#swear the song changes were replies to my thoughts because the lyrics always directly related
rogueimagination · 8 years
The Intern - Epilogue
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine 
Pairing: You x Jungkook
Summary: You join a group of foreigners apart of an internship with BigHit entertainment that will lead to a possibility of a full-time job. Nothing goes as expected when everyone makes you the enemy and you unexpectedly befriend Jungkook.
Genre: Angst & Fluff
Word Count: 3922
Warnings: mild amount of swearing.
Author’s Note: Hooray! There’s an epilogue!
You heard a few weeks later that Sophia was the one who got the big internship. You were so happy for her and were ecstatic that above everything else, she was the one who got it. Sophia deserved it the most. She emailed you excitedly but also expressed how it was a little weird when she had to interact with BTS. Sophia explained that although no one said anything, they all knew that she was your roommate and that made things a little odd. She also let you know that she rarely saw Jungkook. He always avoided her. Sophia said that she figured that he was still hurt by you having to leave and seeing her only reminded him of you. That was painful to read. You still couldn't find a way to get over him. You couldn't help but feel bitter that Jungkook could easily avoid thinking about you, but you still had to see news about BTS everywhere. It was inescapable.
It was a week after you left that it was announced that Jungkook's foot had healed and that he would he would continue activites. It was month after you left that BTS announced a comeback. A month later the album was released and beside your better judgement, you decided to listen.
The second you heard his voice you started sobbing. The title song was all about a forbidden love and your sobs increased. The lyrics were painful. They all sang about watching someone go. The last hug, the last kiss, the last smile, and then being forcibly taken away. You almost couldn't believe that they were allowed to sing about this. Or that Jungkook agreed to it. As you listened, one song was familar. It was the song he sang to you. The one written for you. You started crying even more. The song changed a lot and had a lot more added to it, but it was still the same song. The lyrics that the other boys sang changed the story a bit, but all the lyrics that Jungkook sang were directly related to your relationship. From dancing in the rain, to nights in each others embrace, and sharing the same love in food, you knew he was singing about you.
Again, against your better judgment, you decided to watch the music video and live performances a few days later. You regretted it. In the music video for the title track, there was so many images of rain that it almost hurt. Both of you held that moment so dearly, you realized that then. Jungkook looked so handsome.. and sad. In the live performances, you knew he would perform disconnectedly. His facial expression would remain somber at all time and he didn't interact with the audience as much as he had previously.
You read tons of forms and posts online. Most of them expressed concern for Jungkook. They all noticed that he seemed off and distant. You hoped it wasn't because of you - but you couldn't help but think that it was. He was singing about you. How could he not be thinking of you.
You regretted listening and watching as now it made it harder to get over him. Just like it had been when you go home. Garrett and his girlfriend were very comforting when you got back. You told them everything and they both were so surprised. Garrett got you a job at his place and it helped pass the time away. You hated moping around about a boy - you just couldn't help yourself. It wasn't the ideal way to end a relationship. Except, is there ever one?
It was a month after the album was released and their promotions were finished that they were doing a tour and coming to your home country. Jungkook knew where you were from. You suddenly thought of the possibility of seeing him - and that's when you got another email from Sophia.
"Y/N! I'm not sure if you heard, but BTS is coming to where you live! When I found out, a brilliant idea came to my head! You have to go to the concert. We can find a way to get you in the front so he can see you and the reaction would be priceless. Please email me right away if you are in! Love, Sophia." Your heart wanted to burst from your chest. Garrett told you that it probably wouldn't be the best idea, as it would make it worse for you to get over him - but you had to take it. You desperately wanted to see him and this was the solution. You quickly emailed Sophia and told her that you were in on the plan.
A week later Sophia emailed with a front ticket. She explained how when you arrive at the venue, you have to go find her inside. On the day of the concert, she will email you her location and everything will be amazing. You were so excited, yet, extremely scared. What if he didn't want to see you? Sophia wouldn't know, she said herself that she never talks to him because he avoids her like she's a disease. Except, the hope lingered and you tried to ignore anything that told you not to go. Because if he didn't love you anymore, you'll find out and that will end it easier. If he still did, you needed to see him again.
