#superfam!percy au when?
bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
Daily Planet Classifieds
Fandom: DC Comics, Superfam, Young Justice 98, Titans
Summary: Laney Hausler is currently attending classes at Metropolis University when he sees a boy with his face in the library. At first, he thinks he's seeing things. Later, he starts to realize something strange is going on.
Conner Kent lives off-campus with his friends, but he sees a boy who eerily resembles him, and he hires a private investigator to look into the life of his doppelganger.
Chapters: 5/?
Characters: Jonathan Lane Kent, Conner Kent, Eddie Bloomberg, Rose Wilson, Bart Allen, Cassie Sandsmark, Cissie King-Jones, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Meloni Thawne, Vic Sage, Slade Wilson
Relationships: Past KonBart, Clois
Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, No Powers AU, Found Family, Stalking, Family Secrets, No Powers AU, No Capes AU, Complicated Relationships, University AU, Roommates, Private Investigator, Twins, Multiple POV, First Person POV, Obsession, Psychological Drama, Complicated Relationships, Unrequited Love, Platonic Relationships
Chapter Five: The Doppelganger (Laney's POV)
I sat in the library study room, reading the first five chapters and annotating the pages as I read. Rose and Eddie sat with me because I needed at least three people to book a room. Booking that room was a mistake. That was when things became strange. I glanced upward and saw a face that looked unmistakably identical to mine. I thought it was my reflection in the glass, but it couldn’t have been. Something came over me, chilling me to the bone. I stood up and prepared to follow him, but he disappeared. I wasn’t convinced I’d seen him at all. “Lane?” Eddie whispered. I sank into my seat and ran a hand over my face. 
“I should go home and lie down,” I whispered, “It’s getting late.” Rose nodded. 
“Yeah. Let’s go home,” Rose replied. We lived in walking distance from the campus, so we walked home in the dark. Rose and Eddie didn’t say much, but I could see the concern on their faces. I showered first, attempting to lather away my supernatural sense of dread. I couldn’t explain it because I didn’t want to give voice to such an outlandish idea. Eddie showered after me, and Rose heated up leftovers. “Want some?” 
“What is it?” I asked. It smelled good, but I’d never seen anything like it. 
“It’s ginger tofu… And these are green veggies in a coconut sauce. Here,” Rose whispered as she grabbed a fork from a coffee cup of plastic silverware. I ate a forkful of the tofu, and my eyes widened. “Eat the green vegetables. The coconut milk will cool your mouth down.” 
“Oh no, it’s not—. I don’t mind the spice. Do you think we can order this for dinner tomorrow?” I questioned. 
“Yeah. If you tell me what freaked you out at the library,” Rose whispered. 
“I saw myself. I mean—. I saw someone identical to me walk past, but the other one disappeared before I could get a closer look,” I whispered. 
“You should be careful,” Eddie announced, startling me. Rose turned around wide-eyed as if chastising Eddie for sneaking up on us. “What? Haven’t you ever heard those stories about doppelgangers? Abe Lincoln? Queen Elizabeth? Percy Bysshe Shelley?” 
Rose raised her eyebrows, tightening her lips into a scowl. “Eddie, I swear to god, it’s not the time for scary stories,” Rose warned. She seemed protective over my innocence. I doubt Eddie meant to scare me as much as he did. Scary stories intrigued him, and he seemed eager to share in a childlike sense. He didn’t have a malicious bone in his body, so I don’t believe he’d tell me if he thought it’d hurt me. So, I tried to humor him as much as possible. It’d been two weeks, and I quickly grew to love them for all their quirks because they never condemned me for mine.
“Sorry, Lane. Rose, tofu, please,” Eddie whispered as he leaned over the couch. She smiled and gave him a bite from her fork. I still had Eddie’s words in my mind as we ate. “We need to get a TV.” 
“Yeah, definitely… And a DVD player,” Rose added. 
“I’ll hit up the thrift store and see what I can find in a dual VHS and DVD player,” Eddie whispered. I decided to do it myself as a surprise for them. Father gave me more than enough money for the month. So, I could afford to buy a TV and video player. I only watched TV when I was at the hospital with Father. 
