iichvr · 6 years
🙌 push/shove my muse | @survivaltricks​ ; ( nonverbal starters ) , accepting
❝ whoa , whoa , nell . ❞ he  threw  up  his  hands  and  gave  her  a  non-threatening  but  stern  look .
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❝ i  know  you  don’t  like  hearing  it , but  you  need  to  calm  down . ❞ he  knew  from  plenty  of  experience  that  telling  someone  to  calm  down  wasn’t  always  a  good  option  ( rarely  ever  was ) , but  the  deputy  was  starting  to  wear  his  patience  thin — and  he  was  probably  one  of  the  most  patient  people  still  alive .
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pascalbeucler · 4 years
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When you buy bleach - it’s about time to clean up, u know... - and that, when the cashier scans the product, the price that appears on the screen is....€239,00, you have like, a moment of doubt, then disbelief: could this delusional price be a Covid-19 side effect? Nope: just a cashier’s error, the actual price was €2,39.... 😅 #largerthanlife #covid19vertigo #survivaltricks (à Rue des Arquebusiers) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-RxTxKg-xf/?igshid=1gn2blw7zj91v
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champofpallet · 5 years
Sum my muse up as a news article title
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“W-What, me? No, I-I didn’t steal your cat’s name! Ahehe!”
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“Esspurr! Esspuurr!”
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“Not now, Morgana. Your trainer’s talking.”
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divinelight · 7 years
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     the flash of red and black catches lucius’ eye immediately. he’d recognize that bold design anywhere! nowadays, it’s not unusual to see phantom thief merchandise on display, but he cannot help himself. “pardon me!” he runs up to the stranger, reaching out to grab them by the shoulder. “that charm attached to your bag - it’s the phantom thief logo, isn’t it? are you a phan, too?!” // s.c. ♡ @survivaltrick
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trentboswell · 2 years
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Humans, the stupidest highly intelligent critters that ever existed; smart enough to eradicate themselves and everything around them. #prepping #familyprepping #preppingforlife #preppers #prepper #doomsday #doomsdayprepper #doomsdaypreppers #doomsdayclock #climatechange #foodinsecurity #supplychain #prepared #preparedness #preparednotscared #ready #zombieapocalypse #preppinglikeaboss #preppercommunity #emergency #doom #survivalfreaks #survival #survivor #survivalist #survive #survivalgear #survivaltricks #survivalskills #emergencypreparedness https://www.instagram.com/p/CeeEVxSu0GF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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electricea-archive · 3 years
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@tricksheart​​ sent - 💞 - I’m glad we are friends! ( Positivity Hearts - Accepting! )
💞 - I’m glad we are friends!
I’m happy we are too! I actually remember you back from your original Joker blog - I believe it was something like survivaltricked? Regardless, I’m glad to see you still very much active on your Joker blog - I think you bring a lot of interesting new insights and headcanons to the character and I think it’s always interesting to explore Joker’s more honest and negative thoughts - I think it’s good to be able to see other angles to the character as I imagine being under as much pressure and having as many people rely on him that he does, he would have his own thoughts and frustrations about it all and I’ve always felt that you portrayed that really well in your Joker.
Here’s to being in the fandom together for hopefully a long time! Here’s to being friends for much longer, I hope.
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housewon-blog · 6 years
————– 001. @survivaltricks  ⁽ ˢᵃᶦᵈ  ᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ’ᵗ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ᵘᵖ. ᶦ ʷᵒⁿ’ᵗ ˡᵉᵗ ʸᵒᵘ. ‘ :^⁾ ⁾ starter meme ; accepting !!
