wdka2018 · 6 years
Maria van Kesteren
Maria van Kesteren by Susanna van Caldenborgh-Timmer
I was so excited to see Maria van Kesteren’s work in the exhibition. I love her work and am very interested in shapes like she is! It started when I saw a small wooden box at my mothers place. I loved it, asked who made it, but my mother didn’t know, she had bought it on a flea market and liked the shape.. About a year later I found the book “om de vorm” in a museum-bookstore. My eye caught the shape on the cover and was curious right away. And as I flipped through the pages I found my mother’s wooden box!! I love every shape in the book, the story about the artist and to see the pictures.  
What I liked about the exhibition 'speculatief design archief' is the way all the archives are presented. Each in there own special way, with models, tryouts, in cardboard or plastic boxes, as if you walk in a storage-building and exactly the way a person or company would collect there stuff. The lower you get (floors) the prettier and more extinct it gets, till even a small exhibit in 'the basement". On the first floor I saw Maria van Kensteren's work. It seems like you take a peek into her studio, the ring binder with drawings and calculations of the shapes gave me so much joy, but also the shapes themselves. I know your not allowed to touch work in a museum, but here it felt like I was in her studio and carefully and with respect I felt the forms, looked into her ringbinder and especially studied the wooden shape you see in the picture below. How would she make something like this?
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