All the plans were made and settled and before you knew it, you were on your way to the concert. It felt like seven eternities past before you arrived, but eventually you were there. Hundreds of people were shuffling around the venue wearing various BTS merchandise, swinging around bangtan bomb light sticks, and holding up various pictures and signs of the boys. Watching everyone giggle and bustle around, for the first time you internalized how a huge idol fell in love with you. It all felt surreal for the first time. You knew the whole time but being a place like this made it sink in deeper.
There was a buzz from your phone and you looked down to find an email from Sophia. "I'm inside by the line of people for the floor. Come fine me quick!"
You found a line of people who were on the floor of the concert. You wandered up to the front of the line when someone stopped you. "Hello! We are in the fanclub! We have pictures and banners if you want one for the concert! Just tell us your bias!" The cheerful girl said. You nodded. "Jungkook" when his name came out of your mouth, it felt strange. She handed you a banner with his name and a picture of him from their last album. A thought came to your head and you wished it hadn't. What would she do if she knew I've made out with Jungkook?  You thanked her for the banners, grabbed them, and continued to find where Sophia specified.
At the front of the line, there were the doors to inside the venue with several guards in front of them. How were you expected to get past? You went to your phone and emailed Sophia, "There are guards in front of the door. I can't get in that easily."
You waited for awhile but nothing was happening. Someone approached you, "Do you know where to go? Can I see your ticket?" They looked like an employee, so you agreed and handed your ticket. "Whoa, how did you get this ticket?" He asked and you were taken aback. "What do you mean?" You didn't want to admit all the things that lead to getting it, so you wanted to hear them first. "This is a VIP ticket. You can only get these from the group performing." He handed your ticket back and you felt yourself sweating. "Excuse me I have to find someone. Thank you for your help." You replied, ignoring his statement.
You edged your way closer to the doors but now the guards stopped you. "Sorry, no one is allowed near these doors." You looked up, and apologized. Your apology was interrupted when you heard a familiar voice behind you. "Y/N?" You whipped around to find Sophia. Once you made eye contact, she jumped forward and wrapped her arms around you. You hugged her back as she said "It's so good to see you!"
She let go and whispered, "I know who else will be just as excited to see you. Let's go." She tugged on your arm but you stopped her. "Sophia. Are you sure he wants to see me? Who knows if he even feels the same way still. How could you know, you said he doesn't even talk to you." You whispered. She scoffed. "Just because he doesn't talk to me doesn't mean I don't know. I talk to everyone else. Did you even listen to the newest album? You were all over that thing. Now stop panicking, let's go." She grabbed your arm again and turned to the guards.
"I apologize. She's with me." Sophia spoke to them, showing them something that was hanging from her neck. They nodded, stepped aside, and let the two of you pass through and inside the building. It was busy inside. She took you around and out to what looked like backstage. "Would you rather be back here or be right at the front by the stage." She offered. You stared at the curtains that separated you from the stage. "They are busy right now or I'd surprise him right now. I think it would be a story of all stories if you were in the crowd." Sophia added when you didn't respond. "I'll be in the crowd." You said stale. Sophia observed you carefully. "Are you alright?"
You didn't answer. "Y/N, don't be nervous." She consoled. "Sophia, I haven't seen him in four months. I don't know if I can do this." You whispered. She rubbed your arm to comfort. "You can. Don't worry. Trust me. Trust him." She said. You nodded your head.
It was announced that the fans were going to be let in the venue and Sophia quickly walked out on the stage with you. It felt odd and uncomfortable walking on the empty stage, but you quickly got off and right in front of the stage. "Stay right here. In the choreography, Jungkook is typically in the middle so he'll for sure see you if you are right here." she said. There was noise and the two of you watched the fans pile in. "I have to go. Don't let anyone get in front of you." She hugged you and hopped back on the stage and backstage. You stood there and waited for the venue to fill.
