vilcart · 1 month
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ಭಾರತದ ಕೃಷಿಯ ಭವಿಷ್ಯವು ಕೃಷಿಯನ್ನು ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಲಾಭಾದಾಯಕವಾಗಿಸುವುದು, ಸುಸ್ಥಿರತೆಯನ್ನು ಕಾಪಾಡುವುದು ಮತ್ತು ಹವಾಮಾನ ಕೃಷಿ ಪದ್ಧತಿಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಅವಲಂಬಿಸಿರುತ್ತದೆ.
"The #future of #Indian#agriculture depends on making farming more profitable,
sustainable, and climate-resilient."
M.S. Swaminathan Father of Green Revolution
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terminusantequem · 1 year
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Jagdish Swaminathan (Indian, 1928-1994), March-April, 1978. Serigraph on paper, 60.6 x 45.4 cm
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indizombie · 3 months
Within India, the most love marriages take place in Kerala and the north-eastern states. This could be due to a higher proportion of Christians and tribals without caste limitations. Yet the largest survey in India suggests that only 3% of marriages are love marriages, 93% are arranged, and 4% are "semi-arranged". Semi-arranged marriages are not based on love, although the youngsters have more say in them. Less than 5% of marriages are across castes. Youngsters marrying across castes have often been burned alive by their parents with the full approval of village elders to "save the honour" of the family and village. Honour killings represent the tyranny of the old over the young.
Swaminathan Aiyar, ‘Lesson from Bali: India needs more love marriages’, Times of India
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A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled Wednesday that a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of a man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during a protest in 2020 can proceed against Rittenhouse, police officers and others.
The father of Anthony Huber, one of two men shot and killed by Rittenhouse, filed the lawsuit in 2021, accusing officers of allowing for a dangerous situation that violated his son's constitutional rights and resulted in his death. Anthony Huber's father, John Huber, also alleged that Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time of the shootings, conspired with law enforcement to cause harm to protestors. John Huber is seeking unspecified damages from city officials, officers and Rittenhouse.
U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman on Wednesday dismissed motions filed by Rittenhouse and the government defendants seeking to dismiss the civil rights lawsuit.
In allowing the case against Rittenhouse and the others to proceed, the judge said that Anthony Huber's death "could plausibly be regarded as having been proximately caused by the actions of the governmental defendants."
Rittenhouse attorney Shane Martin said in a phone interview that it's important to note the ruling doesn't address the merits of the case, it only allows it to proceed to the next phase.
"While we respect the judge's decision, we do not believe there is any evidence of a conspiracy and we are confident, just as a Kenosha jury found, Kyle's actions that evening were not wrongful and were undertaken in self defense," Martin said.
Attorneys and private investigators for John Huber spent over 100 hours trying to locate Rittenhouse, tracking down addresses in seven states before they found the home of his mother and sister in Florida. The lawsuit was served on Rittenhouse's sister, who said that he wasn't home. Adelman said that was sufficient to qualify as being served.
Rittenhouse had argued that the case against him should be dismissed because he wasn't properly served with the lawsuit. Adelman dismissed that, saying that Rittenhouse "is almost certainly evading service."
"Rittenhouse has been deliberately cagey about his whereabouts," Adelman wrote. "Although he denies living in Florida, he does not identify the place that he deems to be his residence."
Attorneys for the law enforcement and government officials being sued did not immediately return emailed messages seeking comment.
The ruling puts Anthony Huber's family "one step closer to justice for their son's needless death," said Anand Swaminathan, one of the attorneys for parents John Huber and Karen Bloom.
"The Kenosha officials that created a powder keg situation by their actions tried to claim that they cannot be held accountable for their unconstitutional conduct; that argument was soundly rejected today," Swaminathan said in a statement.
Rittenhouse was charged with homicide, attempted homicide and reckless endangering for killing Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum and wounding a third person with an AR-style semi-automatic rifle in the summer of 2020 during a tumultuous night of protests over the shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake, by a white Kenosha police officer.
Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges in November 2021 after testifying he acted in self-defense. Rittenhouse's actions became a flashpoint in the debate over guns, vigilantism and racial injustice in the U.S.
Rittenhouse went to Kenosha from his home in nearby Antioch, Illinois, after businesses were ransacked and burned in the nights that followed Blake's shooting. He joined other armed civilians on the streets, carrying a weapon authorities said was illegally purchased for him because he was underage.
Rittenhouse first killed Rosenbaum, 36, in the parking lot of an auto dealership and as Rittenhouse ran from the scene he stumbled and fell. Anthony Huber, 26, struck Rittenhouse with his skateboard and tried to disarm him. Rittenhouse fell to the ground and shot Anthony Huber to death and wounded demonstrator Gaige Grosskreutz, 27.
This case is one of several ongoing civil lawsuits filed in the wake of the shootings. Grosskreutz last year filed a similar lawsuit against Rittenhouse.
Rittenhouse has maintained a high public profile, particularly on social media, where he is an outspoken advocate for gun rights. He has nearly 1 million followers on Twitter and has spoken at conservative gatherings.
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dustedmagazine · 2 months
Shabaka — Perceive its Beauty, Acknowledge its Grace (Impulse!)
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It takes courage to forgo an instrument on which one is acknowledged as a virtuoso to take on a related but different one. Shabaka Hutchings’ decision to lay aside the tenor saxophone (and his surname) for the flute, submit himself to the discipline of the shakuhachi and explore a range of other traditional woodwinds brings mixed but always interesting results on Perceive its Beauty, Acknowledge its Grace. For fans of his previous groups like Sons of Kemet, Shabaka and The Ancestors and The Comet Is Coming there may be adjustments to make but his ongoing commitment to spiritual jazz and non-Western forms provides an entry point. Shabaka gives space to a range of vocalists including Moses Sumney, Saul Williams and Anum Iyapo to explore the personal, cultural, and political issues that thread through his previous work.
Working with a range of collaborators, Shabaka frames his explorations in a variety of musical settings. Tending more towards the introspective end of the spectrum he seeks expression rather than technical perfection. His occasionally tentative playing provides some lovely moments but also pieces that feel more like sketches, perhaps deliberately so, but reinforce the personal nature of this project. On the aptly named “Insecurities” Charles Overton’s harp provides a bed for Shabaka’s flute which whispers along beneath Sumney’s mellifluous vocals. As the song progresses, the players seem to gain confidence through their collaboration. The breathe through the flute gains strength against the fading voice and harp. On “Managing My Breathe, What Fear Had Become” Williams speaks of acknowledging the pressures creativity puts on relationships over the higher registers of Overton’s harp while Shabaka draws long melancholic notes from the bamboo flute. The most powerful tracks come near the end. On “Breathing” with Rajna Swaminathan accompanying on mridangam you hear Shabaka finding his range and comfort on the flute followed by a lyrical clarinet interlude and a reminder of the past with a powerful tenor solo that feels like a summation and farewell. On closer “Song of the Motherland” he returns to the flute and with Overton’s harp accompanies Anum Iyapo’s stirring ode to black identity.
Despite the occasional misstep Shabaka’s pivot from reeds to woodwinds he finds both beauty and grace in his explorations. Listening to an established artist extend themselves in new directions can be fraught for fans but the organic feel and sense of Shabaka’s humility and vulnerability makes Perceive its Beauty, Acknowledge its Grace a moving and impressive album.
Andrew Forell
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masoncarr2244 · 9 months
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Children Ruin Everything 1x03
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guy60660 · 2 years
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Jagdish Swaminathan | Berfrois
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mohamedsathak · 2 days
Mohamed Sathak A.J. Academy of Architecture
Campus Information
Mohamed Sathak A.J. Academy of Architecture is one of the 18 institutions under the Mohamed Sathak Trust and was established in the year 2010.
