#sure ill put this in the main tags . sure ill be flamed alive
curiouskurona · 5 months
honestly im tired of ppl only lieking lizzie bc of her skill in the book of atlantic . im tired of " lizzie supportive " posts that basically boil down to " i know she may SEEM liek some stupid awful girly girl , but look , theres a part where shes bloody !! what a badass !! "
the book of atlantic arc definitely gave her character some more depth , i understand that some ppl may have lieked her moar once they got some insight into tha things she was dealing with . but it feels liek im expected to liek her in SPITE of her girliness . or rather , liek im only allowed to liek how cutesy and girly she is because , " dont worry , shes ALSO a fencer !! dont worry , she was really cool n fought zombies liek a badass !! "
ive been in tha fandom since liek 5th grade ( i dont remember what year that was , but im 24 now , to put things in perspective . ive been here for a while , i know what tha fandom has been liek ) . to be fair ive interacted w tha fandom on and off over tha years , but it rlly seems liek tha attitude has shifted from :
before boa : ew lizzie is so annoying i hate her shes just a stupid pink girly girl that gets in tha way of everything , ciel definitely hates her hahaha !! eew she sucks !!
after boa : aaaah omg lizzie is so wonderful shes such a badass , omg she looks cute AND can use a sword , slay queen !! give us girls who are feminine AND kick ass 😎
okay .. what abt girls that are just feminine tho ... why did she have to showcase her fencing skills and defend ciel from zombies to be allowed to be cutesy . why was she considered super annoying and awful before boa , but now its liek we can " let that part of her slide " bc we know what shes capable of on tha inside . its tha misogyny innit .
idk . i know how rancid this fandom was wen i was a kid , which is why i distanced myself from it in tha first place . so really i should be happy that lizzie is finally getting some love , that things are changing for tha better , and that tha fandom is looking liek a better and better place . but it still bothers me that ppl only support this idea of lizzie as a cute badass . that when she was only known as a girly girl , everyone hated her . for what .. ? she never did anything to deserve so much hate , unless you count being a cutesy 13-14 year old girl a crime . but now that shes displayed that shes capable of violence , tha tone has shifted into loving her . okay .
idk . ranty post is moar of a diary / journal entry lol . and again i understand ppl who werent fans of her bc she didnt have much depth turning around and lieking her moar bc of how tha manga went into her struggles as a person . but tha ppl who hated her for being " annoying " suddenly kissing her ass bc she got to use her fencing skills and now they wont shut up about it ,, buzz off . can you appreciate something else about her please . shes kind and cheerful and cute and hardworking but all i ever hear is " wow , girls can wear dresses and fight at tha saem tiem !! "
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foruneyti · 4 years
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A Curse of Frost and Fear (x) Loki x Reader
“I am afraid to admit that there is no one here but us, yet you have  nothing to fear from me. I have no ill intentions in mind. Please, don’t  be alarmed – I am aware that the vastness of the empty castle can feel  more like a prison than any brick cell, and that being away from home, alone and confused, can feel like torture. It is all that I can offer.”   Pairing: LokixReader (reader is unnamed, she/her) Rating: Explicit Tags: Beauty and the Beast AU, slow burn, castle life Warnings: Blood, more tags will be added
Chapter 2: Awoken
The dreamless sleep faded, and a headache took its place together with confusion. Was she… was she still alive? Was this what was Beyond? Then the ache began to spread, down her face and neck, to her arms and chest and down her legs to the very tips of her toes - but the worst came when she tried to move: searing hot pain shot through her abdomen and her thigh, where the sword had sliced through her flesh, and she cried out in agony. Everything hurt, but it felt… better, somehow. Not as bad as it had been. And she no longer felt deeply exhausted either – tired, still, but not exhausted. She tried to open her eyes. They were swollen, and her sight was a little blurry at first, with tears gathering in the corners and slipping down her cheeks; yet slowly her vision sharpened and her confusion only grew. Rich green fabric. To the side an ornately carved post, connected to the headboard that was made from the same dark wood. A… canopy bed? Her body then began to make sense of the sensations above and below: thick, warm sheets, a big pillow, and a mattress that was neither too soft nor too rigid. Biting through the pain she slowly pushed herself up on her elbows. Where the fuck was she? And who had brought her here? Why had they saved her, if this wasn’t what Death entailed? It was almost absurd how abundant the room was in every sense. There were pelts at the foot-end of the bed, visibly of fine quality. The night stands had dizzying details carved into the wood, the knobs of the drawers were made of some kind of ivory or bone, and she couldn’t even start to describe the fine craftsmanship in the wooden panelling that covered the bottom part of the walls; leaving the top part for beautiful wallpaper that was occasionally hidden behind masterful paintings and gorgeous tapestries depicting all kinds of sceneries. A rug covered part of the wooden floor, and flames danced in the stone fireplace on which all kinds of expensive-looking trinkets were displayed. She moved with a groan and positioned herself in such a way that her back could lean against the headboard, granting her a better view of the room. Curtains were drawn in front of the windows, but she could tell they must be massive. There was a big writing desk placed against the wall, between two bookcases that stood far taller than she would ever be able to reach, and there were three doors – all closed – of which the double one in the centre of the wall across the bed must be the main entrance to the room. She guessed one of the other two would lead to an ensuite bathroom. She would need to relieve herself soon, if she managed to get herself out of the bed, and she would need to find something to eat, too; her stomach was growling like she hadn’t eaten in days. As she let her