chaosmultiverse · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages count from the source
"Yeah Rose... Well to be honest I'm like ninety percent sure that her place is haunted by ghosts she psychoanalyzes." John rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh ew, yeah I have way better food at my place than frozen veggies, honestly... arguably too much food, might need help with that sometime."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@superbeaucoupdevisages whispered: “I’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.” [ from tamaki akjscnaks LMFAO ]
{ ♪ } -- "That's fair. I'm polite most of the time because it tends to make it scarier when I get aggressive. Polite aggression is never anticipated, thus much scarier. Smile while you shatter their kneecaps!"
Was she being serious? There was no way to tell. But, she continued.
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"As far as heterosexual.... Nah. Never have been, never will be. There are far too many wonderful people to limit myself to just men."
There was a serious response.
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multis-sermonibus · 1 year
@superbeaucoupdevisages​ continuing from this.
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“Well we can always visit the mall and do a bit of shopping.” Kyoko offered. “Or if you’d like we can visit a place to sit down and eat.” She added. “Either is fine with me.”
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atropaanimus · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages​ dinner time with Brian
That deer in the headlights look gave Milo a small chuckle. It was just too adorable. They could guess why Brian may have been confused, but it wasn’t right to assume such things after all.
The reaper sidled next to Brian with a more comforting look on their face. “It’s absolutely criminal you’re absent of any plans. Knowing the rest of your squad, I would have thought they would have a back up plan.”
That or the rest of them were successful and Brian was not; this was something that wasn’t allowed to happen even more.
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“You would be correct though. I did have my hands full today. However, today, is now tonight, and my time has freed up.” Given that a few hours wasn’t much free time but it was time nonetheless.
“Care for a dinner date? I’m a bit indecisive about where exactly to go. I thought you might have a suggestion? I can cover any and all costs of course, it would be rude of me to leave you with the bill.”
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ignamira · 2 years
Don’t mind her.
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She’s just seeing what the boys are up to from a mile away. With telescopic binoculars. Incognito.
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foulflames · 2 years
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biteyourcrush · 2 years
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“Uh... case closed, I guess??”
RIP, Oz. Welp, time to get Brian his jacket back.
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royalreef · 2 years
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       “Hm? No, no, all I see is one very loud spicy red baby. No such spicy red adult in sight. Have you had your vision checked recently? It might be needed.”
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dizzyizzyharper · 2 years
Izzy is just watching the two demons argue.
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“I could punch him and get away with it.”
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages​ [x]
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“Honestly, I didn’t know that you could be that scatterbrained, but I guess that’s what I can expect from a poor widdle salaryman.” Ramuda says the words cheerfully, as if none of them is intended to be a weapon in any way. “But you’re like, sooo lucky you ended up here in good sweet Shibuya! Your super plain clothes make you stand out so I got to find you~!”
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“So, so! Let’s get you back to boring ol’ Shinjuku! Here, hold my hand so you don’t mess up and get lost again~!”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages count from the source
Kurloz chuckled a bit and handed Mituna the requested items "You say that but also, you are someone they would never expect so I think you'd be able to get away with it." He signed
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages || ♫
{ ♪ } -- The redhead gave a little sigh, smiling at him. Holding her palms up to him, she made a show of emptying her pockets and shaking out her skirt a bit to show she had nothing harmful on her. The worst thing she had in her pocket was a set of keys.
"My bag has a lot of things in it, but the only thing that could be harmful is some pepper spray. If it makes you comfortable, I can put the pepper spray somewhere else. I really don't mean you any sort of harm."
Tilting her head, she hummed.
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"I'm gonna be working with your school nurse, so I'll be around to help you when you need me. Even if you just need to talk, or honestly just sit in silence for a while. I'm here."
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omnifobia · 2 years
[ oh no ]
There’s a punching law?! Nobody told him that! Why is he always the last monster to know these kind of things--
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“I-I mean... more or less? I wouldn’t say she’s paying me, but-- We. Have a personal agreement, I guess.”
There’s no way he’s going to say that he’s punching Damien for no reason other than a kissy and perhaps making her happy after she was so utterly disappointed by him refusing to kill another version of himself, nossir! With a quick clearing of his throat, Oz takes a deep breath. Amira was right, starting a fight with someone is easy... actually going through it is much harder.
“Okay, uhm. How... do we want to go, uh. Can I just go for your shoulder? No maybe she wouldn’t be satisfied-- Maybe your stomach? Face? Am I even allowed to punch your face-”
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multis-sermonibus · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages​ continuing from this.
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“I can tell you want to say something Tamaki.” She replied. She knew her son and his mannerism well by now. Despite the life she had, she bent over backwards for her son. “You can tell me, I’ll listen.” She assured him.
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atropaanimus · 2 years
Send a ♥ to find out [Accepting]
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If we kissed?
[x] Quickie. [x] Tongue. [] Softly bite your lip. [] We wouldn’t. [x] Long and meaningful. [] Let’s hit up the bedroom. [] You remember last time? [] Awkward… [] Lol no.
Would I go out with you? [x] Yes, definitely. [] No. [] I want to, but it wouldn’t work. [] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family. [] You’re cute, but probably not. [] Just simply not my type. [] If I knew you better. [] Already did. [] I don’t know. If we took a picture together, we’d be… [x] Hugging each other. [x] Just chilling. [x] Holding hands. [x] Kissing. [x] Acting dumb. [x] Normal picture. [x] You holding me from behind. You are… [] Cute/Pretty. [] Good looking. [] Sexy. [x] All of the above You + me + room = … [] Movies. [] Cuddling. [] Hanging out. [] Kissing. [] Playing games. [x] Everything. [] Wouldn’t let you in. You should… [x] Hit me up. [] Be mine. [] Marry me. [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart. [] be studying If we got married, I’d… [] Divorce you. [] Make kids. [] Take your money and bounce. [] Smash every day. [] I would cheat on you. [x] Be faithful. [] Kill you in your sleep [] We wouldn’t
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ignamira · 2 years
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“That’s so fuckin’ cute bros...”
She’s watching from a farther distance as her homies be cute this evening.
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