#suz liveblogs the untamed
The Untamed: Episode 3
1. so did mianmian have a crush on jin or was she just that dedicated to her boss? i respect her either way i just always wanted to know how he felt about her in return too
2. yanli’s face at the mention of her promised one!!! she’s so soft.
3. i forgot that wwx took it upon himself to get them a room from mianmian and that it almost worked wow. and then HE MAKES A SEX JOKE ABOUT HIM AND MIANMIAN THAT WENT SO FAR OVER MY HEAD LAST TIME. he’s so adorable when he’s trying to manipulate people
4. when he leans in to listen to their private conversation. crying. keep your nose in your lane sir
5. lmao when yanli suggests they fight each other and jiang cheng is like... lmao maybe. he looks so tempted im tearing up 
6. no offense but why does jin zixuan actually need his whole entourage and shit. you need everyone to watch you drink tea or what?
7. yanli and jz first meeting is!! cute but wwx still looks like an imp the whole time.
8. is he wrong when he says that jin clan is ostentatious. i think no. but also from the beginning wwx has been all like i stand by my actions but dont blame my clan and i think thats very heartbreaking of him 
9. why did i have to wait forty episodes for yanli to be happy with this jx idiot when i COULD HAVE HAD IT BACK THEN IF EVERYONE WERENT SO STUPID
10. the fact that wwx has literally no chill when it comes to yanli is so on brand
11. the only more on brand thing is that he actually left the invitation back in the hotel.
12. i love when siblings agree to hate other people because they’re messing with the siblings. that’s amor
13. why is wwx the guy who would get you kicked out from the club right when you finally got in
14. THIS IS THE SCENE WWX REMEMBERS LATER!! THEIR FIRST MEETING!! im the guy staring literally open mouthed as lwj walks past
15. i know this is me being dumb but. is lwj older than wwx?
16. i would die for lwj. he’s so BABEY
17. name a more iconic meet cute than: you’re at my uncle’s house for a lecture and i don’t let you in because you don’t have an invitation and then i cast a silencing spell on you as i walk away because you’re THAT annoying
18. WAIT. what was that look. was that... amusement. is our second young master... vindictive?  
19. the scene where jiang cheng is reassuring yanli about wwx. he says wwx is probably out having some fun with a mianmian or yuandao. wwx said his name was yuandao to mianmian earlier. is it a boy’s name? is wwx implied to be rowdy here? am i reading to much into this?
20. the fact that no one stays behind to let wwx know that lwj let them in! im hollering is anyone going to actually blame him for breaking in 
21. okay except he definitely comes in carrying zero (0) invitations and two (2) bottles of emperor’s smile
22. how long was lwj standing there. did he know wwx was coming. once again this kid aims for peak drama and executes it effortlessly. how is wwx considered the most dramatic person in this show in any way compared to this fucker. he literally silences people he doesn’t want to listen to. name something more petty and powerful. 
23. what about lwj made it seem like he could be bribed with alcohol. like wwx. you moron. 
24. isn’t there something sexy about wwx sheathing lwj’s sword for him. just me? cool
25. the romantic music is what makes this scene s2g. like i know im supposed to take away that they’re well matched and equals but all i can think is that they’re stupid in the exact opposite ways and that’s the only reason they survive as long as they do.
26. the horror in wwx’s face when he notices the 3000 principles. “lets count how many violations you broke tonight” kind of sounds like something lwj would actually do as foreplay so. you know whatever
27. just to summarize, because my head is spinning, wwx offends lwj’s clan, lwj’s clan’s principles, lwj himself and then takes a sip of his liquor
28. so lwj was actually offended by wwx thinking he’s undesirable... casual
29. the silencing charm strikes again. thats twice in this episode. wwx is 0 for 2. who’s going to try and tell me that lwj didn’t take those insults personally and that’s why he used the silencing charm instead of just saying “my uncle and your siblings are waiting for you”
30. ZEWU JUNNNNNNN. i missed my baby. 
31. wwx is so fucking. annoying. like, you idiot. hotheaded fool. the first thing he says to lwj’s brother is “your brother is a fool.” the lack of respect when he approaches lan qiren. stunning display of impudence. i also love that wangji is just kind of like “now you see what im dealing with”
32. i literally forgot that lwj is the reason wwx has to copy the principles 300 times. like thats so funny. 
