#surprised i have very little opinion of hte grimmons jossing
creatrixanimi · 28 days
I dont think i ever posted my feelings on the new rvb season here. This will be kinda ramble-y because its been a few days. So I thought it was ok while watching but i feel like thinking about it for any amount of time kinda makes it seem worse and worse. Short review is: i wish they didnt just rehash the recollection arc but worse. I know why they decided to do it because in theory tucker getting meta-fied is kinda compelling but in practice it really did just turn into the recollection arc but somehow everyone was even less competent than they were then? (simmons and grif did NOT suck this much ass at fighting during the recollection arc. them getting beat up over and over in the same way wasted SO much time where story could have gone). Wash also kinda didnt do anything besides jump off a cliff for comedic effect? lmao? Theres a lot more i could say about how all the characters besides caboose were utilized in extremely inefficient ways but ill just leave it at that. If you go in "no thoughts, head empty" the season was fun to watch, especially the very beginning but it kinda went nowhere and everyone was kinda wasted because of the lack of time both for production and the short runtime. A very "you tried". I respect the effort but am sad that it didnt turn out to be a miraculous hit. Oh well we still have all the past seasons to rewatch so i guess its not the end of the world. PS before i forget: Caboose was very good he carried the season 100% he's always the mvp. love him.
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