures in the fold of the eyelids. I follow trails, the trace of time, triangles, spirals, around ruins, barkhans, mobiles. Only once, only once, did I see words I was unable to read. And the signs scattered at once as though at the back of the mind the body of the letter could not withstand light, such a presence…I was 15, with all of time and the horizon ahead of me. In my mother's white shell I was speed, civilization, in the distance, city, lost gaze, ruin in reverse. I was moving forward, exemplary in my solitude, with at my feet a brake to prevent disasters. There is no need amid snakes and cacti to despair, for night is always raving blue.”
- Mauve Desert, Nicole Brossard, trans. Susanne de Lotbière-Harwood
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likingletsplays · 5 years
Could you maybe do 62 and 63 with Yan and Eric?
62 its ok their gone now
63 why do they have to be so cruel?
Authors note:
Please be nice to me. This is the first time I’ve ever tried to write Yan
Also I am so sorry it took me so long to get to this
Eric sat on the barstool swiveling back and forth. He slid his empty coffee cub pack and forth between his hands. Eric sighed and looked down at the new black prosthetics. He was very grateful for them, he couldn’t of asked for something better. The Googles and Bing had gone above and beyond what he could have ever hoped for. But he also hated how much he stumbled and almost fell anywhere he walked. His old prosthetics were broken beyond repair but he had “fixed” them. They were more duct tape then anything but he had learned how to walk in them. So with the new shiny ones, he felt like he had lost his legs all over again and was learning to walk in prosthetics all over again. He rubbed his yellow handkerchief between his fingers, took a deep breath and turned to stand up. This would be the best time. If he didn’t leave now he would be stuckin the kitchen all through lunch.
He jumped when a loud voice carried to him from down the hall that he didn’t recognize “Dark won’t be happy about zis.” The voice saidcoming into view. Two men supported a third between them who was visibly drunk. This must be the septiceye egos that everyone had been talking about for the last week and a half.
“Can you go find Bing?” the other man huffed. Eric had never seen someone look like this before, he had long bright green hair and waswearing what looked like a cat mask. Eric watched as the two men skid the third man into the chair.
“Ill go now.” The man who looked like Dr. Iplier said, turning away and running out of sight.
“I…don’t want to see that bastard.” The third man slurred swaying forward in the chair, “you keep him –hic- away from me Marvin. Stacyhas already done enough damage. I don’t need-hic-more pain.”
“Chase,” Marvin chastised pushing a lock of green hair away from his mask, “Bing is your best friend. Drink some water.” Marvin waved his hand in the air, with a puff of green dust a water bottle appered in his hand. Heheld it out to Chase.
Chace took the water bottle and threw it half way across the room. He then turned his glassy blue eyes onto Eric, “Who’s the cripple?”
Eric felt his face redden “My name is Eric.”
“Fuck off cripple. I already have enough people wanting to see my pain. I don’t want you here.” Chase slurred. He leaned back in his seatand closed his eyes.
Marvin rubbed the back of his neck looking embarrassed, “Sorry….It’s Eric right?” Eric nodded, “He isn’t always like this. He is actually one of the sweetest of us…he is just having some family issues right now. He starteddrinking early this morning and by the time we understood what was going on…it was too late to try to do anything about it.”
Eric gave an understanding smile, “I’m used t-to it. A-a lot of people used t-to b-be mean t-tome s-sober. A-and I understand t-the loss of family a-as w-well. It changes people. S-some people b-become monsters….” Eric’s eyes stayed locked on chase. He reminded him strongly of his own father after his brothers and mom had passed away. “W-what is he running from? W-what doesn’t he w-want t-to remember s-so bad t-that he hides himself in a-alcohol?”
Marvin opened his mouth to answer but Chase’s eyes flew open rage apparent in them, “It’s none of your damn business,” he yelled, “And if you can’t not stutter or talk about things that aren’t your business you need to keep your mouth closed your hurting my head.”
“Chase,” Marvin said a sharp tone in his voice. A phone began to ring. Marvin reached into his black cape and pulled the phone out, “HelloAnti?…yeah you need to get here now. He is beyond messed up. Dark is going to be so pissed.” Marvin walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway.
“So how’d you-hic-lose your legs? Did they fall off because they hated the sound of your stuttering?” Chase asked laughing.