33. im wwx justifying to the clan leadership why i purchase two bottles of alc when i was on a rescue mission
34. the fact that wangji doesn’t want wei ying to know that he helped his sibs get in. and how touched wei ying is when he finds out. so cute
35. i forget sometimes that like. wwx really was a prodigy. kid was smart. kid was talented. 
37. i know the reason we never see wen qing use that hot ass sword she bows with in this ep is cuz she’s a doctor and she’s proud of it but. i think i would kill for some footage of her swinging that onto to someone’s neck. maybe wen chao’s or something 
38. wei wuxian makes me want to launch myself into a chasm of some kind. he’s so smart and dumb all at once. how can someone so good at cultivation also stick his foot in his mouth 24/7
39. compare the lan siblings to our disaster trio for a second. “i trust you to look into it but be safe use your judgement” “don’t worry ill listen to you” “am i putting too much on your shoulders?” “i want to help you” VS “please find him” “be assured. ill find him and break his legs” 
40. i like that zewu jun immediately likes wwx for lwj. it’s just so big bro of him. also him describing wwx as “even though he does some excessive things” is like. big brain. biggest brain. 
41. lwj being pessimistic about making friends makes me :(
42. ZEWU JUN YOU ICON “you were tied weren’t you? doesn’t he have skill?” like drag your brother 
43. oh. i forgot that xue yang is here. frustrating as per usual. 
sometimes you meet your soulmate when you insult his entire being and he casts a silencing spell on you after dumping your liquor stash
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The Untamed: Episode 4
1. so wwx does study... interesting
2. if i were in this lecture, i would 100% fall asleep solely because of the cloud recess color scheme
3. call me hot for teacher but like zewu jun can like... get it 
4. im the face wwx makes when he realizes theyre going to read out all 3000 principles 
5. i love that “don’t be suspicious” is actually a tenet of this clan 
6. wwx literally has no chill at all. like how does he get away with anything when he literally can’t help but act mischievously. he draws so much attention to himself 
7. i am wwx not paying attention to the daggers lz is throwing at him and waving anyway 
8. their hair clips all pop off!
9. i love the face wwx makes when jc calls the gift from the jin clan meriticous... we love agreeing brothers
10. nie huasang straightening his bangs when he’s called up!!! good grooming
11. i forgot that this is meng yao’s villain origin story first and an office romance second. also that this is where zewu jun fell in love with meng yao like straight up. they’re little hand touching as he accepts the gift/// the longing. im calling pride and prejudice
12. wen chao’s idiotic face makes me. so angry. stop setting people on fire. you’re a nobody. 
13. why are the security services at lan clan so inept. like isn’t your whole job to protect your clan. you can’t even protect each other. 
14. i wish. just once. wen qing would use her sword. 
15. lwj ready to fucking fight wen chao is my sexuality
16. why does wwx have. zero. (0). self control. like why are you going after wen chao in front of the whole clan. and pulling your sword rn. literally trouble maker from day one. and i say this with exasperation. 
17. FLUTES BABY. they can do it all 
18. the hard on meng yao gets when zewu jun does That. understandable. 
19. lan qiren is the slowest moving motherfucker in the history of cloud recesses s2g
20. so jc never got to present!! fucked up!
21. lmao i never noticed wwx dropped his sword at the end there
22. nie complimenting wwx’s courage in confronting wen chao like. baby. it’s not courage. it’s stupidity. 
23. jc knows. his courage isn’t something normal people can do. thank you king for recognizing your brother is a freeq
24. lwj is so fucking funny. wwx is so obsessed. they’re so funny in the beginning. 
25. i forgot that jc is the most relatable character on this show. like he’s normal. he gets annoyed with wwx. he’s in love with wen qing. essentially me. 
26. sometimes this show makes logical jumps related to cultivation that i cannot explain and it makes me so confused. 