Waiting was miserable. Everyone was joining you in the crowd making it quite cramped. No one tried to fight you for your place, luckily, but it was still unnerving. Soon the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the concert, everyone went wild, and your heart was going to explode.
When they appeared, everyone screamed and moved forward. You felt lost and you couldn’t even look for their faces. When you finally got your chance, It was surreal again. Everyone sang along as the music began but you just observed. You looked at Seokjin and remembered the last time you saw him when he walked in on you holding Jungkook's hand and he got really awkward. Next to him was Namjoon and you remembered when you broke your arm and he found you. You saw Yoongi and remembered when he told you that Jungkook was injured. Jimin was there and you remembered when he got you to admit that you loved Jungkook. Taehyung caught your eye and you remembered when he dragged Jungkook in the kitchens the first time you saw him. Hoseok came into your vision and you remembered when he talked to you at the photo shoot and that one girl looked like she was going to have a heart attack. You knew you were avoiding looking at Jungkook, so you let your fears go and found him on stage - right when they started singing I Need U.
And that made you lose it. You started crying. You watched him sing and dance - your eyes glued to him, raining onto your cheeks. You tried to wipe away your cheeks as you watched them come closer to the front of the stage. They came closer, so close. They started interacting with the crowd and eventually Jimin came to where you were - and found you. They locked eyes with you, squinted to see if he was seeing it right, then stared. You waved. He smiled, started singing his lines, winked, then moved on.
Then Jungkook came where he was. He was singing, "I need you girl," then he saw you. You froze. He froze. Everyone was singing along even when he didn't. Everyone looked at him confused. His eyes stayed on you and your eyes stayed on him. You forgot where you were, that people were looking, and everything else. It was only broken when Yoongi came up to him and said something to Jungkook that caused him to break away. You broke out of the trance and looked to Yoongi. He nodded to you and walked away. The song was over so they rushed off stage as a video played. For the entirety of the video you looked down at your feet trying to catch your breathe. holy shit.
"Damn, Jungkook liked the look of you." A girl next to you said to you. You gave a nervous laugh and went back down to your feet. You wanted to scream.
The rest of the concert, his eyes were always on you. He would dart away and look at the rest of the audience briefly then go back to you. It was as if he couldn't believe that it was actually you.
When the concert was over, they said their goodbyes and ran off. You felt empty. Were you going to be able to be able to see him other than that? You watched as everyone exited the venue and stood there. You wanted to sit there forever and relive those moments again. You were just about to sit down when you heard Sophia's voice. She was running towards you with a huge smile on her face. "Come here! Come here! Let's go!" she grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the stage, on the stage, then behind the curtains. Everything was happening so fast.
There were so many people behind stage it made your head spin. Sophia was pulling you around and you felt like passing out. Your head was fuzzy and you remembered that you were so scared for this day that you hadn't eaten or drank anything in a long time. This wasn't good. You couldn't see anything clearly. "Sophia, stop." you begged but she continued. "Y/N" you heard someone say. Jungkook? Was it Jungkook? - but you never found out. 
You passed out.
You woke up on the floor, a pillow under your head, and shadows - wait people all around you. This was embarrassing. You opened your eyes to find a ceiling above you. It wasn't the ceiling from back stage. "Y/N? Are you alright? You had us panicking! Should we call the ambulance?" Sophia said panicked. You turned you head to the right to look at her. "I just need something to eat. I was so scared I didn't eat. Or drink. I think that's why I passed out." You explained, your heart pounding. You went to rub your head, but realized someone on your left was holding your hand. "Does your head hurt?" You turned to your left.
It was Jungkook. 
He brushed the hair from your face as you stared at him. "H-H-Hi." You stuttered out. He chuckled. "Hi Y/N. This is the second heart attack you've given me today. First when I saw you in the crowd. Next when you passed out in front of me." He said, chuckling again. You smiled, which let a tear out of your eyes.
