" -- you took his Rubix cube ? that's beyond low. "
shaking his head.
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fangwebs · 1 year
tap dances aggressively
... it's 2 in the morning. the hell is your problem.
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iobartach · 1 year
@surpriseattack asked:
❛ Do you mind? I think you could use the distraction. ❜ Noir pipes up from his spot within the shadows just above the floating platform, crouched on one of the beams ; a little corner in the shadows that he had found for himself after having gained some familiarity with '99's universe. Noir often settled here in Miguel's office, having found it to be one of the more if not the most quiet place in the vicinity. When there wasn't a private meeting where he silently excused himself, Noir settled down in the dark space and organized the mess of information from his head onto his notepad from his day of investigation in his universe. Despite his focus on his own work, however, the occasional noise still broke his concentration at times and he's heard O'Hara play the same recording of themselves and a little girl a plenty. So much so that Noir had gotten the gist without having to look at the actual moving picture. So he pipes up one day, letting his presence be known except this time he's holding a paper tray with two warm coffees. He's looking down at Miguel waiting for instruction.
For so long, he had helmed the same post. Never once did he shirk his responsibilities, nor back down from a fight. Whatever life saw fit to throw at him, he was there to seize it with both hands, face it fully, accepting whatever the outcome would be -- as well as the consequences. He felt convinced he could handle any situation...
Only to be proven wrong in the worst way possible.
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Encircled by the amber glow of various holo-screens, he kept a silent vigil, hands flicking and fingers articulating various gestures as he worked his way through the sea of information at his disposal. With the achievement of interdimensional travel in his time, there was much to pour over, but out of the sample he had open, only a single file drew his attention. It was a paused video clip, the thumbnail showing a glimpse of himself and the daughter he hardly knew. By then, she should've already lost her father, should've been moving on -- until he had the temerity to interfere. To meddle with established canon of a dimension that he never belonged to in the first place.
A world that had since ceased to exist.
To this very day, the follies of his selfish enterprise remain with him, driving his every action. Never again would he let anyone across the multi-verse make the same mistake. Never again would the death knell chime, heralding the loss of another world.
Caught up in the memory of his past mistakes, Miguel was only made aware of Noir's company when the man spoke up. Lifting his gaze towards the rafters, crimson hues easily distinguish the nebulous form of the man from the surrounding shadows, making up for his lack of a Spider-Sense with enhanced vision instead. To his own surprise, he found that he lacked the energy needed to dispatch Noir with the usual vitriolic instruction, or even eject a reprimand for being disturbed unannounced.
In truth, with the happy memories of Gabriella fresh in his mind, O'Hara struggled to muster any of his usually prickly personality. So, when the other offered the promise of a hot drink, he accepted, indicating with a jerk of head that he wished to invite Noir down to his level, turning away from the paused video as he did so.
He could no longer compose himself enough today to stare at it any longer.
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sparkveins-a · 1 year
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"CHADCULA!!!!!!!" miles was laughing so much at @surpriseattack 's joke.
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wallcravvler · 1 year
🍒 🥝
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🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?
This one's a bit of a weird topic. Ever since he was 15, Peter has been something of an angry social outcast with a huge chip on his shoulder, of course, that all changed after the bite, Uncle Ben and his whole life as Spider-Man. What I'm getting at is that Peter is naturally a loner, to the point other heroes have commented on it, but in a funny twist, Peter does want to have friends and I think that, on some level, he desires friends whom he can talk to or hang out both in and out of costume. He doesn't actively go looking for friends, he doesn't see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend. It kind of just... Happens. I mean, the Fantastic Four? Logan? Daredevil? She-Hulk in some cases, even the of Hulk. They've all become friends after some rough patches but Peter certainly didn't seek them out for that. It just happened!
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits,  interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?
Well, most of Peter's interests were considered unusual when he was in high school. But after that, college and adult life, they're not really unusual. Now, habits? Oh yes, he has a few that are unusual, for example, whenever he's deep in thought or whatever, he tends to pace around the room. The only difference is that he goes up the walls, walks on the ceiling, then the other wall and finally back to the floor. He also talks to himself out loud, which is often accompanied by his pacing all over the room. And honestly, he's gotta hide these things, it's just a fact of his life.
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4r4chn10 · 1 year
@surpriseattack followed!
Raining... Of course it was raining. That made his plan to snatch a newspaper to check the date a little less doable. The cars below and much of the signage on businesses and billboards were what would pass in his timeline as vintage. He brushed his now-drenched hair out of his face and leapt from the rooftop to swing to another building to hide under a balcony for some semblance of shelter.
Of course it wasn't until he maneuvered himself under the balcony that he discovered there was already somebody clinging to the wall.
".... Uh... Hi." Is all his brain could manage.
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sparkveins · 1 year
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he hasn't seen this much food in so long, sure it was a normal meal for people in other universe's, but for 42? it was a feast.
"you really mean this is all for me? no joke?"
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aviationlover4life · 2 years
Prince of the Stars / Chapter 9
Surprise Attack
After the friendly one on one duel against Prince Lotor and Erza Scarlet, there was an alarm that blared through the castle, alerting everybody on board. Prince Lotor, the Paladins, and the two wizards immediately gathered up on the castle bridge. "What's going on?" Shiro asked.
