#swarm d5 was already enough
mspaintbladie · 9 months
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important announcement
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grigori77 · 4 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 97
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Are they ... are they NOT doing a sponsorship plug this time? Just straight to the announcements? Interesting ... not complaining, mind ... more time for GAME, after all ...
Well then, so it's just STRIGHT INTO THE GAME, then ... okay then ... maybe that's a GOOD sign ... O.O
Yeah, that was A LOT of failed teleportations ...
Stright into an Initiative Roll ... wonderful ... cue Wizzkids plug!
An Essek sandwich? I wouldn't say no ... XD
Ashton's going to RAGE ... he charges in and just immediately starts swinging! Yeah, I should imagine 30 would hit ... and now he's been sprayed with acid blood! Of course he has ... and now it's STUCK TO HIS HAMMER!!! Fuck ... so he tries to BEAT IT OFF ... splat! Oh yeah, that just DESTROYED IT.
Great, they're swarming already ... might not have been the smartest move to just run staright into 'em, Ashton ... now they're going fot Laudna ... holy shit, Matt is rolling BALLS right now, ALL THREE attacks fail to gain purchase on her! XD But a couple of them do manage to bite Ashton ... eurgh ...
Fearne casts Flaming Sphere on the big thing! She torches the fucker ... but she's doing it at a higher level so it may be about to get weird ... oh boy ...oof ... roll a D20 then, Ashley ... 14? Phew ... she's safe ... bloody Wild Magic ... then she hides out again ...
Orym uses his fancy boots to jump over Chetney and rush in behind the monster ... Goading Attack! Yeah, Wee Man ... Matt fails his Wisdom save ... whoa ... did Liam REALLY just roll a Nat1 he COULDN'T reroll? Holy shit ... very first time for this Campaign ... oh well ... Tripping Attack! Wait ... this thing can REGENERATE? Boooo! Then he disengages and it gets an aAttack of Opportunity ... and HITS HIM!!! Crap! Thankfully he manages to clear his Strength Save so it doesn't smash him on the spot ... thank the gods for that shield ...
Essek glides into the fray and starts weaving a spell ... a Gravity Fissure? Holy fuck, Hot Boi! Okay, so ... that's doing good, but also thoroughly perilous for the group too! Maybe this wasn't the SMARTEST move right now ... don't suck everybody into a bloody mini Black Hole!
So it's the Monster's turn ... here comes the ridiculously huge hammer ... oh shit, CENTRE MAW!!! It bites at Orym ... crap! 24 points of Piercing damage ... and now it's FUCKING CHEWING HIM!!! Meanwhile it makes a swing for Dorian ... fuck, that just batteres Dorian hard enough he gets knocked CLEAN THROUGH the nearby building ... ouch ...
Dorian picks himself up and sets off his Winged Boots, then flies over to the Monster, then casts a 5TH lEVEL LIGHTNING BOLT!!! Holy shit ... Imogen, meanwhile, coordinates with him and does the exact same thing! Cool ... Matt fails both saves! Sweet! 10 D5 Lightning damage from EACH OF THEM!!! 40 from Dorian, 42 from Imogen! Holy fuck! CRACKADOOM!!! Thor's in the House!
Oh crap ... what did Imogen do? Laura has to roll a D100 ... Wild Magic strikes again ... 4? a Fireball explodes RIGHT ON TOP of Imogen? Holy shit ... Laudna manages to make her save, at least ... Laura: "At least I'm not a sheep." Yeah ...
Chetney unleashes Turmoil and casts Shatter against the Monster ... 20 Thundr dmage halved right up its butt ... then he starts to circle round as cautious as he can for a better vantage point ...
Laudna decides to try something NEW, unleashing Void Puppet on it ... that is some FREAKY SHIT right there, Dead Girl! Oh yeah, that spirit effect is just HORRIFYING ... now she dumps a Fireball on as many of the crawlies as she can ... BOOM!!! Using a Sorcery point to Empower, she lands 38 points of Fire damage on each of them and annihilates THREE of the fuckers ... and now the tent's on fire ..
Ashton triggers a Hyper-Rage and charges the Monster, leaving WEIRD streaks and after images behind him ... while Taliesin elbows Liam in his funny-bone, Ashton inflicts 25 points of Gravitational damage on it and shoves it hard backwards ... then he leaps on top of it to swing his hammer HARD down to land another SMASHING hit ... BOOM!!!
