jeonq97 · 8 years
Dear best friend aka Sujeong !!
!! Letter to !!Status: not accepting
Dear best friend, dear Sujeong, Dear Diary,
to be honest, I don’t even know where to start. You call me tsundere so many times, a term I would always deny. But If I think about it, maybe it’s not that wrong after all. You have a way of always showing the affection you feel for me, If it’s either you sending me small random messages every time of the day, or just by simply being by my side. You never fail to express the love you feel for your stupid little friend. And as you know idiot, I would usually just tell you to stop being so obsessed with me or just return it with the small abbreviation that is Ily2. But you probably don’t know that it’s actually me who needs you more than the other way around. It’s you who would stop every activity just to see or talk to me, whenever I ask to. Something I will always treasure. You give me the feeling of being special and important. Never have I ever had the feeling of being lonely, because you were always there to fill the void. 
 We have known each other for quite some time already and there is a  sentence you like to repeat again and again: “If you’re good at anything, Jungkook can do it better.” And I have to say it’s not quite right, because I am bad at so many things. 
1. Showing that I care. 2. giving advices, like seriously. You stupid idiot always make the mistake of listening to my stupid advice and end up regretting them. Damn, my ideas are the worst, why do you even listen to me in the first place. 3. being nice. 
The sentence should rather be: “If you know anything about Sujeong, Jungkook knows better.” Because just like I do, you tell me literally everything, although I wish I wouldn’t have to witness everything, don’t worry I won’t talk about the nudes or video disasters. Oops-- guess I just did. Or actually I might steal your line because “If you think you know anything about Jeon Jungkook, his Diary Ryu Sujeong knows better.”  
!! - Now please don’t freak out, I am not sick. I might even delete this letter for the following words. Jeon Jungkook loves his best friend Ryu Sujeong alot. And you know what, little shit? You will always come first! You are my first choice. If you don’t approve of anything, then I won’t do it because I know, you always want the best for me. Just like I do. It will always be me who’s there to pick up the broken pieces. A hard job, but I will do it glady. I will never judge or ask questions you don’t wanna answer. I will always support you, no matter what you do. No matter what mistakes you think you will do, I will stick by your side. Girl, you are not a curse, you are a blessing. My best friend, my Diary.
- your best friend Jeon Jungkook, aka the one who is about to fcking delete his own existence. 
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hxnryz-archived · 8 years
( Status: Open! )— CUTE CONFESSIONS
“Definitely not your sleeping habits,” Henry says right away, a soft chuckle following. It’s not like he’s in any place to judge her, considering he tends to sleep until past noon himself whenever he has the chance to. “There’s one thing I remember and it’s something that definitely deserves more appreciation, so here it is. Around Christmas, you sent messages and gifts to everyone — even people you aren’t too close with. I know that because you sent Ahyeon some, too. I’m sure it’s been a lot of effort, but it was a cute thing to do and I’m still grateful! I also think you sent around cute messages a little while before that, but I’m not sure if I’m right with that one.”
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cheongsa · 8 years
MAGNOLIA: Favorite kind of candy?
➟ for svjevng​​ ( SOURCE: x STATUS: accepting! )
MAGNOLIA: Favorite kind of candy?
I like jelly candy! I don’t eat it often because of diets and whatnot but when I get the chance to, I go for those. Oh, and I quite enjoy sour candy as well.
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fysophie · 7 years
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A few days ago Sophie, also known as Mellow’s leader, debuted with her mini album ’ 25 ’. The singer held a showcase on the 17th where she met her fans, performed the songs of her album and answered questions from the attendees as well as explained the reason for including a song she composed with the help of Creep’s Yori.
Sophie debuted as a soloist on the 13th of April with her mini album ’ 25 ’. A few days after her debut the female held a showcase where she performed and explained the meaning behind her album and its songs, including her self composed song ’ You’re Beautiful ’. According to the oldest member of Mellow each song is chosen wisely and has a special meaning to the female singer and the album.