I woke up before Eddie and Rose to go to the store and check out TVs. “Hello, sir… Excuse me. Sir?” I asked. The worker in the aisle smiled at me, and I relaxed my shoulders. “Sorry. I don’t know much about TVs, but I want to surprise my roommates by getting a nice television for the living room. One of my roommates is a film major, and he has a lot of old VHS tapes,” I explained. He took me to the TVs and showed me the ones with the best sound and picture, and he showed me the ones within my price range. I didn’t see a difference in most of them, but I settled on a TV I thought everyone would like. The cashier gave me a student discount and a coupon for appliances. I held onto it for later. 
When I went to the thrift store, there wasn’t much help, so I walked around until I found the electronics and found the nicest VCR and DVD player they had. It still had the remote, but it didn’t have batteries. I looked through their books and bought something for myself as well. I was surprised that my cab driver was so patient, so I tipped him for his troubles once he dropped me off. I carried the boxes under my arms to the elevator. 
Eddie and Rose sat at the counter eating breakfast when I got home. “Whoa, what the hell?” Rose half-exclaimed as she got up to help me. “Eddie, look what Lane did.” 
“I wanted to surprise you guys. You’ve been so kind to me, so I wanted to buy the TV as a token of my appreciation,” I explained, “I don’t know if I got the right one, but—.” 
“Dude, Lane, you rock. We’ll pay you for the TV—.” 
“It’s a gift. Don’t worry about it,” I interrupted, “I wanted to do it.” Eddie and Rose hugged me. 
“We should have a movie night to christen the new TV. What should we watch first?” Eddie asked. They stared at me, and I shrugged.
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen a movie before,” I answered. Eddie gasped. 
“We have to do something special for you. Actually, this could be fun,” Eddie replied as he left the apartment without a word. Rose stayed behind. 
“What’s the deal with the movie thing? How’s it possible that you haven’t seen a movie? Ever?” Rose questioned.
“We didn’t have a TV at home… The only times I ever watched television was at the hospital, and it was always the news or educational shows,” I replied. Rose softened as she often did when I said things she couldn’t relate to. I made her sad. I could tell by the way she looked at me sometimes. “I know movies are meaningful to Eddie because he grew up around the process, but are movies this—? Is it that strange?” 
Rose smiled at me. “You’re not strange. You’re unique, and we love that about you. You’re not like anyone else… It’d be different if you acted like a creep, but you’re a regular person. That being said, it’s weird that you’ve lived in the United States your whole life and never seen a movie,” Rose half-joked, “That shit’s insane.” 
I chuckled. “I wanted to surprise you guys for your kindness… And Eddie’s gone and done more for me,” I lightheartedly sighed, “At this rate, I’ll never be able to repay—.” “Bullshit. You’re a great roommate. You’re clean and quiet. You’re considerate and open-minded. You never complain about anything—. Damn… Maybe we don’t deserve you,” Rose teased. I thanked her and shook my head.
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batfam-big-bang · 2 years
FAQ: Reverse Version!
What is the Batfam Reverse Big Bang?
It's a collaborative event where writers, betas, and artists are paired up and work on a unique fic/art piece. Ours is focusing on the Batfam.
For this year, we're doing what's called a reverse big bang! Artists will get to create works first, and writers will work on fics inspired by those creations!
Can I participate?
Yes! Sign-ups open on January 1st for all participants! The form will be linked on our blog and here once open. You can find the general calendar here.
What about the regular bang? Why change?
We wanted to shake it up! Give the artists a chance to spark ideas! If you’re missing the regular bang, don’t worry! 2024 we’ll be back to normal. If this reverse bang goes well, and y’all like it, we’ll set up a rotation!
Can I sign up for more than one position?
Yes! You can sign up for however many positions you feel comfortable with.
What would cause me to be rejected from the bang?
We're reserving the right to shadowban applicants. However, if you aren't some kind of demon, you'll probably be fine. Things that might lead us to ban you are: ghosting from last year's bang, glorification of abuse/pedophila, etc.
Where can I see/read the fics/art?
For the fics, you can find them in our ao3 collection here. Our projects as a whole are displayed on this page linked here.
If I want to participate as a writer, how much do I have to write?
The minimum word count is 6k for all fics.    
Can I work on more than one fic/WIP submission?
At this point, we’re going to ask that you please stick to one fic! Just to make sure everyone has the time & doesn’t get burnt out. An exception would be for pinch hitters, in the case that another writer drops out. Pinch hitters will also have a lower min wc (~4k instead of 6k.)
What if I don’t like any of the WIPs?