Eric gritted his teeth but turned when he heard the front door open and close. Yan walked into the kitchen her eyes puffy and red herhood pulled up almost coving her eyes. “Chase you need to shut up. Papa Warfshashewon’t like hearing you talk like that to Eric.”
“I don’t take advice from someone who doesn’t even know what gender he is. Get out of my fucking face.” Chase answered back crossing his arms.
To Eric’s surprise Yan burst into tears and ran out of the kitchen. “I don’t know who you think you are!” Eric exclaimed balling his handsinto fists, “But you need to shut the fuck up. Everyone here knows Yan is a woman and you need to keep your opinions to yourself. She has been a she for years. So leave her alone!” Eric stood, nearly falling on the floor face first. He caught himself on the chair and left the kitchen with Chase’s cruel laughter following him. Eric followed the direction that Yan had gone and knew there would be two places she would possibly go and he was betting on the makeshift shooting range that Wilford had shown him and Randal their first day here. He walked quickly past Marvin who was still on the phone and collided with another body. Theyboth fell to the floor.
“I’m so sorry Eric!” Bing gasped helping pull Eric back onhis feet.
“It’s fine.”  Ericsaid flattening himself against the wall as Bing continued to run down thehallway the Dr looking man and King not far behind.
Eric slowly made his way to the shooting range and saw Yan held her throwing knives. She took one and threw it at the wooden pole. The knife sunkdeep into the wood.
“Yan a-are you ok? I know b-being made fun of isn’t easy. B-but he is just a-a drunk blubbering idiot w-who doesn’t know w-what he is t-talking a-about.”
Yan turned her head to lock eyes with Eric. Her hood was still up and there were tears streaming down her cheeks, “Why do they have to be so cruel?”
“W-who is t-they?” Eric asked walking forward and leaning against the wooden table. With shaking hands she reached up and pulled her hood down. Her usually long red hair had clumps cut out. There were even parts thatyou could see her scalp. “W-who?” Eric repeated anger and horror in his voice now.
“Girls from my swim class,” Yan sniffled hiding her face in her hands, her body shaking, “I thought college would be easier but no.”
“Yan.” Eric sighed pulling his friend into his arms.
“I wish I could tell you it’s ok they are all gone now,” Yan whispered glaring down at the table, “But they are still alive. Dad won’t have a mess to clean up for me again. Maybe he will see me as an adult now and not a child who doesn’t know how to control her feelings.”
Eric laughed half-heartedly, “I’m pretty s-sure Dark w-would have understood t-this. T-they w-weren’t t-trying to s-steal your s-sempi…t-theya-actually hurt you.”Yan sniffled and pulled away, “I want to make dad happy…and my hair will growout again.”
“A-and you w-want t-to impress Red t-too.” Eric teased.
Yan smiled slightly, brushing her tears away, “Is it thatobvious?”
“Probably not t-to a-all t-the Egos, b-but I’ve s-seen your s-shrine in your closet.” Eric said laughing
Yan laughed as well. They stopped and turned. The sound of ringing could be heard, which only meant one thing Dark was coming over. Yan yanked her hood up as Dark and someone Eric had never seen before walked into view. Eric couldn’t look away from this man he was the most handsome man he had ever seen in his entire life. His hair was died brown and the roots of his hair were green like Marvin’s. His ears were pointed and gaged. His eyes were a dark blue with a tint of red behind the iris. His teeth were pointed and he had a breath taking smile. There was something slightly off about him. His figure was somewhat stable but would move like a television trying to find a good signal and he had squares of what seemed to be his form falling away from him and dissipating into nothing “W-whos that?”
“That’s Anti.” Yan whispered back before they came into ear shot.
“I am so sorry for anything that Chase said to you today Eric. I was told of some of them and I wish I could have gotten here sooner. Wewill be keeping him away from alcohol. Bing and King will be with him until he sobers up and when he is himself..” Anti began to explain.
“Look I know loosing family changes people. I’ve s-seen it happen first hand. S-so there a-are no hard feelings on my part.” Eric repliedfeeling himself blush in embarrassment from his stutter. This was one of the times he wished he could impress the person in front of him.
Anti smiled softly, “I like you Eric. Thank you for being understanding of the uh..” he turned to look at Dark who had his black eyes locked on Yan who was purposely inspecting the grass at her feet, “misunderstanding. I also understand that Chase said something to you Yan and again I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Yan said quietly.
