letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/9
The day starts bright and sunny, and Tsukiko hopes the weather holds until tomorrow.
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“Hi, Yahisa.”
Hoshizuki greets Tsukiko and breaks her train of thought. He comments that she looks full of energy even though it’s so early. Tsukiko laughs and says he looks as non-energetic as usual, but isn’t he excited about tomorrow?
Tomorrow? What’s tomorrow…?
Uh… the school trip?
Oh yeah, that. He totally forgot about that.
How could he forget? Tsukiko can’t imagine forgetting something like that. She can’t wait! He looks amused and tells her to go ahead and enjoy herself.
Okay, while Hoshizuki may be pretty low-key about it, do you know who’s just as, if not more excited than Tsukiko about the school trip? I’ll give you a hint, his name starts with H and ends with ‘aruki-sensei’.
He gives a super excited run-down of the itinerary to the class, then warns everyone not to be so excited they can’t sleep and consequently oversleep and miss the bus in the morning. He tries to get Mizushima into helping explain but Mizushima’s his usual self and just complains a lot. Tsukiko expected this and finds their usual comedy routine amusing.
After class, she heads to the nurse’s office for a meeting about the health reps’ roles in the school trip. Since she was on cleaning duty and ran late, she arrives after the meeting is already over and only Hoshizuki is there. He doesn’t mind catching her up to speed but asks her to wait until he finishes making up one of the beds.
Was he sleeping on the job again?
No, he says, just a little defensively. Since she was late, he filled the time by changing the linens. Oh, in that case, she offers to help, and insists when he tries to tell her to wait while he does it. She reaches for the futon in his hands but loses her balance and topples over into him. In true otome game fashion they fall over into a heap but alas there is no CG for this. Why? Whyyyy? (actually I know why, we get a much better one later in the game BUT STILL)
Hoshizuki chides her and asks if she’s okay, but then he and she both realize how close they are in proximity to each other and are surprised into mutual silence. They’ve ended up with him on top of her, so Tsukiko couldn’t move if she wanted to. But more importantly…
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How could I move with him looking at me like that…?
Hoshizuki finds his voice first, averting his gaze and apologizing. The slightly gravelly, emotional voice that Ishida uses here is exquisite.
Tsukiko quietly tells him not to worry about it and they both finally get up. He gruffly shoos her away so he can change the sheets, and Tsukiko takes this time to calm down. She thought her heart would stop there for a moment.
As it is, her heart beats furiously all through watching him change the sheets and the brief meeting they have after he’s done.
Between that, and the excitement about the trip, Tsukiko doesn’t get any sleep that night…
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onghwangs · 7 years
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high school royalty
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otogesales · 8 years
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[AGF 2016] Starry Sky  Iku Mizushima Acrylic Stand New condition. Approximately 100mm tall. Honeybee sells the stands in blind packages - which explains the price. 
Price: $12 Status: available Please read buying info here. Thanks!
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cyndaye · 11 years
I finished Yoh's route and it was as perfect as I had imagined~ But its OVER
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reishirou · 11 years
ooc: @colorlessprodigy @yahisatsukiko
ne ne~ Does either both of you managed to found Hayato's role-player? I wanna play with Hayato~! *^*/
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/12
The next day, Tsukiko wakes up to find she’s…
...still not better. Just the thought of getting up and getting dressed seems exhausting and she can’t quite work up the energy for it. Does she still have a fever?
There’s a knock at the door and she drags herself to her feet to answer. When she opens the door, it turns out her visitor is Hoshizuki coming to check up on her. Tsukiko knows if she admits she still doesn’t feel well he’ll make her stay in bed and miss out on the day’s activities. It’s the last day of the school trip, she wants to have fun with everyone, and… she secretly wanted to go somewhere with him…
Tsukiko: I’m feeling much better.
Hoshizuki: Liar. I can tell just from looking at you the fever hasn’t gone down.
Tsukiko murmurs an apology. At least she tried?