“ ’ Follow me ’ is a song about a woman’s strenght ”, she started off explaining the first song of her work. “ I think it’s important to have someone you admire and want to follow, someone who’s strong and encourages you to do your best and never give up. ’ Follow me ’ is a song about this. I want people to follow me and be strong, life is too short to not always give your best or not be confident, especially for girls. We are often shown as weak or fragile because we’re more emotional and I want to put an end to this kind of thinking. We aren’t weak because we show our emotions, I want everyone to understand that. ’ Live a life for yourself ’ is a sentence from the lyrics that stuck to me. I want everyone to do that, and I hope I can be a rolemodel and encourage them to do so, hence the title ”, she continued before explaining the title track of her mini album, ’ Pretty Age ( 25 ) ’.
“ ’ You don’t ask a woman about her age ’ is a sentence many people probably heard already. I disagree because it sounds like your age is something you have to keep hidden from others? Because you might be degraded as ’ old ’. ’ Pretty Age ’ is a song that says: ’ You’re 25 now, you’re not a girl anymore but a beautiful woman and there is nothing wrong with that ’. I turned 25 around a week ago and I don’t mind it, I actually like it a lot. I’ve become a year older than I was before which means that I’ve gained another year of experience. No one should be scared of turning a year older. Most women seem to dislike losing their beauty with each passing year but they forget that adding another year also means adding a year worth of experience and fun? We can’t always stay a child, sometimes we need to accept growth and become a more mature version of ourself and accept that we’re getting older. Don’t be afraid of aging, embrace it and appreciate every new year you gain on your birthday. You won’t be able to stop to mature anyways, so just follow me. ”
After a short giggle and a small pause where the female received flowers as a belated birthday present, the female idol continued to explain her songs with a smile on her face: “ ’ Listen to me ’ is a song about a women who knows what she wants, but is still anxious. I think even the strongest females we know have weaknesses and things that make them insecure. Despite being confident and mentally strong there are moments, especially when it’s about love, that leave women scared and confused. At one point the lyrics say: ’ I’m not an easy girl, I’m only doing this to you. Why don’t you understand me ’ which shows how hard it can be to stay an independent woman yet rely on someone else. It’s a little conflicting so I hope that everyone will try to pay more attention towards the people who surround you and take on the little hints most people throw.
’ Don’t Know Women ’ is similar in this aspect. The song also shows how an independent woman knows what she wants and how she knows how to live her life. The difference is that this song shows how no one has a right to change your way of living, not even a man. There’s no one who should be able to tell you how to dress or how to act, acceptance is important in love and should be the foundation of every relationship. The most important thing in your life should be you and no one else, so always strive for your own happiness. The right man will come and accept you for who you are, with all your flaws. ” A short pause followed her explanation and a soft smile was seen on Sophie’s face before she started to talk about the last official song, ’ Once ’ that she sang with her label mate and close friend Chaeyeong.
“ ’ Once ’ is a breakup song. It’s focusing more on how strong one can be even after something as hard as a breakup. Instead of showing the vulnerable side and process of being upset it shows that accepting is the key. I personally think this song is my favorite because of the sweet and encouraging message behind the lyrics. It’s about the strength to let go, to stop waiting for the impossible to happen and instead be happy by focusing on yourself. There’s not a single good thing about sticking to the things lost, it will only bring pain and stop you from living your life the way you want to live. I believe we all experienced it too well, so don’t be afraid of being happy by letting go of things you are tired of holding into. Life will be so much easier if you manage to do so. I can promise that.
The last song on my album is a bonus track. It wasn’t supposed to be part of ’ 25 ’ but I wanted to include this because Yori unnie and I worked hard on it and the message fits the concept, too. Songwriting is really hard which is why I had help of my unnie because she’s more experienced than I am. The song is something for all the girls out here who feel insecure about themselves and their look. I want to give everyone encouragement and the power to overcome things and be confident. I see music as a way to be an inspiration and I hope that I managed to be one to everyone, especially for people who need it. ’ You’re Beautiful ’ is my gift to everyone out there who needs to hear these words, you’re all beautiful the way you are so please showcase your beauty to the world. Don’t hide, but follow me and show the world who you are, alright? ”
The showcase was also filled with various games and a release of important promotion dates like fanmeetings and stages. There was also a Q&A session where Sophie hinted a comeback of her group, Mellow. She also made sure to mention June’s and her project in May and told fans to anticipate seeing them together soon, as well as notifying the attendees of Gyuri’s ( @cluelezz ) role in the upcominf K-Drama, ‘  Water Monster ‘.