eyes wander more she noticed a tray on the low table that stood close to the fireplace, and her eyes widened. It was as if her needs had shaped reality. Fruit – all sorts of them – and bread with seeds and two elegant glass pitchers, one with water and the other with some kind of juice, and next to them a ceramic pot with a lid on it. Would it be soup? Or stew? She didn’t care what it was, as long as it was edible. There were more small containers but her mouth was watering and she could no longer wait. As careful as she could be she pushed her legs off the bed, threw the blanket aside, turned to sit on the edge, and tested the ground beneath her feet. It was then that she noticed she was wearing a nightgown, and her wounds had been bandaged. There was no red staining the quality linen. Surely she had still been bleeding? Then the linen must have been changed... How long had she been unconscious? And who had done all of this? It was a relief to notice that she was still wearing her own underthings; whomever had taken care of her had not invaded her privacy more than necessary. Gods, it must have been quite the work… Well, whomever it was, she would probably meet them soon, and she would thank them for their generosity – but first she would eat, relieve herself, and then clean herself up if she could find water somewhere. Maybe she should save the water from the pitcher. With one hand on the headboard for support and the other on the edge of the mattress she pulled and pushed herself up onto her feet, and though the pain that shot through her body made her see stars, she was determined to get to either the comfortable looking armchair left of the table, or the divan in front of it. Or maybe just the floor, that would be fine too, as long as she could reach the tray. Careful. One step, then another, hand moving to the nightstand, then letting go and standing without support. With her arms slightly spread for balance she made her way over to the low table and sat herself down as slowly as she could so as not to affect the wounds. It wasn’t comfortable, but the food was distraction enough. It almost made her laugh in giddy disbelief when she found out the little tub she had seen contained a beautiful whitish-yellow butter, and the other some kind of fruity preserve. This luxury was beyond anything she had ever seen in her entire life! She barely thought about whether the food might be poisoned or drugged and dug in without restraint. It wouldn’t make sense anyway. Why would they save her only to mess her up again? Unless it was some kind of weird game; you never knew what kind of people were out in the woods. The woods. The people who had been waiting for her. Were they still there? Had they been found, taken captive, killed? Had they continued travelling without her when she hadn’t shown up? Had they been granted the same luxury as her? Were they here, too, but in different rooms? She forced herself to push those questions away. First things first. So once most of the food had been devoured she stood up again and gave the tray one last look. She had left a few things for later. Should she hide it, or take it with her in some kind of makeshift bag? What if someone took it away when she was in the bathroom? She wasn’t willing to risk these priceless gifts vanishing the moment she looked away, like it was magic instead of truly there, and she knew she would probably be hungry again soon. Her body would need a lot to fully heal. After a few more seconds of running through her options she decided to leave the leftovers where they were. Surely her saviours would provide her with more? It was a baseless assumption – for all she knew they could send her on her way the moment she stepped out of this room and consider their hospitality overstayed. She didn’t know how long they had been taking care of her already, after all. Then it was time to decide which door she should go for. The doors were both on the same side of the room, in the wall opposite from the fireplace. They weren’t far apart, with only a dark wooden console table with above it mirror parting them, so opening the wrong one wouldn’t be much of a detour; but it would suck nonetheless. She had drank almost half of the pitcher filled with juice, and her bladder was begging her to be quick.   The right one, then. And she was lucky: as she opened the door, white marble flooring greeted her. In the centre of the room stood a bath bigger than she had ever seen one. It was made from the same material, which made it look as if the floor and the bath had been cut from the same piece; and the countertops of the wooden cabinets matched. The bath was full, too, and the water was still warm! When she walked over she found out – rather clumsily – that the thin, three tiered table standing beside the marble tub actually stood on little wheels and could be moved, and if she had put too much pressure on it the colourful glass vials on top would have toppled over at the sudden movement and shattered on the floor. There were bars of soap as well, and a glass jar with some kind of crystals in it. Was she allowed to use all of this? She continued to her destination on the other side of the room first, not bothering to close the curtains to the ceiling-high window on her way there, and sighed in relief when she reached it. The window didn’t offer much of a view anyway because of the weather. She doubted anyone would be able to see her. She stared outside as she answered nature’s call, but the white, thick fog and the icy patterns on the framed glass only told her what she already knew: outside it was yet another cold winter’s day. After cleaning herself carefully yet thoroughly beside the bath – trying to get in had proven to be far too painful - and even taking the liberty of spraying on some perfume it was time to find something proper to wear. Had her caretakers thought of that too? She made her way out of the bathroom and glanced around, but found no sign of any garments having been prepared. Leaving in just her nightgown wasn’t really an option, though… Yet exhaustion then washed over her, and the ache returned. Perhaps it was best if she rested some more before she went exploring in the hopes of finding her saviours. Yeah… resting sounded good. The canopy bed looked beyond alluring and the moment she crawled under its sheets she felt how gravity pulled on her, how the crackling of the fire sung like a lullaby, and how the soft pillows shushed her to sleep.
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