#svsss fanfic rec
cywscross · 2 years
So I am slowly making my way through your ssvs fix recs and thanks for dragging me into this fandom I have literally all those fics open now.... but on that note, do you have recs for where SQQ just noped out of the plot? There were a couple in your rec list and they give me such joy I need to read absolutely of them
There aren't that many that I've come across, and I think the ones I have, I've already rec'd, but I can list them here too (only the last one is new). Some of them are obviously SY-SQQ, but there’s also SJ-SQQ that I thought kind of fit? You might've already read them anyway.
Abyssal Paradise by DevinePhoenix
Shen Yuan gets to start his new life as a happy fox in what is literally Hell. He likes it here, they have so many cute creatures for him to study.
However Shen Yuan is also a millennial and he will have his creature comforts if he has to build them himself. In which the best motivation for a lazy person is to put in a lot of effort at the start so they can laze off in even more comfort later. Also known as, Shen Yuan builds a house in the Abyss.
Absent Without Leaving by Invidia_Envy
In which, Shen Qingqiu realized what he longed for the most was freedom. Being a peak lord of Qing Jing didn’t let him do that often, he envied Liu Qingge who could ditch his peak’s brats so easily and go outside as he pleased.
Why did Liu Qingge could do as he pleased whilst he had to stay demure in his peak? Spitefully, Shen Qingqiu also began to leave his disciples to their own devices after picking up his last disciple to appease Ning Yingying.
For Luo Binghe, his Shizun was an enigma. A puzzle with many missing details, a sea with immeasurable depth. His Shizun is his hero. Every time his Shizun appeared, it was always in the direst situation which would be quickly resolved. Ming Fan came and bullied him? Snatching off his mother’s jade? His Shizun came and the jade was back in Luo Binghe’s hand.
A demon invasion when no strong people home? His Shizun returned and stopped them.
Pretty sure Shizun pushed him into the abyss for his own sake too. That’s right. Luo Binghe didn’t have any shred of doubt towards his mysterious and wise Shizun.
When You Have Nothing To Gain (But Everything To Lose) by VermilionRain
After living through the original PIDW, many are brought back to their past selves. With knowledge in hand a number push to keep Shen Jiu away from their lives. When unspoken truths and unwoven lies are known can they make amends?
As The Wheel Shatters by VermilionRain
Shen Jiu was cursed. No that wasn’t it. He felt cursed. Two lifetimes he’s lived with memories and even when he tries, nothing happens. So there; cursed. He wakes up again and in the end why bother? What was the saying; three times the charm.
Write it on Your Heart by VermilionRain
Shen Jiu did not pass away immediately. He watched Shen Yuan live his life and it hurt. When he finally passed Fate decided to be cruel even more by dropping his reincarnating spirit into a similar setting. One problem; he wasn’t the only one. Another problem; there are a few trying to make amends that he doesn’t want. The last problem; an unwanted companion. He resolves one problem.
Spread your Wings by Araceil
When Shen Jiu opened his eyes, once again staring at the detestable ceiling of the woodshed within the Qiu Estate, he decided to live for himself. He got to his feet, shook off his shackles, and walked away from his nightmares, his hatreds, his resentments, and all the people who ever wronged him. He walked away from all of it. From promises broken, from people who betrayed him, from a life he had never wanted, and from a life that had never wanted him.
In one lifetime he had been a lowly, greedy, grasping creature. Consuming everything around him, ugly, small, and pathetic.
In his second lifetime his body had been stolen from him, and he lurked in the back of himself, watching as his body was puppeted, as his life was stolen.
In this life, he vowed not to make the same mistakes. In this life, he would be free. He would throw off the shell of Shen Qingqiu, Shen Jiu, and find freedom.
Sanye-jun by Mayvn
A very indulgent fic about SY(J) as a demon lord, screwing over the plot and banging LQG on the regular.
Meet Cute (these dorks) by Mayvn
The instant he turned to dash into the fight, Liu Qingge froze as he saw Not Shen Qingqiu standing coolly over one unconscious thug, guqin in both hands and still in a pose that clearly showed he had, in fact, just bludgeoned someone with the end of his guqin. Not Shen Qingqiu smirked and tilted his head back cockily.
LQG finds SY running away from a sticky situation and brings him back to Cang Qiong in hopes that he can keep the man from getting himself mugged. SY is just relieved he doesn’t have to pretend to be a girl anymore.
