#svtfoe season 4 bloopers
whenimgoodandready · 4 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Finale Season
Hey Starlings! Today’s the one year anniversary of “Star vs. The Forces of Evil”! I remember when we were all hyped up for the show and I got sooooooooooo into it. And I mean really really into! My reviews grew from joining the fandom, I collected the merchandise, I met some good friends and I even got to meet Daron Nefcy herself! As tribute to the shows anniversary, I finally got the chance to write my Season 4 bloopers! (like how I did with the first 3 and “Battle for Mewni”) I admit I haven’t really worked on it much since last year cuz I’ve been busy (mostly lazy), but when I heard the one year anniversary was coming up, I decided to get off my a** and write it! With help from my good friend @agentpfangirl1997. Thank you so much! As I was writing this out. I accidentally deleted it and was in shell shock cuz I worked really hard on typing this all out and putting it together, but I picked myself up and rewrote it like a true writer! I hope you guys like it cuz if you get the references in this. It’ll be even better. Enjoy! @daronnefcy I hope you see this! Like you promised from your Q&A!
•Butterfly Follies
-(Star pulls the string of the Queen Moon doll)
Queen Moon Doll:”You’re doing just fine, sweetheart”
(Star pulls the string again)
Queen Moon Doll:”I love you!”
(Star pulls the string once more)
Queen Moon Doll:(in a deep demonic male voice) “I command you! In the name of Lucifer to spill the blood of the innocent!”
(Star shakes her head in disbelief looking standing upright and shocked. She darts her eyes to the doll. She pulls the string yet again)
Queen Moon Doll:(makes demonic shrieking noises)
(Star darts her eyes to the camera still in shock)
-“Queen Moon”:(to Star and River) ”Um, I have to tell you something”
(“Queen Moon” takes off their wig to reveal themselves to be a male actor)
(Star and River gasp)
River:”You.......you’re a brunet!” (the staff off-screen laugh. River laughs as Star holds back her laughter. The Queen Moon actor just smiles. River turns to the staff off-screen shrugging) “I forgot my lines!”
•Escape from the Pie Folk
-(The Pie King is lounging on the giant pie wheel as he spins it. It spins for a moment before it slowly stops)
Star:”I’d like to solve the puzzle!” (The Pie King falls off the giant pie wheel laughing. Star laughs as the staff off-screen laugh too. Star turns to them shrugging and smiling sheepishly) “I like “Wheel of Fortune!”
•Moon Remembers
•Swim Suit
-(Behind the Scenes. Star, Marco and Tom are staring up at the giant crystal prison Globgor is in, but he’s not right now (cuz he’s CGI-ed in), so they’re just astonishingly staring up at the big empty crystal prop)
Marco:”How big is this f***ing thing!?”
-Ransomgram Monster:(singing and dancing) 🎶You stole our sword, so we stole your dragoncyclllllllllllll🎶 (stops singing and dancing to laugh at herself holding herself up by her knees. She turns to the staff off-screen) “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, can-can I try that again please?”
•Lake House Fever
•Yada Yada Berries
•Down by the River
-(Behind the Scenes. Toffee is sitting on a chair reading a script from for his upcoming cameo appearance in “Meteora’s Lesson” while holding a coffee mug in one hand and drinking from it. He’s only wearing his white shirt and black pants and matching shoes. Suddenly, the child actors that portray the Maizley kids, Manny and Mendel, run up to him grinning and stare intensively at him on either side. Toffee notices this and stares up from his script. The children continue to stare)
Toffee:”Can I help you?”
Mendel:”Hiiiiiiiiii Mr.Toffee” (rubs her arm up her other arm looking at the ground and then up at Toffee), “We’re huge fans of yours and we just wanted to meet the biggest actor on the show”
Manny:(points at Mendel) “She’s got a big crush on you!”
Mendel:(looks embarrassed then glares at Manny) “I do not!” (turns back to Toffee and shyly holds her hands behind her back and traces her foot on the ground in front of her looking down at it and then up at him) “Anyways, we were wondering if maybe you can help us go over our lines for our episode”
Toffee:”Well, I don’t know, I’m already going over my own lines for my own episode and-“
The Kids:(pressing their heads together with big eyes, cute smiles and clasping their hands together) “Pleeeeease” (they bat their eyes unsynchronizingly)
Toffee:(sighs and then miles) “Oh alright”
(the kids cheer and Manny runs off-screen. He comes back dragging a chair, places it next to Toffee, climbs up on it, pulls out his script for “Down by the River” and Mendel hands Toffee her script. Manny opens both scripts to a certain scene)
Manny:(to Toffee) “Ready!?”
Manny:(clears his throat and reads his line) “Hey! You wanna bet I can scream really loud!?”
Toffee:(reads Rivers line from the script) “”No”, okay, so then Moon says-“ (gets interrupted by Manny screaming in his ear. Toffee was startled by it as it made him jump out of his chair and drop his coffee mug having it spill and break on the floor. He was covering his ears when he turned to Manny annoyed) “What was that!?”
Manny:(smiling) ”That was my line! I scream in Rivers ear!”
Toffee:”Yeah, but I wasn’t-“ (gets interrupted by Manny screaming again. Toffee cringes) “I wasn’t-“ (gets interrupted again by Manny screaming as he cringes again) “Now see here, I-“ (gets interrupted once again by Manny screaming as he once again cringes) “Will you st-“ (yet again he’s interrupted by Manny screaming as he cringes once more. Manny screams in-between pauses as Toffee cringes with it. Toffee groans and covers his ears as Manny’s continuous screaming gets louder from his pauses. Mendel pulls out a pan and spoon and starts banging them against each other while howling. Toffee is startled by that and turns to glare at Mendel screaming ) “WHAT’S WITH THE ONE WOMAN BAND!?”
Mendel:(screaming so Toffee can hear from Manny’s screaming) “IT’S THE SCENE WHERE MY FAMILY AND I MAKE LOUD NOISES TO WARD OFF THE HOOKMAN!” (she giggles) “IT DRIVES MOON CRAZY!”
Toffee:(exasperatedly) ”She’s not the only one!” (he sighs and slumps in defeat as Manny is still screaming in pauses as Mendel bangs her pan and spoon together howling. He walks off dejectedly as Manny jumps on his back continuing his screams and Mendel following him howling. We hear Toffee off-screen yell) “WHY DID I AGREE TO COME BACK TO THIS KIDS SHOW!?”
•The Ponyhead Show!
-Pony Head:(on the set of her characters Show-within-a-Show) “Okay, um, so when I said I wanted my own spin-off, THIS ISN’T WHAT I HAD IN MIND!”
-Eclipsa:(singing and playing her guitar as she’s magiced in the air by Star) 🎶Centuries from my home, Can't go back, so let's start some-🎶 (the harness that’s keeping her up for Stars magic breaks leaving her hanging by only one strap now) “Oh! Oh my!”
(the background music for Eclipsas song stops on a record scratch and Star, Pony Head (after spitting out the crystal cupcake prop), Marco, Kelly and Seahorse rush over and try to reach up to Eclipsa)
Marco:(jumping up and down) “I gotcha! I gotcha!”
Pony Head:”Hang on Eclipsa! I gotcha!” (flies up to the harness that’s wrapped around Eclipsa and tries breaking it free with her teeth. Seahorse flies up and joins in)
(the single harness now is slightly torn lowering Eclipsa down with her screaming)
Star:(fearfully) “Eclipsa!”
Eclipsa:(worrying) “Some one get me down!”
(Everyone tries to help Eclipsa and the camera pans to Toffee causally sitting in a chair wearing only his white shirt with a couple of buttons undone and his black pants and shoes while holding his coffee mug and next to him is Rosemary, the little girl who was the only one to like Eclipsas song, sitting on a chair leveled to Toffee sipping her juice box and both are staring up at the chaos of Eclipsas harness failure as people rush in to save her and we hear them murmur)
Toffee:(to Rosemary keeping his eyes on Eclipsa) “Think they’ll get her down?”
Rosemary:(while keeping her eyes on Eclipsa) “Not a chance”
(they click their drinks without looking and sip)
•Surviving the Spiderbites
•Out of Business
-Marco:(to the Quest Buy Sloth) “Hey! My Dude! We’re pros at these, uh, situati-“ (gets tripped on his back after doing a back flip by the “Baby Marco with Wheels for Hands” prop as it zooms by. Marco sits up groaning. He turns up to his left) “Janna!” (Janna comes onto the set with a remote control device laughing and makes the “Baby Marco with Wheels for Hands” prop circle around them. Marco groans at Janna)
•Kelly’s World
•Curse of the Blood Moon
-Tom:”Uh, Relicor says he’ll guide us to the Severing Stone, cuz he’s my grandpa” (sways his hips back and forth) pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-“ (stops to laugh at himself) “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It was just too funny! (laughs some more. Turns to the director off-screen and waves his hand dismissively) “Just-Just shot again, okay!”
(Take 2) Tom:”Cuz he’s my grandpa” (sways his hips back and forth) “pa-pa-pa-“ (stops again to laugh and holds up one finger facing the director off-screen) “One more time! One more time!”
(Take 3) Tom:”Cuz he’s my-“(is about to sway his hips back and forth, he stops to hold in his laugh, but after awhile, he bursts into laughter bending forward holding his stomach and tapping his foot. Star is annoyed and rolls her eyes groaning. Janna pulls out her iPhone playing with it and Marco sighs)
-(Star, Marco, Tom, Janna and Relicor are in the elevator. Tom is whistling and holding his hands together stretching them around. Star looks annoyed)
Star:”Tom!.....Tom!” (Tom accidentally hits Star in the eye with his stretching hands) “OW!” (Star covers her eye)
(everyone looks towards Star concerned)
Tom:(panicky) “Oh my God! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to and-“
Star:”Damn it! Tom!”
