#survival horror au blog got revived also
schrodingersfic · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs (or as many peeps as you want, really- ‘tis just for fun!)
started by @wipbigbang and tagged by @bubblegumbeech ( who I’m copying in the ‘making it a new post so it doesn’t get too long’ department )
( also switching to this blog for this for organization purposes )
But! Here’s everything I got ( except my IB fic obvs ), which, like my beloved before me, is mostly DP, but you’ll find a fair share of other fandoms too! ( also hooo boy some of these date as far back as 2014 )
Lackluster ( but oh how you shine )
Lackluster ( BOHYS ) ( it’s the same fic but diff content in a diff doc )
Losing my Religion
Take me to Church
Seven Devils
The Impromptu Astronomy ‘Lesson’
Corpse Reviver
Where the Veil is Thin
Proof of Life
Proof of Life Ch 2
Proof of Life Ch 3
Proof of Life Ch 4
Ghost Breath Ch 3
Forgive Me, Mother
My Limb ( Don’t Let Go )
BNHA Dark Ages DP crossover
Trick-and-Treat Mix-Up
Deku’s Declassified Zombie Survival Guide
Gravedigger, Seamripper
I guess I’ll sleep when I am—
Phantasmagoria Ch 2
Sleigh of Hand
pp prompt
Can We Laugh About The Past?
Laugh in the Face of Tragedy
How Many Feet Down ( Until I Drown )
Ch 2 How Many Feet Down
They’re Still Here
They’re Still Here Ch 2
Otgw idea
DP Horror Attempt
idk silly su au ideas?
bh6 x suf
Angst voltron idea
Voltron sorta time-travel au
gf boku dake no inai machi au
starts not long after on the run
dp phantom of the opera
As for tagging I uhhhh think most everyone I know who writes fic has already been tagged? I don’t recall seeing @kawaiijohn tagged tho ( sorry if u already have dante! ) and @inabsurd ( hi hi! I don’t think you know about this blog, but t’is me, Raven, and this is my seldom used writing blog )
3 notes · View notes
Kaito Kid’s Miraculous Night
Part One
Part Two 
Word Count: 2,180
Summary: Kaito Kuroba has been searching for the Pandora gem ever since he discovered it’s possible existence and implication in his father’s death. Upon learning some rumors from his friend Akako about gems that grant people mystical and transformative powers, known as Miraculous Stones, he decides that it’s his duty to go to Paris and investigate. Tagging along with Hakuba, who happened to be going anyway due to a case, Kaito hopes that what little information he’s been able to glean is enough of a lead to help him hunt down the most interesting gems he’s had the opportunity to target yet.
*Author’s Note*: Second part of my intro of sorts for an AU started by @edorazzi and I connecting the Magic Kaito and Miraculous Ladybug (PV) universes. Notes are pretty much the same as before. I hope you enjoy.
(both parts also available on my Ao3 account, found on my blog links)
Before their lips could meet, something grabbed his wrist. The grip was tight, tight enough to hurt, and whoever had decided to interrupt them twisted Kaito’s arm behind his back and kicked him to his knees. Kaito did his best to spin and kick his assailant, but the stranger kept hold of his arm and simply spun him around, pinning Kaito on his back. He gasped for breath under the weight of the hard black boot that stomped on his chest. Tonight was just not his night, it seemed, and as he tried to focus on this new assailant he silently cursed himself for not being more cautious.
“Stay away from her,” a deep voice warned, laced with venom. “I don’t know who you think you are or what you think you’re doing, but my Lady isn’t someone to be messed with.”
Ghostly green eyes stared daggers into Kaito’s from behind a black mask. This new stranger’s face was framed by a fluffy halo of gold and topped off with…were those cat ears? “And neither am I. Ladybug, are you alright?”
Her name was actually Ladybug. Kaito couldn’t tell if he wanted to laugh, but even if he did, his struggle for breath against the weight on his chest prevented it. Was this guy going to turn out to be something like her familiar? He had called her “my Lady,” so it wasn’t such a farfetched idea. Kaito knew enough about witches and their lore from Akako to assume that it wouldn’t be out of place for a magical girl with immortal gems in her ears to have one; although they generally weren’t anthropomorphic, and even more rarely this human.
“I’m fine, Chat, you don’t have to keep holding him down,” she gestured to the pained expression on Kaito’s face. “I don’t think he’s any real threat, or if he is an akuma, he’s a lot more…present than the others.”