No worries! This is our first time running this, same as it may be your first time participating, so if you’re a little apprehensive, we get it. We’ve purposely extended writer sign-ups to coordinate with when WIPs will be open for viewing! That way, you can get a feel for everything before you have to commit. 
Is there anything I'm not allowed to write?
We're not allowing batcest (includes shipping of any of the kids who share a guardian; aka jaytim, jaydick, etc. Ships with Barbara, though, who was never a Wayne, would be fine.) Also no sexually explicit content. No glorifying of unhealthy relationships (abuse, pedophilia/age difference where one was a minor, grooming, etc.) Artists may also note if there are particulars they aren’t comfortable having incorporated into the work.
This is also meant to be a collaborative effort between you and the artist! Please respect anything that your artist isn’t a fan of, as they should respect the same for you. Some artists may have a very clear idea going in, while others may be broad strokes; we encourage you to go for what will make you the most comfortable working with!
Is Explicit content allowed?
Mod Mel does a great job of summarizing this here, but short answer: no! At least, not sexually explicit content! We're allowing mature themes/violent content, but nothing that would be considered explicit!
What about crossovers?
AUs are fine, aka DC characters in another universe, such as Percy Jackson. However, crossovers with both DC characters & outsider characters interacting are not allowed.
How many batfam members am I supposed to include?
As many as you like! You can focus on one or several, on the main family or extended members. It's also alright if you include teams such as Teen Titans or Young Justice, or the Superfam. You can focus on any character, as long as they're a bat.
What type of art can I make?
Any kind of drawing (traditional, digital), original music, and edits/playlists/moodboards. The only requirement here is that there is a clear idea represented! If it’s too vague or unclear, we mods may reach out to you for revision. But, as a general rule, feel free to submit whatever medium you love working in!
Is there anything I'm not allowed to submit?
We're not allowing batcest (includes shipping of any of the kids who share a guardian; aka jaytim, jaydick, etc. Ships with Barbara, though, who was never a Wayne, would be fine.) Also no sexually explicit content. No glorifying of unhealthy relationships (abuse, pedophilia/age difference where one was a minor, grooming, etc.)
You will also be allowed to note in your WIP submission if there’s anything in particular you wouldn’t be comfortable with your writer incorporating. 
How many ideas can I submit?
Up to three! They just have to be submitted by Feb 7th. We can’t promise that they’ll all be selected by writers, but we can promise that at least one will!
WIPs submitted can be as rough as you want! But they should be discernible & understandable to viewers.
How many pieces do I need to create (per idea)?
It’s the same as we’ve run it in the past! If you're creating traditional/digital art, then only one per fic team you're on (although you can absolutely do more!) If you're creating playlists, edits, or moodboards, you'll need to create at least three, and we outline this more clearly here!
What’s expected for our WIP submission?
We’ll be asking for:
one-line explanation (ex: pit!Tim au, lovecraftian horror, batdad bonding, ect)
optionally: a space for you to ramble if you have a more specific idea!
"up to" rating (whether you’re comfortable with fics G, up to T, up to M)
major pairings/relationships, if any
anything that you DO NOT WANT written alongside your piece. be as particular as you need! we want everyone comfortable and excited about what they’re working on.
What if I've already agreed to work with a specific writer/artist?
Cool! Just let us know that y’all have a pre-established agreement during WIP submission.
Are there any requirements to be a beta?
Not really! Just try your best, be helpful, don't be a jerk to your writer. Don't underestimate the power of a cheerleader! If you want a sort of betaing guide, mod shelby made one for another bang, linked here.
Will there be anything different about our roles than last year?
Not really! The only thing that’s changed is the claiming window (3/4-3/5, after writers have claimed).
Anything else? Send us an ask!
Signups open Jan 1st, 2023!
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hecalius13 · 3 months
Hi! How you doing? You can call me Hecalius 🔮, I'm a queer man, 22 years old (sensitive topic, not used to it yet).
So, direct to the point, not to waste your time—this is what I'm looking for.
18+ writers, please. Minors, do not interact.
MxM, MxNB, with me playing M. I have a preference for writing tops, or top-leaning switches.
My replies reach the character limit, and I can achieve that more than twice in the same reply, but it takes me time. I can also do something smaller, around 3–4 paragraphs, to help with the flow.
If you are looking for rapid-fire, I'm not your guy. I work full time and will soon start college, which means I will reply when I can. I try to deliver one reply per day or every other day.
OCxOC, CCxCC, CCxOC, if the plot captivates my attention, I will be willing to do any of them.