Fearne pops out Mister and chucks him close to Laudna, then throws a Scorching Ray at 3rd Level at the Monster ... one miss THREE hits! Sweet! 17 points of Fire damage, plus 7 more thanks to Mister ... and it does NOTHING to the creature? Shit! It's immune to fire? NOOOOOOOO!!!
Orym takes another 19 points of piercing damage from the maw ... then pulls a Misty Step to pop OUT of its mouth and run up its arm, then goes swinging ... he proper carves it up, doing some genuine damage ... it's like carving through dead meat? Yuck ... one last hit and he gets the HDYWTDT!!! Yes! Down it goes!
Oh ... so there's SOMETHING moving off in the distance somewhere ... is it a potential threat? Hmmmm ...
Yeah, might be best to put the tent-fire out ...
Motivational Speech? Nice one, Dorian! 4th Level ... that's 10 temp hit points to five of them and temp advantage on saves ... cool ...
Not particularly safe, then ... but it's a hiding place, at least ...
Weird fur-less oversized wolves ... charming ... with eyeballs on the end of theit overlong tails? Freaky ...
Crap ... something else is coming from another direction? Great ...
Oh yeah, a Short Rest might be a good idea ...
Weird gorilla-like things? Also creepy ...
There's something horrible on the ceiling grabbing things? Oh my FUCKING GODS that is nightmare fuel ... O.O
Pass Without a Trace ... group Stealth check with advantage ...
Oh yeah, the gigantic sinkhole ... flying would likely be helpful to avoid THAT shit ... oh yeah! Dorian could TOTALLY carry Orym, that would be IMMENSELY helpful. Also it'll be REALLY fun for the shippers too ... XD
So this was a hole from something being blasted up and out, then ... lovely ... oh, they're going down INTO IT ... great ... O.O
The smell of ASSSSSSSS ... LOL
Tingly, creepy, oppressive ... just WRONG, basically. This place is NOT a good place to be ...
The Occultus Thalamus ... yeah ...
Awwww ... remembering FCG ... please don't, I'm not strong enough ...
Touchdown, then ... yeah, this place is a mess ... but it's also CLEARLY been disturbed ... another leftover Vanguard camp, it seems ... and something weird ... breathing in the dark distance ... oh, that's just PEACHY ...
Is that blood? Hmmmm ... sniff check for Chet ... not fresh, then ... it's a smear from something being dragged off into the dark ... charming ... that's not, like, FOREBODING at all ...
Hello Pate ... immediately he's admonished for being SO LOUD ... yeah, he doesn't really HAVE an "inside voice" ... oh yeah, he can talk in her head instead, that's better ... time for scouting, then ...
And Matt calls it a break ... okay then ...
Yeah ... this place really does give us the collective creeps ... oh ... an open door? Hmmmm ... this is where the blood trail is leading, too ... lovely ...
Some kind of storage chamber ...
Big glass containers? Hmmmm ...
Dorian's gettign awful far ahead ... maybe that's not, like, SUPER smart ...
Ah, so this is about to become virgin ground for Essek? Great ... and his knowledge has some holes, too ... hmmmmm ...
Remembering Caleb ... yeah, he's a hell of a guy ... :3
Insight Check? Really, Ashley? Oh, WHISPERS!!! Intriguing ...
Oh, so clearly somebody's been through here since and opened it up ... yeah, looks like this is the way, then ...
Chetney checks for traps ... nothing of note ...
Aha ... children's hospital colour theory ... thanks for that, Tal ...
Yeah, looks like this might be the smarter place to check for traps ... is that stone fixed? Movable? Should we be suspicious?
The wooden chair ... yeah ... LOL
Push the stone ... the door's open ... nothing happens ... and they''re all still obssessing about the stone ... this bunch, they're so paranoid ... I love it ... XD
Liam: "Any velociraptors hiding out in here?" Matt: "What are you looking for? Velociraptors?" LOL
Boiling tar? Oh lovely ... best avoid THAT shit ...
Oh, so the stone's an arcane lock ... okay then ...
