#sunny d hard seltzer i think is better than all of these
colorisbyshe · 3 months
Hard Monster Flavor Review from someone who does not enjoy drinking unless it tastes good:
OG Flavor: Tastes like actual monster. Has a slight vodka-y aftertaste but not in an unpleasant way. If you're craving monster but kinda want to chill out instead of getting energy, this is it. Would need to drink several cans to get anywhere near drunk (this is true of all flavors).
Scary Berry: Delicious, might be too flavorful for some people. Like it's very artificial. The vodka after taste contrasts more with this flavor profile but still isn't bad.
Peach: Kinda tastes like scary berry for people who want less of an intense artificial vibe. Still doesn't taste like real peach but it's more immediately "pleasant" and the after taste is less obvious. This would go well with a brunch, tbh. Like a scummy take on a mimosa, somehow.
White haze: Doesn't taste like the white cans of monster. Doesn't really even taste good. Least favorite. Bad vibes. I got a twelve pack of assorted flavors,so I have two cans of this left and drinking them won't be a struggle but won't be ideal. Doesn't have any aftertaste tho??
Hard Mountain Dew (OG Flavor) Review:
Doesn't taste like mountain dew. Feels more like a kind of flat 7-up or Sprite if gave up. Not bad, doesn't taste like a hard liquor, but feels like... if beer tried to be soda but... also gave up. Enjoyable enough to drink and I enjoyed trying it out and will be seeking other flavors but I feel like i expected it to give more Dew and kinda gave Dewn't. Better than White Haze but nothing to go out of your way to find. Good novelty drink.
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