Hoshizuki feels her forehead and goes ‘hmm’ sympathetically. It actually feels like her temperature is higher than it was the night before. He’s sorry, but he can’t let her go out like that. She’ll have to stay behind at the hotel. Tsukiko feels her heart sink… she has the spend the whole day all by herself? That sucks.
Tsukiko: Do I really have to?
Hoshizuki: You really have to.
He tells her not to look so put out about it and she pouts that she’ll be lonely. He laughs a little and tells her she’s still a child if she thinks something like that. Tsukiko’s fever is making her feel petulant so she sulks, saying fine, whatever, she’s a child then, but she’s still going to be lonely.
He doesn’t say anything for what seems like a long moment. Tsukiko glances up at his face to see a number of mixed emotions there. Finally he gently informs her to rest easy, she won’t be all by herself. He’ll stay with her. Really?! She asks, and he answers with a soft, yeah.
Oh but wait, then she’ll feel bad for making him stay behind too.
Hoshizuki shakes his head at her. First she’s lonely, then she tries to tell him he doesn’t have to stay with her, she needs to make up her mind. In any case, it’s his job to stay with sick students.
He’s not staying because of her, he’s staying because of work.
Tsukiko berates herself inwardly for not realizing it sooner and letting her imagination get the best of her.
Unaware of the new thing bringing Tsukiko down in addition to the fever, Hoshizuki asks her if she feels up to breakfast. She says she’ll try to stomach something, so he advises her to dress warm and go to breakfast and the morning meeting, then they’ll meet up again once everyone else has left. He pats her on the head and leaves.
As Tsukiko gets ready for breakfast, her head is full of the conflicting feelings she has about the day; she’s disappointed she can’t go out with her classmates, but at the same time, some small part of her is still excited that she’ll get to spend the whole day alone with Hoshizuki.
After breakfast and the morning meeting, Tsukiko sees Kanata and Suzuya off. They want to stay with her, but as they are sirs not appearing in this game, they can’t. Tsukiko tells them to have enough fun for her too. Haruki comes over to worry over her, but he’s sure she’ll be fine if Kotarou-sensei is with her. They part ways and Tsukiko turns to find Hoshizuki is already there to escort her back to her room.
Once there, he tells her to lie down and gets her a new cold compress. They take her temperature and he scolds her, it’s high enough that he’s almost begrudgingly impressed she tried to lie and say she was fine. He doesn’t care how much she was looking forward to the school trip, what if she’d collapsed somewhere? She apologizes and he accepts it, saying it doesn’t matter now.
Hoshizuki: Here, give me your hand.
Tsukiko, thinking maybe he remembered holding her hand from the last time she got sick, gets all flustered for a moment...until he puts water and some medicine in her hand. Way to play with our feelings, writers.
Hoshizuki shushes her when she tries to apologize again and tells her he’ll come check in on her periodically, so she should get some rest.
Wait, he’s going to leave her?
Hoshizuki points out that while she may be a child still, it wouldn’t be proper for him to stay in her room with just the two of them all day.
Okay, maybe he has a point, but did he have to call her a child again?
Oh, Tsukki.
Dear, dear, Tsukki.
He’s only fooling himself at this point.
In any case, he’s promised to come back and the medicine is starting to kick in already, making her drowsy. Before he goes though, can she ask one favour? Sure, what is it?
Um… will he hold her hand?
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“Sure, if my hand will do…”
Of course it’ll do. Tsukiko reaches out from the bedcovers to carefully put her hand in his. He fondly comments on how she likes holding hands. The combination of fever and meds lulls Tsukiko into saying exactly what’s on her mind, and she tells him that she feels he might leave her if she doesn’t hold on to his hand.
Whether this means in a smaller “this moment” sense or a broader “for the rest of my life” sense is up to interpretation. (it could be both)
(can I just take a moment to gush over Ishida a moment here because oh man oh man, every line in this scene, okay game, but especially this scene is just perfection)
He laughs a little at this and guesses that means she wants him to stay there and hold her hand until she falls asleep. Yes, but if she could have her way, he’d stay even after she falls asleep. But that’s asking too much… isn’t it? He gently tells her fine, he gets it, he’ll stay for awhile, just go to sleep already.