27. the yearning in zewu jun’s eyes when meng yao comes to say goodbye... volumes
28. “we are peers” the hands dropping. i cannot believe them being like this two seconds after meeting. 
29. i love wen qing. 
30. they actually went fishing. 
31. nvm nie huasang is the most relatable. pretty much none of what wwx said made sense. but whats the use in arguing? lets fish. 
32. NIE. you have my heart. 
33. why does wwx look so dry. like he was just playing in a river. make him wet!
34. i love lanyi so so much. her heart is so big. except for when it comes to jc!! i never noticed the face he makes when lanyi tells him that wwx is exactly like the rangers the jiang clan is descended from. like i always interpreted it as him accepting that wwx is wild and thats okay. but no. its because wwx is like the perfect jiang clan member and jc is, as usual, too serious and not as comfortable with/understanding of jiang tenets. he’s always going to be second best. even with his sister he always comes after wwx. like always. no wonder king has such a middle child complex. who puts him first? no one. and he knows it even as a teen. 
35. the three of them. breaks my heart to think about later. 
36. why are their lectures like That. who wouldn’t fall asleep. 
37. wwx making trouble two seconds after he said he wouldn’t. par for fucking course. 
38. MY FAVE SCENE IS HERE. like wwx is SUCH a know it all. but also Lan Qiren is so mean to him in the wrong way. like you’re not going to get him to not be obnoxious by calling him out in front of everyone. he doesn’t respond to that. 
39. wwx having the audacity to smile at lwj after pranking lan qiren. iconic. 
40. literally be more obvious about your crush wwx. i dare you. 
41. lan zhan looking confused that wwx is smart is so funny. he genuinely thought this kind was like a jock. like fine he can use a sword but whatever. and then he pulls some knowledgable bullshit and lwj is like. ugh. 
42. the LOOK that wwx sends lwj when lwj answers for him. like he’s actually prideful and competitive.
43. my chest inflates every time i get to hear lan wangji say anything other than wei ying. im turned on right now. go baby go 
44. fucking wei wuxian. tie’s little shh. jc telling him to shut the fuck up. yanli’s worried look. the side glances from lwj and jin zixuan. like. take a hint. or a scroll to the head because you can’t figure out when to shut the fuck up. 
45. wangji’s little moment of panic when he’s faced with the prospect of being in charge of wwx’s punishment is so funny. 
46. i forgot how much wen ning’s smile lit up the fucking screen. also forgot that the first thing idiot #1 did when told to go to the library is go to the back hill. 
47. “you’re too humble” maybe you should be taking notes dumbass 
48. kudos to wwx for managing to actually look embarrassed about being told off by lan qiren. he was so cute back when he still somewhat respected the cultivation world. 
49. the hero worship that wen ning has for wwx just because he’s nice to him kills me. he’s such a loyal person. imagining how different the whole story would be if wen ning and wwx didn’t befriend each other in gusu is like. first of all wwx would probs be dead. altho maybe if he died so early on everything wouldn’t be as terrible as it is later. who knows. 
50. i forgot that they fight again here. at least until wwx recognizes that it’s lwj and immediately turns babey
name a more flippant character than teen!wwx. i’ll wait. 
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The Untamed: Episode 2
1. “Is Wei Wuxian your dad?” “No, he’s my idol” is the funniest exchange ive ever heard about a long-dead assumed war criminal 
2. the slo mos in this show... like why slow down her dance... idk
3. the hero of this episode is apple. no criticism will be accepted
4. the fact that the first thing wwx thinks of his nephew is “ew hes a peacock like some other jin clan members i knew” is. frankly rude but also kind of painful 
5. it shatters my heart that these brothers are in such shambles right now. jiang cheng needs a hug yall thats it. 