(The staff come onto the set and hover around Star as we hear one say, “The medics on their way!”. Tom panics to himself and a bell rings signaling to stop rolling)
-(Behind the Scenes. Star and the gang are waiting for Vexicor to show up for the scene. Star is slouched down holding a hand to her head moaning silently, Marco has his arms crossed and is tapping his foot impatiently, Tom is looking worriedly at Star, Janna is laying on the couch playing on her iPhone, Relicor is flying in place and Abraxacan is in his tower resting his head on one hand and tapping his claws on the window sill)
Marco:(about Vexicor to the staff off-screen) “Is he here yet!?”
Staff Member Off-Screen:”No, not yet”
(Marco sighs impatiently)
Tom:(walks over to Star putting his hand on her shoulder) “Hey, is your eye okay?”
Star:(stares up at Tom sternly) “F*** off, Tom”
(Tom backs away slowly holding his hands up in front of him in fear. We hear a door open and slam as everyone on set looks towards the noise. We then hear foot steps and Vexicor in his demon costume comes onto the set holding up a fast food bag in one hand and a drink in the other)
Vexicor:”What! What! What! What’s everyone looking at!?” (slurps his drink)
Marco:”Dude! You went to get fast food!?”
Vexicor:(irritated) “Well why not!? You kids cleaned me out on the donuts, so I had to walk all the way to the restaurant” (gestures to his costume) “in this getup! Getting weird looks from strangers and I’m sweating my balls off in this thing and-“
Director Daron:(off-screen) “WAIT! WAIT! Hold up!” (everyone looks at the camera) “This could work!”
Star:”It can?”
Vexicor:”What!? Me and this scenario!?”
Director Daron:(off-screen) “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! It’ll be funny! Okay places everyone! Let’s shoot this!”
(everyone gets into their positions for the new rewrite scene)
-(Star and Marco are wearing their formal outfits waltzing to the “Blood Moon Waltz” with red lighting. Suddenly, the music shifts to Lil Nas X ft.Billy Ray Cyruses remix song of “Old Town Road”. Star and Marco are startled by it and break apart)
Pony Head:(flies onto the scene screaming) “Okay! That is it! Where are those creepy twins!? Imma bust their heads!” (scans the area as the music plays) “I swear, I don’t care if I get sued for this! Those two are dead!” (she notices the music still playing) “CUT THE TRACK!” (“Old Town Road” stops on a record scratch as the lighting turns on to color. Pony Head groans and flies off. Star and Marco just awkwardly stare at each other from Pony Heads outburst)
Marco:”Well” (scratches the back of his head and then shrugs) “least it’s not “Despacito” (crookedly smiles)
(Star covers her mouth from laughing)
•Princess Quasar Caterpillar and the Magic Bell
-(Behind the Scenes. Janna (before CGI makes her a Cyclopes) is bouncing up and down with glee next to Quasar)
Janna:(pleadingly) “Do the thing! Do the thing! Please! Please! Please!”
Quasar:(laughs and playfully waves off a hand) “Oh C’mon!”
Janna:”Pleeeeeeeeease!” (holds up one finger) “Just this once!”
Quasar:(playfully rolls her eyes) “Oh okay!”
(Janna cheers clapping her hands)
Quasar:(clears her throat and gets into a starting position pose. She raises her hand in the air) “JUPITER STAR POWER! MAKE UP!” (gracefully twirls around while waving her hands in the air. Janna awes with joy)
•Ghost of Butterfly Castle
-(Moon is walking the hallway of the abandoned ruins of Castle Butterfly looking at the sewn tapestries on the walls. She suddenly stops and sneezes. The staff off-screen laugh as she smiles and sniffles)
Moon:”I’m sorry” (sniffles again) “It’s just so dusty in here that’s all”
•Meteora’s Lesson
-(Behind the Scenes. Star is in Toffees huge dressing room putting on his mullet wig for his young characters self. She’s adjusting it in the mirror and starts doing poses with it. She does air guitar and makes guitar noises with it thrashing around. As she does that, she doesn’t notice Toffee walk in dressed in his young characters 80’s outfit while wearing a bald cap for the wig and carrying a coffee mug. He’s perplexed seeing Star goof around in his dressing room and wig)
Star:(singing) 🎶I love Rock n’ Roll! So put another dime in the jukebox, Baby! I love Rock n’ Roll! So come an’ take your time an’ dance with me-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! YEAH!🎶 (she grabs a chair and smashes it on the ground. Then she goes down on her knees and holds both her hands up in a “Rock On!” sign) “THANK YOU! GOOD-NIGHT!” (sticks her tongue out “KISS” style)
(Star breaks out of her “rock persona” and looks to see Toffee glaring at her. She quickly gets up grinning sheepishly. Keeping her eyes on Toffee, she dusts the broken pieces of the chair behind her under a lounge chair, scoots herself near his wig bust, removes his wig from her head, places it on the bust, brushes it down with her hands and takes a big step next to him. She giggles nervously then frantically zooms out the room. Toffee watches her leave and signs wearingly)
-(Toffee dressed as his young characters self is gripping Glossaryck in his hand and Meteora crawls over to Toffees leg. She starts pounding on it, but then stops and cuddles it cooing. Toffee chuckles and picks up Meteora in his other arm. He turns to the staff off-screen)
Toffee:(embarrassed) “Can we edit this so it looks like she’s attacking me?”
•The Knight Shift
-Ransomgram Monster:(fearfully peaking from the door holding a hand full of envelopes) “It’s just the mail! Please don’t make me dance!” (the staff off-screen laugh. The Ransomgram Monster turns to them embarrassed and shrugs) “I’m not much of a dancer!”
•Junkin’ Janna
•A Spell With No Name
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whenimgoodandready · 4 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Finale Season Part 3
•Gone Baby Gone
-(Setting:Teen Meteora and Mariposas cave.)
Star:(hesitantly slurps and gulps the skin flakes and garlic spider chow) “Y-Yummy”
Adult Marco:(eagerly drinks the soup) “Ahhh! Really takes me back. Though I always used to-“ (he stops and starts to sweat panting)
Star:(looks concerned for Adult Marco) “Are you okay? You look-“ (suddenly feels something) “Oh boy!” (starts to sweat and pant as well)
(Teen Meteora and Mariposa snicker)
Adult Marco:(standing up panicking) “What’s goin’ on!? My mouth is burning!” (screams and runs off-screen)
(Star screams and runs off-screen too. Teen Meteora and Mariposa try to contain their laughter)
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “Uh, what’s going on over here? Can someone please tell me”
Staff Member:(heard off-screen) “Hang on, let me check”
(Teen Meteora and Mariposa can’t hold it much longer and burst out laughing. Adult Marco runs past the scene seemingly breathing fire while screaming flailing his arms in the air)
Staff Member:(heard off-screen) “Okay, we found the problem! Bryana (Teen Meteora) and Isabella (Teen Mariposa) secretly put Ghost Peppers in the soup for the scene”
Director Daron:(sighs) “Oh my God, girls not cool!”
(Teen Meteora falls back laughing and Teen Mariposa hunches over laughing holding onto her stomach and stomping her foot)
Star:(runs past the scene holding a water bottle) “CAN SOMEONE OPEN THIS THING!”
-(Behind the Scenes. Wyscan is sitting in a make-up chair half complete with his magical look with only his face not painted and wearing a bald cap for his wig. He’s speaking with the Make-Up Artist next to him surround by boxes of various colored paints and brushes)
Wyscan:(exasperated) “Oh my God! You would not believe the day I had getting over here! First, my limo got stuck in traffic, so I was 2 hours late for rehearsal” (the Make-Up Artist adjusts the chair to lounge back and Wyscan closes his eyes as he continues his venting. Little does he know, Teen Meteora and Mariposa quickly and very quietly cover the Make-Up Artists mouth and drag her away off-screen) “Then, I was attacked by those frogs that escaped from that new show, “Ann-phibia”, or whatever studio by some liberal going all, “Free the Frogs!” Ugh! I swear one of those slimy things crawled in my hair!” (cringes as Teen Meteora and Mariposa come back standing on either side of Wyscan snickering and picking up make-up tools) “Finally, those creepy twin Pony Head girls wouldn’t stop playing dumb country rap song, “Old Town Road”, during rehearsal and now that songs stuck in my head” (groans) “Anyways sorry about talking your ear off, I’ll just sit back, lay back and let you work your magic, okay hun”
(Teen Meteora and Mariposa simultaneously pretend to be the Make-Up Artist and go, “Mmhmm”, mockingly while giving one another devious looks. They get to work applying make-up on Wyscan super fast with pink mist and after they’re complete, the mist fades away and Teen Mariposa readjusts Wyscans sweat to make him sit up right as Teen Meteora holds up a hand mirror in front of him. Wyscan opens his eyes and gasps at seeing his prank make-up job. His face is powdered white with hot pink lipstick, lavender eyeshadow and three stickers on his face with a heart, a star and a rainbow plastered on it and his wig was a big curly orange afro. Teen Meteora and Mariposa laugh. Wyscan screams angrily and jumps off his seat)
Wyscan:(frustratedly) “You little brats! Wait til’ my agent hears about this!”
(Teen Meteora and Mariposa stop laughing and put their arms around Wyscan in-between them and Teen Mariposa pulls out her iPhone to take a pic of the three of ‘em as the two strike a pose. Wyscan groans and we see a flash and hear a click)
-Wyscan:(irritatedly) “Ugh, what’s taking so long over there?!”
Teen Mariposa:”I’ve changed my mind”
Wyscan:”I thought we had a deal!”
Wyscan’s Stomach:”And baby’s hungry!” (slurping)
Teen Mariposa:”You want the girl...you’ll” (tries to pull out her bo staff, but she fumbles with it around her hands and it falls to the ground making a loud clank sound as Teen Mariposa cringes. She stares down at the staff as the staff off-screen laugh. Wyscan laughs too and Teen Mariposa gets annoyed with him) “Shut up!”