Tsukiko closes her eyes and, comforted by the warmth of his hand around hers, drifts off to sleep…
Some time later, she wakes up and he’s still by her side. She hazily asks what time it is and he informs her it’s just past noon. Is she feeling any better?
Not really…
He takes her temperature again and sure enough, the fever is still there. She should go back to sleep. She hates to admit it, but that sounds best. After all that time she spent looking forward to the trip, and now on top of missing it, she’s making him miss it too.
He pats her head when she apologizes and reminds her that he comes along on all the school trips, so it’s not like he hasn’t been here before. He’s more sorry for her than for himself. He also blames himself for not realizing she wasn’t feeling well sooner.
(He might have noticed earlier if a certain pair of idiots hadn’t gotten him drunk, sure, but then we wouldn’t have this tender scene so cut the two drunks some slack)
Tsukiko protests that it’s her fault for not taking better care of herself. He frowns at her and says she puts others first too much. It’s okay for her to complain, or say no, or be a little selfish sometimes, you know?
He’s right… she complains openly, she was really looking forward to the trip and spending the free day walking around and seeing the sights with him. As soon as the words leave her mouth, she blushes. In response, he gives her one of his rare full smiles and suggests that in that case she should repeat a year at school so they can spend next year’s school trip together. Tsukiko giggles and calls that a nice idea. The fact that she can laugh at his joke is a good sign. If her fever goes down by the evening, he says they can maybe go for a walk at least. In the meantime, she should try to eat something for lunch. Does she feel up to it? Tsukiko says she does, but then worriedly asks if he’ll stay with her again after she eats. Bemused, he promises that he’ll come back to hold her hand after lunch.
He helps her up to eat, and afterwards, they return to her room. Just like in the morning, Hoshizuki holds Tsukiko’s hand until she falls asleep…
And here, we switch to Hoshizuki’s point of view…
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“Oh… she’s asleep, is she?”
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“*yawn* Now I’m getting sleepy… Maybe I’ll lie down for a bit.”
Oh man oh man is that ever pretty.
I love this scene.
I love this route.
Hoshizuki shifts position to get more comfortable, and is very aware of the small, warm hand within his. It occurs to him how wrong this is, they’re student and teacher, not to mention a woman and a man, how must it look for them to be lying side by side, holding hands like this? Not only that, but once he’s on his side, naturally that puts him very close to her face.
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No but really, that’s so pretty.
What a great facial expression, it conveys so much.
Okay, enough squeeing back to the story.
Hoshizuki feels so bad for Tsukiko, he saw her looking through pamphlets a lot and heard her talk about coming on this trip...only for her to have to miss it like this. Not only that, but she still has the softness of heart to feel bad about making him miss out. He keeps telling himself that she’s a child and he shouldn’t… but he finds that really sweet.
Tsukiko shifts in her sleep and her grip on his hand tightens every so slightly. This makes him smile fondly at her. There’s a lot, actually, that he finds sweet about her. How she lets her emotions show, in how she reacts, and smiles, and pouts, and defies expectations. She always seems to be living life to the fullest…
In her sleep, Tsukiko murmurs, “Hoshizuki-sensei, I’m sorry…”
Why is she apologizing, he wonders? Because she thinks she made him work more, or because she thinks he wanted to spend the day out sightseeing?
Before he realizes, he’s murmured her name and leaned forward…
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Hoshizuki gently puts his lips over hers, as if to put her worries at ease.
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Can I just say that the artist’s use of facial expressions in this scene is on point? I’m just so in love with everything about it. Look at that face. That is the face of someone who’s just realized a whole world of things and is struggling to deal with it.
Hoshizuki suddenly wants nothing more than to leave that place and forget about what he just did… but that would mean letting go of her hand.
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“What am I doing…?”
He realizes he’s falling… no, he’s fallen for her. Before he realized it, it was too late for him. But it doesn’t have to be too late for her. He still believes he doesn’t deserve to be loved by anyone, because he couldn’t face someone’s feelings for him once before.
