#supplements and vitamins and tea and cbd whatever etc etc yes all the little ritual habits too 🥲
sanchoyo · 1 year
tbh I think 1 reason I do struggle w jobs is my fucked sleep schedules. like I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s insomnia some weeks then sleeping too much other weeks but also, I CANNOT keep it consistent. I’ve tried alarms. I’ve tried VERY hard. But my body does this thing where it wants to go to bed a few hours later or earlier each night so one week I could be sleeping 10 PM- 7 AM then the next week I’m sleeping 4 AM- 12 PM with seemingly no reason!! Even when I do All the Popular Sleep Tips! Like no screens/lights or trying to wear myself out during the day (but not TOO close to sleeping time!) it’s ridiculous and every single time I’ve tried to explain it to a dr I get the stock ‘haha young people always want to stay up late and mess up your schedules it’s nothing to worry about!’ Sir this has been happening since I was a kid. Even when I went to public school I’d be fighting sleep on the bus and in class bc my brain decided it’s a week where we don’t sleep at night. And I figured back then maybe it was a teen thing but now I’m in my mid 20s and it’s still happening. Forever. Like what the fuck
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