Ignoring your headache, you sat up and wrapped your arms around him. You laid your head on his shoulders and he did the same with you. He hugged you so tightly it gave you so much comfort. "I missed you so much. It was painful. I can't even describe it. I missed you so much." He said into your hair. "I missed you too. I missed you so much." You said back. He pulled back the hug, let go, put his hands on your face, pulled you in, and kissed you so passionately it was all you needed to feel better again.
You clung on him desperately - almost as if you let go, he would be gone again. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you in, just like the first time. You wish you could've continued, but you heard a voice go "Whoa, calm it down you two. I know it's been awhile since you've seen each other, but I don't think this is the place to go at it like this." When you broke away from Jungkook, you realized the voice was Taehyung with his teasing eyes. "Tae go away." Jungkook groaned as you waved at him happily. It felt like good old times. "So informal." Taehyung scoffed, smiled at you, then walked away.
You didn't even realize that Sophia had left and now she was back with some food and a glass of water. "Y/N, drink this." she ordered and you obeyed. Jungkook held your left hand again and watched you as you drank. When you finished he spoke, "Please take care of yourself. You need to eat." You smiled guiltily. "Ah, I just couldn't. I was so nervous to see you again, my stomach wouldn't let me." You held as excuse and he took it. "I don't want to be the reason you're not eating. That makes me worry." He explained.
"Don't lie to her Jungkookie. You didn't take care of yourself for weeks after she left. You were a mess. You were lucky we were all there for you." It was Hoseok this time. You waved at him happily and he waved back. Jungkook was blushing and looking down, playing with your fingers this time. "I don't want to be the reason you're not eating, Jungkook-ah." You said in the same way he did earlier. "I'm sorry." He apologized genuinely. "You were gone so suddenly." He explained, scratching his nose with his free hand. "He was grieving like you were dead, Y/N." Hoseok added. "But it's great to see you! You gave him a heart attack on stage. He thought he was hallucinating you. No joke. He kept asking us if we saw you too because he didn't believe it. It was amusing." Hoseok laughed. You missed all of them so much.
"So it is Y/N! Glad to know that everyone wasn't on heavy drugs during the concert!" Seokjin proclaimed, entering the room. You smiled and waved at him. Jimin and Yoongi entered next. "That was great of you to pop up in the crowd, Y/N. Although, maybe he shouldn't have seen you in the middle of a song. He didn't sing the rest of it as he was in too much shock." Jimin commented. Jungkook blushed harder as everyone laughed. Except Yoongi wasn't laughing. "We are all glad you're back, Y/N." Yoongi said and you smiled. "I'm glad to see all of you too! I miss you guys." You said enthusastically and they all smiled.
Namjoon and Taehyung entered. They waved at you and commented on how they were so happy to see you. You were eating the food Sophia gave you as they all talked to you. Jungkook interrupted them "Can I have some alone time with Y/N? Please?"  He practically begged. They all nodded in understanding and made their way out with Sophia right behind them. You took note at the empty room you were in. It was just you in the middle of the floor.
"Did you listen to the album?" He asked eagerly and you nodded your head. "All of the songs?" He asked in addition. You nodded your head again. "Which was your favorite?" He continued questioning. "I think you know the answer to that, Jungkook." You said with a smile. He smiled back - with a blush of course.
"My hyungs convinced me to put on the album. They said that I would never see you again and that putting it on the album would be more for you than me. They promised me that we would never perform it because I couldn't handle it if we did." He explained. "Having the title song be a song about forbidden love was Namjoon-hyung's idea. He thought we'd do a good job since it was oddly relatable to us. Although it was hard for me. I just couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't get you out of my mind." He continued. He was talking like he had all these things he's wanted to share with you but couldn't for the longest time - and that was all probably true.
