#sv;; TBE-CH1
marginalfighter · 7 years
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Oh boy, this experiment was certainly turning into a huge mess by the seconds. Zig expected the incentive to be someone more... personal. Like, possibly getting to see a loved one or unlimited money so you could buy something ridiculous to keep yourself protected the whole experiment. But no: the incentive was not getting over half of them murdered. 
The best part? If that did happen, either himself or Atsuro would die for sure; through fiddling with the bracelet, he caught on he could switch to Atsuro’s number/color. That’s most likely what Zero meant by “pairs”.
And the crazy didn’t stop there-- a loud metallic screech sounded outside. It somehow spooked the Sentinels, as they were shoving everyone outside and then zipped by them in quite the hurry. Was this ‘disturbance’ a good sign, Zig opted to decide later.
--Mostly due to Atsuro getting the most disturbed look on his face. Even worse than when they first met up.
“Uh... Atsuro? You doing okay over there?” 
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