#swap kaufmo
cruising-cats · 4 months
Finally, we have Swap!Kinger and Swap!Kaufmo! Woohoo!!
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Swap!Kinger is the one to abstract in this AU. Before he abstracted, Swap!Kinger was a strong figure to the rest of the cast. He taught them different skills and was the reason among all the noise.
Swap!Kaufmo lives, being driven to the brink of insanity but not enough to completely abstract. He likes to paint how he’s feeling and swears he’s found exit doors that no one else has yet to see. Most of the cast just dismisses Swap!Kaufmo but Swap!Pomni seems to have a lot of empathy towards him.
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ozzystime · 11 months
What does everyone like to do when not on an adventure?
Ah, well Jax normally hangs out with Queener!
Gangle stays in her room!.. nobody really knows what she does-
Zooble draws in the arts and crafts area! (They found a old radio and play Taylor swift on it)
Ragatha.. well it varies but she’s either setting up a prank, bothering Jax or Zooble, or making fun of Kaufmo.
Kaufmo rehearses jokes with Bubble and Caine!
All in all they everyone tend to stay around each other, well.. almost everyone!
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nobody-nexus · 3 months
Wheel Swap 2.0
So I decided to take the "What if I made a wheel swap for me" concept I made a little bit ago and remaster it! Thought 'Well there's new characters, so that'll be interesting'
And oh boy, was it
I think this is my favorite Swap AU based concept I've made in a while, I had fun with the designs due to who was swapped about
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Probably might use them for more stuff? I dunno for sure, so I'm considering this a CONCEPT for now (But it's technically still an AU)
I hope you like these cause I certainly do
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sheepyt · 5 months
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Ok in this swap au I made it worse
I think the story be like "Some company, the boss just want to make A.I. for whatever that will make the company look good
But when actually did it, it turned out that the boss didn't want anyone to use it. The co-shareholder(Kinger) doesn't say anything because he's rich. Didn't care about the money invested because of the crazy ideas of the company owner. Many employees have to accept this.
This headset allows everyone to meet the AI ​​Pomni who will be there to play with. This AI is sentient and perfect (Caine said), and this headset makes you feel like you've been transported into a digital world. But you can still come back"
I've been stuck with this AU for 2 days
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commandernachos · 9 months
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Decided to try my own swap au! I wanted to be a bit more random with the swaps. If you ever wanna draw them feel free to 👉👈
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heavenlyhoundoom · 4 months
This is my tadc swap au.
Bubble 🔄 Caine
Pomni 🔄 Kinger
Gangle 🔄 Jax
Zooble 🔄 Ragatha
Kaufmo 🔄 Queenie
Gumigoo 🔄 Loolilalu
Swap quotes
1.Bubble: Welcome to the amazing digital circus! My name is Bubble. I'm your ring master, and I'm gonna show you the most jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon! Isn't that right, Caine?
(Caine flies out of Bubble's hat.)
Caine: That's right, Bubble. I can't wait to see what you're cooking up for today!
2.Gangle: Bubble, is this one of your NPCs, or is this a new sucker. Because if it's a new character, We're gonna have to redo this whole theme song...
Ragatha: I'm not doing that again...
3.Bubble: How about we talk about something else? Like your name.
Kinger: My name? My name is...
(Kinger realizes that he can't remember his name.)
Kinger: Oh, God! Why can't I remember my name!
Bubble: No one can remember their name once they've entered the digital circus. One of the few things I don't have control over are your minds. So all I can do is help you come up with a new name.
4.Zooble: Oh, wait. We should go check on Queenie. I'm sure she'd like to meet our new friend.
(The glionks take Pomni's pillows.)
Pomni: My impenetrable fortress!
Zooble: Hey, Pomni!
Pomni: Huh?...
Zooble: Want to come with us to go check on Queenie?
Pomni: No, not really.
(Pomni walks up to the others.)
Pomni: I think Queenie's gone insane. The last time I spoke with her, she was rambling endlessly about some exit. Kind of like you, Kinger. You might be going insane too.