I dropped my head it was just around here somewhere, has anyone seen it by Cernunun
Shang Qinghua goes through the pages with renewed vigor, paying special attention to the margins and the details. Now that he’s looking for it, he can see the little transcriptions everywhere, running alongside the lines of an ink drawing or around the perimeter of a talisman, or in the corner under a section on growth rates of chi-stealing willows. The English scripts ruthlessly spoil or mock his book in turn.
Not only is it a cultivator’s field guide, it’s a tourist’s guide. Someone is touring the world he’s made.
Shen Yuan leaves his spoilers lying around. This becomes Shang Qinghua's problem, and what kind of bro would he be if he didn't make it Shen Yuan's problem too?
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cywscross · 2 years
so it’s not liushen or liujiu, but have u ever read pride is not the word im looking for by tossawary? its sqh focused and has amazing world building- essentially, sqh decides to take a peek at the protagonist as a child and goes. i can’t just leave them like this
I haven't, I usually just stick with LiuShen and LiuJiu lol. I've come across that writer tho, I might check out their other works.
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cywscross · 2 years
Do you have any scum villain fanfic recs? (I also haven't read it but you've never led me wrong with recs haha)
Omg I have so many, I'll rec some of my favs ^_^
Unveiling The Imposter by ladyflufffluff
While tracking a suspicious fortune-teller, Shen Qingqiu falls unconscious. The fortune-teller extracts a glowing orb from his body, telling Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge that this Shen Qingqiu is an imposter, and they can see for themselves if they don't believe it.
Alternatively, the Demon Lord and Peak Lords watch Scum-Villain's Self-Saving System.
Characters Watch the Series fanfic. Post-Canon.
[This was actually the fic that got me into SVSSS. I was reading TCF reaction fics, ran out, stumbled on this one in a collection, and decided to give it a try. Since it's a reaction fic in its early stages, it basically gave me an introduction to the canon. Obviously since it's reacting to canon, the ship is the canon one, but the current chapters cover just past the Lingxi Caves/Demon Invasion part, and I immediately latched onto the Liu Qingge and Shen Yuan dynamic, so that's what I went looking for, and I haven't managed to crawl back out of this rabbit hole ever since, rip me.]
Keep Me Anyway by Starrs__00 [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
Shen Qingqiu's been pretending that pretending doesn't hurt, because what's the alternative? The system has its rules, and he'd rather not die.
But Liu Qingge, thank god, is one step ahead of him.
In which Shen Qingqiu is Liu Qingge's soulmate. Really. Truly.
[The second SVSS fic I read. Evidently, it was so good I officially became a LiuShen shipper from this point on.]
The Grand Unified Theory of Shěn Qīngqiū by 00janeblonde [Liu Qingge/Shen Qingqiu/Yue Qingyuan]
Shěn Qīngqiū new game pluses himself into a happy ending and unlocks some premium content along the way.
This fic is endgame Shěn Qīngqiū/Liǔ Qīnggē/Yuè Qīngyuán.
It takes time for the characters to get together, but there is zero partner infidelity and very little angst. There's lots of pining, but it's happy pining. This is fluff. Everyone is happy and loving and supportive.
[THE #1 worldbuilding fic in the SVSSS fandom, it's amazing, the ship development is done well, there's found family elements, and it's long as fuck and still going. The one thing I thought I wouldn't like - the reason for an arc 1 and an arc 2 - didn't even matter anymore once I started arc 2 because it's just that well written.]
where your love has always been enough for me by backspacedintooblivion (Evil_and_I_know_it) [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Shen Qingqiu shook his head no, still unable to process the fact that Liu Qingge was standing in front of him, making a rescue attempt.
“You’re supposed to be dead.”
“And Yue Qingyuan is supposed to protect you,” Liu Qingge retorted. “But things don’t always go the way we want them to.”
Liu Qingge comes to rescue Shen Qingqiu when no one else would, despite being dead, and things only get stranger from there.