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          another fruitless search. leans into the granite counter top & dips his head. it wasn’t as if incoming supplies was completely stagnant ----- they did tax those who wished to pass through their barricade after all  ----- but he’d hoped for something more. anything to give them a leg up on the other communities. he’s too deep in thought to realize his pity party had been interrupted. his expression betraying him. he starts to speak before deciding against it & closing his mouth,  fingers drum instead to cover his silence. lets her words circulate through his head. he doesn’t like to voice his concerns to just anyone. ❝ time passes and everything gets picked through. eventually we’re going to have to lean to be self-sufficient. ❞
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trentboswell · 2 years
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Why is a societal collapse virtually guaranteed? Because we can’t get people to even listen to each other’s ideas on even the most basic things, much less agree or compromise on them. I heard someone make a point the other day, it was someone who I’d guess that I’d probably disagree with 90% of their opinions on the issues. Yet, there was one thing that I had to admit was a really intelligent, hard to dismiss fact. But I have noticed that most people won’t hear even that one thing you say that they agree with. If you are “on the other side,” they tune out 100% of what you say, and then they seek to demonize you. When that happens, it means things are heading down a dark path. When people are preoccupied with trying to cut each other’s throats over the little things, the bigger, more important issues won’t get dealt with. That’s why it’s wise to take whatever steps you can to prepare yourself for a rough road ahead. I’d never suggest that anyone stop trying to make things better; please don’t stop trying. I’d say keep two things at the forefront of your mind: 1. Do everything you can to improve the world, listen with an open mind, and compromise wherever possible. 2. Realize that way too many people aren’t willing to do any of that. So, keep trying to be loving, kind, and good, but don’t be surprised if others don’t. Basic Survival Prepping, over 500 pages of practical information about prepping, available on Amazon; search Basic Survival Prepping by Kevin Trent Boswell #prepping #familyprepping #preppingforlife #preppers #prepper #doomsday #doomsdayprepper #doomsdaypreppers #doomsdayclock #climatechange #foodinsecurity #supplychain #prepared #preparedness #preparednotscared #ready #zombieapocalypse #preppinglikeaboss #preppercommunity #emergency #prepperfoodstorage #survivalfreaks #survival #survivor #survivalist #survive #survivalgear #survivaltricks #survivalskills #emergencypreparedness https://www.instagram.com/p/CeZuNgMJyGA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mabufu · 7 years
— is this one safe to eat? yusuke isn’t entirely sure. he peers down at the specimen. it is not red in colour, nor is it spotted. those are the warning signs for toxic mushrooms, are they not? the mushroom rooted in the dirt in front of him is large and white in color. while he is no expert in the identification of fungi, consumption is likely safe.      “hm...” he kneels down, inspecting it further – paying no mind to the gazes and murmurs of fellow park-goers. judging by the dirt on its surface and its lofty size, the mushroom seems to have been growing here for quite a while. he was recently scolded for not eating enough nutritious meals... surely, a wild mushroom in the park would not only be safe to eat, but also high in the nutrients which he is evidently lacking in. it is organic, after all.      additionally, he passes through this park frequently, so picking some of the fungi would do no harm. in fact, doing so would be akin to harvesting plants from a communal garden. it might go well with the bean sprouts he recently purchased at the convenience store, too.      …the more yusuke stares at the mushroom, the more delectable it appears. its bulbous form… its creamy coloring…
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     soft laughter escapes from his lips. to think such an opportunity would present itself to him! he may be able to construct a truly interesting dinner – for no added cost! it’s turning out to be quite a successful day. life works in mysterious ways.
/// confidant start! → @survivaltrick
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mabufu · 7 years
sms meme ✉ a text that WASN’T SENT.
[txt]: The night I spent with you was very peaceful. I don’t think I ever slept so soundly before in my life. Your bedroom is very comforting - perhaps because of your scent…? At any rate, if you aren’t busy tonight, perhaps I could spend the night with you once more?
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mabufu · 7 years
Yusuke's childhood!
♔ send me a topic to write meta about my muse on.— yusuke’s childhood; past times that he cannot wrap his head around, now.
     while the memories may be vague, yusuke associates his childhood with loneliness. always a withdrawn child, he found it difficult to connect to other children in his elementary school class. however, his aloof behavior wasn’t exactly inherent to his personality. he was always very enthusiastic about topics pertaining to art, and he enjoyed playing with toys and reading manga. however, madarame raised him on a strict philosophy - the ever-present, ever-toxic mantra that children should be seen and not heard. while yusuke would grow up and give in to some of his natural quirks, that was largely due to the influence of the other pupils that eventually moved in to madarame’s house. in fact, he only started opening up once the first pupils started enrolling under madarame’s tutelage.
