Winner Reveal
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Final Spirit Council
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Finale Confessionals Part 1 | "Don't Stan Me, I'm An Absolute Fool" - Rose
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The ghosties on Ghosts' Island were told that they would have one final returnee enter the game! There was a lot of deliberation on their end as to who should return; some seemed annoyed with Andry and didn't want to rank him highly while others made alliances to try and keep themselves safe. Andry admitted to everyone he had set off the Haunt in the house and told them to help him achieve his goal of getting the idol. He was successful in his task but not in getting voted back in -- Owen took the #1 spot and was returning to the game!
In the game, they were unaware any of this was happening. They did see someone set off the Haunt and most people figured it was Andry but due to the fact no one had any saved trips, they were unable to stop him. They all competed in a super fun reward puzzle that we really only assigned to buy time to announce our returning player! Owen was now the belle of the ball as everyone wanted to talk to him and get him on their side.
Rose was ready to continue her reign of chaos and saw Owen as a great opportunity to make that happen. When TJ and Shane both lost immunity, she (and Captain) were pushing for Shane to go due to the fact he was stronger at challenges. Owen and Allison weren't as certain, especially because they didn't want Rose dictating another vote and giving her another resume point.
At council, Allison gave immunity to Owen because she was worried TJ and Shane's pleas to take him out would work. Ultimately, TJ proved to be more threatening than Shane and he was voted out 5-1 (Rose), becoming our next juror and leaving only one duo in the game.
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I think Rose gave her idol to Captain in the hopes of voting TJ out.... but now I am out. Rose should've played her idol that round to save me. Something seemed sus
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that went according to the plan. i knew that if i played my idol that rose gave to me, TJ would play his for sure. so it all came down to if rose sticks to the plan or not and she did and voted out andry. god that feels so good. i feel like i've been in the bottom for so long, trying to fight to stay up and lucks havent been on my side in this game. but the thing is we're gonna have to believe and things will go your way. #blessed #tryagainnexttimepls
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Well… guess who won’t be returning to the game? ME! These people all have been here much longer then I have. I’m pretty screwed. Justin is convinced I voted him out, Topher is honestly just being an ass tbh. Chris gave me some half ass response, and Owen said we should put each other as #1, although I doubt I’ll end up there. So frustrating how this is how my game is going to end this season.
Not me getting the haunt the day of the return. Simply wild. I hope I get it
I have no idea what the power is, but if it's anything that can help me - I will be hustling. I told everyone it was an idol but the power says "power". Maybe you get to decide who returns? That would be sweet tbh. I will kind of feel bad if I decide who returns after doing all this scrambling and getting people to help me, just to turn and be like "hey guys tysm for helping me return to the game". It's kind of a hail mary at this point - so hopefully it works
Well, I have convinced the ghosts to give me an advantage. I would love for it to be the ability to choose who comes back - but I would be surprised to see that given out. Regardless of what it is, I am happy that I got the chance to play this game. I came into this game with three guiding principles for myself. Firstly, place having fun at the forefront of my gameplay. I have had so much fun this season. It had been a really long time since I have played an ORG, and this game brought back some joy I had forgotten ORGs could provide. Secondly, be loyal to those I promised my loyalty to. This was is tricky, because everyone is the hero of their own story. But early on, I pledged allegiance to Rose, Mylo, and Em. Unfortunately only 2 of our gang made made, but that allowed me to work with players like Shane, TJ, and Justin. Aside from voting Justin pre-merge, I never once cast a vote for anyone in that alliance. I don't know if everyone can say the same. Lastly, I promised myself I would put my foot down when I didn’t agree with something. While a strategy that doesn’t always work, I wanted to stay true to myself and stand up for what I believe. I can honestly say I did just that and I am so proud of myself. I get weirdly sentimental about games, and this is no exception. I am a passionate person, and if I go out tonight, I will keep chasing the dream of winning one of these some day (kind of lame to say that considering I've done these for so long).
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BOO, BITCCCCHHH!!! Im back <33333333 I got really taken out because Andry and Rose thought it was better to go for me grrr which honestly good on them bc I think it could've been a better move if I went than TJ went. but at the end of the day I think the right play for them would've been to let me and allison and captain vote for tj while they all voted captain bc then that would've sent tj/shane against me/allison... so they didnt do what I wanted but I dont think they did what they wanted either bc then rose got into her big moves phase and said bye bye andry apparently. wild times ANYWAYS GHOST ISLAND..... Who would've thought that Justin and I would be ghost bffs? :') I really built a bridge back with him, and worked over Chris and Andry to get my way back into the game. literally nothing but my social skills and I POPPED OFFFF AHHHHHHHHHHH I don't know exactly who voted who. I basically told Andry that I wanted it to be him or me because the others didn't do anything in the game, I told Chris to do me bc I wanted to protect captain, and I told justin that I felt I would have the best chance to go after shane and tj like he wanted. And I told justin that chris/topher were voting each other and then told chris that andry/justin were voting each other idk honestly I threw whatever at the wall to see what would work AND IT DID AHHHHH goin back in I need to link back up with captain/allison <3 but I'm not sure if the move is go for rose next or get revenge on shane/tj/ I'll let them sweat a lil and then see :)
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So Shane and I are both in danger and the big question is... am I ok seeing him go? The short answer is no, I made a promise to him that we would stick together and get to the end of this game together and I 100% plan on sticking to that. I will not be voting him out and want to do anything I can in my power to make sure he's safe here. The part of this game that I also have to realize is that at the end of the day, this is an individual game as well. I have to make sure that people know that if he goes, that won't affect my relationship with them so that in the event Shane goes here, I have connections still to work with. The further question in order to save Shane (and myself if Allison gets her way of going for me) is can we save him by getting out Rose or Owen? Owen/Allison would be willing to save Shane if they knew Captain was voting with them next round against whoever loses immunity between me and Shane. Rose seems like she will only do Shane at this point which sucks, but she's probably the person who I would prefer to keep even if she was the reason I got votes last round... Decisions, decisions.
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one confessional before i go to bed! after allison won the necklace, for me, it's pretty clear that shane's gotta go. like he keeps surviving and surviving and that's scary even though he also said that the jury hates him but like if i were to be on the jury and shane is in the final 3, i'd respect the game he has played. since he basically has everyone wrapped around his fingers at some points. rose is down to do shane ofc. but the thing is owen/allison seem to think that rose is a jury threat which i can see it being true but like do they rlly think i'm gonna go to the final 5 with two duos? :sob: i love owen and allison and i trust them when they say they don't care about who goes but they still push for rose to go. and like their relationships with shane and tj makes me a bit worried cause i mean they chose shane/tj over chris/i once and that could happen again who knows. but i do love them dearly and i'm so glad to have played alongside them most of my time here. shane is fighting hard and i just hope he can't change anyones mind and we can get him out.
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This is making my head spin. I just want something to go the way allison and I want it. And that’s why I would rather TJ go over shane tonight….. I think that I talked rose and Captain into doing tj but then all of a sudden they both agreed and it’s like??? That’s a little suspicious how easily they agreed on it. So I think there’s a chance those four are all voting me tonight…. But honestly if I’m shane and tj I would want each other out over me or allison Bc they will be the only duo left next time and be targeted. Whereas if it’s me and allison left whoever is left between them can turn on us as the last duo….. So idk. To protect each other they could vote me. Or they could make their chances better and vote each other. Or maybe Captain and rose really are doing tj and it doesn’t matter but it seems suspicious as all fucking hell A little twisty twoo tho….. allison might slide me that immunity necklace :)))))) because we think there is less of a chance they would want allison out over me….. If she does that and then leaves I will be personally so sad but in the game I think it might give me a better shot next round tbh hehe so who tf knows. I think she’s gonna do it…. So there will be chaos regardless!!!!!
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What am I about to fucking do!!!! I don’t know who to trust and I’ve heard Owens name randomly thrown out so I know what I need to do but it still makes me nervous for myself. My dream of being in the F3 might be ruined but have yo do what I have to do. We love this chaotic game. He has a better chance of winning then I do though.
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Finale Confessionals Part 2 | "Don't Stan Me, I'm An Absolute Fool" - Rose
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After TJ left, Shane knew he had to win immunity if he wanted to see himself moving forward. While the original Skull Hunt challenge was not in his favour for that to happen, the updated challenge provided a more level playing field for everyone. Unfortunately for Shane, Rose ended up with a near clean sweep which mean she was safe and he was very vulnerable.
Shane's initial pitch was for Allison and Owen to vote out Captain. Neither of them were particularly interested in this as they'd been working with Captain for most of the game and didn't want to betray him. They also saw Shane's chances of winning the game as very high and weren't interested in letting him get even one step closer to the end. Captain rejected pitches to vote out Owen for similar reasons, feeling that Shane was a bigger threat. While someone ultimately did vote for Owen alongside Shane, he was sent out of the game in a 3-2 vote becoming the second last juror. Going into the final immunity challenge, the Til the End alliance (Captain, Owen, Allison, and formerly Chris) was looking to take out Rose and finally succeed in making it to the end. They all saw Rose as highly threatening to win after the #BigMovez she had made and were not interested in sitting next to her.
In the final challenge, Captain was out early when he answered a question wrong and bet all his points. Allison dropped out when she realized she was unlikely to win, leaving it to a Rose vs Owen showdown. When both bet all their points on different answers to the same question, Owen ended up coming up on top and securing his place in the final 3!
Rose asking everyone to push for firemaking because it would be more interesting and a fun end to the season. While everyone agreed with her that it would be cool, they were not willing to take the risk of losing FSC and sent her out 3-1 (Allison).
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in the end, TJ went last council. not what i wanted (since i'd prefer shane to go) but TJ going was still the same outcome i wanted (one of shane/tj went in top 6). and now, i'm in the majority with owen and allison, like for the first time in forever. faints. god i'm so proud of myself. i feel like reaching the top 5 is such an achievement here especially losing my duo pretty early on in the merge but i'm still here. i know owen and rose are the biggest threats in term of jury as of now. but i still believe that i'd have a great chance against anyone maybe except rose. or maybe if i'm delusional lol. but yea, i've been enjoying this season a lot. and we shall see what's gonna happen. shane brought up a good point that the jury hates him which could be true but still, he got everyone wrapped round his fingers for so long. so, i'm thinking going to f3 with owen and allison might be what i want the most as of now. till the end.
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shane just went home. i'm so tired. but its so close to the end whew. gotta push through for a bit and it will all be worth it.
i want to be the last confessional of the season so YES! i love everyone, we're proud of everyone <3 i'm proud of myself!!
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Ep 14 Confessionals | "I Am So Girlbossing This Now" - Rose
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After Owen's vote out, Rose was on the offensive. She wanted to separate herself from TJ and Shane because she perceived them as running the show and needing to be split up. Once Shane won immunity, this meant she would need to somewhat turn on her duo, Andry.
Before the vote, Bryan was announced to have been eliminated from Ghost Island. The players also began rapidly moving in the Haunted House after leaving it alone for rounds. Maybe someone was tipped off about potential powers that lie inside...
TJ was paranoid going into council, feeling like now would be the time for someone to move against him. His intuition turned out to be correct when Captain mysteriously played an idol someone may or may not have given him in secret, causing TJ to also play an idol. This meant that due to 5/6 votes being cancelled, Andry was sent home in a 0-0-1 split. This definitely leaves the game wide open... perfect time to bring someone back from Ghosts' Island!