[I got curious about Liu Qingge/Original Shen Qingqiu after I realized from GUT that Shen Jiu (original SQQ) had a lot more depth than the one-dimensional villain that the reaction fic I read had showed, so that's what I looked up next. Needless to say, I ended up liking LiuJiu even more than LiuShen. LiuShen is usually more light-hearted I think, and I enjoy it a lot, but LiuJiu generally includes the angsty hurt/comfort I love, with a very solid foundation in learning how to understand each other and trust each other and respect each other, plus some low-key world-burning loyalty on top. They're the very definition of direct opposites attract, but they're also so similar in the way they devote their whole selves to the things they care about. Exactly the kind of dynamic I adore ^_^ (Not all of this is shown in this particular fic ofc, I just got ramble-y about them lmao. I'll rec more LiuJiu and LiuShen below.)]
i've trodden the forest by AMereDream [Shen Jiu/Yue Qingyuan]
Now, Yue Qingyuan won't pretend to be anything he is not. He is achingly aware of his own guilt complex and how he rarely, if ever, questions Xiao Jiu because of it. He wouldn't have been able to become Sect Leader if he was blind to his faults.
But it has been two weeks.
Two weeks of Xiao Jiu following him around, existing in his periphery, only slipping away for a few hours in the morning to teach his students. Even then he returns the moment the lessons are over, never lingering for longer than he needs to.
Presumably he went back to his Peak at night to change his clothes, but Yue Qingyuan has never seen him leave.
In which Shen Qingqiu gets a second chance, but is still allergic to talking it out. Instead, why shouldn't he plaster himself to Yue Qingyuan's side and refuse to leave?
[I don't super ship these two, but I don't dislike it either. It's pretty good.]
Two for the Price of One by AMereDream [Shen Jiu/Shen Yuan/Yue Qingyuan]
In which a year after his first, Shen Qingqiu falls prey to a second major Qi Deviation. There are now two Shen Qingqiu's walking around - Yue Qingyuan is pleased with this new development, Shen Jiu immediately gets very attached, and Shen Yuan does not mind all this as much as he probably should.
Try These UNFAILABLE Tips for Getting Fired! Number 9 Will Shock You by AMereDream [Shen Jiu/Yue Qingyuan]
In much the same way you would want to get fired rather than leave your job yourself for the severance benefits, Shen Jiu tries to see how far he can go before he is made to leave.
Fortunately for everyone, since he already knows that violence isn't a dealbreaker to the Sect Leader, he instead decides he'll just demand affection from him -- because surely Yue Qingyuan would rather send him away than let him be close to him, right?
Abyssal Paradise by DevinePhoenix
Shen Yuan gets to start his new life as a happy fox in what is literally Hell. He likes it here, they have so many cute creatures for him to study.
However Shen Yuan is also a millennial and he will have his creature comforts if he has to build them himself. In which the best motivation for a lazy person is to put in a lot of effort at the start so they can laze off in even more comfort later. Also known as, Shen Yuan builds a house in the Abyss.
Vision of Happiness by GT_GoldenTrashbag [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Shen Qingqiu is chosen and given a vision of the few lives where he is happy.
The others are confused at his sudden change.
What did he see?
Who did he see?
Easy Mode by Asymptotical [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
Shen Qingqiu didn't really consider that there might be drawbacks to a system who was devoted to both lore and genuine experiences, until he was dying of it.
Getting to repeat from the start as many times as he needed to figure it out didn't help. Nothing really did, until the System offered an easy mode. He just had to unlock it, and then he could let Liu Qingge do all the work.
voluntary victim by technorat [Liu Qingge/Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu]
Looking back at everything, Shen Qingqiu comes to a conclusion: everything that went wrong in his first life happened because of him.
Or, the Peak Lords search for Shen Qingqiu. Too bad he doesn't want to be found.
[This is EXACTLY my cup of angsty hurt/comfort tea, to the point where I don't even care too much about Luo Binghe being part of the ship. If you saw the tags on my last ask about SVSSS, you'll know I don't like LBH, the original or the SVSSS version, especially when shipped with either version of Shen Qingqiu, but that's a personal thing, I know the canon ship is pretty much the most popular ship in this fandom, so you'll most likely won't have a problem with him. Anyway, everything else about this fic is excellent, and the majority of the romance development is between Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu, plus ever since reading GUT, I really like the Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu are the same person trope, so there's that in here too. Definitely give this one a try, it's one of my top favourites.]
those secret worlds you call eyes by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
On a mission, Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge are exposed to a plant that all but curses them to be touching each other at all times.
Except... the plant really shouldn't be affecting two alphas like that...
hollow moon by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Liu Qingge retrieves what is left of Shen Qingqiu from the Water Prison.
to breathe in by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
In one lifetime, Liu Qingge was little more than a ghost, watching as all of Shen Qingqiu's mistakes caught up to him.