5.Gangle: By the way, I may have left something in your room, so let me know if you find it. Say, you're not afraid of scorpions, are you?
Zooble: Gangle! That's literally my only fear. Why would you do this!?
Gangle: What? It could be a completely unrelated question. You never know until it's too late.
6.Prince Gumigoo: Here's the key back into the kingdom for when you've secured the goods. I trust you not to let it fall into the wrong hands?
7.Gummyshark bandit(girl): You think your dad's gonna pull through if we get all this back to the village?
Gummybear bandit(girl): I'm sure he will. This much syrup would save hundreds of people.
Loolilalu: We won't be sure until we get back to the village. He's a fighter, though. He taught me everything I know.
8.Gangle: Alright, Jax, when we catch up to them, I'll jump over, crawl inside, and shoot them repeatedly until they're unrecognizable.
Jax: I feel like that violates some kind of convention.
Gangle: You're violating my ears with your clap-back, get driving, driver!
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holly-opal · 6 months
🎪The opposite digital circus 🎪
So I thought a thought and i made tadc swap au. Except they swap personalities and are the opposite of themselves.
Instead of being anxious and wanting to find an exit, Pomni is over the moon and is very happy to be here. She has always wanted to be in a happier world when she was in the real world, and now she is! Pomni has made friends with everyone! Sometimes she sings songs out of nowhere like a Disney princess with music no one else can hear, she talks to imaginary animal friends, and she makes jokes even at the most inappropriate times. She would honestly get along with Kaufmo.
Instead of being mean and egoistical, he's more shy and quiet, often staying out of the way of conflict. He likes to make his own movies in the tadc version of Windows Movie Maker (inspired by @sm-baby) and occasionally make pillows forts with Kinger and Zooble. He is relentlessly bullied by Gangle and sometimes gets yelled at by Ragatha, but he still sees the good side of people. He's the type of person to give people a second chance even after they've already broken every chance they've got. He gets along with Kinger and Zooble the best, and he has a bit of a crush on Pomni. He used to make comedy movies with Kaufmo.... But we all know how that turned out.
Instead of being optimistic and caring, she's pessimistic and is very dead inside. She doesn't like to be around people and is more often in her room when not on adventures. She is very depressed and is prone to lash out to others, she doesn't really mean it tho. She finds it hard to cope in the digital realm, she's practically stopped cleaning her room. She and Gangle fight a lot, she finds it hard to relate to Zooble and Jax, Kinger is very naggy, and Pomni is... Well Pomni. She was good friends with Kaufmo though...
Instead of being moody and avoidant, they're very carefree and adventurous. They love being around people and experimenting with creative projects like sculpting, lego building, etc. They still have an identity crisis and smoke a lot though. They sometimes try to get Jax into drugs, Kinger scolds them alot about that lmao. They used to smoke a lot with Kaufmo.
Instead of being sad and kind, she is a BITCH- Jk but she is mean tho. She takes out her anger about being stuck in a digital hell out of people, particularly Jax cause he's the weakest. Her sad mask is replaced with her angry mask, which makes her yell and harm everyone in her path. Gangle still has the happy mask, but it's more passive aggressive and fake now. She still writes fanfiction and watches anime tho. She sometimes forced Kaufmo to watch an anime.
Instead of being..... Well very kooky, he's more logical and stable. He acts like a father figure to most of the inhabitants in the circus. He likes to research bugs and capture them, he sometimes captures the centipedes for Ragatha. He has a very low tolerance for anyone's bullshit, especially Gangle's or Ragatha's. He's usually very sweet, but can be VERY scary when he's mad. Besides Gangle and Ragatha, he's good friends with everyone else, he even had a crush on a certain ringleader (Wink wink 😉) Kaufmo supported him having a crush on the AI.