Akuma? A demon? What did that have to do with anything? Or perhaps that was part of the explanation for their earlier opponent’s invisible powers. What kind of world was Kaito getting into, what realm was he on the cusp of discovering, and was it safe for him to dare to dive in? He didn’t know if he really had a choice; he had to avenge his father, and he had to make sure to shatter the Pandora gem before Snake or his employer could get their hands on it. He hadn’t come all this way to be scared away by the thrill of something beyond typical comprehension. After all, he was a master of illusion and mind bending tricks himself.
“Agency can be more dangerous than a puppet just following orders,” the boy Ladybug had addressed as Chat replied. “I don’t think we should just let him go, especially if he’s after the Miraculous. You know only Butterfly and his cronies know about them.”
“He didn’t attack me, though, and he doesn’t seem to actually know what the Miraculous are or what they can do,” Ladybug explained. “He told me he’s been looking for them, but I haven’t gotten a satisfactory explanation why out of him yet.”
“Does it matter? Miraculous hunters are the enemy, and he looks just as ridiculous as the other akumas.”
“Look who’s talking,” Kaito huffed, and Chat ground his boot against Kaito’s diaphragm.
“Let’s just round up Mime’s stolen goods and return them before--”
Their time was up in an instant. The Mime stirred from his temporary paralysis, launching an attack Ladybug barely managed to dodge with a backflip. Chat ducked to the side and Kaito scrambled backwards before he could be targeted, rummaging in his pocket for his card gun as he got to his feet. His eyes zeroed in on the weapon lying near the edge of the roof, recalling that Ladybug had knocked it out of his hands.
“This is just not my night,” he grumbled out loud, removing a deck of cards from his pocket instead and tossing a few at the villain as he sprinted behind him.
“Don’t let him get away!” Ladybug warned as she returned to a bout of intense hand to hand combat with the Mime, Chat coming to her aid with some sort of black aura in his hand. “Not after all he’s seen!”
Chat changed his direction, targeting Kaito with a feline ferocity in his eyes that sent a chill up Kaito’s spine. Kaito slid to the ground, snatching his gun and turning it on the cat boy. Chat paused for a moment, examining the gun before a light of realization came to his eyes. He took a chance that cards were the only thing it could shoot, racing at Kaito with the aura of bad luck in his hand primed for attack. Kaito rolled out of the way and watched in undisguised horror as Chat’s hand struck the roof, the black aura in his hand extending from the point of impact and making everything it touched decay and crumble. Kaito rushed away from the zone of destruction, trying to remember his composure amidst the shock and panic swirling in his head. He hadn’t faced something this dangerous or formidable since he had dealt with Spider’s mind altering abilities.
“Watch out!”
Kaito whipped around, his eyes widening as the Mime set up a weapon he was familiar with enough to recognize it just by movement. He did his best to open his glider, but time was on none of their sides tonight. Just as he had clicked the belt into place the bomb exploded, sending him and the Miraculous holders arcing off the building. His ears rung at a maddening frequency as Kaito struggled to shake off his daze and at least glide himself to the ground. Everything spun in an overwhelming vacuum as Kaito fought with his gliding mechanism, the wind’s howl and ringing from the explosion assaulting his ears. He had fallen from greater heights and survived, but he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to shake himself out of this state fast enough.
Arms slipped under him, cradling him against a chest, and in the next moment Kaito felt still. He opened his eyes, trying to force them to focus as he observed the form of the red and black heroine that had given the warning call. Once again his savior, Kaito wondered if he was even going to be able to try to steal the gems in her ears without feeling immense guilt after all she’d done for him. She set him on his feet, and he brushed himself off and adjusted his monocle and hat, raising an eyebrow as he noticed the two heroes standing before him with crossed arms and tapping feet.
He cleared his throat. “Thank you for saving me, but I don’t think this is something you’re going to be able to wipe from my memory.”
Ladybug and Chat exchanged a glance Kaito couldn’t decipher, and he didn’t take the time to as his eyes strayed once more to Ladybug’s magical earrings, also noticing an equally bright green ring nestled on one of Chat’s fingers. Had Ladybug mentioned something about more than one person having magical stones like hers? He had probably zoned out for that part, and he also knew that it was the only explanation that made sense for the display Kaito had just witnessed. This was going to get even more interesting, although the situation had already greatly surpassed anything Kaito had expected to discover.