In this lifetime, Liu Qingge would make things be better.
forever and ever and ever and ever by pennydaniels [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Shen Jiu saves Liu Qingge's life. Liu Qingge isn't the type of person to let debts go unpaid.
tangled in the hanging tree by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Qingqiu]
Qiu Jianluo is a ghost, one whose resentment has driven him to gain new power.
Shen Qingqiu is captured.
running out of holy places by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Qingqiu]
Shen Qingqiu is brought to the Water Prison to await trial for his many crimes.
Liu Qingge fights against the ticking clock in order to save Shen Qingqiu.
Luo Binghe no longer knows what he wants.
hustling for the good life by Chesra [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Shen Jiu is a simple demonic cultivator who just wants to do his job, except that white-robed cultivator from Cang Qiong Mountain keeps getting in the way.
it’s a crime you’re not around most of the time by backspacedintooblivion (Evil_and_I_know_it) [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
“Speak for yourself A-Jiu,” Liu Qingge shot back. “I can’t believe your shizun still calls you that. Are you five?”
Shen Qingqiu pinched him again, unable to do more than that. He had dragged Liu Qingge to an empty practice field on Qing Jing, too ashamed to face his martial siblings with the great idiot tied to him.
“Like Yan-shishu doesn’t call you Mingming any chance he gets,” he hissed.
“Shut up!”
Liujiu get tied together as a measure to force them to work together. It doesn't go quite as planned.
Absent Without Leaving by Invidia_Envy
In which, Shen Qingqiu realized what he longed for the most was freedom. Being a peak lord of Qing Jing didn't let him do that often, he envied Liu Qingge who could ditch his peak's brats so easily and go outside as he pleased.
Why did Liu Qingge could do as he pleased whilst he had to stay demure in his peak? Spitefully, Shen Qingqiu also began to leave his disciples to their own devices after picking up his last disciple to appease Ning Yingying.
For Luo Binghe, his Shizun was an enigma. A puzzle with many missing details, a sea with immeasurable depth. His Shizun is his hero. Every time his Shizun appeared, it was always in the direst situation which would be quickly resolved. Ming Fan came and bullied him? Snatching off his mother's jade? His Shizun came and the jade was back in Luo Binghe's hand.
A demon invasion when no strong people home? His Shizun returned and stopped them.
Pretty sure Shizun pushed him into the abyss for his own sake too. That's right. Luo Binghe didn't have any shred of doubt towards his mysterious and wise Shizun.
Many an Ill to Cure by Asymptotical [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
The system abandoned him with nothing but a cryptic message. It took Shen Qingqiu days to realize that it was referring to a single throwaway line in a filler chapter.
He could have done with a bit more warning about being married.
Purple by Asymptotical [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
It would have been nice, just once, for Without a Cure to act like a normal poisoning that didn't time itself for dramatic effect. Especially when dramatic effect involved being several hundred feet in the air on a sword.
Hang Our Tent Like Perfumed Bells by Asymptotical [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
Airplane tries to avert the plot by making sure that both Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu miss the pivotal moment when Luo Binghe joins the sect.
It causes a lot of problems, spawns another transmigrator, sets off a plot that wasn't supposed to trigger for decades, diverts a plot that was supposed to trigger now, and overall is a much better outcome for everyone involved.
(Well, everyone on Cang Qiong)
altar by fencesit [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
By the time Shen Qingqiu notices the excess light filling the burial chamber, it's already much too late.
The Ring by VagabondDawn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
If Shen Qingqiu knows one thing, it’s that Airplane-Shooting-Towards-The-Sky is a hack author who will steal ideas from anywhere. Even horror movies.
Luckily, cultivators are pretty good at fighting back.
[Shang Qinghua takes a long, long look at his face and says, thoughtfully, “Actually I think I feel a bit sorry for the demon now.”]
take a little time to reach for joy by VagabondDawn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
Liu Qingge had been fighting up close and personal – of course – and Shen Qingqiu had lost track of him a little bit. It hadn't really concerned him, because what lame monster-of-the-week could actually beat the War God – that would just be terrible writing. The audience would call foul!
like there is lighting deep in my bones (got a real good feeling) by VagabondDawn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
There are thousands of cure-all panacea flowers in this world; Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge go to find one.
last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane by VagabondDawn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
How was Shen Yuan supposed to know the "Which Proud Immortal Demon Way Character Should YOU Marry???" Quiz he filled out would have plot-relevant effects?!
the sun will sometimes melt a field of sorrow by VagabondDawn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
For Proud Immortal Demon Way, that's not actually that unusual of a curse! Shen Qingqiu can think of at least twelve wives who had to be beaten in a fight before they could be married, for various reasons.