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WELL i hope yall had fun that council.. i mean i did. sobs for owen tho. he died for me </3
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I yelled at Owen at council. It was exhilarating. I feel so good after voting him out because he tried to pull a fast one on us and tried to vote TJ. I'm lowkey embarrassed but then again not really because it was kinda fun? I wasn't't even all that mad, I just hope that Owen was really mad because he felt like I was being selfish, and therefore our alliance wasn't really an alliance if I'm just looking out for myself. And, I mean he's right to an extent. I am being selfish. I am only looking out for myself, but isn't that the game of survivor? Be mad at the game, not the player. This honestly is just the culmination of my plan working really well. He realized what TJ and I were doing way too late, and that's not my fault. Lowkey, doesn't even matter because we just switched who the plan is with. I wanted it to be Owen and Allison but since they felt like they didn't want to be "my chess pieces" (which I didn't see them as but whatever), Andry and Rose are the way to go. I know Rose is willing to turn on us , but we should be good for this vote at least. She won't want to go to rocks next vote I don't think, so I think we should be good for a couple votes. I hope that people don't take things personally and that we all just can understand that this is a game. I'm playing very aggressively, but I am damn proud of the way I am playing. I lowkey think this is one of the best games I have ever played in the way that I feel like I have been behind a lot of the decisions and pulling strings, as Owen and Allison said. This really is the War of the Duos, and I'm happy I chose the right side (for now) at least. I just gotta hope things go the way I hope for the next couple rounds.
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Last night's council was a solid win for me tbh. I think Shane and Owen fighting really took the spotlight off the person who really orchestrated last night - which was me. The idea to split was my idea, a)bc I wanted to see fighting and b)in the event of an idol. I think now moving forward, I would like to see TJ go sooner than later because I think he does have a good case to win the game moving forward. I think Rose would be taken out before me (probably?). That's what people are telling me. Shane seems to trust me completely, which is great. On a personal level, he is great - I love chatting with him. On a game level, he has revealed all his cards to me. I am hoping that that works in my favour. I also made sure to tell Shane that Rose was originally gunning for TJ. I want Shane to feel drawn to me and by telling him that, I am hoping it builds trust and also puts a big target on Rose's back. Allison seems like super angry about the vote - which fair! I think though it's not the right approach if she wants to get further. But who knows... maybe I am not in a position to give out advice lol.
Also - one thing I have been doing all game is really trying to make myself seem dumber then I am. These include things like pretending to be surprised by good ideas, saying I would've never thought of that, really reminding people that I haven't made it to the end game in so long. I think it's important to keep that fresh in peoples minds.
Last night, I lost immunity - which wasn't the worst thing in the world. But then my alliance of Rose, Shane, TJ, and I tried to get the haunt to happen (which didn't sadly). I made it to the vault where I did the task and passed, and managed to get a 50/50 Idol Nullifier. I was on call with Shane when I got it, and I told him at first I hadn't gotten anything - but then later retracted my statemen because I knew he didn't believe me. Honestly, I would say that moment was probably the stupidest move I have made all season. It took away some trust that existed between Shane and I. I know TJ and Rose have the only two idols left in the game, so TBH I would like to use it against TJ at some point. It expires at F6 - and I have been operating under the assumption that someone will be coming back after this vote. Right now, our alliance plans to vote out Captain. I think he would win simply because he hasn't rocked the boat too much this season. Also, sending Allison would help Owen in his fight to get back into the game - which we really don't want!!!!!! Also, BRYAN GOT ELIMINATED THANK GOD!!!!!!! Now he definitely won't return to the game. I have NEVER BEEN HAPPIER IN this game. Right now, I need to start pivoting my game to best set me up for the win. I think I would like to sit with Shane at the FSC (final spirit council). Now it's just a matter of deciding who I want to be other person. I hope people would like to sit against me - I think people might underestimate my game, but I know I have played a strong season.
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shane won the necklace which is... good for him. cause i'd be gunning for him if he hadn't won. giggles. anyways, these people are really making things so clear rn. cause no one apart from rose and allison talks to me. and its clear that they're targeting me again. GO GET URSELF A NEW TARGET BABES. like, they'd rather choose the safe route than do something fun i guess. but at least, there's rose who's willing to do something fun. so rose, allison, and i are gonna split our votes: 2 on TJ and 1 on andry. and then rose is gonna give me her immunity idol and i play it on myself. and then TJ will hopefully play his immunity on himself and andry will go. and that's the plan. things could go wrong if they split between me and allison but they only have 3 so idk. but that might happen and i'll ask if there is the split plan or not. until now, we just hope that rose is honest and rlly wants to work with me and allison. or we just pray that i don't get played by anyone. fingers crossed.
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Almost forgot to confess! This is by far the most nervous I’ve been walking into council. I want to believe that Rose and Andry know that keeping me makes sense this round but I can easily see them thinking that making the move on me gives them the best chance at the end… Logically, they need to keep me. Logically, I know they know keeping me is good. Irrationally, I think everyone is going to make stupid decisions one way or another. And thus, here I am, preparing myself to potentially see myself fall victim to sixth place once again and just have nothing to do about it. Could I play the idol? Absolutely. But I’m wrong, I waste such an amazing tool and show Rose and Andry I didn’t trust them. So it’s a bad play to use it even it would make me feel better. So I have to do the one thing I hate to do… trust people.
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We are about to vote but I have a bad feeling for tonight................. something seems off
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Ep 13 Confessionals Part 1 | "I Would Rather Do Something Than Play the Selfish Game You've Been Paying" - Owen
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Justin leaving had Rose and Andry in an awkward situation where they felt their allies, Shane and TJ, had intentionally put them in a bad spot where no moves could be made.
Despite working together to eliminate Justin, Owen/Allison were ready to distance themselves from Shane/TJ and take one of the duo out. Once Shane won immunity, their target became TJ. With Captain they decided they would take their shot at breaking up one of the game's power duos.
Once this plan leaked to the rest of the players, Shane/Rose/Andry/TJ decided their best bet was to target Owen instead of Captain as they saw the former as a power player who could easily win the game. At council, Andry played two half idols on himself unnecessarily while TJ also played what some believe was an idol from activating the Haunted House. Andry's advantage wasn't necessary but TJ's was -- it cancelled 3 votes against him, causing Owen to go when the vote tied 2-2 (Captain) and then was a revote of 4-1. Before he left, Owen called out Shane and TJ (Shane in particular) for playing a very selfish game where they expect other duos to give up everything but give nothing in return. If Owen is correct, maybe Rose and Andry need to look out . Or maybe they have plans of their own... only time will tell!
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To say I am angry with Shane and TJ right now is an understatement! They totally screwed Rose and I over.
So I have had a evening to process what happened yesterday and I have a lot of thoughts. Firstly, I am not mad - I am just frustrated. I've seen this coming for a long time, but I was giving Shane and TJ the benefit of the doubt and maybe they would play for us 4. But I was wrong and honestly I am mad at myself I let myself get in a situation where 2 people have such control over my game! I ended up calling Shane last night. Essentially he confessed that this move was kind of selfish on his and TJ’s part and I was like “yeah I knew that” and pretty much I felt like he was saying whatever to keep me happy. I explained to him his this move really screws over Rose and I he was like “yeah I know ” so clearly this is the position they wanted to find themselves in. He started in this “I’ve been conflicted all day on what to do” and I immediately cut him off and was like “Shane i love you but I know that’s bullshit” and he was like “okay yeah”. He kept saying that he wants to go the end with Rose, TJ, and I and I was like “yeah me too but you’re in the best position in the game right now so I mean you could get rid of us if you felt it was better for you”. He kept on re-assuring me but tbh It seemed like he was saying what he needed to keep me happy. I also re-iterated to him that I think this move essentially screws Rose and I over and genuinely we have no shot at getting to the end. There's honestly no strategy here - it's how I feel. If Shane and TJ decide to go to the end with other people, Rose and I have no shot at winning this game. It's just frustrating. I voted Allison last night because I wanted to have something to talk to people about this round. It's easy to blame Justin for that vote (sorry bud). The only strategy here is to make sure people think Rose and I are isolated and easy numbers to pick up to make moves. I could also see a path for me to the end where Rose isn't here, but tbh I would rather have her here then not at this point. Otherwise, we're in a tough spt.
It's been a long day of thinking - but I agree with what Rose is putting down right now, and that is Shane needs to go. He has made it clear that all his "I want the 4 of us" to move forward isn't true. He's doing what he needs to do to get himself to the end, not the 4 of us. And I am not about to look like a fool. I've been saying all season that I know he's telling us what we want to hear, and I think now is the time to act.
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whew so justin just went. as expected. lots of advantages were played, also as expected. rose and justin all tried to sway me last minutes to vote with them but like i said, better the devil you know. i havent had that much game relationship with them and both of them have lied to me. well, tbh all of them have lied to me. so its better for me to just go with the ones who i can work with rather than the one who talked to me in codes. its kinda sad tho cause i think justin had a great read on things but welp!!! now i'm kinda in the middle? and i'm open for anything ya know. its fun. just let these people feel like they need me. that makes me feel like i have a bit of a power even though i might be completely wrong and they all use me. but thats also me, i'm a clown that everyone loves to use and then ditch me when they all achieve their goals lmao!
lmao that reward challenge. that 8 seconds. i almost won something. ROSE WHY!!!!! also, rose dm'ed me with plans after that that she wants to get shane out and if she wins the necklace, she would give it to me. i'm down for it tho. shane is a big target and i respect him a lot as a friend and as a game player. but he needs to go cause he has owen and allison wrapped around his fingers. and if he's still here, owen and allison would rather choose him than me. and i don't want to be anyone's second choice here.
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Rose went and tried to recruit Captain before the immunity comp.......................... WTF Rose. I would bet money that is gonna get back to Shane that we want to vote him out. This plan is gonna be so ruined.
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what a mayo group of people
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Oh my gosh Shane won immunity and now Rose has screwed us over so badly... If Captain says anything about her plan.... we are screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea what I am gonna do this round ..... fuq
Rose wants to send home TJ oh MY GOD...............Rose he's like one of the only people who even talk to us
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so shane won the necklace. the shane elimination plan is over/cancelled/postponed i guess!!!! good for shane tho. if he makes the final again, i'm gonna be so happy for him cause he deserves everything. anyways, i think the plan might have been changed to vote out TJ? or maybe rose would want to do owen idk. i could tell owen like their plan to vote out TJ and make TJ use his idol just for the mess and hoping that they wont vote me out. OR i could just go with rose and vote TJ out. its a lot to think about but tbh, i'm just gonna do what i want. getting TJ out doesn't really mean anything to me. shane's side will have one less number but then i'd lose one person who i enjoy talking to a lot. its gonna be interesting tho cause idk how are we gonna pull that out since we have 3 and they have 4 lmao. well should've gotten shane out when yall could. silly mayos. anyways, theres gonna be much to think about and i'll see people's actions throughout the day.
but also hayley (from australian survivor spoiler alert) has taught me that doing that was a mistake since she exposed george and she got the boot the episode after that. like its gonna come back to get u in the ass, but again, that was when it was still ummm 11 people or something and we only have 7 now. so who knows.
omg thinks about if i get idoled out or rocked out, that'd be my survivor dream tbh. pleek pleek.
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My plan has moved from wanting to vote out Shane right now, to realizing that voting with Shane & TJ is really the only option that I have. I want to make sure that they’re not gonna vote me out, so I asked Shane last night if he would give me his idol to hold onto for the vote. This is honestly just an insurance policy to make sure he doesn’t vote me out. Rose has kind of gotten a little bit crazy and wants to use her idol to vote out TJ this round. I don’t see how that would benefit us at all. So, if Rose were to go tonight and I would somehow get her idol I don’t think that would be the worst thing in the world either.
So I managed to convince Shane to give me his immunity idol. I am the strategist of this season! So now things are taking a really weird turn because both Owen and Alison have come to me saying they wanna vote out TJ tonight. And I know that Rose is going to vote out TJ tonight, and they’ll have captain on board to. And I’m kind of conflicted on what I should do, because I think Shane & TJ are huge targets and keeping them in for one more round Is good for me because I think whoever comes back from GI is going to be gunning for them.