6. ... did wwx really need to cut all 400 spirit nets. also the imp look on his face when lan clan gets blamed for that shit. peak chaotic dick energy
7. lwj watching jiang cheng to see if he’ll activate zidian is so tense but also so funny in retrospect like. they really are so angry with each other. also the whole “i heard you’ve been a lot of places this last sixteen years. searching for someone?” line is just rude like come on jiang cheng are you gonna act like you didnt look for his body for so long that it’s part of the legend
8. first silence spell of the show. victim: jin ling. theres that maternal influence he’s been missing. also why is jiang cheng so rude to his nephew like why are you putting down a sixteen year old kid dude. i mean i feel for the guy because he’s had to live with so much for so many years but i thought his takeaway would be “don’t be like my mother” rather than hold up its evil stepmother time
9. wwx in black hiding behind that tree trunk is possibly the dumbest thing he’s done so far. which is impressive considering other things he’s done is throw a tantrum and steal someone’s peanuts by freezing time
10. god yes we stan lan yuan king of level headedness. which father do you think he gets it from 
11. did lwj tell them not to take risks because he thinks this also has something to do with wwx??
12. that first glimpse they get of each other. ugh
13. YANLI IN THAT REFLECTION>>> my baby deserved better yall
14. why do people talk so loudly about other people’s business in this show. someone get wwx some ear plugs 
15. wwx slapping himself. the self loathing. i think pretty much only yanli has that effect on him.
16. why does yuan’s bud keep attacking innocent people. like we get it youre a cultivator. he’s raking leaves
17. the lanlings need adult supervision. or at least a sign that says “dont approach the dancing human looking rocks”
18. shouldn't nightless city be overrun with soul gathering grass lowkey
19. i want someone to tell me im good at eating
20. someone tell me why im crying in the clan burial ground right now. oh right. its cuz my love wen qing is looking all kinds of mysterious and tragic AND I CANT EVEN SEE HER FACE
21. “they don’t know that god’s can’t even carry themselves, let alone others’ wishes” is such a raw line and its just annoying that jin ling, sixteen year old brat of jin and jiang clans, said it. he takes after his uncle. no not that one.
22. wwx and his fucking paper talismans. the duct tape of the yiling patriarch
23. KIDS WAIT UP. SIR. sir you’ve been dead for the last sixteen years you’re like max twenty five. dying twice really only adds a couple years. and like 0 wisdom points apparently. 
24. sixteen plus years later and wwx is still mad about the lan clan teaching method. a petty king
25. LMAOO i forgot that jiang cheng and lwj literally sat at those outdoor picnic tables in complete silence and waited for their clanlings
26. IM THE IDIOT ASKING WWX WHY HE’s playing flute so terribly as they’re being attacked by the stone lady. like. kid. your master plays the fucking qin every time he’s dealing with any supernatural drama. wwx is just bad because hes out of practice chill out
27. WEN NING THE GHOST KING. i missed him. also the chains? goth look of the decade. also i totally forgot that like. wen ning killed jin ling’s dad and like all that stuff. and that they executed him. suddenly all the freaking out even on wwx’s part makes sense. 
28. he plays the song lwj composed for him,,, to calm wen ning down,,,, and then he wonders for 40+ episodes how lwj recognized him back then. moron patriarch.
29. if someone doesn’t start treating wen ning like a person very soon, im going to lose it
30. when he, walks back, right into lwj, right at the musical crescendo... chef’s kiss and painful agony rolled into one. cinematic poetry. the shocked eye contact. unfollow me now this is all im going to be tweeting about for the next year. lan zhan not letting go when wwx goes back to playing. literally my heart. 
31. the pleading in wei ying’s eyes. the fucking yearning in lan jan’s. i empathize with wwx still wishing he was dead.
32. why is adult jiang cheng... so unlikable. i forgot that literally he’s unbearable after he loses his whole family and is forced to rebuild his entire clan by himself.
33. and so the tale of lwj protecting wwx with everything he has begins. i respect one (1) man and it’s this regal motherfucker who only ever looks scared when someone’s attaching wwx 
34. “you think you can beat people because you’re rich and powerful” IDIOT THATS LITERALLY ALL YOU DID FOR YEARS. i mean not really but. wwx admonishing someone else for being blinded by anger is. ironic.
35. “you’ll be shocked to death if i take it off” is such sibling energy im crying
36. lan zhan!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD DIE FOR YOU and the way your hand goes to your sword when Wei YING’s being threatened!!