“Yan will you please join me in my office?” Dark asked stepping forward and holding his hand out. Yan sighed putting her throwing knives down on the table and taking Dark’s hand. They both walked away.
“S-so w-why does your s-skin do t-that?” Eric asked turning his eyes nervously to the man. He had never had such a strong case of butterfliesin his stomach in his life. Anti walked over to stand next to Eric.
Anti held up his arm as a few squares fell and faded, “I am not technically a person. I am aglitch that manifested into existence with the help of Sean. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard all about me.”
Eric heard the bitter tone in his voice, “I a-actually haven’t heard a-anything a-about you yet.”
“So you know how Dark is betrayed on Mark’s channel as being the villain and wanting to end Mark and his channel?” Anti asked picking up one of Yan’s discarded throwing knives and twirling it slowly in his fingers.
“Yeah, b-but he isn’t like t-that in real life. Dark is one of t-the most caring people t-that I know.” Eric responded his eyes flickering between the knife in Anti’s hand and his beautiful blue eyes.
“So I’m like that too. I have to play a part. Yes there are things wrong with me but that is everyone.” Anti explained throwing the knife and it stuck in the wood under where Yan had thrown her knife.
“You know I w-would w-want t-to get t-to know you off t-the camera instead of in front of it. I hope you w-would b-be t-the s-same w-way b-because I hate b-being on camera. I s-stutter worse t-than t-this, I forget my lines….I’mnot meant t-to b-be in front of it.”
Anti reached over and hooked his fingers under Eric’s chin and lifted it so their eyes would meet, “Eric I couldn’t imagine someone betterstanding in front of the camera.”
Eric felt like his head was spinning. His heart was beating so hard it felt like it might escape through his chest and he couldn’t catch his breath. Suddenly a loud explosion came from behind them. Eric pulled away looking around Anti in time to see glass falling to the floor from Dark’s office.
“Eric I wouldn’t.” Anti started to say but Eric ignored him. He ducked under his arm and ran full sprint to the house. He ran down thehallway past the kitchen and came to a halt. He frowned in confusion. Wilford and Yan crouched near the floor, Wilford covering Yan with his own body. Eric turned to look into Dark’s office and saw what looked like a black wave rushingtowards him.
“Eric.” Anti gasped grabbing Eric’s arm and wrapping himself around him pressing him to the other side of the wall. With a grunt Ericcovered his ears as a loud screeching yell washed over them along with the black wave. When it cleared Eric maneuvered his head to see that Wilford’s shirt was shredded and he was bleeding.
“W-what’s going on?” Eric asked as Anti pressed himself harder against Eric as another black wave crashed out from Dark’s office.
“It’ll be done soon.” Anti whispered gritting his teeth together as another wave came through, “Dark is very angry about something andsometimes,” Anti groaned in pain as another wave came through, “he loses control. He will calm soon.” Eric closed his eyes and pressed his face against Anti’s chest. After a few minutes Dark walked out of his office sweaty and paler than usual.
“What happened?” Anti asked stepping back from Eric but his arms still resting on his shoulders.
Yan stood helping support Wilford. Her hood was off, “He wants to kill them.”
Anti glared, “I would have exploded too Dark.”
Yan sighed, “We will be fine. I dropped the class and I told Dad if something like this happens again I’ll take care of it myself.”
Dark scoffed and watched Yan help Wilford walk down the hall towards Dr. Ipliers room, “she won’t ever have to worry about those littlebitches ever again. Ill tear them limb from limb.”
“I’ll help.” Anti said sliding his hands away from Eric.Eric watched the two walk back into Dark’s office. He wished he could be brave enough to follow but this was just something he wasn’t comfortable with. Murder was not his thing. He was one of the few if only sane Egos. He slid down the wall and closed his eyes. He imagined the feel of Anti’s body pressed against his and for a moment enjoyed the fantasy that Anti had done it because he had wanted to, not out of necessity to save his life.
Authors note:
No I don’t think Seán or Chase would ever be like this. It just worked with my story
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omaredmison · 7 years
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I did this little #hook awhile back. Touched it up a bit but still holding strong. #fishing #fishinghook #fishhard #skin #sunkdeep #setthehook (at All American Tattoo)
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