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Somethin a little spooky in the air today…,, Basically I just know that tj and shane are gonna go for Captain instead of andry and rose bc they’re shitty alliance members who only care about themselves. EVERY single move we have made so far benefitted them. And I’m honestly sick of it So I went to andry and said they’re playing the middle and positioning themselves so well and that they prob have both idols and that they need to go either this round or next. I do think andry and rose could be worried about keeping Captain bc next round Captain and chris could be there together…. So I feel like for those two it does make more sense to do Captain… which is making me real worried. Idk ugh I wanna make the move tonight. I’m tired of sitting around and picking off whoever they say. It’s time to do something fun for once I just need andry and rose to do it too. I think if they did it’s the wrong move for them but there’s a chance they will and that would be so so so fulfilling
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Okay so things have really changed. I went to Shane and told him about the plan to vote TJ and apparently TJ has two idols AHAHAHAHAH so Shane thinks there was no idol associated with the list which is perfect for Rose and I tbh!!! So anyways I quickly diverted the convo to voting out Owen which Shane is totally supportive now because Owen is trying to get TJ out!!! Love my life. Anyways, I will be playing the idol Shane gave me on myself because I can. And I'll use the blood sacrifice on Rose so that way she has some protection. This vote is turning out great for us. I LOVE IT
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Ep 13 Confessionals Part 2 | "I Would Rather Do Something Than Play the Selfish Game You've Been Paying" - Owen
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So some fun developments happening... seems Owen/Allison might be making a push for me. Not 100% sure why they chose to do that this round given I just saved them... literally was the swing vote to save him, but ok, go off my friends. I knew it was eventually coming but really didn't think it was happening right now. This at least thankfully opened Shane's eyes more to why I wanted Owen gone in the first place. But council should be fun tonight, ladies and gents.
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Okay lets see whats been going on so far, RJ and Justin returned at merge which was really interesting, I didnt think TWO people were going to return. I tried working with them and they actually seemed really down to work with me, but they lied to everyone else? Like Andry and I can't pull weight that much guys yall have to do some social game other than that. RJ ended up going home but I talked to Topher a lot and built some solid trust there I think, hopefully they return and arent sent to the jury first. Shane and TJ over the course of this entire thing have become major threats and targets for me so someone I know is with me could be amazing, other than Andry who I plan to vote out eventually hopefully. After RJ went home, TJ was able to get the merge idol which is awesome, and we were able to work with Justin for a bit before some stuff happened and they went home. Before that though, Chris was sent home in a pretty chaotic vote given to us by the hosts through a whole mess of a thing. Owen and Allison plus Andry and I have been really just getting by because Shane and TJ wont compromise on either of us going home. Little do they know both could take away from each other's games at the end. After Chris went home Justin was also sent out to GI with Chris and Topher, I told Topher I would try to send Allison there because they had "taken away their runs" which was actually TJ but I digress Id rather Allison have a harder time there. After Justin went home in a REALLY close vote, which is immensely painful, Andry and I have been working hard to try and get somewhere in this game. Allison and Owen have been trying to throw us under the bus but Andry actually really helped and got to it before they did. Captain idk if theyre siding with Allison and Owen or if theyre planning to vote TJ like I planned with them but this could be a whole mess if they were able to do it before we got to them. Idk how much Shane trusts us but he gave Andry the 2 half idols which was insane, Andry is planning on using the Blood Sacrifice alongside those half idols to take a vote off me which should work unless they shred multiple of our votes. Idk if theyll have 2 vote blocking things but I sure hope they dont, we could be actually getting Owen out of the picture here soon. Ill make one of these if Im voted out this vote, but I likely wont make one if Im not voted out because Ill be planning what comes next hopefully. Signing off, Rose
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about like 18 minutes before the council.. this might be my last one before i get sent to the ghosts island but hehe who knows!! anyways, owen is down for the TJ plan. i think he realized now that shane and tj have been in control for most of the times and he doesn't want that anymore. which is great for me bc as usual shane and tj are gunning for me. and owen might have swayed them to do rose/andry which we'll see in the council. i mean them gunning for me is smart. since if i go here, there will be 3 duos right? and TJ told me about the war between rose/andry and owen/allison, so if i go here, they can be in the middle and they basically will hold the power of deciding who they want to go. and they basically like already are in the final council. i just hope that its going according to the plan. i don't want to go yet. and i do think that getting me out here is not a smart move for rose, andry, owen, and allison. but who knows? like who knows with these mayos??? anything could happen. everyone might be playing me so i'm literally prepared for the worst. fingers crossed hehe.
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Ep 12 Confessionals | "Just Gonna Throw Everyone Under the Bust" - Captain
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Captain was very unhappy that his duo had been voted out and that he received votes from the very people he was working with. The game was still a bunch of mini alliances all interconnected, but it was becoming clear that one side of the spectrum was TJ/Shane, the other was Captain, and everyone else fell somewhere in the middle.
Although Justin was the easy target once again, Rose and Andry wanted to shake things up and keep their alliance with him going strong. They made a plan to ensure Owen would go home, using Justin’s immunity idol nullifier to strengthen their chances. Shane and TJ chose to side with Allison and Owen, taking Justin out the game in a 5-3 vote. This left Allison and Owen feeling secure while Rose and Andry were clearly being put in a position that would be difficult to recover from.
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fuck these people
wait can that be the episode title? i think it'd be a great episode title
look who got played. yup its me and chris. tbh i should've known something fishy was coming when i gave allison the glowing potion and she didn't play it. (even though the rules stated we can't give players any advantages during the council anyways) but like that means owen and allison knew something that i didn't know. so of course, its gonna be them who threw 2 votes on me. i think they might get blindsided from shane/tj/rose/andry too? bc last name o/al heard was prob me so yea, they should know that i'm the loyal one and i'm not gonna blindside them but they made that decision and i found it hard to completely trust them now that chris is gone. but better the devil you know. so keeping them close might benefit me in some ways who knows. and after that, shane was like i didn't target you. but please, why would i believe that? i'm silly but i'm not that silly. like you had relationships with o/al and r/an so of course, chris and i were gonna be ur targets. even though thats bs cause he could've used me and chris, just saying. but he did him i guess. tj was nice about it tho, stanning tj. oh and andry came to me and asked me how i was feeling. chris just got eliminated, am i supposed to feel happy??? but ya, thats for another day. i feel so alone now cause i cant trust anyone. so i decided i was gonna go and offer justin to work together. but he didn't give me anything. he gave me like talking in codes which i didn't appreciate it if i'm gonna work with someone. i get it he might not trust me but at least give me something i can use to figure things out. so yea, i dont think i'd be working with justin in this game.
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The plan could not be going more perfectly. Unfortunately Chris paid the price tonight due to me leaking that he would never vote out Owen, which I may regret later on if someone leaks that. That being said, I probably will tell Owen that I just made up outlandish lies to get the target off of Allison and said whatever I had to to do it and I think that will be sufficient, and tbh that is true to a degree. I worked my ass off to save Allison, so hopefully that is repayed. Tbh I’m sad because I wanted Chris to stay but clearly it was the right decision for me because him and Captain voted for me. I do think that this was only a good play for TJ and I. Everyone else had the right idea going for each other. TJ and I are just in the middle sipping our tropical smoothies on the beach watching the drama, despite me getting votes tonight since Rose was immune. I feel like I was the peace keeper this round. I stopped all the grenades from blowing up by carefully micro managing people to do exactly what I wanted to do, further enacting my plan. I thought that Justin leaving was integral to the plan, but as I said in a previous confessional, the only thing that really matters is the idea of the plan, which is me playing the middle while the duos go after each other. And tonight, that has fully cemented. Owen and Allison were forced to show their cards. Rose and Andry know that they wanted to vote out Rose(captain and Chris too), and I’m thrilled bc they actually voted for Captain. Captain has a 50/50 coin which actually is a huge problem. But Andry told me that Rose has an extra vote that expires this round so, that’s exciting to say the least. I dowant us all to vote Justin which I feel like shouldn’t be a hard sell but who knows who you can trust in a group of lunatics. But Owen and Allison voting for Captain(I don’t believe Owen voted for Chris) is the funnnnnnniest shit ever. I think that shit is so comical. sorry we sent out your first mate, captain. It had to be done. If you want to slay the king, you have to slay their jesters too. Gotta get a piece knocked off their armor. Owen that is specifically. I just don’t know on what planet it makes sense for people to be trusting me. I am just lying lying lying and the more I lie the more fun I have.
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I have a lot of concerns about this council, there are just so many unknows and different scenarios that I see playing out that could be very unhelpful to me and my game. If I vote Justin and make it 5-3, do I lose my relationship with Andry/Rose? Is it worth trying to keep a really really strong connection with them given that they are probably buried deep in advantages? Can I really trust that Owen won't try taking me or Shane out next round? If I can get to next round unscathed then it will be a good outcome because I have to play the Dreepy idol next round anyway or else it expires. But how do I find a way to get to the end with a solid case to win?
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TBH this round has been really quiet. I have no idea where things will go from here. I hope Owen goes
So It seems I have somehow convinced Shane to vote Owen. Not sure how, but I did that. Owen should be going tonight, bc even if he plays an idol - Justin will be using the nullifier!
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Playing the middle is exhausting. I feel like I am always pissing people off when I don't want to vote a certain way. Andry has finally put his foot down for me to vote for Owen. Only problem is, I'm not going to do it. That's a great move for him but a terrible move for me. I have to split up him, Rose and Andry before it's too late. He is saying that we are a solid 5 but its more like a 3-2, they will use Justin to take TJ and I out and I am not a lamb going to do whatever people tell me to do. So, Andry, sorry, you won't be getting what you want tonight, at least not from me. I told Owen he's the target. Whoops. Not sorry at all. TJ doesn't trust Owen and might vote for him so he might leave and I might just let that happen LOL.
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An hour until council... still have no clue what to do with this vote.
Alright, Justin going makes more sense. I don't want to admit that Shane is right, but I think I realize just a little more that Owen staying in the game might make a little more sense than I thought last round. So here I am... Owen, I really do like you and I hope you don't think I don't when you read this. You're just a huge threat and you worry the hell out of me. But if you can benefit us a little longer, it's the right move at this point to keep you in and take Justin out... AGAIN
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I am so irritated!! They are voting out justin! WTF
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Ep 11 Confessionals | "Not A Vibe At All!" - Allison
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Everyone was told the game was on lockdown for 48 hours. This meant no DMs, no alliance chats, and no duo chats. The only way to talk to someone was to spend a coin (each player had 3). At the end of 48 hours, everyone would vote for someone to win immunity. Each unspent coin could also be cashed in to increase the holder's vote count by 1. The person with the most votes would be immune. Straight afterwards, we would go into Spirit Council where the only way to communicate was via speaking out loud in front of everyone.
At first it seemed like Justin was the easy vote since he did not have a duo. People were quiet with a bit of rumblings to target Allison from Rose and Andry (which TJ and Shane were strongly against). When it was announced Justin had also won immunity via being voted "most likely to be voted out next" in Touchy Subjects, this left a lot of people scrambling. Asides from Andry and Rose, pretty much everyone had counted on being able to vote Justin that council.
Everyone started making one on one chats as it became war of the duos. Andry/Rose were working with Shane/TJ, who were working with Owen/Allison, who were working with Captain/Chris, and at least one person in every duo wanted to target someone their allies were working with.
When it was announced Andry won immunity (which was easy as he had not spent any coins), this didn't surprise anyone. However they did seem shocked when he gave immunity to Rose and then played the Super (old) Idol he won in the auction which was effectively a second immunity necklace. Without being able to communicate, votes ended up being split between Shane and Captain. Everyone else remained united as they voted for Chris, sending him to Ghosts' Island in a 6-2-1 vote.
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Bryan left as planned! The vote went well for me, except Bryan started spewing some lies about Captain..... oh well. Now with this twist, my plan is to make sure that Rose has immunity because I think people could use this opportunity to target us. I will likely use my old idol this round, so if she has immunity then we are both safe. Justin opened a chat with me right away, which I feel really good about. I am very happy he is in the game and working with me tbh. I like him a lot. He suggested Chris or Allison for the vote, and tbh I would be so down with Allison tbh. I think she was giving mixed signals last vote so I would like to see her out. Plus, I don't like TJ and Shane keeping Owen and Allison around. So not sure what the best play there would be TBH. I don't know if the votes to get Allison out would even be there Shane and Rose opened up chats with me today. I mentioned going after Allison to Rose, and Rose was 100% down. I brought it up to Shane and he was not a fan of that plan in the slightest. I can't say I am surprised - I think the 4 of them have a little something. TBH I think Shane and TJ think that Rose and I are down for whatever they want to do at this point, and yeah that's been crucial in building trust with them. I totally saw through their plan to tell Bryan he was going pre-merge, and I do see through them then right now. I am certainly ready to make a big move and if they don't hurry, the move will happen without them.