Special guests on this day were Chaeyeong ( @bangyeong ) who performed the song ‘ Once ‘ with Sophie and also received a late birthday song and flowers from the newly formed soloist after the performance. Mellow’s June ( @aekure ) and Juniper ( @95vii ) also attended the showcase to support their leader while Gyuri was on schedules and couldn’t make it. Other memorable guests were fellow label mates like the actress Hyesu ( @hyeitssu ), Creep’s Yori ( @ccreepri) and Koemi ( @yuggxm ), OK:GO’s Delta ( @dvlta ), Utopia’s Cosmo (@cosmojnkyu ) as well as E:JEI ( @ochitsuitaro ), who also performed the song ‘ Don’t Know Women ‘ with Sophie. Soloist Gishun ( @gnams ) and 2K’s staff members Dave ( @daviscre ) and stylist Ahyeon ( @ahyn ), who was responsible for Sophie’s look that day, were seen at the event too. Even people from other companies like SPICED’s Harlowe ( @hvrlowe ), Lovelyz’ Sujeong ( @svjevng ) and Sehun ( @sehunxbt ), One Shot’s drummer and songwriter, attended to support the soloist. Seo Ahreum ( @sahreum ), a friend of Sophie was seen at the event as well. Every attendee received a flower at the end of the showcase.
xgloomyclockx: She wished Chaeyeong a belated birthday, these two are getting annoying patrice98: I’m so glad June and Juni were there ! I was missing Gyuri but my bias is working hard. Gyuri fighting ! fxchit3729: is no one going to talk about how much effort was put into this album? im so proud of her. shes been working hard xxXsicheleinXxx: Whoever she is, she seems to have many idol friends
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sehunxbt · 8 years
Take the test here.
Tagged by: @hwangsia Tagging:  @penncho , @jinahz , @occisvr , @shvinya , @svjevng  , @wolfxhan and anyone who wants to do this.
Result: the hard-boiled detective
key characteristics:  cynical, moralistic, brave, attentive
your view of the world may have been soured by your experiences, but you aren't one to give up easily. your experiences have simply reaffirmed your moral code, and you expect those you interact with to live by it. you have a rough exterior that might make you unpopular. on the inside, however, you deeply care about the people who come to you for help, and will find the strength within yourself to help them in the face of insurmountable odds.
film recommendations:  the big sleep, the maltese falcon, devil in a blue dress
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heejinelle · 8 years
A  VERY  DESCRIPTIVE  &  DETAILED  PROFILE  OF  YOUR  MUSE. repost with  the  information  of  your  muse,  including  headcanons,  etc. when  you’re  done,  tag 15 other  people  to  do  the  same!
NAME: Heejin AGE: 17 (Korean age), 16 (international age) SPECIES: Homo sapien GENDER: Female ORIENTATION: Heterosexual PROFESSION: Performer (leader and vocalist of a girl group called “LOONA” )
BODY TYPE: Petite HAIR: Dark brown but often dyed back to black EYES: Dark brown  SKIN: Fair HEIGHT: --
[    FAMILY    ]
SIBLINGS: -- PARENTS: Mother & Father. CHILDREN:  None. ANY PETS?:  [  ]  || no  [ ✓  ]
[    LIKES    ]
COLORS: Light pink and blue, mustard yellow, beige/tan SMELLS: flowers, fruits, freshly made bread or coffee, freshly washed laundry, vanilla, books FOOD / DRINKS: Mangoes, bread, steak, barbecue, pizza, chicken, chocolate, bread, pancakes, ramen, mochi, tteokbokki, bungeoppang / Boba, water, coffee, green tea, pineapple or mango juice ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes  [  ]  || rarely [   ] || no [ ✓ ] FAVORITES: Barbecue or any type of meat dish
[    OTHER    DETAILS    ]
SMOKES?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ ✓ ]   ||   occasionally  [  ] DRUGS?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ ✓ ]   ||   occasionally  [   ] DRIVER LICENSE?:  yes  [   ]   ||   no  [  ✓ ] EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ ✓ ]   ||   almost/detained  [  ]
TAGGED BY: @ponyprk & @seouy (thank you, thank you! ^^) TAGGING: @chwernobyl, @prkjn, @ahdniel, @asphixya, @seohas, @chnnasorn, @y-ammounii, @haestro, @resuescitate, @chojeongs, @seojiseu, @ksuar, @lxng93, @zhaois, @svjevng (oops if you’ve already done this heh)
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hwangsiatheme · 7 years
A few days ago Sophie, also known as Mellow’s leader, debuted with her mini album ’ 25 ’. The singer held a showcase on the 17th where she met her fans, performed the songs of her album and answered questions from the attendees as well as explained the reason for including a song she composed with the help of Creep’s Yori.