"I loved it all. It was hard for me to listen to, because it made me miss you so much and I tried not to think about it all. It hurt to think about it. I didn't realize how you felt the same." You explained. "Of course I felt the same." His hand was on your face again and he kissed you again. It was lighter and softer this time, like he was trying to make it linger. You both knew your time together was limited.
It was. There was a knock at the door and someone telling Jungkook it was time to leave for their hotel. He just kept kissing you. "Jungkook" He ignored you. "Jungkookie" Still ignored you. "Jungkook-ah" He listened to you. He let go and looked at you deeply. The banging of the door continued. "I don't want to say goodbye again." He whispered. You closed your eyes. You didn't want to either. A new voice emerged from the other side of the door. "Jungkookie, we have to go. I know you don't want to say goodbye to Y/N but we have to go. Please unlock the door." It was Namjoon. The voice of reason.
You opened your eyes. He was crying. He kissed you on the cheek, stood up, walked to the door, and opened it. "I'm sorry Jungkook." Namjoon said the second the door was opened. You stood up and grabbed Jungkook's hand. The two of you walked out of the room and walked towards the exit, following Namjoon. When you arrived at the car, he turned to you. "I'll always love you. Never forget that." He said sincerely. "I love you, Jungkook. I love you." you repeated, wanting to ingrain it in his head. You cupped his face like he had with you so many times. "Take care of yourself. Please eat." You whispered. "And you do the same." He whispered back. He leaned in for a kiss but panicked and went for your cheek. Seeing what he was trying to do, you moved his face so he would land on your lips and he did just that. It was a quick kiss but it was enough.
He let go and walked to his car. “I’ll see you again. I’ll make sure of it.” He spoke to you before he got in the car. He sat right by the window and looked out at the window. Jungkook didn't wave goodbye, he just stared. You did the same. And slowly, you watched him disappear again.
But you had the strongest feeling that he was going to keep those last words.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
11/4/2017 DAB Transcript
Ezekiel 10:1-11:25; Hebrews 6:1-20; Psalms 105:16-36; Proverbs 27:1-2
Today is the fourth day of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. And here we are at the end of another week, a week that has switched months for us, and launched us into the 11th month of the year. And day by day we get closer to the destination - the completion of the Bible. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. We have much territory to cover. And we’ll take the next step forward into the Scriptures today. So, we've been reading from the Good News translation this week, which is what we'll do today. Ezekiel chapter 10 verse 1 through 11 verse 25 today.
Okay. So, in the book of Hebrews today, the last verse that we read we encounter an interesting name that harkens back to the Old Testament. The verse reads, on our behalf Jesus has gone there before us and has become a high priest forever in the priestly order of Melchizedek. And tomorrow, when we encounter the book of Hebrews, we’ll be hearing much more about Melchizedek. And, so, we probably need talk about him a little bit. So, I'm going to start that today by just explaining who Melchizedek is and where he shows up in the Bible. And we’ll probably only get through the Old Testament part of that. But we'll talk about it more tomorrow. So, who is Melchizedek and why is he compared to Jesus in the book of Hebrews? Now, when you start digging into that territory, it starts getting complicated really fast, and the waters get very murky, and you find everything from remarkable correlations to fantastical things that you would expect to read in an adventure or fantasy novel. So, if you want to lose yourself down that rabbit hole, there's plenty of stuff to read about it, but if you want to stick to Biblical scholarship, then you’ve still got a lot of thoughts about a lot of things. So, we don’t have several hours to talk about this and I am nowhere near a leading expert on it, but over time I have done enough research and scholarship on it to at least give us some context and a little bit of a baseline, maybe just like a little platform from which you can do as many deep dives as you personally want to do. But in terms of what we do here every day, as we go through a portion of Scripture and apply it to our lives, context is important. So, let's try to get some context. Melchizedek is a figure that first appears in the Bible in the book of Genesis chapter 14. And, obviously, we read that many months ago, back in the month of January. The story is about Abraham and Lot in a battle where there were five kings against four kings and Lot was captured and taken away in this battle and Abraham went