Now that Justin is immune, we are forced to make a move against a duo. I would love nothing more than to target one of Allison or Owen, but Shane is being very stubborn and is putting his foot down. I need to convince him otherwise. So mission over the next 24 hours is to convince Shane to vote out Owen!!!!! Also Justin just told me that he has the idol nullifier which makes our path through this vote way more straight forward then I thought it was going to be.
Okay hahahahahahahaha so get this: Captain/Chris want to target Shane/TJ Shane/TJ want to target Captain/Chris Rose/I want to target Owen/Allison Owen/Allison want to target Rose/I (I think?) Anyways this vote is so chaotic!!!!!! And the thing is if Rose can convince Captain and Chris to vote Owen or Allison I will be IN LOVE!! Because I want that to happen so bad. Justin can play the idol nullifier and it'll be game over for this round. Also I think I am a lock to win immunity tonight. Haven't spent a coin with 3 people saying they'd vote me. Love to see it.
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Now we’re hitting a really crucial part of the game. After talking to Shane last night, it’s very clear that we have two different ideas on how we need to proceed as we each trust and would prefer to advance with a different duo. I don’t want to see Owen anywhere near the late stages of this game and Shane doesn’t want Andry and Rose being able to slide their way to the end. So here’s where an individual game comes on. We will agree to do Captain tonight, but come F8 here, there’s a likely chance that we vote for different people which will probably lead to the potential of rocks. He’ll want to vote Justin at 8, I’ll want to vote Owen at 8. It’s just going to make for an interesting round and how we’re going to be progressing as a duo from there. At the end of this day, I want to win this game as much as I would be happy seeing Shane win it. I’ve already vowed that I’m never turning on him and I plan to stay true to that, but I need to make sure that this perception of him being the stronger of the two in our duo is squashed because that is definitely not the case here.
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This round has become very annoying because Justin want immunity due to us voting him to be the next person voted out and touchy subjects. This kind of ruined my whole plan because I was banking on getting just enough this round so that we have for two hours left in the game that was all target each other before myself but now I have to show my cards around earlier than I would like to. This sucks because all of the duos are coming to me asking me what I’m doing and I’m literally just lying to everybody’s face because I can’t tell them what I’m actually doing. Ideally I get captain out of this game now so that I can keep both of my alliances in the game long term. TJ doesn’t trust Owen at all however I do because I have a really good connection with Owen and Allison and I think that they would probably be more loyal to me once Captain and Chris were out versus ANDRY and Rose. I also got voted the most likely to win the game during touchy subjects which really is not a great look for me because obviously I don’t want people thinking I’m a threat so that sucks. Ideally captain goes now than Justin goes next round then we vote out Owen but honestly maybe not maybe we got a rose have rose come back or actually I would rather Vidal Chris at seven I have somebody come back and then we would just have a 4-3 majority technically where I could just flip-flop between the two and have an idol to spare since we have the merge idol that TJ found in the haunted house. What’s becoming really difficult is that Everybody is throwing each other’s names out to me specifically and I have to not tell everybody that their names are out there otherwise it could get back and just loop back to me and he wrote it out which would really suck. I am playing this round really safely but I think that if I don’t play it safely I will be voted out way earlier than I should be. If this goes well and Captain does go home I genuinely see a path to the end for me. ANDRY thinks that this path is harder for all of us to move to the end which I agree it is harder for us to move all to the end if we don’t take out Owen and Allison now but I’d rather be in a world where I have more people on my side and down and yeah I’m playing the middle which is a dangerous game but I told myself that I was going to take a risk and this is a risk that I’m taking by playing safely in the middle I am taking a very large risk for my own game and hopefully it pays off..
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I am so irritated right now!!!!!!!!!!!! Shane and TJ don't want to vote one of Allison or Owen and all it does is confirm that they are close. Now, the vote seems to be leaning towards Chris because of a comment he said to Shane about refusing to vote for Owen. Should be interesting to see what happens moving forward tbh. I originally told Rose I would give her immunity but tbh i dont know if I should do that right now. I think if we can get through this round without it, that would be golden. But I know that if she doesn't have immunity, she will be getting votes this round. It should be interesting.
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shane still wants me out so i assume tj would want me out too. idk if they have justin or not but we'll see. rose and andry want allison out. owen and allison want rose/andry out. i can still go here. anything can happen even though it might look like chris and i are in the middle somehow. i'm leaning to go with owen and allison bc they've been nothing but loyal to me and i believe in our alliance that we can really go far together. so i might have to lie to people. but then, lying is a part of survivor and this is game. at least i'm hot and sexy enough for a white straight man to come after me.
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Well so annoyed about this little twist because I know I’m screwed no matter what but at least I guess if I leave I have a special prize waiting for me
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this whole round went from a literal easy vote to a fucking nightmare. Idk who u people think you are to put this much stress on us. I’m grabbing my pitchfork and pointing it at U HOSTS GRRRRR Justin randomly got immunity which means this tug of war tj/shane and allison/myself are doing is coming to a head but it’s happening on a round where we can’t even talk to everyone so it’s like one big game of telephone gone wrong and I hate it. Tj and shane are pushing Captain and chris SO HARD and the reasons they’re giving are complete bullshit. Like at least be honest and say you’re mad at Captain for a previous game and then maybe I would consider it but the fact that they’re jumping through all these hoops to try to excuse the powers andry/rose have when in reality it’s all over some petty revenge is driving me crazy….. So because Tj and shane won’t give me any fucking wiggle room in this game rn, I’m making my own. I gave Captain the 50/50 idol and told him they’re voting him and he suggested a plan to get andry and rose to vote for allison so that it ends up being split 4/3/2 which I don’t really see happening. The other idea was for chris to talk to Justin but that doesn’t seem to be going well either. This whole thing is just kinda messed up and there’s so many factors rn…. Idk. Shane and TJ have all the power in our alliance rn. They probably have this merge idol and the premerge one. Their allies are actually good at the game and social. It’s just so frustrating that they already have the upper hand and they just want to take it even more and it’s so obvious and I feel like if allison and I went against them at FTC rn we would come up short so I need something to go my way but I really don’t think it can be rose tonight without seriously harming our relationships with shane and tj which is so frustrating
this is about to go so poorly for me I can feel it.... I don't think I'm doing the right things. also it's sketch that tj never told me which name they settled on. I'm scared it'll be us. if they turn on us tho that'd be whack. Idk. this is too fuckin much rn. maybe they just know they have justin.
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Going into this vote, I think I have an idea whats happening? I think. Chris should be going home by a 5-2-2 vote. But then again, you never know. All I know is that I will be playing the old idol on me, so whether I win immunity or not, I will be here to fight another day tomorrow.
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Ep 10 Confessionals | "I Forgive You With Open Fucking Arms" - Topher
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Following the RJ vote, Justin was convinced that Chris and Captain had voted for him at the last council. There seemed to be divides growing between everyone with Shane/TJ on one side, Captain/Chris/Bryan on the other, and everyone else somewhere in the middle (and on both sides at once). The auction definitely meant that things were tipping in the favour of those who managed to snag advantages but it's still anyone's game.
Allison won immunity which didn't seem to upset or surprise anyone. Following her win, someone set off the Haunt in the Haunted House. Those who were watching the map closely might have been able to figure out who it was.... but for those who weren't, all they were told was some of the rooms turned red and it was in their best interest to try and change them back to normal. The Haunt would last for 24 hours, meaning it would not end until after the next council. Instantly, Owen and Shane were kicked out of the house while Bryan and Justin were also cursed which meant they could not move for the next 48 hours.
While it seemed like an easy vote due to Bryan's lack of allies, people were starting to get paranoid. A game of telephone + some (intentional?) lies meant that Rose, Captain, and Justin were all suspicious of each other and of Bryan. Bryan made an attempt to try and rally people against Owen, Allison, or really anyone who wasn't him. He brought up the point that if there were only duos left in the game, they only had one more person they could vote out after this before they'd have to turn on each other. Ultimately, it doesn't seem like people were that nervous about this scenario because Bryan was voted out 7-3 (Justin).
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That vote went exactly as I had imagined. Rose and Owen tossed their votes on Justin just in the event RJ played something, and RJ and Justin voted Bryan for obvious reasons. With that being said, I am totally expecting Bryan to accuse me of being the reason he got the votes. Don't ask me why - but the man has it out for me!!!!!! TBH I wish the vote had been Bryan, but fingers crossed we can target him next round. I also have the super old idol I have to use in the next 3 rounds, so that's going to happen soon. Ideally we could take out Bryan, and then potentially Allison. I think Owen and Allison have some form of allegiance to Shane and TJ, which is great for them - but isn't going to get me as far as I would like. I also think at some point, I would like Rose to go. I know that sounds controversial, but I think eventually the threat level of Rose & I being here will be far too great tbh. So that is something I need to be mindful of. I think in most situations, Rose would go before me. I think she is much more eager than me, which will ultimately be her demise.
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its been a quiet round to be honest. and i've thought its only on my part but apparently no one talks at all? lmao. like i guess we just went blind in the challenge and then no talk happens at all. i guess people just need a break OR they just don't want to talk to me. both work tbh. but yea, i feel like the target is pretty clear that it'd be justin? cause of the aftermath of last round and i'm ready to send him back to ghosts island again <3 i guess we'll see whats gonna happen cause u'll never be so sure in survivor. i also think people just went out on friday night which was totally cool. just don't target me, thank you. finger crossed.
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Who just got the Haunt Meter to 10... THIS GUY!!!
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So for now, Im soer of weary about neither me or Captain having any advantages when it feels like everyone else does. But I think there's some good. For one, I can simply try having a clearer mind for the game. Plus having advantages in a game NEVER ends gucci for me. Nevertheless, I know Andry and Bryan have some premerge beef which if all goes well this round, will come into effect next round. I think Justin and Bryan leave next but I'm kind of concerned as to what happens from then on because duos of Owen/Rose/Shane have incentives to work together because of half idols and that won't spell goodness for me and Captain. My hope is we look like the least threatening duo so we can buy ourselves time to figure out things so boomy
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Today started out a great day for me. Things are pretty quiet, people were saying we should have Bryan. And, to be quite honest I was fine with all of that. So Bryan comes online, and quite frankly I don’t want him to yell at me So I tell him I haven’t heard his name and then 45 minutes later he responds to me and says well I’ve heard my name being tossed around, to which I say yeah I have heard your name. Anyways, I’m not too sure what his play is right now And then he went to Shane, and tried to get Shane to vote for Rose. Alison is also being super sus right now which kind of worries me. So I have no idea what’s gonna happen tonight.
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Hi…. Sorry I’ve been ghostin :’)))) I’m so funny hahaha Anyways ya I’ve been going thru a DARK TIME IRL and haven’t wanted to confess but the game has been going how I want. Basically allison and I have decided with tj and shane that we want to be the final four. Step one is to get rid of RJ/bryan/Justin which we already started to do with the RJ vote. Then we get chris and Captain to turn on andry and rose and vice versa… then we pick those four off. And then we battle it out for the win!!! Seems too easy to be true but I’m down for it rn. Although I do love Captain and andry and chris and bryan are cool too so it’s like….. it’s gonna be much harder than it sounds Rn to get to that final four For tonight I wanted to do bryan for being inactive but he’s talked more and also knows his name is out there so maybe it’ll be Justin who tf knows…. I just hope nothing crazy happens but it probably will. Oof
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Host chat has gotten to see me freak out about this idol hunt because I’ve done everything I can to try and secure this idol. I’ve definitely made some mistakes along the way. I should have told Owen and Allison earlier so that she wouldn’t have taken out two of my squares. I blame Shane for being drunk and me for not trusting my gut when I knew telling them was the right call to guarantee that we were positioned well between both duos. Bryan leaving sucks. I should have done more to stop it but I knew there was little I’d be able to do. Now with Justin in our corner, we have a 5-4 advantage if we want to capitalize on it or we just vote Justin out. I’m more inclined to keep Justin at this point because I do think he’d stick with us long term, but I, not certain just yet.