Sophie debuted as a soloist on the 13th of April with her mini album ’ 25 ’. A few days after her debut the female held a showcase where she performed and explained the meaning behind her album and its songs, including her self composed song ’ You’re Beautiful ’. According to the oldest member of Mellow each song is chosen wisely and has a special meaning to the female singer and the album.
“ ’ Follow me ’ is a song about a woman’s strenght ”, she started off explaining the first song of her work. “ I think it’s important to have someone you admire and want to follow, someone who’s strong and encourages you to do your best and never give up. ’ Follow me ’ is a song about this. I want people to follow me and be strong, life is too short to not always give your best or not be confident, especially for girls. We are often shown as weak or fragile because we’re more emotional and I want to put an end to this kind of thinking. We aren’t weak because we show our emotions, I want everyone to understand that. ’ Live a life for yourself ’ is a sentence from the lyrics that stuck to me. I want everyone to do that, and I hope I can be a rolemodel and encourage them to do so, hence the title ”, she continued before explaining the title track of her mini album, ’ Pretty Age ( 25 ) ’.
“ ’ You don’t ask a woman about her age ’ is a sentence many people probably heard already. I disagree because it sounds like your age is something you have to keep hidden from others? Because you might be degraded as ’ old ’. ’ Pretty Age ’ is a song that says: ’ You’re 25 now, you’re not a girl anymore but a beautiful woman and there is nothing wrong with that ’. I turned 25 around a week ago and I don’t mind it, I actually like it a lot. I’ve become a year older than I was before which means that I’ve gained another year of experience. No one should be scared of turning a year older. Most women seem to dislike losing their beauty with each passing year but they forget that adding another year also means adding a year worth of experience and fun? We can’t always stay a child, sometimes we need to accept growth and become a more mature version of ourself and accept that we’re getting older. Don’t be afraid of aging, embrace it and appreciate every new year you gain on your birthday. You won’t be able to stop to mature anyways, so just follow me. ”
After a short giggle and a small pause where the female received flowers as a belated birthday present, the female idol continued to explain her songs with a smile on her face: “ ’ Listen to me ’ is a song about a women who knows what she wants, but is still anxious. I think even the strongest females we know have weaknesses and things that make them insecure. Despite being confident and mentally strong there are moments, especially when it’s about love, that leave women scared and confused. At one point the lyrics say: ’ I’m not an easy girl, I’m only doing this to you. Why don’t you understand me ’ which shows how hard it can be to stay an independent woman yet rely on someone else. It’s a little conflicting so I hope that everyone will try to pay more attention towards the people who surround you and take on the little hints most people throw.
’ Don’t Know Women ’ is similar in this aspect. The song also shows how an independent woman knows what she wants and how she knows how to live her life. The difference is that this song shows how no one has a right to change your way of living, not even a man. There’s no one who should be able to tell you how to dress or how to act, acceptance is important in love and should be the foundation of every relationship. The most important thing in your life should be you and no one else, so always strive for your own happiness. The right man will come and accept you for who you are, with all your flaws. ” A short pause followed her explanation and a soft smile was seen on Sophie’s face before she started to talk about the last official song, ’ Once ’ that she sang with her label mate and close friend Chaeyeong.