While Chat’s ring was certainly interesting, Kaito’s main focus was still Ladybug’s striking and mystical red Miraculous Stones. Without holding them up to the moonlight, he wouldn’t be able to tell if they were the exact hue he was looking for, but it was the closest he thought he’d stumbled upon thus far. He balled his hands into fists, reminding himself that he had made a lot of progress tonight, alongside wasting a lot of opportunities. He was fatigued and there was an endless tangle of thoughts tumbling around his head. The best course of action would probably be to withdraw and make better, more sophisticated plans to secure the gems at a later date. He didn’t think he had it in him to try to go up against Chat and Ladybug in an attempt to swipe them now, and to a point he did owe them for all the times they’d saved him from acute peril this evening.
“What do you think we should do with him, my Lady?” Chat inquired, ignoring Kaito’s nonchalance towards the situation. “We could always put a tracker on him, or turn him into the police.”
“For what?” Kaito challenged, affronted by such an uncouth suggestion. “Dressing outrageously and running into you two on a rooftop? If you think that warrants incarceration than I hope you’ll be turning yourselves in as well.”
“It’s alright, I’ll just try to rearrange his memory.” Ladybug suggested, a red and black aura materializing in her hand as her earrings, seeming to power it, freshly revived their glow.
Kaito narrowed his eyes at this display, taking a few steps back. Chat zipped behind him, craning his arms behind his back and holding him in place. There was no way Kaito was going to be able to successfully fight both of them off and avoid whatever magical formula Ladybug had cooked up in her hand. Lucky for him, he didn’t have to.
A red aura outlined Ladybug and Chat as an unseen force effectively paralyzed them. Kaito felt the grip on his arms loosen and release, and he shook out his shoulders and straightened his cape. Kaito recognized the red aura well, confident that tonight’s trouble was finally over. He stopped in front of Ladybug, the aura in her hand fading as her eyes swam with a mixture of disbelief and stubbornness. He materialized a small rose in his hand, slipping it behind Ladybug’s ear, his fingers trembling a bit at being so close to the gems. He reminded himself that good things come to those who wait, tenderly brushing his fingers against her cheek before leaving a soft kiss against it.
“I owe you both for saving me more than once tonight. Neither a gentleman nor a thief slights those that do them favors, especially ones as important as that. But this isn’t the last you’ll see of me; both you and your Miraculous Stones are dearly important to me.”
He flicked his wrist, producing one of his signature cards and laying it in Ladybug’s frozen, empty hand. “Let me know when you’re ready to play again. Courtesy of Kaito Kid.”
Kaito observed the mixture of agitation and shock that replaced Ladybug’s expression before turning and tipping his hat to Chat, who glared at him with a gaze that probably would have zapped him or something equally painful if his powers weren’t being suppressed. He strode out of the alley, walking a block before he caught sight of his unexpected saviors waiting in a car for him. Akako was still focused on keeping the Miraculous holders still, at least until they could get far enough away to not be followed. Kaito climbed into the back, removing his hat and monocle and resting his head on the seat.
“Seems like you got more than you bargained for tonight,” Hakuba teased as he drove through the Paris streets. It was amazing how much wonder these streets disguised, even just considering the fact that this car currently housed a renowned international thief, famous fledgling detective, and witch.
“I have a lot to tell you guys, but not tonight,” Kaito replied, rubbing his face. “I plan on doing nothing else but getting out of this suit and sleeping like a rock.”
“We already know quite a bit,” Akako explained. “Or enough that I knew we needed to come and rescue you. I started sensing some particularly foreboding auras not long after you went out, but I decided to consult my sources before I stopped you from running into the lead we’ve been looking for.”
Kaito sighed, shifting to press his head against the cool glass of the window. “We know the stones exist for sure now. And we know who has them. All that’s left is to earn a little trust, or get a little creative.”
“Well, you’re good at one of those things. Sometimes,” Akako replied, exhaling slowly as she was finally able to release the magic hold she’d conjured. “For now we could all use some rest. I hope you know what you’re doing, and you’re prepared to get involved with things beyond your understanding. Some of it has even started to go beyond mine.”
Kaito felt himself starting to slip into the realm of sleep, his words trailing off as he answered. “I have to do this. For myself and for people that are counting on me, whether they know it or not. And what’s wrong with getting in a little over my head? I have a feeling this experience could turn into something miraculous.”
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