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I never remember what the devil I was talking about. I voted out my duo, RJ. That was something. I think that's what I was talking about. I said I might. He and I got back into the game from Ghosts Island. Although, that almost didn't happen. He wanted to come back in with TOPHER! I like Topher from what I know of him, but WTF? So I had to talk RJ into bringing me back into the game. I said people who voted for him once might go for him again and he would need me. And that most people left were duos and we should work together. And at the time I meant it. However, it sort of became evident that not everyone was an RJ fan. I had him lie in the Immunity Challenge because I wanted to win, so we did (lie - not win). And people got mad I guess. (Yep, talked about this too). But nobody confronted me about it (and I know they know, 'cause we're post Bryan Council now, where I got put on fukkin' BLAST. (I like all you folks, I promise. I just clearly have a different style of play). But yeah, people were more than willing to jump on an RJ vote. It was my suggestion, 'cause I did think he would bring me down, and I'm good with Dreepy (or have been - who knows Post-Blast?). So I made a call. And it was kinda cold, I won't lie. I play cold. I don't know what else to say. I'm not gonna be the most social - ever. So I'm not gonna win the "We like him most" game, so I gotta try to be smarter, or more duplicitous, or more... something. Y'know? Anywho, that brings us to THIS Council. (Blast Council). It started in the afternoon on Council day. First thing I hear is Captain is gunning for me. Which I get. Haven't talked to Captain really at all. I WANT TO. Seems cool enough. Just haven't had much opportunity. So Bryan asks me shortly after who I'm voting and I say, quote: "maaaaaaaybe Captain - don't fully know yet". Then an hour later I say if he works things out with Rose and Andry, that he (Bryan) and I could have a decent shot at Final 2/3. Apparently he took that to mean going WITH Rose and Andry to F4. That was not what I meant to imply. I just know if Dreepy made F6, no Gengars, it would be Duo + Duo + 2 Solos. And both of those Duos has at least one power player, so they're gonna wanna gun for each other, I'd think. Bryan and I haven't won shit. And we've been hauling in votes. "Lots of votes make excellent goats." That's what I hope those duos would think at least. Drag me to the end with them and then, voila, Grand Finale, I explain my way into a win. (The win part is looking less likely now, though, tbh). But yeah, after I said that about Final 2/3, I got no answer. Then another hour later he asks if I would do someone besides Captain? I asked who and he said, again, quote: "i dont really know LMAO" WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT? 50 minutes later, he says, "Didn't Andry and Rose vote you out?" And I thought, "Why yes they did - BECAUSE YOU LEFT COUNCIL!" Like, Bryan was supposed to go after Coulee. Then he got saved by an inactive (I've been there, no hate). Then he saved himself (good move, props). But I have to believe if he hadn't had that advantage (that Coulee found?), he gets voted out in my place, then RJ and Topher DO come back together, and it's Destiny and BRYAN who get sent packing, and Coulee is left on Ghosts Island. So yes, they voted me. As did Shane and TJ. But what am I supposed to do? Go back to Owen and Allison? I've been away from them since swap. I hadn't met Chris or Captain. Dreepy is my path to the end of this game. There's no way around it. Might happen. Might not. But it's the only path I've got. Day goes on, I know my name is out there. I also know most people are (or say they are) voting Bryan. I can't save him. So... so much for Dreepy F6. But hey, I can't make him play nice with Rose and Andry. So he asks what we're doing. I know it's him or me. He knows it's him or me. I thought, "He's almost certainly voting me. Captain and Chris are almost certainly voting me. The big question mark is what are Owen and Allison doing?" 'Cause I also heard that Rose's name was being thrown around. I
didn't want Rose to go either, 'cause then we're down in numbers. So I lied and said I was voting Captain. AN OBVIOUS LIE. Maybe it looks like Dreepy's lying to me about the plan. "Is it a lie? Is he this out of the loop? Are the Dreepy's voting Justin too?" So maybe Bryan and the Gengars feel safe all piling on me if they weren't going to - pull votes away from Rose. I did this because a 5-5 tie on me I can fix. A 5-5 tie on Rose I can't. I got a thing in the auction. A Cursed Locket, that if I play it on someone, that person and myself cannot vote for one another. Owen and Allison are the swing pair. So, I figured, I'll play it on Owen - he then CAN'T vote me. So that should break the potential tie. Best case scenario, he has to change his vote, we win 5-4-1. Worst case, I burn an advantage that's fairly situational anyway. (ACTUAL worst case scenario, I play it on Owen, Dreepy IS voting me, too, and switching Owen's vote does nothing, 'cause I'm effed no matter what. 8-1-1 or 8-2).
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Ep 9 Confessionals Part 1 | "It's Not Lying If You Never Asked" - Justin
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We merged! Everyone who was still in the game was guaranteed a spot on the merge team and they were relieved to have finally made it there.
On Ghosts' Island, they were told they finally had to decide who was going back into the game for good. Using the same list/ranking system, they would be sending two people back into the game, leaving one on Ghosts' Island and two to leave permanently. While RJ was torn on whether to save Coulee (his ghost duo) or Justin (his real duo), he ultimately chose to stick with Justin and Topher, meaning another duo re-entered the game and Coulee + Destiny were eliminated for good.
Most people were not happy to see Justin and RJ return. Basically everyone except Captain and Chris had a hand in sending those two home which meant most merge players were shaking in their boots!
The reward challenge was an auction which saw a lot of concentrated action. Most players didn't put much effort into bidding, meaning that they were left empty handed. Perhaps the imbalanced advantage divide will cause some people to make moves soon.... so far it hasn't really seemed to have affected anything.
After a very #dramatic immunity, it was revealed RJ and Justin had lied to everyone except Rose about their immunity answers. This caused a lot of drama while everyone was upset at being betrayed, especially this early in the merge. The feelings of ill-will continued into the vote where RJ was really the only target. He tried to move the vote onto Shane or TJ, then settling on Bryan, but none of it worked and he was voted out to Ghosts' Island. There were a couple of votes thrown on Justin though and he does not seem to know where they came from.
Afterwards, RJ decided it was best to walk from the game due to personal reasons. He became the first juror.
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again, no video for this confessional but whew i survived the first half of the game and now i've reached the merge. and damn, that last vote (destiny) was so hard. i like her a lot and i didn't want to lie to her at all but this game makes people lie. we can't just not lie cause in the end, thats the part of how ur outwitting, outplaying and outlasting people. (i guess u can also be honest too and win too) i may get lied to too. and i'm prepared of that. but whew, lying to destiny was heartbreaking. i didn't want to lose that challenge but fuck you flash games!!! BUT yea, now that i've made the merge, i just hope that i make it as far as i can. i want to be in a strong alliance that can protect me. and whew yall its scary as hell coming into this with less numbers than others. but every decision i've made, i don't regret it. so, i'm just gonna have to fight until the end.
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Been a while. I've been busy. I got voted out. That stunk. We were aiming for Bryan (supposedly), but TJ and Shane told him he was the target, so Bryan played Safety Without Power. And I became a Spooky Ghost. I met some other ghosts. Met Allyn's duo Topher. Pretty cool. Unfortunately he had to stay on Ghost Island once we were allowed back in the land of the living. People are at the very least acting like they didn't wanna vote me out. I'm leaving all my doors open for now. Everyone is a potential ally hopefully. Anything that keeps me around. One thing that's very interesting is that we no longer need our duo in the game to gain Haunted House trips. I'm gonna have to weigh very carefully how long RJ is useful to me in this game. He's gunning for all the old Gengars hard. Like, he really wants them gone. But if I can work with them he may have to go. Or he may have to go so they can trust I'll work with them. I mean, everyone in this game is someone I just met - including RJ. But he trusts me and gave me good info on Ghosts Island. I'll keep him as long as I can.
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So, I’m going to be doing a couple confessionals throughout the day because I haven’t done one in like 24 hours, and a lot has happened! So first of all, I tried to initiate a conversation with Bryan because I really don’t see how it makes sense for either of us to go into the merge gunning for the other person. He left me on red for almost a day, but finally got around to messaging me and we ended up having a pretty productive call. Apparently the safety without Power advantage wasn’t Coulees? Anyways, he also told me that both Shane and TJ told him that he was receiving votes for the last vote. Once again, further proving that I should be a little sus of both of them. So, we merged! The Merge came at a really good time for me. I like my merge teams to be smaller. 11 is the biggest I like, and that’s what we got.
On the merged team there are nine of us who made it from full game. Both RJ and Justin returned. Justin coming back it’s kind of not a great thing for me, but I’m hoping that he’s willing to work with me. I did message Justin as soon as he came back, and he sent me this kind of cryptic message that apparently Bryan told him that everyone said they were voting for him. So, I think the actions of Shane and TJ have resulted in Justin not trusting me a lot. So, I know that this could be bad for me, so I’ve been really trying to get on RJ’s good side because I know that if I can’t get Justin I need to get his duo. I like captain and Chris, but just the way things are breaking down I really don’t think will be working closely together. Shane and TJ seem to think that theres opposite sides in the game with captain and Chris on one side, and Shane TJ, Rose, and I on the other. Owen and Alison are question marks to me because I know they have a rapport with Shane and TJ from their original team. So I know that of out of all the duos Rose and I are the ones they know the least. Now with the merge I definitely need to work hard on getting them on my side because I need to build a relationship with them.
The auction was so good for Rose and I. I know it may have painted a target on our back, but we are rolling up to the next vote with a treasure chest of advantages. We have an extra vote, a Hidden immunity idol, the ability to read someone’s vote after the vote, the ability for me to get notified when I have received a vote, they ability for me to transfer someone’s vote onto me, and I’m sure there’s others but I’m genuinely forgetting right now. Oh! We actually have half of another idol. Anyways that’s interesting for sure Low-key I’m kind of obsessed how many advantages Rose and I have. I think if we can play them smart, we should be set. I just don’t want either us or go home with them because that would be trash!
So for this challenge I pretty much gone in everyone’s list, except for Bryan. But I am not going to try to win this challenge at all. I’ll probably give myself like a little over half. I don’t wanna expose to everyone that I am talking to everyone and have rapport with them.
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So, we had a challenge where we needed to get names from other players. Most names wins. I suggested to RJ that we swap to increase our chances. So we did. Now apparently people are mad at him for lying about his names? Not great if true, since it was my idea. But like... I wanted Immunity. Is that a crime? "AITA For Trying To Win Immunity?" Everyone here's so nice. It's kinda wild. The one person who's probably the least nice... RJ. He's still mad at Shane, TJ, Owen, and Allison for voting him out. But like... he did say something kinda dumb way back then. It wasn't too outlandish for them to do. I think he's the game's gonna be harder for me with him in it. So, I told Shane and TJ I want him gone. Maybe not this round. I probably need to gain some trust back with them still (and they with me). But Dreepy 2.0 was great. Everyone was so chill. I'd love to get to Final 5 with them. Me, Shane and TJ, Andry and Rose. Then hopefully the two duos fight over me. And I'll vote out Shane, 'cause that dude's scary good at this. That's the dream.
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Ep 9 Confessionals Part 2 | "It's Not Lying If You Never Asked" - Justin
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So, in my last confessional I said I did not want to win immunity. I still don’t want to win immunity, even though I actually have won immunity. I think that winning this one shows that you have decent relationship with everyone which I didn’t wanna show. But Rose insisted I won, and quite frankly if I didn’t do well it would’ve look like I had thrown. Anyways I guess having immunity for the first merged vote isn’t the worst thing in the world. But, with that being said people aren’t really chatting with me a whole lot. And I kind of feel like we may see some fights at the vote tonight. I think RJ and Justin kind of screwed themselves over by lying to everyone except for Rose and I. And I do like them both as people but in the game, I really don’t see a situation tonight where they both stay. Unless they both have idols, which I think it’s doubtful because Rose and I have an idol, Shane has an idol, so I can’t imagine there’s many more floating around out there.