-(The background fight music plays as Teen Mariposa starts to fight Wyscan with her staff. Wyscan blocks her attacks and pushes her backward with his sword. He quickly knocks her away and pins her to the ground. We hear a crack and Wyscan stops fighting to stand over Teen Mariposa looking confused. The background fight music dies out and Teen Mariposa sits up and picks up her bo staff which is now split almost in half and dangling on one side. She stares at it dangling before nervously chuckling. Wyscan laughs as well)
•Sad Teen Hotline
-Tom:(to Marco) “I mean, if you and your best friend, ended up being something else”
Marco:”What? Tom, the Blood Moon acres has been-“ (gets interrupted by a tennis ball being shot at his face knocking him down) “Ow!”
Tom:(gasps. Turns to where the ball came from) “What the f-“ (a tennis ball is shot at him and ends up in his mouth silencing him with him mumbling, dropping his arm full of tennis balls and losing his balance. Another tennis ball is shot at and knocks Tom down)
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “Who’s using the tennis ball shooting machine!?”
(the camera pans to see Janna using it and shooting tennis balls around the set. We hearing glass shattering, people screaming and see objects falling down)
Janna:(stops shooting and calls out) “Hey, Pony Head! You lied! This thing does work!” (continues shooting tennis balls around and chuckles evilly as more things break and peoples screaming are heard)
Director Daron:(groans off-screen) “I told you to put that thing away before the shoot!”
Equipment Manager:(flatly off-screen) “Sorry”
•Mama Star
-First Born Unicorn:(angrily) “STOP THROWING SH*T IN MY REALM!”
-Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “Cut! Who the Hell is editing the horses dialogue up there!?”
(the camera pans up to the sound room where we see Teen Meteora and Mariposa sitting in the Sound Room with Teen Mariposa typing as Teen Meteora giggles)
Teen Mariposa:(typing with each word) “Every.time.you.come.into.my.realm.you.always.f**K.sh*t.up!” (stops typing and laughs with Teen Meteora)
(they stop laughing when the notice the cameras and go wide eyed with shock)
•Ready, Aim, Fire
•The Right Way
-(the giant Solarian knight is trying to find its balance and then suddenly stands still. It starts dancing as “Old Town Road” plays. We pan to see Shonda and Shinda smugly next to their record player with Teen Meteora and Mariposa smugly next to them watching as Teen Mariposa controls the giant Solarian knight with a remote)
Teen Meteora:(proudly) “We baaaaaaad”
Teen Mariposa:(proudly) “And we like it like that!”
(all four girls laugh)
•Here to Help
•Pizza Party
•The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse
-Eclipsa:(to Moon as she’s positioning her pool stick) “You know, I never got a chance to thank-“ (the pool stick cuts a tear on the table. Eclipsas eyes widen. Meteora laughs from her baby carrier Eclipsas wearing) “Whoops!” (stands up straight covering her mouth blushing)
-Star:”Glossaryck! Glossaryck! Please, don’t leave me here with my dysfunctional family!” (sighs) “Okay”, (waves disinterestedly at Eclipsa’s tapestry) “Hi Eclipsa” (turns to Moons tapestry) “Motherf**ker”
Director Daron:(off-screen) “Cut! Star!”
Star:”What!? It’s what the fans are thinking after what just recently happened!”
Director Daron:(scoldingly still off-screen) “You can’t curse in a children’s show!”
(Toffee is shown casually sitting in a chair next to the Darons)
Toffee:”I believe that’s what the kids call, “Too real””
Star:”Oh, can it Toffee! You’re not really in this episode it’s just a prerecording of your line from our first finale! Besides, my character is just acting appropriately from her mothers betrayal and all the chaos that’s going on!”
Toffee:”Yeah, but who was relieved to be the smartest character in the show?” (gives her a look)
(Rosemary is just sucking her bowl of gumbo next to Toffee in her leveled chair nodding concededly)
Toffee:”Rosemary, sweetie, flip to the last page of the script for this episode please”
(Rosemary puts down her gumbo, wipes her mouth, picks up the episodes script, flips through it professionally and reads through it first)
Rosemary:”It says, “Star turns to Moons tapestry and says mournfully, “I guess this means Toffee was right””
Toffee:(puts a hand to his ear pretending like he’s deaf) “I-I’m sorry, what was that, I couldn’t hear that” (makes a smug look at Star)
(Star looks peeved)
Rosemary:”She says, “I guess this means Toffee” (looks up at Star shouting) “WAS RIGHT!””
Toffee:(turns over his hand smugly in the air) “Surprise”
Star:(has her fists balled by her sides and an angry expression with her teeth clenched yet she speaks in a mellow tone) “I am so glad, you’re dead.......on the show”
-(Behind the Scenes. Almost everyone from the show is surrounded around The Realm of Magic set murmuring to one another. Daron Nefcy marches onto the green screen set of The Realm of Magic while making splashes on the shallow water spread on the ground. She clears her throat and puts her hands on her hips making everyone stop and stare at her)
Director Daron:(loudly and clearly) “Alright, listen up everyone! This is our last episode of the show and I want this done well! You think just cuz it’s the end you can do crazy sh*t like goof around, or do improve or even curse!? Well think again! This isn’t a playground people! This is a ✨spectacle!✨ You all worked for four years to make this a good show and I want you guys to take this seriously! You don’t know how much pride I put into this to make it my “magical girl fantasy” come true! I had to change a lot in this story to get this green lite, work through sleepless nights, have my episodes get premiered a day after the next in a twisted scheduling and deal with psycho fans just to get this done! Now I want you all to get out there and make this the best damn finale a children’s show has done! Even if we might get backlash for it, F**k it! Cuz we gave it our all! Now places everyone! PLACES! (marches out of the set making loud splashes as she departs with everyone in stunned silence)
(Star and Marco walk onto the set with small splashes as the two watch Daron march off looking silent and a bit unnerved)
Star:(rubs her arm) “Ok.........I guess, we’re gonna give it our all then” (laughs nervously)
Marco:(quietly) “If we ever do the reunion show” (points at Star) “You’re sitting next to her, not me!”
-Marco:(grabbing onto Star) “Star! Ok, what’s the plan!?”
Star:(pointing to an upward waterfall) “Uh, you have to go back through the Earth-“ (the upward shooting waterfall slowly starts decreasing as the lights luminate the set and the wind effects stop. The upward waterfall now just spits out bits of water from the tube as objects are lightly blown onto the set from the giant wind fan and The Realm of Magic turns back to a green screen)
Star:”Is someone using all the water supply again!?”
-Mina Loveberry:(walking smugly past Star and her powers) “And the thing about good ideas is they tend to hang arou-Ow!” (stops and picks up her foot groaning in pain and hoping) “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OW! Ahhhhhh! Damn it! I stepped on a freakin’ mini pretzel!” (hisses while still holding up her foot and hopping in place) “God! Why did my character have to go all native with their feet!?”
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “Can someone get some iodine!.......and the janitor!”
-(Marco is skateboarding down the street and falls off. The big build up music stops on a record scratch)
Marco:(groans and sits up on one knee) “Sorry! That wasn’t the big fall yet!” (under his breath as he’s getting up and adjusting himself) “God damn it, Marco! This your last day of shooting and you’re making an a** of yourself!”
Director Daron:(heard off-screen sternly) “DID YOU CURSE!?”
Marco:(panics and waves his hands in front of him) “No! No! No! No! I swear!” (panics more) “I mean, not as in swearing, I mean as in “I swear I didn’t curse!” Really” (laughs nervously)
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whenimgoodandready · 4 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Finale Season Epilogue
—The Departure—
(Star and Marco slowly walk up to each other and stop once they are face to face)
Marco:(softy) “Hey”
Star:(softly) “Hi”
(they stare at each other fondly as the final music score plays and the camera pans up to the “Earthni” sky)
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “And that’s a wrap!”
(the alarm rings)
(Star starts to cry. Marco looks concerned)
Marco:”Star? Star what’s wrong?”
Star:(wipes away her tears) “Oh, nothing” (sniffles) “I’m just so happy I went through all this. With my friends, family and even a bunch of celebrities I never thought I’d meet”
Marco:(confused) “But, you’re a celebrity yourself, don’t you already know everyone?”
Star:(laughs) “Marco, just cuz I’m a celebrity doesn’t mean I know everyone! I never thought I’d meet band members like the lead singers of “Fall Out Boy” and “98 Degrees” (turns to see Ruberiot (Patrick Stump) and Justin Towers (Nick Lachey) who are next to each other and smiling at her) “Or have insanely detailed cosplayers (shows Marco a cosplayer dressed up as Star on her iPhone) “Or even a big namer like Toffee!” (turns to look at Toffee)
Toffee:(about to sip his coffee, but stops when he hears his name and turns to Star) “What, what?”
Marco:(blushing) “Oh, right” (nervously laughs) “And here I thought I was the lucky one starring in a hit tv show with the actress from “The Middle” (Star smiles) “Or doing my karate on camera for everyone at home to see” (turns to look at Jeremy is shown next to Sensei)
Jeremy:(waves frantically smiling) “Hi Marco!”
Marco:(waves back at Jeremy smiling then turns back to Star) “And best of all, I got a TV Star girlfriend!”
(Jackie comes in putting her arm around Marco)
Jackie:(teasingly) “Whoa there! Don’t go putting me on a pedestal bringing me offerers now”
(Marco laughs)
Janna:(stepping into the scene with all her sass) “Quick the water works Star, we’re still gonna see each other again tonight for the big farewell party here”
Tom:(walks into the scene as well) “Yeah, there’s gonna be music, food, the cast of “The Owl House” gonna show up! I’ve seen sneak peaks of that, looks awesome!”
Pony Head:(flies in) “And champaign!”
Star:(her face lights up) “Really!”
