trans-marcus-brutus · 4 years
001: suthmaud!!
Ah!! the MOST meta of Macbeth ships while still technically being a macbeth ship. For all those who don’t know, Suthen is the queen, Lady Duncan, and Maud is Lady Banquo. They don’t appear in the play, but we on the server have really... decided they exist and have personalities... cause this play needs more women. We didn’t make up their names; these were the names given to them by history.
Suthen is also Siward’s sister, and Maud (in headcanon at least) is Duncan’s sister.
when I started shipping it if I did:
Someone on the macbeth server decided it was a good idea and I already had Maud as bisexual so I was like hell yeah
my thoughts:
Mom otp. two sweet girls trying to make their way in life. Maud is a little chaotic and Suth is a little sad but they love eachother and their sons.
What makes me happy about them:
Their energies fit well together!! Maud is always inclined to see the positive and takes no shit from people. Suthen, as mentioned before, is a bit sadgirl hours since she was forced out of her homeland to go marry some Scottish guy she didn’t even know, fortunately the groom’s sister is really nice and won’t stop talking to her throughout the entire reception!!
What makes me sad about them:
Suthen’s husband isn’t nice to her or her children :( And Maud unfortunately dies giving birth to her second child, who was stillborn... Suthen ends up fleeing Scotland in despair after this, holing up with Siward in Northumbria, unfortunately leaving her sons alone with their shitty father... :((( I wish Suth had taken the kids tbh. That was not the best move... But yeah her gf die and she sad :((( 
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Bruh do you really think this ship has fanfics lmaoooo
things I look for in fanfic:
See above ^
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I am... not a multi shipper usually, as you may have found out ^^; Though some sort of ship switch-up involving Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff might be interesting lol... my money is on Lady Beth/Suthen and Lady Duff/Maud. It’s a crack ship, but it could be cute. 
My happily ever after for them:
Maud does Not Die, and they run away with Malcolm and Donalbain to go be forest witches or something. They raise their kids and are happy and gay and have a great time.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Maud is v short so she’s the little spoon. Suthen can definitely pick up her gf. Tall Norwegian girl genes
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Snuggling is always nice... Especially on a cold day in winter when your husbands are away... Light the fires and fall asleep together...
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