in pursuit and recovered everything. And on his way back, he runs into this figure, Melchizedek, king of Salem, and priest of the most high God. And Abraham pays him a 10% tithe of the plunder from the battle and Melchizedek then, in turn, blesses them. So, no big deal so far, just the retelling of an event that happened and, perhaps, the first theological handle that we have in the Bible relating to Melchizedek is a distinction. So, let's look at that real quick. I'm reading from Genesis chapter 14. After Abram returned from his victory over Chedorlaomer and all his allies, the king of Sodom went out to meet him in the Valley of Shiva, that is the King's Valley, and Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God most high, brought Abram some bread and wine. Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing. Blessed be Abram by God most high Creator of heaven and earth and blessed be God most high who was defeated your enemies for you. Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all the good he’d recovered. The king of Sodom said to Abram, give back my people who were captured, but you may keep for yourself all the good you have recovered. Abram replied to the king of Sodom, I solemnly swear to the Lord God most high, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will not take so much as a single thread or sandal thong from what belongs to you. Otherwise you might say I am the one who made Abram rich. I will accept only what my young warriors have already eaten, and I request that you give a fair share of the goods to my allies Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre. Okay, so, before we can point out the distinction, we just have to understand what's going on here. Abram has met God. God has invited Abram into a land that he would be shown and he's following God's directions. Understand, Abraham's not following Scriptures. He’s not referring to prophecies. None of that has happened yet. So, the Bible that we are reading hasn't happened yet at all, but Abram knows who he is always following and that his entire destiny is based upon that relationship because he's left behind his home and all of the resources and culture that he's used to navigating. And he's away from all of that and he’s pursuing the direction of the God who introduced himself to him. So, he’s clear that his life is in God's hands. So, we have the king of Salem, who is a priest of the most high God, who is coming out and blesses Abram. Of course, Abram in rescuing his kin, Lot, also saves the necks of a bunch of kings. One of them, the king of Sodom, who expects that he will have to reward Abram for what he's done and he’s trying to negotiate that deal. Abram makes a distinction. He gives a tithe - a tenth to Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, but tells the king of Sodom he won't take anything. He’s not taking anything from anyone in terms of plunder because in no way is he leaving the door open so later someone will be able to say that they made Abram. Right? That they made Abraham who he is. Abram is acknowledging God alone. So, we can say that. We can say that solidly. And that's our first introduction to Melchizedek. Abraham makes a distinction between the king of Salem, priest of the most high God, and the other kings. So, who is this guy and does his name mean something? According the Scriptures, Melchizedek is the king of Salem, also known as Jerusalem. So, Melchizedek is a Canaanite king who rules the region and city of Jerusalem, also known as Salem. And the majority of biblical scholars would agree on that. What does his name mean? So, Melchizedek - the king of righteousness or maybe more literally, my king is righteous, or maybe even more literally, my king is right. And that's it. Melchizedek only shows up one other time in the Old Testament by name and that is found in the Psalms. Psalm 110 verse 4, which reads, the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, you are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. And thoughts about this begin to spray off in all kinds of different directions from there. And, I mean, and you can see how. The order of Melchizedek, what is that? I mean, that sounds like the title to a thriller, does it not? I mean, what is the order of Melchizedek and how does one get into the club? So, we have to, first, acknowledge that a lot of things happen between Abraham and King David writing Psalms. Right? So, Abraham has Isaac. Isaac then sires Jacob and Esau. Jacob's name changes to Israel. He has kids. They become the children of Israel. They are enslaved in Egypt. They are freed from Egypt. They wander in the wilderness. They come into the promised land, that is the conquest. We go through generation after generation after generation of judges and then kingship is introduced into the culture with King Saul and then comes David. So, a lot happens between the two times Melchizedek is named in the Old Testament. And even though