Alhaj. Janab. S. M. Mohammed Yousuf, Chairman, of Mohamed Sathak Trust, believes, “we cannot always build the future for the students, but we can build the students for the future”. Under this umbrella, MSAJAA strives to create an environment from which students emerge equipped to face the challenges of the New Normal and be advocates of change.
Why Choose Us?
The Aim of the Trust is to promote Technical education and train the students to cope with the technical needs of the day.
The Academy is spearheaded by Dr. Ranee Vedamuthu, former Dean, School of Architecture and Planning & former Registrar, Anna University, Chennai as the Director and Prof. H. Mohammed Idris as the Principal.
Under the tutelage of Professor Emeritii – K T Ravindran, former Professor, SPA, N Delhi and Ar. Habeeb Khan, Chairman, SPA, N Delhi and former President of the Council of Architecture, New Delhi.
Facilitating learning through collaborative design studios with top institutions of the country – Urban design studio with the SPA, N Delhi and Goa College of Architecture; Rural studio with Hunnarshala foundation, Bhuj, Gujarat through ACEDGE, ethos; Building workshops with Auroville, Unravelling Architecture, and Thannal; Heritage programs with INTACH, N Delhi.
Producing industry-ready architects and bridging the gap between academics and industry through interactive sessions with top architects & domain experts, national and international.
Connecting students and faculty with international partners through MoUs resulting in workshops, lectures and exchange programs. MoUs signed with Taylor’s University, Malaysia and University of Tours, France.
Promoting student-centric experiential learning practices through frequent case study programs, site visits, travel, workshops, seminars, think tanks, crits and panels.
Challenging the students to participate in design and build competition projects to enhance their competence and skills.
Developing the skills of the faculty through frequent quality improvement and faculty development programs.
Awakening community consciousness through NSS, ISR, and community driven design.
Promoting overall student development through various student clubs to nurture the co-curricular and extra-curricular talents of the students.
Providing student internships, career guidance, placements, and entrepreneurship mentoring for the students.
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mangrove65 · 1 month
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defencestar · 2 months
Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan takes charge as Vice Chief of Naval Staff
Indian Navy Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan: Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan, a distinguished officer with over 35 years of experience, officially assumed the position of Vice Chief of Naval Staff on Wednesday (May 1, 2024). A specialist in Communication and Electronic Warfare, Admiral Swaminathan has a decorated career marked by numerous leadership roles and prestigious awards, said the…
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easterneyenews · 4 months
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terminusantequem · 2 years
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Jagdish Swaminathan (Indian, 1928-1994), Untitled (Lily by my Window), 1970s. Oil on canvas, 106.7 x 121.9 cm
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debaprasad · 4 months
Obituary of M. S. Swaminathan: The Proliferation of Death Industry
Obituary of M. S. Swaminathan: The Proliferation of Death Industry
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world-store · 8 months
Why India’s Green Revolution isn’t a blueprint to feed a hungry planet
Feeding a growing world population has been a serious concern for decades, but today there are new causes for alarm. Floods, heat waves and other weather extremes are making agriculture increasingly precarious, especially in the Global South. The war in Ukraine is also a factor. Russia is blockading Ukrainian grain exports, and fertilizer prices have surged because of trade sanctions on Russia,…
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jainneil · 8 months
Dr. M.S. Swaminathan - An obituary
The G.O.A.T of Agriculture
Can leaders inspire ?In 2013, Late Dr. MS Swaminathan came to Myanmar for an official visit. Like most in India, I too had read about the “Green Man ” who transformed India from being food deficient to a nation producing surplus to feed its population and beyond. I assumed it would be another tick-the-box meeting with a dignitary.  Already an Octogenarian, I thought maybe Dr. Swaminathan was a…
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masoncarr2244 · 8 months
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Children Ruin Everything 2x15
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