     related to this - madarame did not buy yusuke toys or volumes of manga, stating that they were useless items and a waste of his ‘limited’ money. the only goods that madarame purchased for yusuke were related to art in some way - brushes, paper, inks, pencils, paints. yusuke had to share these with other pupils, but that didn’t bother him, and the other pupils were always very kind to the small, thin child under madarame’s care. the manga that yusuke hid in between pages of art reference books were given to him by the other pupils, too. even as a high school student, yusuke cherishes these volumes of manga. in terms of necessities, madarame bought very cheap foods for his students, such as bread, rice and fish. this food was rationed strictly, which led other pupils to sneak food in from the outside or to buy their own food. yusuke didn’t have money to do so, and was afraid that he’d get in trouble with madarame if he allowed himself to get treated to extra food. he still gave in very often out of hunger, but madarame’s ‘anti-gluttony’ philosophy became ingrained in his mind. he’d feel very guilty whenever he gave in to eating extra food.     of course, madarame showed concern over yusuke at times. whenever yusuke was ill, madarame would be sure to purchase medicine for him. he’d even take the child to the doctor if things grew dire. however, yusuke grew up to understand that these are behaviors expected of one’s guardian - they’re not things to be praised.      the true extent of madarame’s cruelty was always hidden beneath a kind smile, for yusuke. and yusuke still blames himself for defending him. in fact, he will likely never stop doing so. he revered madarame for creating the sayuri. by lying to yusuke about being sayuri’s artist, madarame put himself in such a high degree of power over yusuke. the connection he felt to the sayuri ever since he was a small child served to deepen his trust in madarame when, in reality, that was a trust - a love - that truly belonged to its real creator; namely, yusuke’s mother.      at a very young age, yusuke learnt how to close himself off when pupils began openly talking about how madarame stole their ideas and emotionally abused them. he also learnt how to tune madarame out whenever he heard him yelling at other pupils who refused to let him plagiarize their work. he just didn’t want to believe in any of that. he tried not to acknowledge the overall amount of pupils lessening as time passed, but it scared him, knowing that the older pupils could be there at one moment then completely vanish at the next.      yusuke knew conflict was happening all around him, and he knew that he’d be pulled into it eventually. when he was, he was a middle school student with unparalleled artistic ability. madarame took credit for this, of course - and yusuke didn’t protest. he willingly handed his ideas and works over to madarame, convincing himself that the fear he felt for madarame was actually awe, and that the deal between them was different from the deals he made with other pupils. he convinced himself that it was entirely consensual. it was a very delicate lie he crafted - one which served to keep him under the house’s roof, rather than in an orphanage or on the streets. his logic was that his agreement to be mistreated meant that he was not being mistreated.     yusuke’s main coping mechanism during these times was his own imagination. he’d shut out reality and get lost in his own world of fantasy - inspired by art, especially the sayuri. by engrossing himself in his artwork and honing his own craft, yusuke gave himself relief from the stress and pressure that reality presented him with. art was his home and grew to be his only respite.     when rumors that one pupil who got kicked out of the house killed himself began circulating around the house, yusuke had his first major ‘i need to get out of here’ moment. he had a full-fledged breakdown that night, alone in his room. that was the moment that he realized that something was truly wrong. the pupils who remained in the house at that time were all extremely secretive. repeated conflicts meant that the sense of camaraderie that existed when yusuke was young gave way for a very ‘everyone for themselves’ sort of vibe. yusuke’s previously unshakable denial - all the ‘deals’ he made with his own conscience - finally began to crack.      at this point, yusuke entered high school, and the year before he met the phantom thieves was very mentally tumultuous for him. it was during this time that the remaining pupils left madarame’s home, leaving yusuke as madarame’s lone disciple. it was also during this time that yusuke actually admitted that he was being mistreated to another former student - natsuhiko - but also believed that he could not escape his situation. while his hesitance to stay with madarame became more evident, his defensiveness of madarame also skyrocketed in regards to how he approached outsiders who wanted to help him out of his situation. by his second year of high school, yusuke is fully defensive of madarame when the phantom thieves first approach him. this seems paradoxical, maybe, but the reason for this defensiveness is because he is entirely aware that madarame is guilty for doing incredibly horrible things. when you know that accusations you once vehemently went out of your way to disprove as correct, you always, always have a hyper-defensive reaction to them. after his awakening, yusuke openly stated that madarame was a master of psychological trickery and it’s extremely important to acknowledge how dangerous this particular brand of abuse can be. 
    with yusuke’s awakening, he finally begins to openly discredit the lies that madarame fed him all his life. while he may still struggle with the philosophies and behaviors that he learnt as a child, yusuke grows to be more and more honest with himself over time, and it’s amazing to see him conquer the challenges that have been looming over him since he was a very small child. 
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