Past tense and third person.
Limits: Non/dub con, bestiality, incest, underage, anything involving pee or poo.
Now that you have read this and are still interested, please read the rest.
I mainly role-play MxM or MxNB (trans characters are welcomed), with me playing the M. My comfort zone is playing the top, and I've been wanting to experience writing a top leaning switch. If we do double, I’d be willing to do a MxF.
My writing style is 3rd person, past tense, and the thoughts of my character are 1st person (in italic, on Discord). I'm willing to provide a sample if you would like to see it before we start plotting, no big deal. I do reach the Discord character limit or end up really close to it.
I like NSFW, and if you are ok with it, I would like to add it to our plot. But if you don't, that's completely fine, and we either skip it or don't add it at all.
I would like to let you know that English is not my first language. I take extra care with my replies to make sure there is no typo, that every sentence makes sense, and that it's all grammatically harmonic, but sometimes something slips off my sight.
My time zone is GMT-3. I have a full-time job and will start college soon, so my schedule is tight and not always in my favor. I will try to squeeze a reply out of my brain every day or every other day. Rapid fire is not with me. Sorry for that, darling.
I'm willing to do OCxOC, CCxCC, and CCxOC; we can do a fandomless roleplay, an AU, follow canon, and everything else we might want. Here are some fandoms I'm in: Attack on Titan; DC, Batfam, and Superfam, a little of the Arrowfam; Demon Slayer; Dune; GOT; HOTD; Jujutsu Kaisen; Marvel; Naruto; Percy Jackson; Red Queen; Red, White, and Royal Blue; Supernatural; The Boys; The Hunger Games; The Wheel of Time; Voltron; Vox Machina; X-Men 97; and others. If the fandom you want is not here, please mention it. Perhaps I forgot to add it, or I will watch or read it.
Limits are the same as above: non-dub cob, bestiality, incest, underage, anything involving pee or poo. I have some NSFW limits as well, and we can talk more about it in private.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
If There’s Nothing Missing In My Life…
Fandom: DC Comics, Superfam
Summary: Newly-emancipated popstar and child actor, Conner (screen name: Lucky) navigates high school and stardom on his own.
Chapters: 13/?
Characters: Conner Kent, Lois Lane, Roxy Leech, Rex Leech, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Hillary Chang
Additional Tags: Highschool AU, Celebrity AU, Conner Kent Needs a Hug, Conner Luthor, Lex Luthor is Conner’s Parent, Teen Angst, Angst, POV First Person, No Powers AU, Conner Kent-centric, Bisexual Conner Kent, POV Conner Kent, Protective Lex Luthor, Child Celebrity AU
Chapter Thirteen: Homecoming
When we arrived, Hillary reached for my hand. I smiled and leaned toward her to break the silence. “This is my first real date,” I confessed. Hillary blinked hard and frowned.
“It’ll be fun,” Hillary whispered, “Come on. Let’s get something to drink.”
I let her lead. I bought two cans of soda, and we sat on the bleachers. “When do I have to take you home?” I questioned.
“My brothers know the dance ends at midnight. I told them I’d be home around twelve-thirty and I’d call if we stopped to eat,” Hillary answered. We sat in silence for a while, watching as the other kids mingled and danced with each other, and I wondered when we’d join them. “I’ll dance with you after I drink this soda. You don’t have to wait for me, though”
I nodded. “It’s not—? It’s not rude?” I asked. She shook her head.
I hesitated, but she gestured for me to go ahead. I felt painfully self-conscious as I joined the other kids. I glanced at her, and she gave me a thumbs-up. “Did you know you’re on the ballot for junior year homecoming king?” someone shouted. I turned, looking for the source of the voice, and pointed to myself. “Yeah! I voted for you!”
I didn’t even vote for myself. I voted for a kid named Percy, who helped me study for my history midterm. I didn’t want that kind of attention. “Thanks! I voted for Percy!” I replied. They cocked their head, and Percy smiled and waved at me. I waved back and walked toward him. We danced and talked for a while, and he asked me if it was anything like I imagined it would be. “Nope!”
“It always feels awkward when you first arrive! Don’t worry!” Percy reassured me.
I danced for two or three songs before I joined Hillary on the bleachers. “Lucky, are you okay?” Hillary asked.
“Do you want to take a picture?” I questioned. Hillary nodded.