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OOF This game just became pretty boring.... Got No trips Got no partner. As Donkey would say "I'm all alone there is no one here beside me"
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Okay so apparently Justin and RJ lying in the challenge is now reflecting bad on me........ugh so annoying!!!! I've had to spend the whole day running around confirming to people that we aren't working together (which we are not just to put it there). In a perfect world, this Shane/TJ vs Justin/RJ feud would've continued for a couple more round but they are dead-set on taking each other out.......................................... how annoying!!!!! I tried to work some magic to get Bryan taken out. But nothing. UGH Looks like RJ will be going unless some funny business happens tbh.
Also okay you wanna know who has proven once again that he does not like me ? BRYAN!!! Bryan did not give me his answers for the comp - which is literally a basic thing to do in the game to build trust. Like WTF was that. This is the second time I have tried to extend the olive branch and build something, and he refuses to work with me even slightly..... it is INFURIATING!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well RJ comes back and really wants to stir the pot lol but whatever people got to do what they got to do. Got to keep all my options open and so got to get rid of someone eventually
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Well fuck you too Justin.
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Ep 8 Confessionals | "Buncha Dummy Butts Who Need A Greasy Lesson" - Topher
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After Bryan's council antics, some of his teammates were very fed up. Shane and Andry wanted to throw the challenge to eliminate Bryan entirely from the game so he wouldn't be a liability at merge but TJ and Rose were not on board with that plan. Everyone (except Bryan) was pretty frustrated that TJ revealed who the actual target was because they all felt Bryan could have been blindsided with his Teleportation Sigil. Whether or not he actually would have played it will be a mystery taken to the grave Haunted House!!
On Ghosts' Island, Mylo was working quickly to integrate himself with his new bestie duo #RJustin. While it seemed to be working, he still had Topher working tirelessly to get him eliminated from Ghosts' Island for good. Unfortunately when it came time for the vote, Justin did not rank Mylo very highly and instead prioritized saving Topher which meant Mylo was permanently out of the game and #Emlo is the first duo fully eliminated.
Gengar's winning streak was short lived when they were destroyed in the Flash Game AHH-rena, despite having an advantage and two Dreepy members attempting to lose. Although there was debate between Captain/Chris on which path was best, they ultimately stuck with Owen/Allison and voted Destiny out of the game unanimously.
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Ha ha! Have I ever been more mad at an alliance? I could not tell you. My alliance had a plan to vote out Bryan. But then TJ decided to tell Bryan that he was going to get voted out! I am genuinely confused as to what TJ served to gain from telling Bryan, except for making sure that Justin (who is someone who TJ does not want to work with) isn’t in the game anymore. I’m just a little irritated quite frankly, because it keeps me in a terrible position of me wanting Bryan gone, and Bryan continuing to be in this game like a thorn in my side. Also, are we gonna talk about the speech he gave about feeling that the “lies have been personal” ?. Brian literally doesn’t talk to anyone, so I don’t understand why he’s getting on with this all the lies are very personal” vibe. You literally don’t talk to anyone, you don’t deserve to be in this game! I am so mad
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Oh my God, I am so irritated with TJ. Last night before the vote, he had the nerve to go tell Bryan we were voting for him, when we had told Bryan that we were voting for Justin. So, the thing that really bothered me about this is that TJ knew that Bryan had the safety without power advantage. But TJ’s reasoning for telling Bryan is that he didn’t know that Bryan had the safety without power advantage….Even though both Rose and I had told TJ that on multiple occasions. In all honesty, I’ve lost a little bit of trust in both Shane and TJ after the situation. I wholeheartedly think the only reason TJ did this was because he knew in a situation where Justin stayed, that me and Rose could pull in Justin and vote one of the two of them out. But he also knows that now, the two of them could easily pull in Bryan and vote out one of Rose or I. Anyways, I really wanted to throw this challenge. But Rose and TJ both didn’t wanna do that so I had to put in my “very best work”. If we win this challenge, I plan on talking to Brian because I don’t think it’s in either of our best interest to enter a merge situation going at each other’s throat’s. Hopefully he’ll think rational and agree with me, but I genuinely have no idea.
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So now the game is getting fun and I usually dont play the "Rude" person but at this point IMMA GHOST WHAT YOU GONNA DO?!?!?! TAKE MORE OF MY STATS AWAY?!?!?!?! Btw. I hope I find out who has been because IM A GHOST WHY HINDER ME FURTHER!?!? buncha dummy butts who need a greasy lesson. A little upset with RJ because he let allyn be voted out but at the same time I understand.. A little worried having a pair in the ghost island cause they can have ULTIMATE POWER!!!!!!!!! Just waiting for that ghost meter to go up to ten and then ill have some fun in the house. I WILL GET BACKIN the game. and then yall gonna have to rename this game to Greasys Island OH OH OH SCREW THE RULE SAYING I CANT HAVE MORE HAUNTED HOUSE TRIPS!!!!!! So pretty funny story that happened last night and today.... So i was drinking and enjoying my all hallows eve and then somebody with the username Battiest Badge messaged me Here, here, here is, So here is the thing. I FUCKING HATE BATS AND BADGERS. Top four of my fears...and all my friends know this... So i get a message saying "hey" and immediatly in my drunken stupor i responded back "Fuck off" ......... oooooops. I apologized profusely and stayed in the game Tip for everyone, just cause someone talks about your fears in a user name..... doesnt mean its your friends messing with you. feel like this happens to 98% of player. I apologize for anyone who is afraid of Grease (The musical ) Grease (cars and food) or Babies... orbabies reenacting Grease the musical while being very greawsy and all you think to yourself is WHO TF DIDNT WASH THIS BABY FOR $ MONTHS JUST TO BE IN A MOVIE?!?!?!?! a Yall Justin CALLED allyn to talk to her about the game!! CALLED SOMEONE RANDOM!!! Thats a gutsy little boy right there ( three years older than me). So I really like Justin. #HOTGREASYBABYLIIIIIIIFE
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no video confessional today!!! but yea, i was sad we still don't merge.. pretty sure it will be right after this council tho. but like, WHY CANT WE MERGE NOW :sob: our team number is getting smaller and ofc we were bound to lose a flash game challenge where white people seem to be thriving at that!!!! lets blame it on the genes. yup. ANYWAYS, right now i think destiny thinks chris and i are playing this with her. but going to the merge, we need numbers, and our 3 prob won't have any power when the merge comes so i'd rather do it with owen and allison tbh. they seem to be in a much more secured spot in the merge... OR AT LEAST I HOPE. and thats what i'm gonna base my decision on tonight. cause u gotta think strategic now. i like destiny and she's fun to talk to and it sucks to have to vote her out but its just that i like owen and allison too and they SEEM to be able to protect me more than destiny. so yea.. i don't know if she's gonna pull out another advantage.. another glowing potion or not.. but let's hope i survive this council. i'm not gonna go before the merge. also hope i can get to reunite with bryan and rose and hope they want to ally with me IF i make it. you know you can't be sure with anything in survivor. fingers crossed my loves
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Tonight we get to attend the other team's vote-off!! That is so exciting and leads me to think that we might be merging. The merge will be super important for me! I sent Bryan a message last night after we won to see if he would down to call today. I don't think it's in either of us our best interest to enter a merge ready to take each other down the first chance we get. The only people that it will benefit is other players. But, I sent the message almost 15 hours ago and Bryan hasn't responded. I guess he really has it out for me. Shane told me that Bryan thinks I am extremely fake. I don't know about that one, but I guess all I can do is prove otherwise. I honestly do like him and think he is very funny, but I don't think our games are lining up. With both Mylo and Em out, the cutie pie alliance has dwindled down to just Rose and I. I think early merge is gonna be crucial for us. Getting our footing will be really important. So, we shall see how it goes!!
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well, a rare text confessional from me. So much for losing . UGH THE ONE TIME I WANT TO LOSE MY TEAM CAN’T HELP WITH THAT. Tbh I had a feeling Bc TJ and Rose will never throw a challenge and Andry and I weren’t like willing to obviously throw it. Which sucks Bc I do think for the game we actually needed to lose. TJ is convinced that it doesn’t actually matter but I’m 100% certain he’s just being naive. He seems to forget he literally told Bryan he was the vote. BRYAN IS FLIPPING COME MERGE TJ. Wake up and watch it happen Bc us 4 gotta step it up if we want to survive. My gut tells me destiny is leaving which is horrible because she is literally my best avenue of staying in the game rn. Pancake hates us so much to not swap us to the same team. The thing is we’re going to be forced to work w Owen and Allison again and that’s kinda good but I want them to take out Bryan Captain or even Andry or Rose. I do want Owen out but I want Andry to make some massive move against him so it isn’t on me. I’ve been planting the seeds on how dangerous Owen is for weeks, so we’ll see. Happy fucking merge I guess
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Alright well looks like I survived being grounded LMAO, we won both the challenges that were happening during the weekdays that week, and then lost the one on Friday which sucked. I still did more than Justin and Bryan which was pretty funny considering I was grounded so I couldnt really do as much as I wanted. Glad to still be here, but going in the summit on Saturday was insanely stressful. First of all, Bryan played their SWoP which is fair but it turns out TJ told them that it was them (like Andry did a couple rounds ago) so honestly REALLY happy Hannah walked because idk if Id have survived that summit with just Mylo Em and Andry and I. Speaking of Mylo and Em, both of them are completely out of the game which sucks. Coulee probably spreading some stuff about them to others in there and making Andry and I seem really bad when in reality we really arent. I got the idol which is AWESOME but I need to keep up that facade that Im looking for it with the alliance, I told Andry right away because they said they were really trustworthy but maybe they arent? Ill have to cut them sooner or later but for now Im vibing. Justin went home instead of Bryan which is fine because I think we would've been worse off with Justin in the challenge. What sucks is that they are hell bent on voting me like every time so Ive been protecting my duo's perfect game this entire time. Either way, Andry wanted to throw the last challenge and apparently so did Shane but TJ and I both didnt want that separately so we kinda ended up popping off in the challenge. Going to get to spectate the other group's council so this is Rose signing off likely right before merge. Hopefully RTP doesnt make me eat my words again but it would be funny
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THE HAUNTED HOUSE IDOL IS GONE... NO!!!!!!!!!!!! This isn't fair and I wanted that idol, but alas, now my one idol has to be enough for the time being... Anyway, cheers to merging (I think) and hope that whoever comes back from Ghost Island doesn't kill my game like I think they might.
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Ep 7 Confessionals | "Time Flies When You Ghost People" - Chris
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When Mylo joined ghosts island, he found himself in a tough spot. He was stuck between two duos (Allyn/Topher and RJ/Coulee) but felt he was disadvantaged due to the ghosts having longer to bond with each other. Fortunately for him, he became sought after as the two pairs initially fought to get him on their side. Things took a turn when Topher decided to target Mylo after hearing he was going to potentially send Allyn home. Despite wanting Topher out of the game, Mylo followed along with Coulee and RJ's wishes and sent Allyn home in 16th place.
Back in the game, Gengar was feeling pretty defeated. Chris and Captain were worried Mylo's lone Chris vote meant that Owen + Allison were too good of a job making allies. Dreepy was feeling VERY stuck and was desperate to lose immunity to try and flush advantages they were certain were hidden on their team.
Dreepy got their wish -- Gengar finally won a challenge! Heading into council, everyone seemed fairly locked on Bryan although they had been putting Justin's name out there as a decoy. Before the vote, TJ let Bryan know who the actual target was which caused Bryan to use his Teleportation Sigil at Spirit Council. Before he walked away from council, Bryan called out a lot of his teammates which did not leave them in a very happy spot. Ultimately, the fake target became the real target and Justin was voted out in a 4-1 (Rose) vote.
Was Bryan going to use his advantage anyways? Or are he and TJ in... CAHOOTS?!?!? Only time will tell here on Ghosts' Island.