Pony Head:(with a sour look) “Yeah, but only for the adults” (blows a raspberry)
(Moon walks in)
Moon:(playfully) “Oh hush Pony” (she puts a hand to Star) “Star, I know you can be sensitive to these things. Much like how you were when your show, “The Middle” ended. You saw the cast as your family and I understand. I may be your TV Mom, but I love you like a real mother does. I’ve seen you at your best and worst on set, but in the end, I still love you cuz that’s how family is. It’s like being on TV. You mold yourself into the character you want to be and take each step of your life as a scene. If the “scene” turns out bad, then you “review” it so as to not make the same mistakes for a better ending. To me, this ending turned out well cuz I did it with my family”
Eclipsa:(walks in on the scene) “It’s true. I felt like the cast of my show “Game of Thrones” were like my family and sadly” (sighs softly) “It’s ending too. I’m going to miss everyone there. It was so much fun, but I’ll be honest. I liked working here better. I loved my character and working with all these talented children, doing something cute and family friendly and being on Disney and of course, you Star”
Star:(looks around the people that she’s worked with for her show smiling and sniffles) “You guys are the best. I’m gonna miss you all” (her face lights up with an idea) “Wait! I wanna remember this moment!” (she pulls out her iPhone and starts waving her hand in the air) “Everyone! Gather around! I wanna get a picture!”
(Star holds her iPhone in the air with selfie mode on as she pushes in Marco, Tom, Jackie, Janna, Moon and Eclipsa together as Pony Head flies in closer and Star gestures for them to stick together as she walks off to grab more people)
Tom:”Ow” (turns to Janna) “You’re stepping on my boots!”
Janna:”Well scoot over!”
Pony Head:(pushes aside Marco) “Move over Karate Kid, I wanna be next to Star! This pic is gonna go viral!”
Marco:”I’m the star!”
Pony Head:”Yeah, co-star! There’s a difference!”
(Star comes in dragging Toffee who’s reluctant)
Toffee:(trying to pull off Stars hand from his arm) “Star! This is Armani!”
Star:”Oh Toffee, it’s a rental!” (she pushes Toffee in with the group and runs off to grab Starfan13 and Oskar who position themselves in the group photo with everyone ready and smiling. Stars about to take the picture when suddenly she stops) “WAIT! Wait! Wait! Wait! I’m missing some people!”
(the group groans as Star runs off to grab others. As they wait, Jack wraps her arms around Marco, Janna attempts to give the middle finger only for Tom to lower it down and glare at her shaking his head going “MmMmm” and Janna blaring back at him and Oskar giving the “Rock On!” sign. Star brings in River, Buff Frog, Alfonzo, Ferguson, Angie, Sensei, Rafael, Ludo, Brittany, Jeremy, Kelly, Mina, Hekapoo, Globgor and even Brian H. Kim and more importantly, Daron Nefcy herself who get into position next to their closest characters companions (ex.Alfonzo and Ferguson next to Marco) and Star gets in the center to finally take the picture)
Janna:”You know Star, there’s a poster of all of us in it, right!? I mean, it’s what’s saving the trouble for this”
Star:”Alright Everyone! Say, “Narwal Blast!”” (quickly takes the picture before they could say it) “Eat your heart out Ellen”
Marco:”Wait I think I blinked!”
Janna:”You suck”
Director Daron:(claps her hands to get everyone’s attention) “C’mon people! We need to clear out to prepare this place for party tonight!”
(the group breaks loose (except Daron) and walks away as the camera crew leave along with the make-up artists, special effects team and the script writers. Star stands in place watching everyone depart smiling and waving)
Moon:(waves at Star) “Bye dear! See you tonight”
River:(waves) ”Bye TV daughter!”
Eclipsa:”See you tonight sweetie!”
Janna:(holds up a peace sign) “I’ll see you tonight at 7!” (winks at Star for the reference)
(Star gives a thumbs up)
Daron:”Star!” (Star looks up to Daron) “I just wanna say thank you for being “Star Butterfly”. There was a reason I named the character “Star” and that’s cuz seeing your character, Sue Heck, an optimist and eccentric girl going through life no matter how God awful it got, made me wanna create a girl who was actually like that and making it better by giving her magical powers! So I saw your name in the credits, Star Sher, and I thought about my character and said, “I want her blossom and grow”. That’s when the word butterfly came to mind. Star Butterfly. I was like you once. Guess I just saw a bit of myself in you and wanted let that same little be do great things” (Star’s eyes light up) “I also wanna apologize for my outburst before our final shooting” (looks away embarrassed) “I was under a lot of pressure from making sure everything went perfectly and I guess I turned into a dragon lady or something. Heavy is the head that wears the crown” (makes a small laugh. Star’s face comes to a realization of that, but goes back to her smile for Daron) “I hope we’re okay so that we can have fun at the party tonight”
Star:”We’re great!”
(Daron was so touched, she hugs Star and Star quickly hugs her back. Daron gently breaks them apart and softly looks at Star)
Daron:”Thank you my rebel princess” (she lovingly puts her head on Stars head and then walks away. Star fondly watches her leave and heard Marcos voice)
Marco:”Star!” (Marco runs up to her followed by Pony Head, Jackie Tom, Shonda and Shinda) “Guess what!”
Star:(eagerly) “What!?”
Marco:”We get to choose the songs played at the party tonight! We can play whatever music we want!”
(they all cheer)
Shonda:(pulls out the records she and Shinda have been playing during the bloopers) “Which one should we play!”
Shinda:(enthusiastically) “OOh! OOh! OOh! I say-“
(Pony Head gasps and grabs the records with her teeth, slams them on the ground and smashes them with herself repeatedly with Star, Marco, Tom, Jackie, Shonda and Shinda staring at her as she does it)
Pony Head:(flies right in the twins faces) “NO MORE MUSIC FOR YOU TWO! I.have.HAD IT! You hear me!? Had it! I’m getting your parents!” (pushes the two ponies away away)
Marco:(points to the broken pieces of the record on the ground shocked) “Those were my records!”
(Toffee passes by to pick up his black jacket on a make-up chair)
Star:(runs up to Toffee whose texting on his iPhone (actually Toms iPhone since he confiscated it) to someone) “Hey Toffee! Toffee!”
Toffee:(looks up from Toms phone) “Hmm”
Star:(holds her hands behind her and looks down on the ground) “I just wanna say that I’m sorry I gave you a hard time during the show. Especially from “Battle for Mewni”. I just got so stressed with working on the show and all. Heavy is the crown and” (pauses) “And uh.......uhhhhhhh, whatever they call it. I mean, I was the star of the show, but you” (looks up and gestures to Toffee) “You were the real “Star”! For “Star vs. The Forces of Evil” How could I measure up to that!? Huh?” (laughs) “And I still do respect you! I just didn’t wanna us to part on bad terms. Sooooooooo, are we good?” (sheepishly grins)
Toffee:(stares at Star for a moment and then laughs) “Yeah, sure, we good”
(Stars face lights up)
Toffee:(chuckles) “I mean, I can’t tell you how stressed I was when I was on my show, “Dexter”. So yeah, I know the pressure of stardom and be toxic and you’re young, so it’s a lot harder on you I guess, but I still do respect you as well. From one “Star” to another”
(Star happily stares at Toffee then gives him a big hug that startles him. He’s bewildered by this sudden embrace, but then hugs her back)
Marco:(comes in with his arms wide open) “Hey, can I get some of that action over here!?”
Toffee:(looks sternly at Marco while hugging Star) “Back off Diaz, I’m still recovering from my shoulder injury”
(Marcos smiles disappears and he still keeps his arms wide open, but lowers them down. He hisses embarrassingly while scratching the back of his head remembering how he went too hard on him during his big punch on “Battle for Mewni”)
Toffee:(breaks free of Stars hug and goes into Marcos face with a creepy smile) “Surprise!”
(Marco screams and backs up)
(Toffee laughs and pulls Marco in under his arm giving him a nuggy)
Marco:(is scared at first, but eventually laughs) “Okay! Okay! Yes, we’re cool too!”
(Toffee lets go of Marco and Marco straightens out his hair)
Toffee:(turns to Star) “Oh and Star” (Star turns to Toffee) “Don’t think too “high and mighty” of me just cuz I’m a huge star. I’m not all that big. I don’t even have a Star on Hollywood! I’m still person like you and Marco and everyone else”
Star:(sing song voice) “Okay”
(Toms iPhone beeps and Toffee looks down at the screen. He puts the phone away and starts to walk out swinging his jacket on his shoulder)
Toffee:”Well, see you kids tonight, I gotta go”
Marco:”Where you going?”
Toffee:”Heading over to my agents place. He’s got my tickets for Ontario later”
Toffee:”Yeah, I’m flying over there to Canada to shot a new movie (“In the Shadow of the Moon”) where I play a detective” (in a stereotypical Canadian accent) “Eh” (he laughs to himself)
(Toffee walks away typing in Toms iPhone he and Tom runs after him)
Tom:”Hey, Toffee!” (we hear him from off-screen) “Can I have my phone back now”
Toffee:(heard off-screen) “No”
Jackie:(gasps in realization) “Marco!” (puts her hand in his shoulder) “We gotta go too!” (runs out to the studio door) “Bye Star!”
Marco:(his eyes widen in realization) “Oh yeah!” (runs after Jackie)
Star:(calling out) “Where you going!?”
Marco:(stops at the door where Jackie already ran out from to turn back to Star) “Oh” (laughs. Points behind him with his thumb) “I need to go help Jackie rehearse for her role on “She-Ra”
Star:”Oh! Right! I love that show!”
Marco:”Yeah, well, see you at the party tonight!” (runs out the door)
(Star smiles as she hears Marcos footsteps fading away. She was all alone now. Felt like only yesterday it was the premiere of her show with cast members off-screen watching, the special effects crew making all that glitters (literally) fill the air with magic and praise the show gained from the fans. It was all over now, but Star was happy that she got to try this new show and how it became a hit like her show, “The Middle”. She looked around and saw everything in the large studio quiet and colorful. The light up vanity mirrors, the camera stands and sound equipment and finally, the set of “Earthni” with the green screen in the back. Star found it hard to believe this place passed off as fantasy dimension full of eccentric make believe creatures with backstories. It would all be cleaned up soon. The custodians will be here to pick up everything and redecorate it for the shows farewell party tonight. Star saw a few things that needed to be cleaned up and walked over to do so)
Star:(singing softly to herself)🎶She's a princess winning battles, Through the break of dawn🎶(pushes a chair away from to form a passage. She walks over to the light up vanity mirrors)🎶Don't worry when it's night, 'Cause she will keep the lights on!🎶(turns off all the vanity mirrors. She walks towards the studio doors, but stops half way there to pick up a props box and move it to the other side)🎶Ohhhh, there goes a shining star!🎶(walks towards the studio doors again and stops a quarter of the way to turn off the set lights on “Earthni”) 🎶Evil won't deter her🎶 (echoes the back-up singers) 🎶(No, sir!)🎶🎶(gets to the studio doors, but stops in between it) 🎶’Cause magic flows through her🎶 (echoes the back-up singers again) 🎶(Star Butterfly!)🎶 (slowly looks back at the studio shedding a tear)🎶She is a shining staaaaaaar!🎶(she sighs wholeheartedly getting a good look at it and lastly, flicks off the ceiling lights with the room now dark. Star turns back and closes the door)
The End
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whenimgoodandready · 4 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Finale Season Part 2
•A Boy and His DC-700XE
-(Behind the Scenes. Marco is leading Tom to the studio garage. Tom is looking unsure)
Tom:”Marco, shouldn’t we be rehearsing for our lines this episode!?”