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“If that was your first kiss… I’m so sorry…”
He thinks to himself that she can never know what happened. She can never know how he feels. Apologizing would be too easy, this way, the guilt will remind him and be his penance. He’ll use it to motivate him to keep his distance from her after the school trip is over. He’s surprised and ashamed of his own egoism. She looks so peaceful sleeping there, unawares, and the feel of her hand almost brings tears to his eyes.
He got too close.
At the very least, he’ll allow himself to sleep here, with her warm hand in his. He can tell himself then it was all a dream, a brief, happy moment before he woke up. He traces the memory of the kiss with his fingertips and closes his eyes…
Tsukiko comes slowly awake, aware only that something...vaguely… sad happened. Something sad and sweet seems to linger on her lips. She also comes aware of a faint warmth, and the feeling that if she’s not careful it’ll get away from her…
...this, she realizes is Hoshizuki’s hand, still wrapped around hers.
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Hoshizuki-sensei’s sleeping next to me…
She watches him sleep a moment, taking in what might be the first time he looked completely relaxed that she’s seen. It’s a rare sight and she wants to cherish it… because, she realizes, she truly does cherish him. She leans forward, wondering what he could be dreaming of… and is just in time to hear him murmur the words, “I’m sorry…” in his sleep.
Tsukiko watches him closely, curiously. She doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for, but for some reason it puts a pang in her heart. Before she realizes it, this propels her forward, and she gently kisses his lips, softly, so as not to wake him. If he knew, he would definitely start to avoid her.
Tsukiko wants nothing more than to always be at his side. Even if she can never tell him how she feels...she wants to be there for him… so that, at the very least, he won’t be so lonely anymore. She loves him so much, just knowing that makes her incredibly happy. With this knowledge in her heart, she falls back asleep…
The next time she wakes, she’s greeted by a sleepy Hoshizuki, who awoke before her. By the sounds of it, not too long before her, though. Is she feeling any better now?
Actually, she is. Her head feels much more clear now, thanks to him.
He’s happy to hear that, he says, and gets to his feet. His fingers brush past hers and she tries to say something, but he brusquely tells her to get a bit more sleep until dinner time. He’ll come back and wake her then.
He’s going to leave.
She knows it would be pushing it to ask him to stay, but…
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“I’m sorry you have to go…”
“I’ll stay here.”
“I wish you’d stay with me a little longer.”
This is an interesting set of choices, and if you know Hoshizuki’s character well enough, it’s easy to see how the first would be the best option.
So that’s what we’ll go with.
In response he says he understands how being alone when you’re sick is no fun and offers to ask another teacher to stay with her.
Tsukiko, still willing to be honest with herself after the little pep talk he gave her earlier, says she would prefer if he stayed. This amuses him and he calls her on it. She immediately apologizes. For a moment he turns serious and averts his gaze. She doesn’t have to apologize. But at the same time, the other students should be coming back soon and he has to help take attendance.
He leaves and Tsukiko is left alone with her thoughts.
She kissed him.
Just thinking about it makes her heart beat faster. She can never tell anyone, though.
Out in the hall, Hoshizuki dwells on the fact that he didn’t want to leave her, but being alone with her was just too much for him to deal with right now. He needs this time to sort out his feelings.
And thus begins all the real wtfery in this route but I’LL TAKE IT :D
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onghwangs · 7 years
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model students
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hydrangeas-in-the-sun · 11 years
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Happy birthday to Hayato Aozora and Ringo Tsukimiya!!!
I even made apple cake to celebrate.
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platzarchive · 13 years
cole...coke...cocaine...kokaine....ketaine...kettaro.... its a namey cycle.....
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/10
We open today just after the students have arrived at the hotel they’re occupying for the school trip.
Haruki-sensei is trying to wrangle everyone together so he can take attendance. Next to him, Mizushima is yawning and Hoshizuki is complaining about what a pain all the preparation he’s had to do was. So basically everyone is exactly as you’d expect them to be.
Tsukiko yawns too, and reflects on how she didn’t get much sleep. That must be why she’s feeling a little under the weather, too… But she can’t let that get her down. She’s been looking so forward to this school trip, she can’t wait to make all sorts of good memories out of it!