Carrying on, then ... it's opening up ahead ... and there's that smell again ... metallic ... somewhere up ahead ... loads and lods of ancient corpses littering the floor ... and lots of dangling chains hung from the ceiling ... with more bodies hanging from several ... great ... O.O
The hanging bodies are FRESH ... great ... Vanguard, looks like ... seemingly suffering a similar fate to the last batch upstairs ... great ...
Yeah, it would probably be4 too much wishful thiniing for one of THESE poor buggers to be Ludinus, wouldn't it ...
Oh, like this could be a TRAP, then? Rogue Aeorian tech? Hmmmm ...
Wait ... WHAT THE FUCK?!!! Pate is just suddenly GONE. Shit!
Form of Dread! Yeah! Mama's ANGRY!!!
Hunter's Bane ... Chetney sniffs for undead ... something here is FIENDISH ... great ...
Religious or Arcana check ... 16 Arcana ... the chains seems to have been conjured THROUGH the stone? Oh that's just GREAT ...
Spiderclimb ... smart ...
Oooh ... Essek has more fancy tricks up his sleeve ...
Ah, I see ... so question a corpse, then? Hmmm ...
Here we go, then ... Speak With the Dead ... cool ...
"The whispers in our head"? Oh, that's just ... AWESOME ...
"This started with the engine room"? Oh, that's interesting ... is that some kind of clue? Something about that rings a bell ...
Oh, Fearne's summoning her demon bae Tevan ... trying to be as discreet as she cane about it for Dorian's sake ... yeah, that don't work too well soon as the massive intimidating infernal smoking hot BADASS appears ... "The pact begins." Yeah ... great ...
Crap ... HE KNOWS Dominox ... great ... a "great enemy" from ancient times? Awesome ...
Laudna: "Do you have any bros you can call on? Now might be the time." Tevan: "... there is a bit doing on."
Essek is clearly more than a little flabbergasted by this whole business. XD
Orym (observing all of this going on around him): "Metal ..."
Whoa ... is Chetney POSSESSED?!!! Is Dominox getting into his head? "The bad wolf"? What? What the blue FUCK is this creepy Stephen King freakiness?
He can't see his friends anymore ... oh, that's not good ...
Oh sweet fuck ... Chetney, WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!
THIRTEEN? Fuck ...
Laudna can't get through to him ... not good ...
Orym touches Chetney's shoulder and HE FEELS a blade stabbing into it ... fuck ... hew responds very much IN KIND ... and claws into Orym ... SHIT!!!
Oh fuck! He snapped out of it! How ... how the hell did he do that? WAS IT real? Is it this place or did that GENUINELY just shake some buried memory loose in him? I don't like it at all ... this is all SO BAD ...
Shit ... yeah that is a GOOD FUCKING POINT, Ahston going off like that would be a REALLY BAD THING ...
Tevan is not much help right now, clearly ...
Dorian: "And we have the power of friendship! Which is why we'll WIN!!!" Bardic Inspiration! Yeah, fix that shit for 'em, Dorian!
Grim Psychometry? REALLY?!!! Right now? In THIS hellhole?
The hooks are simply facilitation, they're not the agents here ... interesting ... pure abyssal energy? Oof ... it's TOO MUCH to even interpret, clearly ...
Dorian's investigating ... oh, that's interesting ... the chains are just LYING there on the ground, pregnant with possibility, like they're WAITING ...
Trying Speak With the Dead again ... one of the "crazies" this time ...
"The Pinion of Service"? That's how Dominox was captured. An abyssal soul anchor ... shackled to THE ENGINE? Oh WOW ... that's interesting ... and now we know WHERE THE ENGINE IS. Cool. If the seals are intact Dominox is dormant ... well that's surely a big giveaway, then ...
Dominolx "feeds on insecurity" ... Imogen: "Oh gods ..." NO SHIT!!! O.O
DORIAN has to throw a Wisdom save? OH FUCK NO!!! Not now! 16? Hmmm ... is that GOOD?
He sees his brother Cyrus in one of the hanging corpses ... and it starts talking to him ... AND THIS is where Matt calls it for the night! SHIT!!!
Fuck ... once again, the very worst kind of cliffhanger ... O.O
Oh wow ... so THIS is where they're gonna pick it up on the Live Special? That is SO COOL ...
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