#sure I'll tag that. maybe throw my little voice into the void. whatevs
spectershaped · 2 years
OK I finished Chaos;head. I guess? AFAIK there are basically three “routes” and I got all three, so I guess that’s how it goes (the ending is kind of...open-ended)
Well, there’s a lot of good bits in the game, but... probably not one of my favorites. Some of its ideas deserved a little more digging (or maybe more time in the oven), some of them are just kind of...gratuitously edgy (didn’t enjoy reading all of the New Gen homicides from a first person victim POV!) and I wish the girls were more fleshed out juuust a bit (I imagine that’s what C;H NOAH is for but that one sure doesn’t have a full English translation patch yet) in a way that would solidify the gap between Takumi’s otaku-brained ideas of human relationships and reality
I think CH is a bit of an odd duck thematically speaking because Takumi is very much a weirdo whose mental health and whose conception of reality has been slowly warped by otaku culture and social anomie, but the thing is. this IS a game that uses the delusion gimmick to give you lots of weird fanservicey CGs of teenage girls and also has a toggle where you can have them all wear underwear. So it feels like they wanna have their cake and eat it too
The game does the sci-fi horror stuff pretty well, and I think there’s some interesting thematic connections with reality and simulations and socially constructed realities but I’m not really much of a media critic so I can’t really say whether it congeals properly into a full picture. Maybe I’ll give this series a spin again - can’t judge their first shot too harshly, eh!
Also, because I love looking up the kinda stuff people do with this meme:
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