The first night of the school trip involves everyone going out stargazing together. Tsukiko thinks it’s nice to see the sky from somewhere other than the school grounds for a change and enjoys it. The students review the 12 constellations that can be viewed in the autumn sky.
After the lesson, they go back to the hotel and Tsukiko feels a little lonely by herself. This is another one of those moments where being the only girl makes her feel left out. Because of this, she has trouble sleeping again, and when she goes out to use the bathroom later, she notices on the way back that the light in one of the teachers’ rooms is still lit. She’s pretty sure that room was supposed to be Haruki’s room… they’re still up? Figuring that maybe they’re up late planning the next day’s activities, she starts to tip toe past in an effort not to disturb them.
It doesn’t work, because Haruki finds her. What’s she doing still awake?
She admits she can’t sleep and tells him she appreciates his hard work. He asks what she means and when she explains he laughs a little and says she’s got it all wrong. But since she can’t sleep, why doesn’t she stop by their room? They have juice.
Is that okay?
Sure it’s okay, he assures her. It’s just him, Mizushima, and Hoshizuki, so not all that different from when they’re hanging out in the nurse’s office, right? He has a point, so she accepts his office and follows him into the room. There she finds that they weren’t working late into the night, they were drinking. The other two teachers welcome Tsukiko into their little circle. Mizushima asks Tsukiko to pour him a drink and Hoshizuki scolds him because that’s something he should be asking of a student.
When has that ever stopped him, though?
I mean, really.
Haruki pours Tsukiko some juice and they have a toast. Tsukiko notes that both Haruki and Mizushima instantly down their drinks while Hoshizuki sets his aside. This brings to mind an earlier conversation about how he’s not much of a drinker. Haruki complains that he’s not very good company, but Hoshizuki coolly shrugs this off and asks Tsukiko to pour him some of the juice she’s drinking.
Before she can, though, Mizushima tells her to wait.
Mizushima: >:D Hey, Haruki-sensei, you want to drink with Kota-nii, don’t you?
Haruki: Huh? O-Oh…! Yeah, yeah, I do!
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“Wh-What’re you two up to…?”
You have to ask?
The two drunks tackle Hoshizuki. Mizushima holds him down while Haruki comes at him with a full glass of sake.
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Hoshizuki tries to push Haruki away with his foot but it doesn’t work. They struggle like that while Tsukiko watches on, worried, asking just what the two drunks are up to. Then Mizushima gets impatient with how long it’s taking Haruki to get close enough to force Hoshizuki to drink and…
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Mizushima: He drank it!
Haruki: We did it!
Hoshizuki: I’ll get you for thzzzzzz…
The two drunk idiots are exceedingly proud of themselves for showing Tsukiko just what happens when Hoshizuki drinks alcohol. Tsukiko’s surprised, but once she gets over the initial shock, she just worries that he might catch cold sleeping on the floor where they left him. She grabs a nearby blanket to put over him and for a moment he opens his eyes to look up at her and sleepily murmur…
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“Yahisa, you should sleep too already.”
She says she will and starts to insist that if he’s going to sleep he should get in his futon, but trails off when he sleepily grabs for her hand. Before she can recover from this, he’s fallen back asleep. For a moment she just stares at him. He really is beautiful… Before she snaps back to reality and hurriedly excuses herself back to her room.
We don’t hear another peep from the other two teachers during this. One can only assume they’re either a) off drinking in their own little worlds, b) watching on, amused and already more aware of what’s going on between Hoshizuki and Tsukiko than even they do, or c) passed out drunk themselves.
Back in her room, Tsukiko experiences yet another sleepless night…
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otogesales · 9 years
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PSP Otome games
Himehibi  $15
Hanayakanari Waga Ichizoku Polarstar $15
Starry Sky in Spring $15 (I forgot to take a picture)
Getsuei no Kusari $30 (new)
Getsuei no Kusari Kyouran Moratarium $30 (new)
Please go over here for buying info
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/6
Today opens in the auditorium, where the students have been called for a sudden assembly. What’s up, I wonder…?