What was once an enthusiastic and happy ringleader, became depressed and apathetic to it all. After watching players abstract day after day after day after day, he became less of himself. Eventually becoming more sad and unmotivated, only doing the adventures cause it's the only thing to do nowadays. Although he doesn't see the point in it, he's still good friends with the inhabitants, but he keeps his distance. He truly does love the chess king, but he knows it's only a matter of time before he abstracts. Hell, Kaufmo already did.
And that's everyone! I'll do more with this au, such as making everyone's designs, make comics, and other stuff. Here are some drawings of them
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cardboardbingus · 8 months
swap au stuff
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shellstudios · 3 months
Why the internet can't establish an Amazing Digital Swap (Swap AU) that we all can agree on.
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mysteriousbp · 11 months
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Pomni: NONSENSE! We’re adventuring a bank, Caine. KEEP UP.
Yes I was crazy (or dumb) enough to swap Kaufmo with the mannequins!!!
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ramencat12 · 2 months
swap kaufmo?
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Here's kaufmo
And a bonus my Kaufmo design
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dreamcatcher-faux · 10 months
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Pomni's turn!! :D I already explained my reasoning for swapping Kinger and Pomni so I won't get into that here :3
You would think that she would be easy to design, but NOPE! I struggled for a bit because, while she is simple, it was hard to keep her simple and still be recognizable as Pomni. I think I still did a good job regardless. The eyes definitely help :3
She only gets 2 facial expressions because she isn't very expressive due her lack of eyebrows and mouth, but I think her eyes and body language are enough :3
Also I tried a different shading technique where I outlined the shadows with a darker color! I like it! Though I probably won't use it for simple drawings and instead save it for more bigger/complicated drawings :3
Next up is Ragatha! You already got a little sneak peek of her~ :3
Below the cut are the flats and Pawnie's first pass designs :3
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nobody-nexus · 7 months
I love how fucking chaotic they are
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ozzystime · 11 months
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Ah, I think I’ve confused some people. ^^”
I already have my au set out, like who will be who.
The list is
-Jax as Ragatha
-Ragatha as Jax
-Zooble as Gangle
-Gangle as Zooble
-Kinger as Queener
-Queener as Kinger
-Pomni as Kaufmo
-Kaufmo as Pomni
-Canie as Bubble
-Bubble as Caine
I hope this will clear that all up? And like before feel free to ask (or dare) about or ask the characters themself!
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commandernachos · 9 months
My Swap Au/Ravioli's Swap Au!
(Posted before, but this version has more info)
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Pomni and Kinger are swapped! And in this, Kinger would be named Pawner instead (he's the only one who gets a name change.) Pomni's personality is pretty much 2x, as well as that she's more paranoid and also well, crazy but she's more self aware than og Kinger. Pawner is quite jumpy and nervous to be here, and is immediately thinking of how to find an exit. He makes a lot of theories too and doesn't really trust most people except Caine.
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Ragatha, while being in Caine's role, pretty much completely has the same personality. Haven't decided whether she'd be an ai like og Caine, albeit a more advanced one or human as well. Caine, a wind-up toy, is very well-mannered and a bit less eccentric, he has his moments though! He's taken a liking to Pawner very quickly.
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Kaufmo, like Gangle, is very sad (and also now a mime since sad clown = mime) and is a bit or a drag to be around (Jax loves him), he likes jokes but usually can't find it in himself to make or laugh at them. He listens to MCR. Gangle was a very happy and energetic person - the kind of person 10 year old me would call "smol pure bean cinnamon roll" etc. She had a whole party theme (ribbons = party streamers.)
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Jax is just April Ludgate, idk how else to describe his personality. Also, his pupils can change shape based on emotions/his reaction- like turn into exclamation points if he's shocked (uncommon.) Zooble is sorta your classic middleschool bully type, they're just angry all the time and don't really like anyone, except Gangle but she's gone now. They have rubber-hosey physics, also their mouth just comes and goes depending on if they wanna carry it or not.
Always feel free to draw them, roleplay with them, ship them etc!
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kassolor · 3 months
My takes on a potential swap au for The Amazing Digital Circus
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