#surprise surprise burnerswap mike has some pretty extreme separation anxiety. :t
livelivefastfree · 7 years
you've drawn baby muck fusion, normal muck fusion, nightmare muck fusion SO! concept: hot older muck fusion (alternatively, tired burnerswap muck fusion)
what, like, from the timeswap-boyfriends thing?  are you encouraging me to fuse THE HOT FUTURE BOYFRIENDS
………..oh no.
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OH NO?????!!!!
((Also: I drew sad tired Burnerswap!Muckles fusion but it turned out really sad)) (like most things I draw about them tbh)  ((so I’m sticking it down here))
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their circumstances are a whole other type of sad when their fusion is a person who loves being himself and hasn’t been allowd to exist for a long, long time because now Chuck and Mike and their fusion are ALL sad old men and it’s terribly distressing all around
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((I figured the booster scars would carry over somehow just because (at least in Chuck’s head) they’re such a huge blow against their relationship and breaking his promise not to use them is something he feels like he can’t make up for))
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((for the first time in a very, very long time, they fuse and almost immediately de-stabilize and un-fuse again, to the intense distress of at least two of the three parties involved))
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