Hillary took my hand and led me to the line for the paper moon. She let go of my hand and shook her arms and legs out. I laughed at how weird it looked. “Loosen up,” Hillary laughed, “This is supposed to be fun.” She shook her limbs out again, and I joined her.
I laughed with her as we moved up in line, but the closer we got to the moon, the more nervous I felt. When we were first in line, I turned to walk away, and she grabbed my arms, talking me down without words. She made eye contact and nodded until I calmed down. “Hey,” Hillary whispered, “Hey… It’s okay.”
I took a deep breath, followed her to the paper moon, and we took a picture. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I smiled at my feet. The DJ announced the first slow song, and Hillary stood on her tiptoes. “Do you want to dance? Or is that—?”
“Sure!” Hillary smiled.
I took her to the dancefloor, and it hit me with the notion that she’d danced with other people before. “Have you ever dated?” I questioned. “Not asking in a—. I’m purely curious. I want to know what it’s like for you.”
“Well, yeah… It’s different for everybody,” Hillary replied.
“I don’t—. I’m so nervous, and I know you’re not judging me, but I’m doing everything wrong,” I explained.
“You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re figuring it out, and that’s fine. You’ll probably look back on this night and laugh because there was nothing to worry about,” Hillary reassured me. I relaxed and let myself breathe.
The music transitioned out of the slow song, and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. With everyone in the bathroom, I took a stall. I don’t think anyone noticed me go in because they talked about me. “It’s crazy. If Lucky Luthor could pull Hillary Chang—.”
“What do you mean?” the other guy asked.
“Don’t you remember all that crap she said about how bubbleheaded and dense kid celebrities are? She was so against him coming to our school, and he showed up, and now she’s his girlfriend! That’s nuts,” the first boy replied.
“Maybe there’s hope for all of us,” the second boy replied.
“Yeah… Or she’s using him—.”
“Not her… Come on. Everybody knows Hillary’s willing to give everybody a chance—.”
I left the stall and washed my hands. I felt sick to my stomach, and I wanted out, but I couldn’t leave Hillary at the dance. My dad would’ve been so disappointed if I did something so rude. So, I found her on the dancefloor and tried to discreetly excuse myself. “Hil, I don’t feel well,” I whispered in her ear. She shook her head as if she couldn’t hear me.
“What?” Hillary shouted.
“I feel sick,” I shouted. Hillary’s smile faded, and she took me aside, but I flinched away from her touch.
“What’s wrong?” Hillary asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t feel well. I think I’m gonna be sick,” I repeated.
“Oh, do you want to go home? I can—.”
“No. You should stay and have fun… I’ll have Roxy take you home at midnight. I can walk—.”
“Lucky, I can come with you—.”
“No, I um—. I just want to soak in the bath and go to bed,” I interrupted. I didn’t want to ruin her night, but I was angry with her. Our friendship felt false.
“Okay… I hope you feel better,” Hillary replied. I nodded and slipped away.
The second the cold air hit my face, I burst into tears. It hurt me. I took off the stupid tie and texted Roxy to tell her I went home and needed her to drop Hillary off after the dance.
I took a personal week before returning to school and didn’t answer anyone’s calls. I finished writing the last handful of songs for the album on Wednesday and rotted on my couch the rest of the week. I received a house call from Jake. I wanted to hide from him, but he knew I was home. I unlocked the door and let him in. “I know you’re not sick,” Jake stated, “What’s going on? Are you mad at my sister?”
“I don’t want to put you in the middle of—.”
“I’m not here to be in the middle. Hillary’s convinced that you’re sick. I won’t tell her differently, but you’ll have to face her eventually. Whatever it is, you should practice explaining now,” Jake interrupted as he plopped on my couch.
“Why didn’t she tell me she didn’t want me to go to her school? Why’d she let me think we were friends?” I asked.
“She didn’t know you… And then, she got to know you. Simple as that,” Jake replied like it was nothing.
“So you would’ve been cool with that?” I questioned.
“It’s not about how I feel… I can tell you that my sister isn’t pretending to like you. She gave you a fair chance because that’s who she is. Hillary might’ve said some hurtful things about you as a celebrity, but she’s had nothing but kind words to say since she met you,” Jake replied.
“Do you want something to eat?” I mumbled.
“No, thanks… Lucky, I’m sorry my sister hurt your feelings. I mean that,” Jake replied as he stood and touched my shoulder. I kept quiet about what happened and pretended nothing was wrong between Hillary and me when we saw each other again at school.
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