Marco:”How can we rehearse when we don’t have the proper equipment”
(they reach the door to the studio garage door and Marco pulls out a credit card. He bends down and swipes the card up and down the slides of the door lock. After awhile we hear a click and Marco stands upright and opens the door slowly with a creaking sound. Marco looks left and right before motioning Tom to follow him in. Tom looks left and right as well and pulls out his iPhone to turn on the flashlight app. They go enter the garage and it’s pitch black with only the light from Toms iPhone shinning around it. He looks around and sees it very spacious)
Tom:”Uh, Marco, if this is the garage, why aren’t there other cars in here?”
Marco:”Cuz it’s only reserved for Toffee, being that he’s the-” (waves his hands dismissively about) “Big Shot Actor” and all that” (blows a raspberry)
Tom:(coming to a shocking realization) “Wait! Are you telling me, that we’re here t-to-“ (stops and gasps at what his iPhone flashlight is shinning on. Toffees dragoncycle! Toms eyes sparkle as he awes with wonder. Marco walks next to it leaning against it looking all cool with a smug look)
Tom:(shakes out of his trance) “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! You wanna use Toffees dragoncycle for rehearsal!?”
(Marco jumps on the seat of the bike and gestures to the whole thing as if to say, “Why not?”)
Tom:(whispering) “Marco, Toffees gonna kill us if he finds out! Can’t we just wait for the driving instructor to show up and teach me how to use the prop dragoncycles on set!?”
Marco:(waves off a hand) “Those things are used with CGI to make ‘em look real” (gestures to bike) “This baby is the real deal! C’mon, don’t you admit it’s awesome”
Tom:(walks up to the bike shinning his flashlight app on it. He smiles at it and chuckles) “You know, this reminds me of that “Boy Meets World” episode I did where my character, Shawn Hunter, had to wreck his cool teachers motorcycle to impress the school bad boy, Harley Keiner, but couldn’t do it cuz he had too much respect for his teacher”
Marco:”Oh yeah! I remember that episode! Say what happened to guy that played Harley in that episode?”
Tom:”Who? Kenny? I don’t know, last I heard he went into producing”
(Marco looks at the bike and sees the keys are in ignition for the dragoncycle. His eyes go wide as does Toms when he notices too and shines his light on it. They dart their eyes toward each other and Marco makes a sneaky grin)
Tom:(knowing where this is going) “Marco, don’t!” (Marco raise his finger slowly in the air keeping the sneaky grin on his face) “Marco!” (Marco slowly moves his finger toward the keys. Tom tries to warningly stop Marco) “Marco, I’m serious!” (Marcos finger gets closer to the keys) “Marco, do you want to die!?” (Marco stops his finger near the keys. Then he gently holds onto ‘em) “Marco, No!”
(Marco turns the keys in the ignition and suddenly, the alarm goes off scaring Marco off the bike and on the ground and Tom to jump back as he almost drops his iPhone making them both gasp)
Tom:(panicking) “What’s going on!?”
Marco:(also panicking) “I don’t know!”
(the alarm continues to go off as the eyes of the dragon head on the bike start to glow red and we hear a growl. The mouth of the dragon slowly opens up its jaw and we see fire shoot out like a flamethrower. Marco and Tom freak out and run out screaming with Tom dropping his iPhone. The alarm sounds and growls as the fire still shoots out and we see a shadowy figure near the bike where Toms iPhone light is shinning from the ground. The figure comes out from the shadows, into the iPhone light and they’re revealed to be Toffee with a smug look on his face and his arms behind his back. He was wearing his white dress shirt without the tie and his black pants and matching shoes. He pulls out a small remote from behind him and presses a button it shutting off his dragoncycle alarm and the eyes from the dragon head dim out as the fire stops shooting flames from its mouth and slowly closes its jaw. He presses another button on it and we hear two quick beeps and flashes of light from the bike to lock it. He puts the remote away and picks up Toms iPhone from the ground and turns off the flashlight app leaving only the screen light on. He puts it away in his back pocket)
Toffee:”I’ll give it back when they’ve learned their lesson”
•The Monster and the Queen
•Britta’s Tacos
-Cloudy:”Special delivery from Star!” (puts Mariposas baby carrier on Marco)
Marco:”What the heck!?”
(Mariposa giggles)
Ferguson:”Cool! Star and Marco f**ked!”
Director Daron:(off-screen) “Cut! Ferguson!”
Ferguson:(turns to Daron shrugging) “What!?”
Director Daron:(heard groaning off-screen) “See, this is why I didn’t wanna give Marco friends in the show”
-(Chloe goes to Stars table and does a circular parkour swing off the umbrella stand, but accidentally hits Star on the head making her go, “Ow” and falls on the ground)
Star:(getting up and picking up Chloe) “Oh my God! Are you okay!?”
Chloe:”Oui, Oui. Are you?”
Star:”Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine”
•Beach Day
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whenimgoodandready · 6 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Season 3 Part 4
•Trial by Squire
-(Higgs is racing with Sir Stabby on the horse cart and suddenly slips sending the cart flying off with Sir Stabby screaming. He crashes into a large shelf that falls on him and then multiple shelves around it fall on him with props breaking. Higgs looks worried and Star and Marco cringe)
Marco:”OOOOOOH, looks like he’s not gonna be a reoccurring character” (laughs)
-(Higgs is laying on the Dragon “Repellant” aisle sign. She tries to remove the replant sign, but loses her balance and slips. She screams and hangs on the sign for dear life. Camera shakingly pans to Marco)
Marco:”Oh my God! Hang on Higgs, I gotcha!” (camera shakingly shows Marco and Star running toward Higgs and it goes to static)
-Sloth:(holding up the gnome dolls to Star and Marco) “Uh, did you really mean to grab two of these defective happy gnomes?
Star and Marco:”Yes, yes we do”
(camera swiftly pans off set to where Phineas and Ferb are sitting. Ferb is reading the script to “Milo Murphy’s Law” Season 2 Crossover while Phineas spit takes from his water bottle at the last line that was spoken)
Phineas:(he turns to Ferb and points accusingly at Star and Marco) “They said my line!”
Ferb:(turns to Phineas) “Phineas it’s okay”
Phineas:(still upset) “But they stole my-“
Ferb:(holds Phineas back with one arm) “Phineas! It’s just a reference. Now, let’s just go over our crossover script” (goes back to reading the script)
(Phineas groans and crosses his arms)
•Sweet Dreams
-(Behind the Scenes. Green screen is shown with Ludo hanging by a harness, Marco looking around and Star in her golden mewberty dress trying to put on her star contacts by a vanity)
Marco:(to Ludo as he’s looking around) “Funny how it looks so lame without all that special effects, huh?”
Ludo:”I know right? It felt weird when I was floating around in that Season 2 episode where I was in space (harness starts coming loose) And there was nothing but-“ (harness breaks as Ludo screams and at the same time, Star accidentally pokes her eye going “Ow!”. Marco freaks out)
Marco:”Oh my gosh! Ludo!” (is about to check on him, but is stopped by Stars words)
Star:(covering her eye) “Marco, I think my eye is blinding!”
Marco:”It is!?”
(we hear Ludo groaning. Marco looks over and tries to help him, but is stopped by Stars words again)
Star:”Marco, I need a towel!”
(Ludo groans louder. Marco is standing in place grunting nervously and sweating)
-Marco:(to Eclipsa. He assumes karate pose) “Stay back, woman!”
Eclipsa:(imitates karate pose) “What's this? Some sort of sword hand dance? This looks fun”
(Marco laughs and he and Eclipsa start playfully fighting each other and laughing)
Marco:🎶Everybody was Kung fu fighting, those cats were fast as lightening!🎶
-(DELETED SCENE:Eclipsa is reading a book in her pajamas in her locked room. She notices Glossaryck running toward her on all fours and stops in front of)
Glossaryck:”Globgor! Globgor!”
Eclipsa:”What’s that? Little Timmy’s stuck in a well!?”
Glossaryck:(shakes his head) ”Globgor! Globgor!”
Eclipsa:”The old farm house is on fire!?”
Glossaryck:(shakes his head again and jumps up and down in place) “GLOBGOR! GLOBGOR!”
Eclipsa:”Some one let the dragons loose!?”
(Glossaryck just pauses. He stands up straight)
Glossaryck:”Okay, are we seriously doing this bit!? This is degrading for me! (walks off set) I-I can’t, I can’t work like this!”
Story Writer Dominic:(offscreen) “Wait, Glossaryck, it’s just a joke!”
Glossaryck:”No, f*** you, Dominic!”
(Eclipsa looks uncomfortable)
Eclipsa:”Oh dear”
•Lava Lake Beach
-(Marco is shown braiding a large strand of hair on the wall from the set of Kelly’s hair from the inside. He looks back and grins as he continues. The staff laughs)
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whenimgoodandready · 6 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Season 3 Part 3
•Sophomore Slump
-(Janna, Alfonzo, Ferguson and Marco are playing DND)
Janna:(rolls the dice) “It worked. You’re free”
Marco:”Oh! Next I use a fishing hook with Stars wand as bait to lure in monsters!”