a lot has happened, a lot of ground has been covered and a lot of years of past, Melchizedek doesn't disappear from their thought. Even though he was only mentioned two times in the Old Testament far apart in history, he is still being referred to. Why would that be? Why would this obscure event in Abraham's life that refers to an ancient Canaanite king who happened to the be a priest of the most high God continue forward in the culture extra-biblically throughout all the generations all the way down to King David writing a song? So, there can be all kinds of explanations but from a scholarship perspective, I think this is what holds the most water- Melchizedek is the first priest named in the Bible and he is a priest of the most high God, king of Salem. In David's time, priests could only come from the tribe of Levi, as mandated by the Mosaic law, and yet, Melchizedek was most certainly not a Levite because Levi hadn't been born yet in Abraham's time when this incident happened. So, in Abraham's time, there is no Mosaic law because Moses hasn't been born and there are no Levites because Levi hasn't been born. And yet, Melchizedek is a priest of the most high God, but most definitely not a Levite but the Bible makes it clear that he's a king. So, Melchizedek is a priest of the most high God, who is also a king. So, when David writes Psalm 110 and he pens this song and writes these lyrics under the inspiration of God, a statement is being made. David is to be a priestly king in the order of Melchizedek. So, like Melchizedek was. And it so happens that David is king in Jerusalem, the same city. So, David is a king who is aligned with the priesthood. So, maybe not occupying the office and the function of Levitical priesthood, but nevertheless, the priesthood before God. And this is a bit of a big deal from a theological and from a cultural perspective in David's time because they do have the Torah, they have the Mosaic law, and it's the underpinning of their entire society, and priests can only be Levites. And yet, David is to be a priestly king. And the way that this can work is that David is being set aside by God, like Melchizedek, in the order of Melchizedek, to serve in that role even though he's from the tribe of Judah and not the tribe of Levi. Okay. So, I have to take a small bunny trail that applies directly to this. So, probably the most compelling theological understanding would place us back in the life of Moses. So, we know the story of Moses and his childhood and him being placed in the river in a wicker basket and being raised by Pharaoh's daughter and ending up killing an Egyptian and having to flee for his life and all of this. And the next thing you know Moses is before burning bush and God is calling him to set his people free from slavery in Egypt. And God is telling him to go and Moses is resisting, he was giving every excuse. And his main excuse is, I don't know how to speak, like, I'm not a public speaker, I don’t know how to do this. And God's telling him, you really don't have to do anything but just obey me. Like, I’ll put the words in your mouth. It's all good. You don’t have to worry about this. And, finally, Moses is like, send someone else, please send somebody else, which for me is a very sad scene in the Bible because of how much it imitates our own lives. But in the end, God relents and sends Moses brother Aaron to be the mouthpiece. And this is where we see sort of like this dual role - a priestly role and a governor or a kingly role. Moses and Aaron make up the two pieces but that is more like the plan B. Right? So, the plan A was that Moses would be empowered by God to lead his people and would be the mouthpiece of God to those people. In other words, a priestly governor, a priestly ruler, a priestly king. So, in other words, Melchizedek was a priestly king of the most high God. Moses would've been invited into that but didn't enter into it. But then God invites David into that role once kings are introduced into the story of Israel. And that is where I'm going to stop for today. We are going to read about Melchizedek in the book of Hebrews extensively tomorrow and we’ll pick this up then, once we have a little bit more New Testament context to the story 
Father we thank You for the beauty of Your word. And as we apply our minds and hearts to all of its nuances and intricacy, we invite Your Holy Spirit among us. We thank You for this gift. We love You, Father, and worship You. We pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website. It’s home base. It’s where you find out what's going on around here.
It's been a flurry of activity around here as we begin to deploy this new app and platform. And those of you who contributed to the Global Campfire Initiative will have been receiving your invites. And, so, you are some of the first people to even see this. So, we’re excited about that and we’ll continue forward toward our projected release of all of this in December.