It's a little different when he finds himself in the middle of it, but it's only breaking a curse — right?
wear it like a shining star by VagabondDawn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
It's just a little contrived magic ritual to help a friend out, Shen Qingqiu thinks. They can both be cool about this.
one good honest kiss by Irrelevancy [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Death number Unknown-Plus-Four, they finally manage to get Liu Qingge to orgasm. __
SQQ is stuck in a time loop at the Spirit Caves. If he doesn't save LQG, they can't get out.
Entire Lifetime (And After) by Invidia_Envy [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
In this world, to meet your soulmate, you have to leave your fleshly body and cut off completely from the mundane world of living. In another word, dying. You had to die first to see your soulmate.
Liu Qingge didn’t know what to expect when he opened his eyes after his death and stared at the same surrounding of the Spirit Cave. He was confused. He died. He never saw a ghost in his life so it was obvious that he died first, why didn’t he get transferred to his soulmate’s place?
However, Liu Qingge then noticed the two people inside the cave. He saw his body, dead and lifeless. He saw his shixiong by him, looking worse for wear. He recalled the scene before his death when Shen Qingqiu actually tried to help him and murmured guiltily, “Shen Qingqiu...”
Shen Qingqiu’s head snapped up in response and their eyes met.
Oh no...
buried now by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
During the incident in the Lingxi Caves, Liu Qingge ascends. When he is finally able to return to Cang Qiong Mountain sect, too much time has passed.
Secondary When Compared To You by I_dont_know_anything_im_sorry [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Liu Qingge was dying.
They were in the Ling Xi Caves and Liu Qingge had started to Qi deviate and he'd gone on a rampage and-
He'd started to die.
He was dying and it would be Shen Qingqiu's fault.
Shen Qingqiu couldn't let it be his fault, he couldn't.
(Shen Qingqiu couldn't let Liu Qingge die.)
But Liu Qingge was already dying when he was supposed to live.
What was the cost he had to pay for Liu Qingge to live?
sustain the weary with a sword by ectocosme [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Scorned and abandoned, Shen Qingqiu only has to wait for death in the water dungeon and mirages of dead men cannot bring him respite.
The hand on his shoulder felt quite real, though.
The Bamboo Scholar by Mayvn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
Slender in form, and elegant in face. The man was strong, modest, and humble as he stood up for justice and protected those that couldn’t protect themselves. He was truly the manifestation of the noble bamboo.
Shen Yuan wrinkled his nose in disgust. Who the hell is writing this crap about him?!
A 3-part series (plus 2 stand-alone extras, so technically a 5-parter) where Shen Yuan dies in Jinlan and awakens as a young Shen Jiu, calming down enough in his second go at it to make decisions that accidentally mold and inspire the people around him to be better, healthier people.
Except for Qiu Jianluo. And the Old Palace Master. And Wu Yanzi. And … um … I’m going to need to make a list.
Willow Leaf by Aledono [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
As a child, Shen Jiu never considered himself lucky, but one day he received a blessing that would change both his luck and fate. A blessing in the shape of a rock; a very, very painful rock thrown straight at his face.
Then again, even if Shen Jiu couldn't appreciate the pain of the wound, he could certainly appreciate the consequences it carried. Particularly once he found out who was the one who threw the rock at him in the first place.
When You Have Nothing To Gain (But Everything To Lose) by VermilionRain [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
After living through the original PIDW, many are brought back to their past selves. With knowledge in hand a number push to keep Shen Jiu away from their lives. When unspoken truths and unwoven lies are known can they make amends?
As The Wheel Shatters by VermilionRain
Shen Jiu was cursed. No that wasn’t it. He felt cursed. Two lifetimes he’s lived with memories and even when he tries, nothing happens. So there; cursed. He wakes up again and in the end why bother? What was the saying; three times the charm.