“ ’ Once ’ is a breakup song. It’s focusing more on how strong one can be even after something as hard as a breakup. Instead of showing the vulnerable side and process of being upset it shows that accepting is the key. I personally think this song is my favorite because of the sweet and encouraging message behind the lyrics. It’s about the strength to let go, to stop waiting for the impossible to happen and instead be happy by focusing on yourself. There’s not a single good thing about sticking to the things lost, it will only bring pain and stop you from living your life the way you want to live. I believe we all experienced it too well, so don’t be afraid of being happy by letting go of things you are tired of holding into. Life will be so much easier if you manage to do so. I can promise that.
The last song on my album is a bonus track. It wasn’t supposed to be part of ’ 25 ’ but I wanted to include this because Yori unnie and I worked hard on it and the message fits the concept, too. Songwriting is really hard which is why I had help of my unnie because she’s more experienced than I am. The song is something for all the girls out here who feel insecure about themselves and their look. I want to give everyone encouragement and the power to overcome things and be confident. I see music as a way to be an inspiration and I hope that I managed to be one to everyone, especially for people who need it. ’ You’re Beautiful ’ is my gift to everyone out there who needs to hear these words, you’re all beautiful the way you are so please showcase your beauty to the world. Don’t hide, but follow me and show the world who you are, alright? ”
The showcase was also filled with various games and a release of important promotion dates. There was also a Q&A session where Sophie hinted a comeback of her group, Mellow. She also made sure to mention June’s and her project in May and told fans to anticipate seeing them together soon, as well as notifying the attendees of Gyuri’s ( @cluelezz ) role in the upcominf K-Drama, ‘  Water Monster ‘.
Special guests on this day were Chaeyeong ( @bangyeong ) who performed the song ‘ Once ‘ with Sophie and also received a late birthday song and flowers from the newly formed soloist after the performance. Mellow’s June ( @aekure ) and Juniper ( @95vii ) also attended the showcase to support their leader while Gyuri was on schedules and couldn’t make it. Other memorable guests were fellow label mates like the actress Hyesu ( @hyeitssu ), Creep’s Yori ( @ccreepri ) and Koemi ( @yuggxm ), OK:GO’s Delta ( @dvlta ), Utopia’s Cosmo ( @cosmojnkyu ) as well as E:JEI ( @ochitsuitaro ) who also performed the song ‘ Don’t Know Women ‘ with Sophie. Soloist Gishun ( @gnams ) and 2K’s staff members Dave ( @daviscre ) and stylist Ahyeon ( @ahyn ), who was responsible for Sophie’s look that day, were seen at the event too. Even people from other companies like Spiced’s Harlowe ( @hvrlowe ), Lovelyz’ Sujeong ( @svjevng ) and Sehun ( @sehunxbt ), One Shot’s drummer and songwriter, attended to support the soloist. Seo Ahreum ( @sahreum ), a friend of Sophie was seen atthe event as well.
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trashmykrp · 8 years
svjevng is petty and doesn't even rp, next
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jeunz · 8 years
«❅» Starter for ⇢ svjevng
— Variety shows; fan’s favourite programmes on television and Kiko’s biggest nightmares. Why is that? Because she is naturally shy around people she doesn’t know, and completely unpredictable when it comes to shows where she is actually supposed to talk. Her members call her the ‘Closeted 4D Alien’ and she can’t even argue with them because she knows they are right. It’s like she always has to remind herself to think before the speaks when there are cameras all around her, but her brain never cooperates with her. And today wasn’t the exception. Some members and Kiko had been invited to a variety show, alongside other girl groups with similar concepts. One of those groups was Lovelyz; and she had to admit she got slightly excited when her manager mentioned they were going to be there. The recording was soon to end, and the amount of times she let her random side show were  impressive even to herself; which was why as soon as it finished, she walked straight to each member in order to apologize. “ Hi, just wanted to say sorry for my attitude today. It may have been a little bit too much. I just can’t control my expressions and comments. Hope it didn’t make you uncomfortable. ”
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keidoscope · 8 years
Dear Sujeong,
Dear Sujeong,