Tsukiko’s just wondering this herself when who should get up on stage to address the students, but…
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“Hello everyone, it’s nice to meet you all.”
These games were made on such a shoestring budget they didn’t even bother to give her an alternate header with her name to go with Hoshizuki’s route. If you remember, we don’t get her name prior to this scene in Naoshi or Mizushima’s routes.
Anyway, Koharu introduces herself and explains that she’s been supporting the school in the background. She had always thought her job meant staying out of sight and merely making things run smoothly, but today she has an important announcement to make, so she’s taken this opportunity to greet the students directly.
With a smile she says that it’s kind of odd timing, because her announcement is that… she’s stepping down as the chairwoman of the school. In her place, Hoshizuki Kotarou will become the new chairman of Seigetsu Gakuen.
Now then, we all saw this coming, and if you’ve played the other routes you know that if Tsukiko spends her time with Naoshi or Mizushima, then this scene comes wayyy out of left field. It also doesn’t make sense, since Hoshizuki’s decision to become chairman only really came after Tsukiko had given him that last bit of encouragement. Granted, he might have made the decision on his own, but then if he was going to make the decision anyway, Tsukiko’s help in his route is kind of a moot point. It’s like Schrodinger's chairman or something.
Personally, if I were making this story and not on a bare bones budget I’d have relegated this scene to just Hoshizuki’s route and made other little scenes to fill the gap in the other guys’ route. This is why I don’t make games I just translate them.
Anyway, to this end, in the other guys’ routes I didn’t screencap New!chairman Hoshizuki to save the surprise for this route.
Koharu invites Hoshizuki up on stage to say his piece and we get a look at Hoshizuki Kotarou looking absolutely freaking gorgeous in a black suit.
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With the slicked back and unbound hair too, Starry Sky artist you are amazing and I love you.
I also want to know what kind of surprise celebration invention Hayato and Kazuki just prevented from exploding in the background. Poor Tsubasa.
Hoshizuki takes the stand and confirms that he’s the new chairman of the school, telling everyone to settle down when the students immediately begin talking amongst themselves out of surprise. He explains that he’s taking the position so that his sister, Koharu, can achieve her dream of studying abroad.
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“So that’s how it is. In any case, I’ll kind of do my best. That seem okay with you all?”
He’ll “kind of” do his best…? Seems suspect but also sounds like the same old Hoshizuki-sensei. The students are fine with it. But wait, who’s going to be school nurse? Oh, he’s going to keep being the school nurse, too. He explains that he prefers to interact with the students personally, so he’s decided to do both jobs.
The students all cheer and shout words of encouragement. Tsukiko is happy for Hoshizuki-sensei along with them…
...but there’s a small part of her that feels this change puts more distance between them. He seems even farther and out of reach from her now. As if to only drive this feeling home, when she tries to go congratulate him personally after the assembly, she sees he’s surrounded by students and gives up. She supposes she’ll congratulate him later.
However, just as she turns to go, Hoshizuki shoos the students away and comes over to talk to her. What did she think of his speech?
She was a little surprised, but he’s Chairman Hoshizuki now, isn’t he?
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“It must be weird for the school nurse to also be the chairman.”
Tsukiko giggles and agrees that it’ll be weird to see the chairman wearing a labcoat. That’s true, but it’s the decision he’s made, and he’ll be counting on her help. Tsukiko happily says of course he can count on her, and tells him to do his best. He smiles and thanks her.
Nearby, Tsukiko hears her classmates marvel over seeing such a smile on Hoshizuki’s face. They think Yahisa must be really amazing to have that effect on people.
Hoshizuki overhears this too and tells them to scram.
Awata: See what we mean? This is the attitude we get!
It’s all in good fun though, and the boys congratulate Hoshizuki on his new position. He thanks them and then tells all of them to get moving before they’re late for class.
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insani-licious-blog · 13 years
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A screenie from Starry☆Sky ~After Summer~ <3
Enjoy! ;)
Don't own anything, belongs to honeybee :)
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