"There's an unknown anomaly approaching the castle, and the scanners can't seem to identify it," Princess Allura explained while looking over the holographic displays in front of her.
"Holy Quiznak! It's power levels are off the charts!" Coran exclaimed, looking on from his station.
"It looks like a dragon," Keith commented. "It is, in fact that's -" before Jellal could finish his statement, an alarm sounded and a display of red lights popped up on the screens. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The alarm system sounded in an autotuned voice. The dragon opened it's jaw and a ball of energy, which came shooting towards the Castle of Lions.
"Particle barrier UP!" Allura shouted, and a few seconds later, a glowing hexagonal shield quickly enveloped the ship.
Just a split second after the particle barrier enveloped the ship, it was overwhelmed by an energy beam twice as powerful as a Galran ion cannon. Even more alarms blared and the screens soon showed that the particle barrier was taking critical damage.
"We're about to lose the particle barrier!" Allura shouted. The ship's defenses then kicked into overdrive and diverted all shields to the bow.
"If this keeps up, the ship will be destroyed!" Coran shouted.
Jellal looked up at the flashing screens and his eyes narrowed, "Your Majesty, let me up on the Crystal Matrix. I have an idea."
"Are you sure?" she asked the blue haired mage and then looked to Erza. She gave a determined nod, "You can trust him Princess," the requip mage reassured her. Then the ship jolted violently, knocking everyone to the floor. The force of the jolt caused Allura to fall backwards off the Crystal Matrix platform.
Erza charged forward and caught Allura, enveloping the Princess's upper body and head in her arms just before she slammed into the floor.
"Are you alright Princess?" Erza asked.
"Yes, thank you," Allura said. The warning system blared again. WARNING! PARTICLE BARRIER CRITICAL! Allura and Erza got up off the floor.
Jellal asked her again, "May I proceed, Princess?"
"Please do, and hurry. I don't know how much longer the particle barrier is going to hold."
"Understood," Jellal stepped up on the Crystal Matrix platform, placed his hands on both the glowing pillars, and focused on transferring his magic energy into the castle defense systems. As Jellal began to transfer his magic into the castle defense systems, a golden glow enveloped him.
Everyone tensed up and prepared for the worst, that is until the sustained blast that was overwhelming the already critical particle barrier, suddenly weakened and then stopped. Everyone except for Jellal looked up and saw the turquoise barrier flicker out and then watched as a beautiful golden barrier replaced it. A groan was heard and everyone looked over to see Jellal panting and sweating profusely.
"Fire the blasters," Jellal panted.
Coran quickly lined up the blasters, locked in on the dragon, and fired.
The castle jolted slightly as a beam of pure golden energy shot out. As it shot out, the barrier opened up and allowed the beam the freedom to shoot out into open space. The beam struck the dragon with such force that it put off a shockwave which slammed into the barrier, causing it to flicker.
This was the last straw for Jellal though. The blue haired mage sighed and fell backwards. Keith rushed forward and caught him before he hit the floor. Without so much as a second thought, Shiro immediately took charge.
"Princess, we need to open a wormhole out of here while we still can,"
"Right," Allura took her place on the Crystal Matrix platform and focused on powering up the teladuv. A glowing circular portal appeared in front of the ship a few seconds later and Coran throttled up the engines, powering the ship into the wormhole.
Once the ship exited the wormhole, Erza rushed over to her collapsed husband and gently took him from Keith into her arms.
"Oh Jellal," she murmured and cradled his upper body, holding him close. After about 5 minutes of awkward silence, Shiro finally broke it.
"I can't imagine how much trouble the universe would be in if Zarkon got his hands on that kind of power." he commented. "Are you talking about that dragon we just escaped from?" Keith asked.
"Unfortunately, yes," Shiro sighed. Jellal then stirred and his eyes cracked open to reveal Erza's beautiful face smiling down at him.
"Hello my beautiful angel..." he murmured with goofy smile. "Jellal, you're always so cute like this," Erza said as she ruffled his cerulean hair. There was a collective awww that went around the room, causing both wizards to blush.
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mpxesther · 9 months
Surprise Attack
Esther had a day off from work, and she had planned to spend the day binging on one of her new dramas that she had been watching. It was one adapted from a novel she loved, and having been so busy running around, she had not been able to devote the time to it that she wanted to. So, she had lounged comfortably on her couch, engrossed in one of her dramas while sipping on a hot chocolate that she had made using Leto's gift.
When she heard the knock at her door, she was rather confused. She had not expected any visitors, though Esther never cared whether her friends gave her a warning if dropping by. So, she took a second to pause her show and set her drink down before she hurried to the door. Esther did not even take a moment to see who was at it, and the demigoddess immediately regretted so after opening the door.
Her heart dropped. Surprise seeping onto her visage, though it was the look of hurt in her eyes as she once again saw Minry. She had managed to escape their last encounter, and she had little hope in doing so again. "Go away!" Was all she could exclaim before she attempted to shut the door.