First things first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You’re nineteen now! Isn’t that so exciting? My tall Sujeong is growing up so fast. Why it felt just like it was yesterday you and I were declaring our love for Satan-sama.... Actually that could have been yesterday. You are precious and have a beautiful soul. I want you to know that if you ever get sad or down, I’m only a heartbeat away. Or just scream out my name. I’ll be able to hear it no matter where I am. That I promise you. With all that being said, you better be full of smiles and laughter today. It’s a special day that only comes once a year. A celebration for your existence and I couldn’t be happier that you do exist in my life. You have the voice of an angel and such long beautiful legs. I’m forever jealous of how you tower over me. And you’re so cute! I just want to pinch your cheeks and keep you forever, you precious girl you. I love you Ryu Sujeong. Have a wonderful birthday. This unnie will always be here when you need her or when you want to set fires to sacrifices. Drink a lot of strawberry milk today and hug your Baek pillow tight, okay? One day, I’ll find the right black magic so he can actually be yours. xoxoxoxo
With all my love,Jiyeon
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midnathe-blog · 8 years
Game on + @svjevng
His eyebrow was raised; his serious mask was set on, as a patient tried using the ‘pity-card’ to get extra pills for his disease a.k.a. his addiction. “So—this hurts so much?” Nate asked after long moments of silence, watching his patient nod his head as a tear ran down his cheek. At least he tried his best to make this act perfect. Nate was weighing his options, whether or not to give him the pills. Of course he didn’t believe him shit, but it also wasn’t like Nathan really cared if the man would end up having an overdose. Not at all. He threw a glance at his watch, while the poor soul was trying to convince the nurse by now, noticing that his shift was ending. Fuck yes. “Uhm. Nah.” He finally replied, as he let his serious expression fall off and a wide grin appeared on his face. Without waiting for the patients answer, he already pulled off his white coat and bit the nurses goodbye.
The man shook his head at himself; damn he worked so hard the last few days. It was time for a break again, although he just returned from vacation some weeks ago. Maybe he should have changed before jumping into the building his little slave was living in, but he didn’t actually care. He definitely was up for a spontaneous trip to Mexico or Paraguay or some other place like that. “Pack your stuff. We’re going.” Nate announced happily as he entered the girls room without knocking, meeting her confused stare. “Uhm—ew. Maybe you should wear something different. And what’s that mask for? Not even a mask can make a miracle happen, darling.”
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jeonq97 · 8 years
|| The Greek Godly Parent Quiz ||
tagged by: @95youngho | Thank you!!
tagging: @svjevng @doyeom @jichvx @obaeli @hrvim & and anyone else! 
Result: Ares
Your godly parent is Ares, the god of War, Violence, Battlelust and Rage.
Children of Ares can have tendencies that are cruel, proud, impetuous and violent, where they let out all their emotions with no care for the consequences. They tend to be brash and a bit sadistic, with a large appetite for violence. While brute strength is favored by you, you might lack the strategic wisdom required to win wars that Athena possesses, and your most useful talents would be to spread fear, terror and discord among your enemies. When there is no war however, these emotions can get the better of you and alienate you from others. You are drawn to pure emotion, and will generously give your heart to those who will reciprocate the favor, and you are a firm believer of letting people learn from their own mistakes. When your temper flares, this can cloud your judgement, lead you to become arrogant and underestimate your task. Despite being rash, children of Ares abide by a moral code, much like soldiers, and breaking it results in a relinquishment of strength that is usually unacceptable.
Rashness, violence, arrogance, passion, enthusiasm, pride, strength, stubbornness
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sejeonqk · 8 years
❝ I talk a lot, so I’ve learned to just tune myself out. ❞ || Welcome to Liners, unnie!!
( ❋ ) – “I am--” There’s a pause before the older girl bursts out laughing at the other, shaking her head as she just took in what the other was saying. “Well, you have a wonderful voice Sujeong, so, honestly, you’re wonderful to talk to. I always love being able to speak to you.” The girl reached up to pat the other’s back and rub it gently. “I adore that about you so, please! Talk as much as you want, alright? I won’t tune you out.”
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trashmykrp · 8 years
why does svjevng always post stuff saying she's gonna work on replies later "but to find her on aim for now!" and then never do replies :/
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