Write it on Your Heart by VermilionRain [Shen Jiu/Tianlang-jun]
Shen Jiu did not pass away immediately. He watched Shen Yuan live his life and it hurt. When he finally passed Fate decided to be cruel even more by dropping his reincarnating spirit into a similar setting. One problem; he wasn’t the only one. Another problem; there are a few trying to make amends that he doesn’t want. The last problem; an unwanted companion. He resolves one problem.
[A rarepair I think, gave it a try mostly because I liked the other two by this author, and surprisingly they fit pretty well together.]
villainous thing by technorat [Shen Jiu/Tianlang-jun + Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
After the incident in the Lingxi Caves, Liu Qingge does not wake. Yue Qingyuan is given two options: to have Shen Qingqiu restrained in the Water Prison before trial or to arrange a political marriage and forget the trial entirely.
Shen Qingqiu is wed to Tianlang-jun.
Fly With Broken Wings by VermilionRain
Shen Yuan has been getting nightmares since he was young. They were about a fantasy world that centered around Shen Qingqiu, a subjectively evil man. It wasn’t until he read a certain cash grabbing book that everything clicked into place. Shen Yuan was receiving memories of Shen Jiu (They were horrible and now he empathizes with the immortal) Now, after finally receiving his degree he gets transported into said book. He might as well fix this plot hole ridden shit until he gets to go back.
What You Gain (As You Lose) by VermilionRain [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
PIDW happened with a different punishment in mind for Shen Qingqiu due to the intervention of one Yue Qingyuan. Shen Qingqiu was taken, abused, and placed down again and again. Unfortunately, for others, three people were not standing by and letting this happen.
Spread your Wings by Araceil [Shen Jiu/Tianlang-jun]
When Shen Jiu opened his eyes, once again staring at the detestable ceiling of the woodshed within the Qiu Estate, he decided to live for himself. He got to his feet, shook off his shackles, and walked away from his nightmares, his hatreds, his resentments, and all the people who ever wronged him. He walked away from all of it. From promises broken, from people who betrayed him, from a life he had never wanted, and from a life that had never wanted him.
In one lifetime he had been a lowly, greedy, grasping creature. Consuming everything around him, ugly, small, and pathetic.
In his second lifetime his body had been stolen from him, and he lurked in the back of himself, watching as his body was puppeted, as his life was stolen.
In this life, he vowed not to make the same mistakes. In this life, he would be free. He would throw off the shell of Shen Qingqiu, Shen Jiu, and find freedom.
Sanye-jun by Mayvn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
A very indulgent fic about SY(J) as a demon lord, screwing over the plot and banging LQG on the regular.
Meet Cute (these dorks) by Mayvn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
The instant he turned to dash into the fight, Liu Qingge froze as he saw Not Shen Qingqiu standing coolly over one unconscious thug, guqin in both hands and still in a pose that clearly showed he had, in fact, just bludgeoned someone with the end of his guqin. Not Shen Qingqiu smirked and tilted his head back cockily.
LQG finds SY running away from a sticky situation and brings him back to Cang Qiong in hopes that he can keep the man from getting himself mugged. SY is just relieved he doesn’t have to pretend to be a girl anymore.
Courting Demons by Mayvn [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu/Shen Yuan]
Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu are accidentally transferred deep into the demon realm by an ancient relic. Well, the relic did what it was supposed to. That two sworn enemies were transferred when one touched the relic carelessly with the other trying to stop him – okay, less ‘accident’, more ‘sudden’.
At least the equally ‘sudden’ favor from this powerful demon might keep them alive long enough to get out of here … maybe that thought was too optimistic.
Aka, LQG and SJ have to guard their self-proclaimed bodyguard from all the demons who want some. SY: … … fml
The Woes of Growing Pains by CheckersXIV [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
No one has ever had a successful time acclimating to transmigration.
At least, that's what Shen Yuan tells himself after he accidentally breaks The System. It doesn't help that he wakes up as a teenage disciple inside of the bane of his existence- Proud Immortal Demon Way. He's trying to take precautions to avoid all the death flags that this stupid villain's body of his is going to get him into, but some other disciple really seems to have it out for him...
Thank you, Bai Zhan robes! by pcysbeauty [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
Liu Qingge has developed a little habit of showering Shen Yuan with the colors of his own peak.
build yourself a castle to roam by BetweenStarshineAndClay [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
When the succubi's spring poison sends Liu Qingge into a rut, it's Shen Qingqiu who has to deal with it – however unsuited he is to the task.