However, of course, it would not be that simple.
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hammrspace · 1 year
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@surpriseattack sent: ❛ come on. it can’t be that bad. ❜
↳ 200 random dialogue prompts
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° • ❝ yanno, it kinda feels like you're trying to hurt my feelings when you say it like that. ❞ gloved hooves flick the brim of the detective's hat as he replies, a light emphasis on his words. he isn't serious, not really. porker has thicker skin than that-- and he sure as heck isn't gonna waste fake tears on a joke he figures would go straight over noir's head (it takes a lot to cry on command! the payoff just isn't there.)
noir has a point, especially if they're comparing universes- he can agree on that much. but that doesn't mean he can't be upset about it anyway.
❝ listen, buddy, i get my dimension isn't all doom and gloom, ❞ how polite of you, porker, ❝ but that doesn't mean i don't have my own problems. ❞ and with a huff, porker folds his arms, now more laying over noir's shoulder than perched on it. did he pick the wrong person to complain at? maybe. but he's here now, and it'd be a pain to go somewhere else, so here he'll stay.
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cerealsnail · 2 years
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SURPRISEATTACK last doodles of 2022!!! I love this guy so much words don't do it justice
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Noir is not allowed to die. I will have Carnage break character to save him if I MUST!!!
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fangwebs · 1 year
❛ 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗' 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚠 𝚊 𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚎, 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜. 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚖𝚎. ❜
precise rationale escapes him, even as he tries to reason with himself ── as the leader overseeing spider society, activities of priority individuals would naturally be a source of concern. even of those not directly involved or actively participating in association; so it's not too far off the mark in the claim that Miguel wouldn't have kept tabs on them, either. ❝ oh? ❞ came the mocking interjection. this close, Noir can't see him offer a smile that curves his lip hard and sharp and almost malicious, but it can be heard in his tone regardless.
there's something else there too, an edge in the way he moves to step around him, completely overwhelming in presence and size. it's deliberate, relaxed ── circling the other like some kind of predatory animal appraising its game. ❝ only one way to find out. ❞ a pause, and then, smug and self-deprecating: ❝ isn't that the point to which you've determined to push me? ❞
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iobartach · 1 year
@surpriseattack asked: 'i’ve got you!'
An explosion's dissipating clamour reverberates in his ears as he descends, in freefall. Whisked off his feet by the explosion's blast radius, with the wind whistling past him in a rush, he feebly paws at the air, like a blinded man trying to catch hold of an object to steady himself against. Summoning his webbing had already failed, the message getting sidetracked somewhere along the way in the translation of conscious thought into physical, possibly due to sustaining head trauma. He had no recollection of sustaining a blow, but such didn't count for a lot; in fact, just the sheer thought of thinking alone, of setting his mind to the small task of saving himself, seemingly demanded a disorderly proportioned effort.
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With nowhere to go but down, Miguel clenched his jaw, trying and failing to keep his current feelings of annoyance and inadequacy from manifesting upon his hidden mug. Before conceding to his seemingly inevitable fate, crimson hues, once narrowed, drew large at the sound of another's voice, at first distant, but growing in volume fast, as if--
Oomph! A grey smear, moving faster than he could react in his current, concussed state, closed in around him, snatching him out of the air. Thrown for a loop, his head screaming in protest from the wave of disorientation felt, before Miguel had time to drag his senses awake, he realised one particular fact immediately;
He was no longer falling. In fact, he was -- being embraced?
What the spark was happening here?
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sparkveins-a · 1 year
@surpriseattack gets a starter for 42!
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the stup of his hand was shoved through the gloved claw before looking up at the other with a shrug of his shoulders.
"you get use to it after a while."
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redhead-reporter · 7 months
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goooooooooood morning my loves, welcome to mj's 5th favorite holiday ! (yes, you get a cookie if you can guess the other four but that's not important right now ...)
today's a day full of KISSES for people who sent them in, but i wanted to start by sending a little love to the people who make it so fun to be here. tumblr, as we all know, can be a ROUGH place sometimes. the rpc can be brutal and lonely and weird. but the people under the cut always make it BETTER just by being here - they make me smile, laugh and remember WHY i love this hobby to begin with.
they're immensely talented and incredibly kind, to me and to everyone around them. they CELEBRATE other people's wins on the dash and support them through their losses. they send so much LOVE into the rpc that they deserve to get a little back to start this day ❤️ loooooooove you guys, happy valentine's day !
@underude && @webheadedhero && @labwebs && @localwebslingers && @blindbastard && @tellemidied && @webgreat && @gwenbiote && @inhcritance && @osb7 && @eideticspider && @bruz3r && @razorfst && @watsonjackpot && @fangier && @hebled && @denydefeat && @righteousruin && @danversiism && @darehearts && @prcspcr && @overclocks && @gammaragee && @jademight && @jensationals && @loyalpromise && @webxfshame && @untodeath && @fightwing && @plasmablasts && @cardiomyapathy && @svpe && @surpriseattack && @altrxisme && @malka-lisitsa && @iobartach && @sunxsin && @kryptonfuture && @spllledwlne
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