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WHY... ARE WE NOT MERGED!!!!!!!!! Mylo just left, which means there is now an entire team of people who I haven't met yet. Going into merge that is going to be brutal for me!! And what makes it worse is that there's atleast 1 person on my team I genuinely don't trust...... (Bryan) Lowkey if we threw this comp I wouldn't be mad tbh. I did my submission and 3 mins for me in a slide puzzle is like... really bad. But I know in the grand scheme of things it isn't terrible So I guess we'll have to see what happens. Voting someone off wouldn't be the worst thing.
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JUSTIN OMG...................... That challenge score is so bad. Idk if he threw it or what, but it pretty much guaranteed we are going to council tomorrow. Which I think is good for me TBH because I want to vote out Bryan!! So kind of not the worst thing for my game. As long as both Bryan and Justin don't end up safe, we should be good.
I CAN NOT BELIEVE MY EYES!!!!!! ROSE GOT THE IDOL Heck Yeah!!!!!!!! We are killing this game
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That stunk. Reaaaaally badly. My luck was down the tube and I'm disappointed that my social in-roads weren't enough to overcome it. Normally this would be game over and I'd spend months regretting mistakes I'm not even sure I made, but I do have a second chance with this ghost island. I am skeptical at my odds to make it all the way to the end but I am absolutely NOT a quitter. If there is a chance for me to return, I'll do my best for it to happen and I am planning my game out accordingly - trying to save an advantage for that f3 round so I can guarantee a spot in the final 2 of this ghost island thing. As for this round? Trying to play the middle. But unlike in the actual game, being in between two duos is good because we've already 'merged'. No one wants a 2-2 deadlock so I'm thinking they'll utilise me to get a solid 3p alliance! The only issue is who to side with. My initial thought was Allyn (and by extension Topher), who spoke to me first and bonded with, but RJ has given more game info now and is showing me more trust than Topher, who may as well have told me to quit given his reaction when I entered haha. But I'm not set yet so we'll just see :P
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Well though my puzzle time wasn’t the best thank god we finally won a challenge we were taking hit after hit!
Welp losing again was rough and then destiny pulling that at tribal she knew what was happening no doubt so annoying but whatever we can do well from now on!
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So I MEGA BOTCHED that challenge. Everyone was acting like they weren't confident, then they all got friggin' sub-4 minutes. That's misrepresentation. Nonetheless, we're going to Council. I'm hoping it's Bryan, but it could be me. I've told everyone they can tell Bryan it's me. Hopefully that way if he has an advantage (which apparently he might?) he won't play it. This one is really just a roll of the dice.
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Can someone tell me why my luck is so bad? I'm one piece of information away from this idol and I cannot win a 50/50 in Charred Room to get the last one... ugh!
So some good news and bad news: Good news: I now know the combination for the Haunted House! Bad news: I have to wait until DC to get it. Plus I think Rose has been guessing and there's a chance she's close enough to possibly get it before I can. Good news: Unless someone is planning a huge blindside, I should be safe this vote and hopefully into merge come the next round. Bad news: Bryan is the unanimous vote between the other four which really sucks because I don't want to vote him out. Is it the smart move to keep numbers strong going into merge... probably? I don't need Rose/Andry feuding with Bryan and vice versa going forward when I need cohesive numbers to work with, but Bryan was that person that coming into this game (other than Shane obviously) that I had told myself I'd find a way to run the game with and make it as far as we could. Granted, him going just means he's joining Coulee at Ghost Island which might not be terrible, but it's gonna weigh on my conscious quite a bit I think.
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So this one was before we ended up having immunity won, like legit right before 😅
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Ep 6 Confessionals | "Feeling Very Aubry In Koh Rong" - Andry
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The ghosts on Ghosts' Island were told they had their first vote. Unlike regular voting where they cast a vote for one person to leave, we are doing this list style (aka everyone ranks who they want to save from most to least). The person ranked the highest overall is safe, then the person highest on their list is safe, etc etc until someone is left standing on their own. Advantages can still be played at these spooky councils though so it really still is anyone's game to return!
Both teams were anticipating a merge at any time. Some have even debated throwing challenges in these last couple rounds, potentially seeing it as the last time to target someone / their supposed advantages before merge. Ultimately we did not see any throwing (that the hosts know of) and instead just saw some old fashioned, regular losing from the Gengar team once again.
Destiny's name was instantly thrown again for similar reasons as last time: she has no duo and people felt she was too quiet. Destiny decided to use the Teleportation Sigil she got from Hannah and didn't have to partake in Spirit Council. Since this wasn't announced until everyone was at council, it left them scrambling in the last few seconds to figure out who to vote. The multiple iterations of alliances made it seem like the vote could go any way, especially because Mylo had a 50/50 coin and a vote peek up his sleeve. Unfortunately for him, these advantages weren't enough to save him and he was voted out in our second unanimous vote of the season. Destiny might suddenly be in a better position because of this as she's now the only single with two other duos.
Everyone seems convinced merge is around the corner......... But it could be days if not YEARS until we merge!
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I am really feeling very Aubry in Koh Rong lately because medevacs and potential quits are really messing with my game!! Bryan refuses to speak with me because I told him I was voting him off but then tribal got cancelled because Hannah got evac'd. Lovely. Rose is dealing with some personal stuff right now and has told me she plans to walk from the game soon. I want what's best for her, and if walking is the right move then I respect that. But with that being said, her walking wouldn't be the best thing for my game. Also, Em just got voted out ..... I will never know what happened with Gabe........ rip. We were aligned on our OG team so that's not very fun.... at all. Im trying to build a rapport with Justin but the man has left me on read for a few days. He finally got back to me and I tried to bond with him over being somewhat old TS players. Hopefully we can get something moving forward, but I am cognisant that Bryan has probably told him terrible things about me.
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Well, a ghost has been fully voted out. I don't know what the vote totals were, or even if the ghosts know what they were. But it changes my strategy a smidge. RJ is a ghost, and if he gets fully voted out, I no longer accrue any Haunted House trips. So I have essentially the full amount saved. So I'll use one per day, get my Haunt info - maybe buff knowledge on occasion - and just take my time. That way if RJ ever gets voted out for good, I still have a full slew of 10 trips, or near to it. Then if I ever really feel in danger, I can blow them all at once and hopefully get something to help me. And if he doesn't get voted out, I'm still slowly gaining knowlege. Because at this point, having missed a full round of the Haunted House, waiting may be the best option. I don't know how many advantages are out there.
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I got bored last night so poked around the haunted house... anyways, I ended up having to take away all of someone's trips and also had the ability to remove 1 point from all 3 of someone's skills. I ended up picking Chris for the trips because he hasn't stepped into the haunted house, so he likely had 10 built up. I was debating going for Destiny, but she doesn't have a duo and thus would have no way to earn trips. I picked Topher for the remove 1 point because I don't really know him, and he's not in the actual game right now! On another note, things for Rose have greatly improved so I think she's staying!! So exciting.
Okay.... here's a thought because I am bored right now at work....if there's another team challenge I think I want to throw it so Bryan can be voted off, or he could use the SWOP that Coulee had if she transferred it to him, and we could vote off Justin. Both of those people certainly don't give me good vibes, so I don't want to see either make it fair into the game TBH. But I would like Bryan to go sooner than later.
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WHAT A TERRIBLE WORLD WE LIVE IN!!! Last round, it was finally time for Allison and I to choose a side between Chris/Captain/Destiny and Em/Mylo. Em is clearly the weak link of the team so.....we voted her out and then did damage control with Mylo. It was fairly easy to get Mylo back, he had a feeling she might be in trouble... But he DID say "are we still planning to make merge together?" and I said yes....which makes the fact that we lost again so FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE!?!?!?!? So now its like.... Captain doesn't wanna vote Chris obviously, but I love Mylo and Destiny both and so choosing between them is impossible. I don't know. I feel like Mylo would easily be 5-1. I think Chris and Captain would prefer Mylo. We made a group of Allison/me/Chris/Captain so now its like.....ok. The pickins are just so SLIM, I love everyone, even Chris. Admittedly Mylo has put in the least effort socially and physically, but I do really have a soft spot for him and I'm not sure what to do. I don't have any options left on these team. Just send me out instead I'll go fight the ghosts.... I do think it'll end up being Mylo, as much as that sucks. I just don't see Chris/Captain/Destiny deciding any other way, unless they did me or Allison, which I guess could also happen. There has gotta be a merge after this though...hopefully. If we vote Mylo and we lose again, we are putting all our faith in Chris/Captain to side with us over Destiny. That's the danger of the Mylo vote, it takes Allison and I out of the middle after three rounds of being the swing vote... But if we said screw it and sided with Mylo, we would still be up agianst a 3-3 vote unless it got split or the others agreed. I just wish there was an easy way out of this but there isn't. As a side note.... WHOEVER HURT ME IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE??? UR DAYS ARE NUMBERED MARK MY WORDS.
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So far, the adjustment period for this tribe has been wonderful! I mean I felt good with everyone and I was praying we would be able to actually avoid council after EM left. From there, I talked with Mylo and he wanted to be in a Final 3 with me and Captain and so after that, I had a preference for Owen/Allison to leave. Although Captain had concerns on having enemies going into merge since we are a minority as is (Destiny is the only other og Dreepy left). Destiny also revealed she has a power from Hannah and I feel like that could be used to help us later down the road. Unfortunately, Destiny wants Mylo out after he voted for her last council and if that didn't seal his fate, Owen/Allison making an alliance with us did. So now my plan is to basically tell Mylo let's try to avoid a tie at all costs. Once we reveal the others are on him, we simply ask him if he has any advantages. Should he not say anything, we'll have no choice but to vote him and go into the next round 5 people strong instead of like 3 or 4. We do sorta have to think about the merge and what not because right now, I can name about 3 people on that other team who will want me out unless I do some major damage control so that is my next step. With this in mind, I don't want to add to my list of potential enemies in the game so I need this council to be as clean as possible, I just hate the thought of kicking Mylo to the curb :(
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Shane and I are down to two names, rooms, and times left... we are so close to getting that extra advantage... oh how badly we're gonna need that come merge.
I am really excited how this round went. I think that I'm continuing to put myself in a middling position come merge. I have shown that I'm good at challenges but not amazing, I haven't made too many waves and have made some strong bonds from both teams I've been a part of. I don't think me/Shane's duo will be the first one to gain a lot of attention if we're merging in the next round or two, so that makes me feel much more comfortable, but at the same time, you can never feel 100% certain of your safety. There's still a lot more work to do here.
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Last minute conf woo This vote was a mess, i'm playing every side, I might play two advantages this council (lol) and I'm either being blindsided or I'm in a fantastic position. Wish me luck LOL
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Ep 5 Confessionals | "I'M ALIVE!" - Rose
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With Chris joining Gengar, alliances became pretty convoluted. The two duos that were there at the swap (Owen/Allison and Mylo/Em) had already united, but they'd also buddied up with Captain and Destiny so pretty much everyone was friends with everyone. Chris arriving late might have been an easy vote if people weren't already attached to his duo, Captain!
On Dreepy, there was a bit of fallout from the divided 4-3 Allyn vote. Bryan continued to vibe while Justin tried to make amends with TJ and Shane, his original Gengar friends.
Going into the challenge, the two teams were a bit disorganized in picking songs and getting their videos going. Dreepy eventually managed to get everything in order, though Andry, Shane, and TJ felt like they were the only ones doing any work. On Gengar, they did not start their video until pretty late in the game which meant they lost the challenge and were back at Spirit Council.
Em and Destiny ended up being the only names thrown around. Some felt Em was too quiet, but she did have Mylo to protect her. Destiny had been another suggestion due to her lack of duo which meant if she left, there was no one left to get upset. Unfortunately for Em, people decided they were okay if Mylo was upset and she was voted out 4-2.
Okay so council went exactly as I thought it would. 4-3 for Allyn to leave. I also realized that last round I kind of went a little wild with the distrust in Shane & TJ ...and I am definitely taking that back for now because they saved mine and Rose's butts! I am also very over Bryan. I tried to start building something and he ran off and told Allyn exactly what I said. I was not pleased in the slightest!!!!!! I want him gone. Justin also just doesn't talk to me. At all. I have tried but it goes nowhere. Overall, I think our team is doomed in this comp. Bryan and Justin have just outright said they'll do nothing. Shane is very clearly carrying, and I am behind him in the people who've actually done something. If we lose, it will probably be good TBH. I would like Bryan gone before merge ideally tbh. So hopefully he goes soon!!!