Ferguson:”Marco, that was from Season 1”
Janna:(rolls dice) “It worked! You got them hooked!”
(Take 2) Marco:”Oh, Next we summon Hungry Larry!”
Ferguson:”That was Season 2!”
Janna:(rolls dice) “It worked! Hungry Larry is summoned!”
(Take 3) Marco:”Oh! Next we ride on ostriches to get the T-shirts back from the monkeys!”
Alfonzo:”That was from “Milo Murphy’s Law!” “
Janna:(rolls dice) “It worked! You caught the monkeys!”
(Take 4) Marco:”Okay, Okay. Next we pretend to be British to get pass The Ugly Failures!”
Alfonzo and Ferguson:”THAT’S FROM “DUCKTALES!””
Janna:(rolls the dice) “It worked! They bought it!”
(Alfonzo and Ferguson stare at her dumbfoundly)
Janna:(shrugs) “I just like to roll the dice”
-(at the sea food restaurant)
Waiter:(yelling at Marco and Jackie in an accent) “Hey! What do you think you are doing?!”
(Marco and Jackie stare at the waiter while trying to set the lobster free. Jackie loses her balance and drops Marco in the Lobster tank)
Jackie:”Oh my gosh!” (covers her mouth)
Marco:(panics around in the tank splashing) “HELP! HELP! THE LOBSTERS ARE GONNA PINCH ME!”
Some One From Off Set:”They’re props!”
Marco:(stops splashing around and pauses) “Oh” (laughs embarrassingly as does the guy off set. Jackie smiles)
•Lint Catcher
-(Stars bedroom. She is singing into her burrito)
Star:(singing)🎶Oh oh oh oh oh. I'll never let you go, my little burrito. Burrito, burrito, burrito......might solve a mystery or rewrite history!🎶
Marco:(standing next to Star and laughs) “Wrong song”
(Tom bursts in through the bathroom singing into his burrito)
Tom:(singing) 🎶DUCKTALES! WOO-OO!🎶
(he grins at Star and Marco. Marco raises an eyebrow at Star. Star shrugs)
Star:(smiles sheepishly) “What? It’s catchy”
(some one off set laughs)
Another Guy Off Set:”What’s up with these kids and “Ducktales?””
-(Star is sitting on a bench with Eclipsa. Star is holding the bird seed bag)
Star:(to Eclipsa about Marco) “I don't get how some people think it's okay to just drop into your life (eats the bird seed) without so much as- (spits it out and makes gagging noises) Ew!” (spits around)
Eclipsa:”What’s wrong!?”
Star:(hold up the bag) “THIS IS DIET!” (turns her head away and makes a gag noise sticking out her tongue out)
-Star:(to Marco) “A lot has changed in my life since you left. It's complicated, but I finally figured out that I just need to be the best actress-PRINCESS! BE A BETTER PRINCESS!”
(the staff off set laugh as does Marco)
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whenimgoodandready · 6 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Season 3 Part 6
•Monster Bash
-Tom:(tries to kiss Star)
Star:”What are you doing?”
Tom:”Uh, being romantic and kissing you?”
Star:(laughs) “Oh (suggestively) “You might have to help me remember then”
(they move in to kiss, but Star blows right in his face. Tom backs away startled)
(Star laughs as Tom tries to contain himself)
Star:(wiping a tear away) “I panicked there”
(Take 2) (Star and Tom move in to kiss, but Star stops and starts laughing. Tom slouches back rolling his eyes)
(Take 3) (Star and Tom move in to kiss and Star sees a fly land on Toms forehead without him noticing)
Star:”Tom! Watch out!” (smacks Toms forehead so hard he falls down as the fly flies away)
Tom:(offscreen from the ground) “Star! What the f***!”
(Take 4) (Star and Tom move in to kiss, but Star interrupts it with a sneeze)
Tom:(deadpanly and completely done with this scene) “Gesundheit”
Star:(sniffles) “Thanks”
(the staff laughs off set)
-(Behind the Scenes. Star is inbetween Slime and Princess Spiderbite. Stars looking at the spiderbite make-up work)
Star:”So how do you manage to balance with that thing on?”
Spiderbite: “It's all in the heels Star. Then again this thing isn't that heavy anyway”
(Star starts poking it. She chuckles)
Star:”Its squishy”
Spiderbite: “Wanna try it on?”
(Spiderbite removes it and Star puts it on her nose and starts poking it)
Star:(chuckles) “so squishy”
(Princess Spiderbite bursts into laughter as Slime darts his eyes away amused. Star removes it and puts it to her mouth smirking)
Star:”Can I eat it?”
Spiderbite:”What the heck Star?! (laughs and wheezes) It's not jello!”
(Star chews on it as Slime playfully facepalms, Princess Spiderbite laughs silently and a guy offscreen laughs)
-Heinous:(to Gemini) “Play the tape”
Gemini:”Again, mi’lady?”
Heinous:(growling) “Play it!”
(Gemini plays the tape and Heinous gets herself in rock position, but a work out tape with upbeat music plays instead)
Woman on Tape:”And a 1, a 2, a 3, everybody! And kick, and kick and jumping jacks now!”
(Everyone pauses as the staff off set laughs)
(Take 2) (Gemini plays the tape and Heinous gets herself in rock position, but whale sounds are heard instead. Everyone pauses as they listen)
Marco:”Okay, who listens to this-“
(Star interrupts Marco covering his mouth as he’s strapped to the machine)
Star:”Shh, Shh! I love this part!”
(Star listens soothingly to a loud whale call)
(Take 3) (Gemini plays the tape and Heinous gets herself in rock position, but Luis Fonsies, “Despacito” plays instead)
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
(Everyone pauses. Pony Head flies in)
Pony Head:”Oh no! Oh no, no, no, no, No! (looks around) Where are those twins!? I’m gonna bust their heads!”
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whenimgoodandready · 8 years
My New Wand!
-Glossaryck:”Imagine the universe as this big old cauldron, and magic is the bubbly stew inside, and your wand is the spoon”
Star:”My wand isn’t a spoon, it’s a wand”
Glossaryck:”It’s a metaphor, Star”
Star:”No, it’s a wand”
(Glossaryck gives her an unamused look)
Glossaryck:”YOU’RE A WAND!”
(They stare at each other until someone on set starts laughing and then they laugh)
Ludo in the Wild
-(Ludo is eating chunks from what the spider ate, we see in the background Wander riding Sylvia as he’s reading a map)
Wander:”Okay, so we take a turn by that snowy mountain (Ludo stops eating and overhears an unfamiliar voice as he turns around) and then we go-” (Wander stops talking as he and Sylvia turn to see Ludo. They both awkwardly stare at each other)
Sylvia:(to Wander) “I told you we were lost!”
Mr.Candle Cares
-(Tom and Marco are playing ping pong, Tom hits the ball so high over Marcos head, a stage light falls hanging with a guy holding on for it as he screams, the camera goes shaky as Marco runs over to help)
Red Belt
-(in Marcos dream, when the locker opens, instead of Marco in a suit, it’s Ms.Skullnick and she says “Ta-da!” with jazz hands)
-(When everyone is flying away with balloons, Alfonzo and Ferguson’s balloon pops and they go crashing down as some people are horrified while others laugh while flying away)
Star on Wheels
-(When Marco and Oskar are chasing after Star on her runaway bike, the projector screen of the streets background falls revealing the stage crew and other characters getting ready (ex.Toffee holding a coffee mug while reading a script) they all look toward where the background fell)
-(Mina is having trouble with the bag over her head as the director tries to give her directions)
Daron:”Over to the left!”
(Mina bumps into a tree)
Daron:”No! The other left!”
Mina:”Damn it! Daron!”
By the Book
-Ludo:(to the wand) “Tell me your secrets” (he listens to the wand and he hears these:) “New episode of “The Big Bang Theory” this Thursday, never eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich with Sprite, Bebe is going out of Business! What!?”
(Everyone on set starts laughing as Ludo looks confused)
Ludo:”What!?” Isn’t that what it was supposed to say?”
(Everyone continues to laugh)
-Truth Box:”What.......is..........the square root of nine?”
(Everyone looks confused, but Marco)
Star:”Um, Pony Head, I think this is a math quiz box?”
Pony Head:”Oops, my bad! Sorry Daron I-”
(Everyone looks at Marco on why he took it so seriously)
-(When Tom and Marco are singing that Love Sentence song, Marco forgets the words and starts singing the chorus to Jojo’s song “Too Little Too Late” and Tom looks over at the director as Marco is singing and says laughing, “Daron?”)
Is Mystery
-(When Buff Frog is handcuffed to the grinder with that Bat Monster next to him, the Bat Monster keeps cracking up every time he has to reply “It goes in the hole” cuz it’s too funny to say “hole” and after a few takes, Buff Frog:”Where does all the corn go?” The Bat Monster hesitates and screams, “IT GOES IN THE F***ING A**HOLE!” And he and Buff Frog and everyone on set bursts into laughter)
Into the Wand
-(When Star is in the “grandma room” she reads Eclipsa’s tapestry plate, but her tapestry is the poster for “The Minions Movie!” Star gives a sly smile that says, “Very funny guys” to the crew on set as they laugh)
Bon Bon the Birthday Clown
-(Marco is descending down the stairs all dressed up, he trips as Jackie and Star go to help him up and Marco laughs saying, “Didn’t this happen in “She’s All That”!)
Raid the Cave
-(Star is stuck on her back from the large heavy backpack wiggling around and then pauses)
Star:”Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” (Star starts laughing as Marco starts laughing too as well as the staff. Star laughs as she presses her spider necklace like a “Life Alert” button)
-Star:(to Buff Frog) “I thought your babies were sending us fanart” (she flips through the drawings and then comes across a black and white photograph off Buff Frog posing sophisticatedly in a black turtleneck with his autograph on it)
Star:(shows Buff Frog the photo while trying to hold her laugh) “WTF is this!?”