37. the expression on his face when the kid says “people say you killed him yourself” he’s so *clenches fists* sad!!
38. i like how wwx’s reaction to literally every sad interaction with his family is to fall
39. seeing the three of them together for the first time for the third time.................... im dead inside
40. wwx was straight up wildin at 16 with his rampant fucking alcoholism... also emperor’s smile coming from lan clan territory is once again peak irony and i love it
41. “i can even recite your words now” five second later, “i have places to be”
42. jiang cheng your daddy issues are literally in the street right now chill
even after sixteen years, local idiot has no chill when it comes to dead brother and related trauma
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The Untamed: Episode 1
1. I forgot how funny wwx is when he’s acting insane for the Mo Clan. But also gotta give homeboy props because if I came back from the dead I wouldn’t have been able to manipulate a crowd of people five min later to lift a curse on my new body. 
2. THE LAN CLAN CULTIVATOR BABIES RECOGNIZE THE MELODY WWX IS PLAYING THAT EVENING BECAUSE LWJ PLAYED IT IN THE LAST SIXTEEN YEARS AFTER WWX DIED. it’s fine im fine i swear. Im not imagining fucking wangji playing it on his qin and thinking about his dead boyfriend ITS FINE
3. ALSO tea that wwx instantly thinks of lwj when he comes back from the dead. like straight up remembers him walking towards him. like @director you knew what you were doing when you chose that shot as the flashback 
4. call me stupid but i still dont understand what is who's courtesy name. Like haguang jun, lan zhan and lan wangji... the fact that wwx calls him lan zhan, is that like a holdover because that's what he called him when they met or is that what like family calls lwj. perpetual confusion. ill google it eventually. in the meantime i think ill just entertain myself with the fact that wwx says lan zhan like THAT
5. @mo clan they gave you one job and it was to stay indoors... was it hard... should they have tied you up... why do you insist on getting yourselves killed
6. also if mo clan hadn't been possessed and killed (i think that’s what happens to them later?) would wwx really have killed them to lift the curse on him? lowest of keys could see that happening if he found out what they did to mo
7. all the awards for most expressive face go to wwx when he's dealing with stupid people
8. THAT MOMENT WHEN he tries to convince them not to call lwj... the genuine reluctance... sent me. like what you don’t want to see your boyfriend again after sixteen years and the worst massacre in the history of the nightless city... no couldn't be 
9. the lanlings being so excited to see hanguang jun is so cute. the babies have imprinted. their gruff but lovable father is here to protect them.
10. nvm most expressive face goes to FUCKING lwj for the terrible recognition and fear that enter his eyes when he says stygian tiger amulet
11. how can this actor somehow infuse so much pain and regret into his expression when he sees all the revenge energy or whatever and is reminded of wwx... chills 
12. also i think the first appearance of lwj in this show is the most. dramatic. entrance. in the history of television. which is fine because homeboy definitely owns the title for most iconic moments in this show but like. seriously. floats down like an angel. his name is bearer of light. shall i go on. 
13. now that i think about it it’s interesting christian-wise that they did that because as we know: wwx and lwj are soulmates, two sides of the same coin, and one is like lucifer pre-fall and the other is satan (if one more person calls him a demon or devil im going to lose it)... i can see the graphic in my head already
14. most painful line in this episode goes to: “WEI YING. IS IT REALLY YOU.” honorable mention: “He always wears white, like he’s going to a funeral.” mf that’s your funeral he’s been at for the last 16 years. have a spoon of this realization and lotus soup please. 
15. @myself they literally told you who the guy manipulating this whole thing was IN THE FIRST EP how did i never realize... im stupider than wwx when it comes to lwj’s intentions
16. it’s also sending me that the first chance he gets wwx changes back into his renowned color scheme... after he spends the last forty minutes wincing every time he thinks he’s going to get recognized... like king of bad decisions but at least he’s obviously owning them? also who did he steal that from since he had no money.
most hated man in universe returns from dead to find everyone still hates him
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The Untamed: Third time’s the charm
Let’s see what new bullshit this show can throw at me even after I tortured myself with it twice already (; (; 
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