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Lots has been going on behind the scenes as I work my social magic :P .The swap instantly scared me - no one enjoys being swap screwed and I definitely had concerns that I'd be taken out for being an outsider. Thankfully, that didn't happen and instead I'm in a really solid spot right now! On my tribe we had Allison, Owen, Em and me in a four-person majority, and Topher, Captain and Destiny as outsiders. However, I bonded well with Captain and had an okay bond with Destiny so Topher was the best target. Thankfully my ENTIRE alliance agreed with that so that was an easy vote. Going forward it's all about making sneaky bonds with people. I have my obvious duo with Em (who is turning out to be a great shield lol), a 4p alliance with Rose/Andy, a 4p alliance with Allison and Owen, and a duo with captain. These all should help me heaps in a merge situation! It's all about keeping them tight and getting to the end~
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I am so happy this comp is over!!! I also did not put 100% into it because I want us to lose. I would love to see Bryan go before a merge situation. I can't trust him, he doesn't talk game to me... quite frankly he doesn't seem super into the season so I'd like to see him go before he can wreck my game further!! Justin is also on my hit list for similar reasons, but not as pressing as Bryan. Shane has a theory that we are merging on Nov 1st given the first live comp. If my math is right, that leaves 3 swapped team votes. So we just have to win 1, but otherwise we should be fine. Another concern for me is the ghost's island. Right now, I would say there is not one person on there that would come back and want to work with me. So that's interesting..... am i the villain of the season??? Who knows
I lowkey was hoping we would lose but somehow we DESTROYED THE OTHER TEAM!!!! I'm interested to see what happens with the other group, as I feel like this next vote will not be easy going for them
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Alright, kiddos, buckle up, 'cause this ain't a confessional, it's a dissertation. I'm gonna spell out everything I've been thinking lately. So, I'll admit, I'm a bad player. I don't know if it's 'cause there's not, y'know, a million dollars on the line to motivate me, or if I just legitimately suck. But I spent this past weekend playing like an old cat, just filled with spite and kinda done with it. Tangent for story time: for those of you kidlets who weren't around for Tumblr Survivor Adversaries 6 effin' years ago, I got voted out pre-merge (largely my own fault). Why, though? 'Cause I was plotting against the eventual winner - who I was aligned with. Granted, it was far too early. This time I'm a little bit smarter. I'm not making plots with other players to get out the eventual winner yet. And believe me - I'm once again aligned with the eventual winner in Shane. He's in the power position. 'Cause he's still with his duo. Sure, he's not the only one, but it seems like all decisions go through Shane. More accurately, all decisions are made by Shane. He swung the first Gengar vote to RJ. And while he wasn't the one to suggest voting Allyn, he certainly locked onto it. Allyn could've stayed - which is what I wanted. I really dug the vibe from her and Topher's video. It was a real mood. And I wanted to play with the two of them. But also, she was separated from her duo, and I needed someone with me to help counter Shane and TJ's power. Because I can't do it solo. I knew that before the vote, but they made it even more clear. I argued to keep Allyn so hard, and they were not having one god damn bit of it. So I knew Allyn was voting Rose. I talked to Bryan at the 11th hour and found out he was voting Rose. So, again - old cat - I voted Rose, not 'cause I dislike her or want her out necessarily, but just to Spite Shane. I like the dude as a person. But he's gonna win. I like that less. I was so miffed I almost used my advantage against him. I got an advantage in the Haunted House where I can prevent someone from moving in the House for 48 hours. And if you're in the wrong spot in the House when it shifts, you get locked out for a full Haunt. I almost used it, but it would've been way too suspicious. So I still had one brain cell working. Part of the problem may have been the fact that I was trying to strategize on Saturday night - at work - on a night when we were absolutely hammered. I was scrambling at work and in the game. It was buck wild. So now Shane and TJ might be questioning my loyalty. I dunno. I figured I'd let it sit a day or so, plus I work evenings, so it's really hard to have convos with the team sometimes. Also, Rose probably isn't thrilled that I voted for her. So I got some damage control to do.
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So swap happened, that was interesting. Thankfully we didn't actually have to go to council because Hannah was medevaced from the game before swap, but I know Bryan knew they were going home which is not a vibe in the slightest. Swap came around and we sent home Allyn but it was 4-3 which isnt much of a vibe. Created an alliance with the other duo in this group which is working so far, but I have no idea of the items they have or what they know so far. We won the first immunity we could as a group but because of irl complications Im planning on walking as soon as we lose a challenge. I'm unable to talk to people generally and can barely help in any of the challenges. Its not a vibe but its only for the next 4 days so maybe we'll stay away from summit or maybe my opinions will change before then. Signing off for potentially the last time, Rose
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Alright, so quick round recap: Justin and Bryan were kinda mad at me and Shane for that vote... can't say I blame them, but the fact that they all voted for Rose was AMAZING! It solidified our relationship with Andry/Rose so I don't see them trying to take us out any time soon now. Andry's participation in this last challenge scares me for how much of a threat he's going to be down the line. I can tell not only is this guy smart, but he has something to prove which I love to watch. I'm intrigued to see how he plays down the line which scares me because part of me is rooting for him while simultaneously slowly and meticulously trying to plot his demise. One thing that I notice pretty quickly is that Owen and Andry have a lot of the same qualities as players, so either they are going to work super well together or find themselves being pretty big targets against one another. I hope the latter becomes the case because it'll make my job much easier, but I'm nervous how playing the middle in that situation will go.
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Well basically me and Owen did all the work for this challenge which kinda sucked because of this we lost but I guess that means they’ll want to keep me around so pray for me
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Ep 4 Confessionals Part 1 | "I Will Solve This Mystery... Even If I'm A G-G-Ghost" - Chris
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After council was cancelled, Lunala was in an awkward spot. Some people had told Bryan they might have voted for him which was not a cute look for them! Who knows if they actually would have voted Bryan though... there is still a lot of paranoia over who took what in the first immunity challenge since no advantages have come out yet. Anyone could have anything!
We swapped teams and started with the reveal that TJ, Owen, and Rose had all found advantages that allowed them to stay with their duo. Captain, Allyn, and Topher were at the biggest disadvantage because their partners were still in the game but did not swap with them. Chris went to g-g-ghost island... but lucky for him it just meant he skipped the double Spirit Council and gets that much closer to merge!
Everyone put up a good fight for individual immunity. Owen's winning score intimidated a lot of people because they saw him as someone who could potentially be a threat down the road.
As the teams got ready to vote, Dreepy seemed divided. Justin/Shane/TJ were a potential old-Gengar trio, Rose/Andry seemed interested in working with the other duo on the team, and Bryan/Allyn/Justin had also connected which basically meant everything was a huge mess. The vote came down to a 4-3 split between Allyn and Rose which could leave the Allyn supporters in an awkward spot come the next vote.
On Gengar, things were a little less convoluted. While Topher had made a lot of strong connections, his allies felt he was being a little too wild in throwing around others' names. He tried to go for Em and Destiny but the two of them were already well positioned and it didn't work. Topher leaving without any advantages played still leaves the original Dreepy unsure of who took things in that first challenge. Perhaps that mystery will be answered soon...
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Ok, so now with this new swap team, I was initially concerned that Shane and I would find ourselves in a shitty spot, and seeing Justin here definitely has me worried that he'd go after us, but he's seemingly trying to make sure that he's with us or that we stay with him... not sure which one but glad to see he would rather work with than against us. But Andry and Rose, love both of them! If Shane and I can solidify an alliance with them early and just run this team with them until merge, that's gonna be so perfect! What's also extremely nice about this team draw is that I have Bryan with me. And I am pretty sure Bryan is not gonna turn on me and I won't be turning on him. I have to make sure Shane understand that. Shane has mentioned playing a very loyal game and I do the same so hopefully he'll understand if I tell him that Bryan is the one person I probably will not vote out of this game that he'd be ok with that. Admittedly I don't think I'll be put in that spot because if we merge at, say, 12, then I only have to worry about this council and one more... I think this could work. I actually think there's a road where Shane and I make merge unscathed. It's crazy!
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Pirate Council last night had the potential to be interesting. Em, Mylo, Rose, and I were planning to vote Bryan, who was being very quiet. He could potentially have the SWOP advantage that Coulee had. It was quite interesting. Rose and I were prepared to use the extra vote in the event that Bryan did use the advantage. I do like Bryan and respected him, and he probably knew what was coming so I told him like 10 mins before the vote I was planning on voting him. THEN HANNAH GETS EVACUATED AND HE DOESN'T LEAVE. SO BAD for me!!! So bad......... Anyways then we swap so I am PRAYING that Bryan will be on another team so atleast I don't have to deal with that situation. WRONG!!! Bryan is with Rose and I........... Someone out there hates me. Anways, the swapped team dynamics is interesting. 2 pairs and 3 individuals. The clear move is the 2 pairs team up. Shane and I have been chatting a bit and we're on the same page on that front. I really like him, he is nice!! Right now, I think it makes sense to send home the two people on our team who have had their partners voted off already. It won't cause too many waves tbh. The dynamic on the other team is very interesting! So yeah...... some waves to deal with, but nothing I can't overcome lmao
I just landed in the vault and got 2/3 questions right. I will simply be hustling on my next turn to make sure I got 3/3 and the advantage.... if it's still there LOL
Bryan is not happy with me ....... i tried to initiate a convo with him and he said how upset he was that he was lied to. I feel bad but it's a game????????????????????? Coulee had an advantage that if you knew would've messed up my game??????????????? idk it seems very bitter to me tbh. I am down though to work with him, but I doubt he feels the same way.
Shane won immunity, to no ones surprise! Him and TJ are really into the game. They are very dedicated which I respect but also worry about. Right now, Shane, TJ, Rose, and I are in an alliance called Duo Lingos. We’ve talked about who to target, and we all believe it’s easiest to vote for someone who’s partner has already gone (Justin or Bryan). I would prefer Justin go because I dont have a rapport with him, whereas I have one with Bryan - even though it’s a little rocky. I’ve outright told Rose I want Justin to go this round, so I’m hoping some seeds may have been planted. I also caught TJ in a lie!!!! Oh the map he was inside the vault, not just outside in but his icon was inside it. I asked him if he had gotten the questions right and he said no? No? That doesn’t make any sense. Shane and TJ are ready to play…. But it isn’t time to vote them off just yet. I think if we went for the other duo rn, we would be in trouble next round. But I’m definitely keeping in mind that TJ lied to me, because knowledge is power in this game. I played stupid when he said he didn’t get it right, and just left it at that. But I know he was outside the house when i got to the vault…. So he ran there to make sure he got whatever advantage it was. Sneaky sneaky
I got into the vault and the reward for this team is already gone. TJ must have a plethora of advantages at this point. Something seems sus.... but it's too early rn to do anything about it. I think getting rid of some of the bigger targets would only put one on my back rn tbh. As for council, no one is talking which is a little sus............................ anyways let's see what happens
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This sucks. I hate it. Fuck Double Council. I spent far too much time on that challenge to lose. I'm probably gonna get voted. I'm putting all my trust in the two people who flipped the vote on my duo partner. I think I can trust them, but who knows. Even if I can, the other 4 new Dreepys could all join forces and vote me. Fuck it. Whatever. Maybe I'm too pathetic and non-threatening to vote. Maybe I should just try to be a goat.
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Shane and TJ really think they're so slick................ the way they're painting allyn a target is truly something. It's very obvious they pulled him in and were like "og team strong" and don't want him gone. I think they believe they could pull Bryan in if they need to once Allyn goes and vote either myself or Rose off. I'm just playing dumb right now, I want them to think I am putty in their hands! Right now, makes sense to be in their good graces. BUT, at merge I think I'd be a fool to let them go far.
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