Reward & Immunity | Monster Memory
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We hope y’all have been exercising your brain muscles cause you’re gonna need them for this challenge! You are going to be competing in Monster Memory!
We will run this challenge live at 10:30 PM EST tomorrow night.
When on call you will need to be on camera with your hands visible at all times. We will show you an image for thirty seconds before stopping and asking you a question about it. If you get the question right, you move on to another question, if you get it wrong you get a strike.
Any time you look at the image your hands must be visible. You may not take notes, screenshot, or use anyone else to help you with this challenge.
If you get three strikes you are done. Your score will be based on how many questions you answered correctly. There are 10 questions in total. In the event of a tie, we will ask a tiebreaker question about a previous challenge.
The winner of this challenge will win immunity + a spooky reward.
See you there!
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Challenge: Seek or Spook Results!
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Y'all found stuff but also got a little spooky! Let's see who won!
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Shane has won Individual Immunity! The rest of you are vulnerable at council tomorrow night at 9:30 PM EST!
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Challenge: Seek or Spook
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For this Immunity Challenge, we are going to be playing a fun little game that will test your survival skills & instincts. It’s called Seek or Spook created by our very own double winner, Ari.
You are ghost hunters looking to collect spirits in the form of glowing orbs! However, as you know the haunted house is a dangerous place to be, especially if you forgo safety for greed. You goal is to collect the most glowing orbs over four rounds without being swept up by the dangers of the spooky setting by making decisions about whether to stay for the orbs or leave and head back to safety.
Here’s how this will work. There are 15 clusters in the house with varying amounts of glowing orbs, and there are 5 different types of spooks that each can appear up to 3 times each. At the start of each round, we will randomly select one of these objects to appear in your path.
Orb Cluster - If one of these appears, the number of orbs in the cluster will be divided equally between all players, rounding down; any orbs remaining will disappear into the house.
Hazard - The first time a hazard appears in a round, nothing happens. The second time that same hazard appears, all remaining players are forced to drop their orbs and run for their lives.
After the first object is revealed, each player must decide whether they want to continue to seek or spook. If you choose spook, you are scared and return to the safety of your camp with the orbs you have collected and add them to your chest. However, you forfeit the right to take orbs from any additional clusters that appear in that round.
If you choose seek, you continue to search and wait to see what the next object is. This means you can keep collecting orbs BUT if a hazard comes up twice, you will forfeit all your orbs. When a hazard appears twice and forces players to return to safety, one of that type will be removed from the game, with the rest of the hazards & clusters being re-randomized for the start of next round.
Here is an example of what a round might look like:
The round begins with a cluster that has 9 glowing orbs.
Steph, Crow, Ari, and Jonathan all get 2 coins, with 1 sinking to the bottom of the ocean, and they all choose seek for the next move.
A hazard appears in the form of a rift in the dimensions. Steph, Crow, and Ari choose seek again, but Jonathan chooses spook and returns to camp with 2 orbs.
Another cluster is revealed with 12 orbs, and Steph, Crow, Ari all get 4. Steph chooses spook and returns to camp with 6 orbs total. Crow and Ari pick seek, but a second dimensional rift hazard appears, frightening them into dropping all their orbs as they run back to camp.
The round is over, with final scores of Steph 6 / Jonathan 2 / Ari 0 / Crow 0.
At the end of all four rounds, whoever has successfully brought the most glowing orbs back to their chest will win immunity and be safe from the vote.
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Challenge | Who Ya Gonna Call? Results
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Let's see which of you were able to sus out all the correct answers!
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With a perfect score plus and advantage Andry wins Individual Immunity! Meaning everyone else is vulnerable at Spirit Council tomorrow night at 9 PM EST! Good luck everyone!
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Spirit Council #9 | Gengar Team & Merge Announcement
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Destiny was voted out by a vote of 4-1. And everyone, you have merged! You have the night off until the Live Auction tomorrow night at 9:30 PM EST.
Ghosts, your time has come to get back into the game! More on that later!
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