Matching Pieces by platinum_firebird [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
Shen Qingqiu can't exactly say he's enthused about transmigrating into an A/B/O novel, but for the most part he manages to ignore it (aside from dunking on Airplane-bro for his shitty worldbuilding).
That is, until he realises Liu Qingge has feelings for him - and that he has feelings in return. Still - the two of them can work out this Omega/Omega thing, right?
bend, not break (bend me back again, again) by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
There is an age old tradition on Cang Qiong Mountain sect. When the disciples get together to spar, the winner had the right to demand to fuck the loser.
Or, Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu's years as rivals/fuckbuddies.
so far away by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge were soulmates, though no one knew save for them.
This does not stop Liu Qingge from dying in the Lingxi Caves.
With all Due Happiness by Mayvn [Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan]
After his car accident, the only time Shen Yuan feels truly alive is playing the VRMMO Proud Demon Immortal Way. As he joins his Jiu-ge’s guild, maybe he’ll find something more than just the ability to run with absence of pain. Maybe someone more.
reluctant romance by backspacedintooblivion (Evil_and_I_know_it) [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
“That’s right,” he said. “I was…scared of Zhou-shibo’s reaction. I couldn’t force Shen-shixiong to choose between me and his teacher.”
He squeezed at Shen Qingqiu’s wrist when it looked like his lie was about to be caught, and sent desperate waves of ‘shutupshutupshutup’ at him. It seemed to have worked and Shen Qingqiu closed his mouth with a mutinous scowl.
In which Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu (mostly) fake a relationship.
Lights, Camera, Action! by anlee [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu (kind of)]
Shen Jiu is a promising young actor who showed up seemingly out of nowhere to take the world by storm. Despite only being 21 and still in college, he already has a gigantic fortune and an even bigger fanbase.
Or, at least he was. Until he died in a way that would make his ancestors die all over again due to second-hand embarrassment.
He just wishes that the last thing he did wasn't reading that god-awful novel.
you're sick or you're obscene by technorat [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
What if Shen Qingqiu had been pregnant with Yue Qingyuan's child?
Or, Shen Qingqiu's marriage to Yue Qingyuan falls apart. Liu Qingge is there to catch him.
we should stick together by pennydaniels [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Shen Jiu is drowning on Qing Jing Peak in his struggle to become Head Disciple and then hopefully Peak Lord. He's always been good at surviving but somehow can't help wanting more than that. He just wants to make the right decision.
(In which Shen Jiu is just trying to keep his head above water dealing with his faulty cultivation and capricious Shizun, has more than a few illuminating conversations with the brothel ladies, gets caught in a sex pollen disaster with Liu Qingge, and watches the other try their best to make it right.)
Memories Like Ghost Stories by Miss_aprosexia [Liu Qingge/Shen Qingqiu, hopefully only one-sided Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu, as of current chapters, there's only LQG/SQQ development with jealous/obsessive!LBH, so I'm really hoping it'll just stay one-sided, especially with the kind of trauma SQQ has]
While attempting to change his fate as a human stick, Shen Qingqiu confidently charges into a wife plot. Trapped by an evil, psychic plant, he's forced to relive Shen Jiu's frankly horrifying childhood.
This makes him confront some truths about himself, brings him closer to Liu Qingge, and sets off a series of events that leads to him to make some decisions that end up completely derailing the plot.
Luo Binghe constantly gets the wrong idea.
Shang Qinghua has no idea what the hell is going on anymore.
Fair Trade by 00janeblonde [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu/Yue Qingyuan]
Shen Jiu readied himself for his appointment. The heavy, silver mask sat in its box on the dressing table, a reminder of the day ahead that kept him from enjoying the layers of expensive fabric against his skin. He didn't always bother with the mask anymore... but today's guest was special.
In the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way, there are persistent rumors about an uncanny shop, which can grant any wish… for a price.
this point of pale light by Tossawary [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu/Shen Yuan]
Peak Master Shen Qingqiu holds his past and his present separate, and his secrets close to his chest, but his worlds collide when his past comes back to haunt him. He finds himself unwillingly brought back to a moon he thought that he'd left behind forever a long time ago, in a part of the galaxy far, far away from anyone who might come for him.
What else is there? by ForgottenVice [Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu]
Cursed to the shape of a swan, Shen Jiu looses what little hope he has for freedom when the prince makes his vow for the wrong man.
Now he's bound to the lake unable to leave, forced to accept his fate. Until a foolish hunter stumbles into the water.
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