(Buff Frog looks embarrassed as he goes over to Star)
Buff Frog:”Gimme that!” (he chases after Star as she runs around the set laughing while Marco looks both confused and amused)
-(Star is looking at the All-Seeing Eye spell and comes across Janna doing mischievous stuff)
Star:(gasps) “Janna you scoundrel!”
(Star moves over the All-Seeing Eye and instead of seeing Principal Skeeves, it’s the trailer for “Fifty Shades Darker”)
(Star gasps in amazement)
(trailer shows the shower scene)
(trailer shows the masquerade scene)
(trailer shows the ex-girlfriend about to shoot)
(Marco is peaking through the door)
(Star shrieks and jumps waving her hands around in a quick motion and then tries to block the trailer)
(Marco laughs)
-(Sensei does his bicycle stunt, but the stuntman who was doing it crashes. Everyone on set goes to check on him as some are laughing while others are concerned and the camera falls)
-King River:(about Glossaryck) “So? He’s gone. Good riddance, I say. Little s*** always creeped me out”
(staff laughs as River smiles and bows his head in shame)
(Take 2) King River:”So? He’s gone. Good riddance, I say. Little guy always f***ed with me”
(staff laughs again as River just sits and smiles)
King River:”I know! I know!”
(Take 3) King River:”So? He’s gone. Good riddance, I say. Little s*** got (cracks up) WHAT WAS COMING TO HIM!”
(staff laughs once again as River covers his head on the table laughing. Raises his head to the director)
King River:”I’m not sorry!” (covers his head again)
-Baby:(to Star) ”Bring me that apple”
(a red apple appears. Suddenly, the Old Hag from “Snow White” comes in cackling, takes the apple and leaves. Star and Baby are stunned silent then someone off set laughs)
Running with Scissors
-(Marco climbs up the cliff to blow out Hekapoos flame. It blows out, but re-lites itself. Marco is confused. He blows it out again and again and it re-lites itself again)
(Hekapoo smugs as Marco repeatedly tries to blow out the flame only for it to re-lite itself again as the staff snickers)
Marco:’Damn it, Hekapoo!”
(Hekapoo laughs)
-Janna:(whispers) “Hey Star! Why did the chicken cross the road?”
Star:(boredly) “IIIIIIIIIII don’t knooooooooow?”
Janna:”Cuz she didn’t give a “cluck!”
(Take 2) Janna:”Cuz she cried “fowl!”
(Take 3) Janna:”Cuz she was suicidal!”
(Take 4) Janna:”To finish this damn scene”
(Take 5) (Janna just pauses on her sly look then looks confused. She turns to someone off set) “Line”
(someone off set laughs)
-Star:(raises her hand and waves it around frantically) “Ms.Skullnick! I’d like to solve the puzzle!” (stops and realizes what she said as Janna buries her head in laughter)
-(Star is writing something on the board. She turns around and reveals the answer for “C”...........2+2=fish. Star gins and someone off set laughs as well as the staff)
The Bounce Lounge
-(Star and her friends are dancing and then she begins to twerk which Pony Head stops and is surprised to see, but then laughs as the staff does)
Crystal Clear
-(Rhombulus and Star are having tea)
Rhombulus:(to Star) “So the audition went well, but they said they’d give me a call if they’re interested, but that was weeks ago and.....well...I-I don’t. Think. They’re interested and-(looks around) Oh wait, are we rolling?”
(someone off set laughs as Rhombulus looks embarrassed and Star covers her mouth to not laugh) 
The Hard Way
-Glossaryck:(to Ludo about the narwhal blast) “Star came up with that from her imagination”
Ludo:”What’an (does the Spongebob rainbow hand a sparkly rainbow appears) imagination?”(Ludo is bewildered at what he did as is Glossayck with them starring at the rainbow)
Ludo:”Uhhhhhhhhhhh (darts his eyes at Glossaryck) I didn’t do this”
-Glossaryck:(to Ludo) “Bring me that apple”
(makes a pickle appear)
Ludo:”Glossayck, that’s a pickle”
Glossaryck:(deadpanly) “Yes”
(Daron, the director, from off set) “It needs to be an apple”
(a pudding cup magically appears)
(polka dot boxers magically appear)
(Ludo himself magically appears)
(a GREEN apple magically appears)
(Daron, from off set again) “It needs to be RED!”
Glossaryck:”Well f***! (gestures to it) It’s an apple isn’t it!?”
Ludo:”Where’s the prop guy!?”
(Take 2) Glossaryck:”Bring me that apple”
(makes a red apple appear. The Old Hag comes in cackling again to steal the apple)
(The Old Hag stops as Glossaryck flies away to get a broom and starts chasing the Old Hag around hitting her with it while Ludo watches the whole thing)
Glossaryck:”This is our apple! Get! Get! Get!”
(he chases her off set as Ludo just stands there)
-(Ludo becomes possessed)
Ludo:(the voice of the lady from the cell phone Moto commercial is heard) “Hello, Moto”
(Glossaryck just stares deadpanly, but then tries to hold back his laugh. He buries his head down and stays quiet.......then bursts out laughing along with the staff)
-Ludo:”Time to give it up old man”
Director:’Cut!” Ludo, you were a little late on the queue”
Ludo:”Darn! I was so close! Lip-syncing is hard!”
Toffee:”Tell me about it”
-Marco:(to Star)”Now are you convinced that parking meters aren’t filled with candy?”
Star:”I thought it was a pinata!” (tries to hold back her laugh. Marco tries to do the same)
-Ms.Heinous:(holding Rasticores arm)”He’s my dear, sweet Rasticore. This is just his arm, but he’s part lizard. so his whole body will grow back soon. And then he’ll be a big boy-” (stops and pauses) “Okay, (turns to someone off set) “do I really have to kiss this thing?” (points to the arm as she listens to the person) “Cuz you know it’s dusty right?” (the person off set snickers as Heinous makes a crooked smile) “Shut up!”
-(Star is playing with two Princess Marco dolls and makes them kiss with kissing noises. Looks up to the people off set) “I don’t exclude” (sheepishly grins)
-(”Princess Marco” is writing something in the back of the sign. He turns it over with a smug look. It reads, “Help! I’m being forced to do a kids show” someone off set laughs)
-(”Princess Marco” is doing the apolgoy video)
“Princess Marco”:(seductively looks at the camera) “Looking for a good time? Call Princess Marco to give you the “royal treatment” (winks. The staff laughs)
(Take 2)”Princess Marco”: ”Anyway, last time I was at St.Olga’s school, I said and did some stuff that I shouldn’t have. And that was....bad. And, uh, I just wanted to say, um.....I WILL EAT ANY LEFT OVERS YOU LEAVE ON YOUR PLATE! (grins)
(the staff laughs)
(Take 3)”Princess Marco”:(sarcastically) “As princesses, we should never drink-”(tries to hold back his laugh and buries his head. The staff snickers. Marco lifts up his head and laughs quietly)
All Belts Are Off
-(Marco is about to break three boards)
Marco:”Hi-ya-” (the boards don’t break and he hurts his foot. He hops around holding his foot) “Ow ow ow ow! SPLINTER!”
-Marco:”I’m hiding in the bushes and recording all of Jeremy’s bad behavior”
Star:”Oh, so you’re like a....like a...-”
(Star slides off the tree she’s holding onto and falls) “Whoa!”
(Take 2) (Star falls off again) “OOF!”
(Take 3) Star:”Oh, so you’re like a...like a...”(slides off again) “Ah!” (abruptly gets up looking pissed at the staff and points at the tree)
Star:(sternly)”Who greased this f***ing tree!?”
(the staff snickers and laughs)
-(Jeremy is demonstrating his karate kicks and falls over) “Whoa, whoa!”
(he laughs as he’s on the ground. Marco goes over laughing and helps him up)
Jeremy:”Thanks man”
(Marco leaves waving a dismissive hand at Jeremy while holding his stomach form laughing)
-Grand Master: ”Yes! Ha-ha! Y-Uh, yes. Yes, indeed, hi-ya indeed, yes, indeed. Yes, indeed. Uh, wonderful. (knocks over one of the candle sticks and it starts setting the floor on fire) “Ah!” (runs around screaming) “FIRE!”
(Everyone panics and Marco grabs a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. As he’s doing that, we hear Daron, the director)
Daron:”Okay, let’s just get a nonflammable candle” (sighs) 
Collateral Damage
-(Star is doing trash pickup and levitating stuff)
Star:(to Janna) ”How am I supposed to know where to go or who I am if I don’t have a-”
(the magic wand malfunctions and flickers as it starts waving around)
Star:”Whoa!” (Star grabs onto the wand as it starts lifting other things such as the actors, props and the camera crew)
Star:”WTF!?” (Sees that it’s levitating the whole set, all the actors, props and looks up a it suddenly lifts up the entire Stage Building having the bottom fragments fall on her as she’s now outside alone)
Star:(looks at the wand confused) “Is this thing really magic?”
-(Star darts her eyes at the window with the palm trees swaying in the wind as Principal Skeeves talks to Star)
Principal Skeeves:”Winters here are quite har-”
(He’s interrupted by a guy who was handling the ceiling stage lights falling from the outside window background and faintly screaming and we hear a crash)
Star:”Oh my gosh!”
(runs over to the window and Principal Skeeves looks out too. They are followed by Marco, Janna and some actors as the guys moaning in pain)
Guy:”I’m okay”
Star:(turns her head and yells to the director, Daron) “He’s okay!”
-School Girl:(about the statue)”Where’s the kissing a**!?” (realizes her mistake) “Oh f***!”
(The actors behind her cover their mouths and as she buries her head in the possums rear. Jerks her head out)
(The actors uncover their mouths and laugh)
-(Star is holding the speaker in Principal Skeeves office)
Star:(with a bored smiley face speaks into the mike) “Bueller.......Ferris Bueller?”
(Someone off set laughs)
Just Friends
-(Star and Marco are lip syncing to Just Friends with their electronic singing Love Sentence toothbrushes. Suddenly, Stars toothbrush slips from her hand hits Marcos head)
Marco:”Ow” (rubs his temples)
-Star:(to the ducks) “This place is great! I used to live here”
Jackie:”Me, too. Wait, what?”
Star:(walks over and points to her left) “Yeah, for, like, a day. But you guys will make friends so quick! There’s the lady that steals hair who lives over there”
Jackie:(laughs) “Really?”
Star:”Yeah!” (points around) “And there’s our director, Daron” (we hear Daron laugh) “And there’s Brain H. Kim the music producer” (staff starts to laugh) “And over there’s Toffee flirting with Hekapoo”
(camera swiftly pans over to a make-up chair. We see Hekapoo sitting while some ones powdering her cheek and she’s smiling up at Toffee with him holding a coffee cup in one hand and leaning the other arm on the vanity mirror looking flirtatiously at Hekapoo)
Toffee:”So yeah, I won a Golden Globe for my role in “Dexter”, it’s not an Oscar, but hey! it’s gold!”
Hekapoo:”Hmmmm” (leans in close) “That’s nice” (both stop and realize they’’re on camera. Janna walks by swaying her arms with a smug look on her face)
Janna:(singing) “Bom chicka wah wah, chicka wah wah, Bom chicka wah wah”
(Toffee glares and covers the camera)
-Star:(getting wet from the sprinkles of sweat) “Oh, don’t be silly! I just wanted to be down here by the stage so I could feel their sweat spraying on my face!”(gets splashed with a bunch of water and then a bucket falls off the stage as a guy looks down and gets embarrassed while quickly getting the bucket and leaves)
Justin Towers:(leans down from the stage to talk to Star) “You need a towel?”
Star:(smiles embarrassingly) “No s***!” (the staff laughs)
Face the Music
-Moon:”I’m here because your son took a very important book form my family”
Avarius:”My son? Which one? Crudo?”
Moon:”Eh no”
Avarius:”Not Yudo!”
Moon:”Uh, no”
Avarius:”Ugh, Okay, I’m just gonna go down the list. Dudo, Kudo.....Marsha, Jan, Cindy, Greg-”
Brudo:”Honey! That’s the Brady Kids!”
Avarius:”Fur Foot, Beauty Stem, Elf Cup, Shaggy Mane, Puff Ball-”
Brudo:”That’s the Toad Patrol!”
Avarius:(face cracks a smile) “Red, Blue, Green-”
Brudo:”THOSE ARE COLORS!” (falls back on his chair laughing as Avarius tries to hold in her laugh along with Moon. The staff laughs)
Avarius:(to some one off set) “I forgot my lines! Just....so many damn kids! Ha ha ha”
-Ruberiot:(playing his lute and singing) “Where is Princess Star?” (pauses. Darts his eyes around then continues) “Where the f*** is Star?” (hangs his head down snickering as does Marco. The staff laughs. Ruberiot and Marco can’t contain themselves and burst laughing about)
-(Pony Head is at a dinner table with a prince)
Pony Head:”So they were like originally gonna have me with a f***ing bleeding head and I was like, wtf!? So thank God Daron changed her mind and-(looks at the camera) “Oh wait are we rolling?”
(staff laughs)
Pony Head:(laughing) “Check please!”
-(The Magic High Commission burst through the castle doors and gasp. Instead of the giant eagle feeding the giant spider, it’s Milo, Zack and Melissa doing a circus act with all the rats. The Commission looks bewildered as the show goes on then Milo, his friends and the rats stop and look at the Commission. There’s an awkward pause. Diogee comes in)
Diogee:”Bark! Bark!”
Milo:”No DIogee, go home, he’s not supposed to be in “Star vs. The Forces of Evil”
Hekapoo:”Neither should you guys!”
Milo:”Sorry, we thought it was a closed set cuz our show is-”(as he’s walking, he slips on a camera wire) “Oops!”(it makes a ceiling light swing down and knock down Rhombulus)
(the rats scurry around panicking. As that’s going on, Milo gets up)
Milo:”Sorry” (steps towards the Commission) “You see we-”
(he steps on a cardboard on set that launches Hekapoo in the air as she screams and passes through a trapeze act between the rats making one of them lose focus and having it crash on a rat walking on a ball which knocks him down and the ball bounces into a cannon that automatically launches it into Omnitraxuses face knocking him down and finally, Hekapoo hits a button on the wall that unleashes the cats in a later scene from Stars wand spell. The cats run around chasing the rats as everyone runs and screams around with the set falling apart and a fire starts on the right side. Milo just stands there looking nonchalantly around)
Milo:”Geez, and I thought it was just my character”
-Marco:(about Star to his dad) ”Well, uh...things are a bit weird between us right now”
Rafael:”What could be weird? Two teenagers sharing a home. One boy, one girl (pauses as he forgets his lines and awkwardly smiles) “holding hands, laughing, skipping to my lou” (voice almost cracks as the staffs) “showering together, sleeping together” (holds in his laugh as he bows his head and the staff laughs) Marco:(with an amused look on his face) “Dad?”
Rafael:”I’m not your dad, I’m an actor”
(staff laughs harder)
-(Oskar throws his keytar in the air.......too high)
Oskar:”Oh s***! Sorry!”
(Star covers her mouth from laughing)
-Omnitraxus:(to Lekmet) “You found Glossaryck?”
Lekmet:”Baaaa!” (he opens the book and gets hit by Oskars keytar knocking him down. He gets up and talks in a Brooklyn accent) “Ah C’mon!”
-(Ludo/Toffee and Moon are battling in the air when the harness holding Moon makes her do flips)
Moon:”Whoa!” (she starts dangling around the room out of control as the lighting turns to normal and the background music stops. Moon stops and just hangs there dangling)
Ludo/Toffee:(his eyes go back to normal and Ludos voice is heard) “Are you okay?”
(Toffee runs into the scene holding his script)
Toffee:”What’s going on!?”
-Police Officer:(through a megaphone) “This is the police! You punks better be having a study party up there!”
Guy:”I’ve never read a book in my-”(gets hit by Oskars flying keytar knocking him off the rood. Everyone gasps as the camera goes shaky)
-(Jackie has her mouth open for the pizza nuggets to fly in her mouth and she’s making that “Ahhhh” noise when suddenly, a fly flies into her mouth. She starts choking)
Marco:”Oh s***!” (give Jackie the Heimlich Maneuver and the fly shoots out hitting Star in the eye knocking her down)
-Star:(arguing with Moon) “And apparently, there’s this thing called “summer” where you-’(Oskars keytar falls on her head knocking her down. Star gets up and groans) “F*** you, Oskar!”(grabs the keytar and throws it at Oskar off screen. We hear Oskar go “Ow”. Star calls out to him) “HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?’
Star:(storms out) “Where’s the Tylenol!?”
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whenimgoodandready · 8 years
*SVTFOE SEASON 1 Bloopers!
My friend @agentpfangirl1997 and I came up with these when we were bored after the Season 1 finale and after that, it grew to be more hilarious as we were throwing in references and she suggested to post them for all to see (and help cope with the hiatus). I thought it would be funny if everything that was done was only for a TV show and more then breaking the fourth wall with everyone being actors and Daron Nefcy as their director. Enjoy!
Star Comes to Earth
-(Star struggles to control the unicorn on her way to the ceremony when she gets her wand)
Party with a Pony
-Pony Head:”I’m never going to get over how “Earth Turd” sounds. It’s too funny!”
-Star:”Mirror, mirror on the wall, call Mom!”
Mirror:”Calling Guam”
Mirror:(guy from Guam) “Hello, can I help you?”
(everyone on set laughs)
-Star:”Turban Nuclear-wait, that’s not right”
(Take 2)”Turbo Nuclear Butterface! (chuckles) no no! Wait sorry”
(Take 3)”Turbo Nuclear Buttercup! No wait, that’s a powerpuf!” (Marco tries to hold back his laugh)
(Take 4)”Turbo Nuclear Butterfly!....Butterfly.......Butterfly.......fly away?”
Quest Buy
-(The Spinx is giving the riddle to Star and Marco to enter, but they’re goofing off and instead of looking up the riddle answer and watching the piano playing cat video)
Diaz Family Vacation
-(The Hydra monster coughs out smoke when it was going to throw flames)
Lobster Claws
-Little Girl:”My kitties stuck in a-(the cat that’s actually a robot prop falls off the tree top broken as Star, Marco, Lobster Claws and the Little Girl just stand there looking at it sparking up and brokenly meowing)......nevermind”
Blood Moon Ball
-(The Blood Moon Waltz keeps switching to play other music like “Barbie Girl”, “The Macarena” and “The Rick Roll”. The crew caught a few beautiful moments with the actors behind the scenes (ex.the kids do “The Macarena”)
Fortune Cookies
-Marco:(reads fortune) “A friend will greet you with a smile”
Marco:(snickers) “Between the sheets”
Star:(shoves Marco as he laughs) “Marco!”
-(just cuz he was curious, Ludo kept pulling on the handle to see how many pillows would pop up)
Mewnipendence Day
-(Ludo is channel surfing on The All Seeing Eye, it cuts to “Dexter” (aka Toffee’s voice actors show) and Toffee sees it from his wand book and tries to hide his face from turning red and holding back his laugh)
-(Ludo gets into one of his intense laughs and then suddenly coughs cuz it was too much for him. One of his monsters come in with a bottle of water for him and he thanks them in his normal voice)
The Banagic Incident
-(Star is cartwheeling out of Marcos dojo, she trips and two people from the set help her out as well as Marco running out the dojo to see if she’s okay and they all laugh it off with Star rubbing her head)
Interdimensional Field Trip
-(Janna’s fangs fall off as she’s talking to Marco and she looks down on where it fell from and laughs)
Marco Grows a Beard
-(Star is imagining the dolphin flapping around saying, “Work! Work! Work!”, but Rihanna’s song “Work” plays over it and everyone on set laughs)
Star:(laughs) “Daron! Who let the sound guy in!?”
Storm the Castle
-(it took Star a few shots to correctly hit Toffee with the blast, the first result lead to a camera getting broken. When she was practicing with bows, she finally got him, but it got him on the snout and a little note unfolded to say ‘Boop!” with a star on the right corner)
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