Looking at the calendar, the 19h of this month, the month of November, we’ll be back out on the road in the deep South. We’ll be in Shreveport Louisiana area, Bossier City, Louisiana. And we’ll be sharing Sneezing Jesus at River Valley church in Bossier City. So, you can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the events section. And, we’ll look forward to seeing you there.
If your partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Then as I say, often, I can't thank you enough, thank you for your partnership. There's a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner. Had to catch myself. I almost said the upper right-hand corner because that's how it is in the new app, but the lower right-hand corner or if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayers and Praise Reports:
Good morning. It is Beloved by Him from Gloucester, UK and it Wednesday, the first of November. And, this is a praise report, really. I’ve been listening consecutively for to whole months now from ___ and it is amazing how God has blessed me since then and how much better I am now then I was when I started. So, let’s pray. Father God, thank You for the DAB. Thank You so, so much for Brian and the team behind it. Thank You for Brian who answered Your call and for everything you’ve done with it through then, for all those people who reviewed the DAB way back when I first started listening a long time ago. Father God, thank You for the Global Campfire Initiative. Thank You that the team are going to make this free and we pray Lord that You’d be at work in that, that You would help us discover all of those bugs, all of those problems, so that when it comes to releasing it properly it will just be a great instrument of grace for people to find You and learn and know more about You. Father God, I lift up my brothers and sisters out there who aren’t listening right now, who can’t listen for whatever reason, whether it’s a technical difficulty, no access to wi-fi or data, or ___ whatever. I pray Lord that You’d blessing them where they are and sending people and sending companions for them to help them through. Father God, for those of us who are in a dark state right now, be it depression or anxiety, something that’s stopping us from listening, I pray Lord that Your light will shine so, so brightly in our lives. We’d love to see You and be blessed by You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.  
Hi. Good morning Daily Audio family. It’s really nice to know that I have friends and brothers and sisters around the world for praying and believing who are strong who are in community. I just want to be vulnerable with my brothers and sisters this morning. I feel so lonely and on my own. I have been divorced for about four years now and live on my own and often on my quite time, it’s when we’re in isolation that the enemy tries to attack most, mainly in fort life, mainly ideas and notions and addictions and comforts. Sometimes we comfort ourselves in our loneness with different substances like drink and alcohol and even pornography to satisfy those needs. And I want to be honest with you, I’m struggling. I’m struggling with ___ of loneliness and with a God who is there, who knows my thoughts, who knows my coming in and going down, who knows my thoughts. I just want to put my need out there and say, I really need companionship and accountability, that the right people, the right friends, will come around me, that God will just comfort me. And You said You will never leave me or Forsake me. I just need stability and ___ that word today. I wish you and thank You for considering my prayer request and I love you all and appreciate you, Brian and Jill. God bless you all. Bye-bye.    
Hi everyone, it’s Lisa the Encourager. I hope you guys are having a great day. I am calling in to pray for some of my Daily Audio Bible friends. I’m calling to pray for Edgar. He is in Belize, He’s on a pilgrim’s journey. So, I want to pray for Edgar tonight. I also want to pray for Julie from Maryland, to lift up her husband in prayer. He’s a godly man and she just wants us to pray for him. So, I am going to praying for him for you tonight sweety. And also, doctor John, I am praying for Phoebe, she’s in medical school and I know that…I can’t imagine…I’m sure that’s a lot of stress and I guess she mentioned that she has some depression and anxiety and am just praying that she’ll alleviate some of that stress and that she’ll just have piece in God through all of that - from God. And also, Melany had called in abut her sister, that she was in a horrible accident and needed healing from that. So, I am praying for that for you and your dear sister Melany. And lastly, Homeward Bound called about her dad needing surgery and he needed it in two weeks. I think that was from October the 7th. It’s been some time now. So, I’m not sure if he’s had surgery or is post or pre-op but I am definitely going to be praying for your dad, Homeward Bound, and it’s my pleasure to pray for your dad. So, let’s pray. Heavenly Father, I thank You so much for Edgar and him on his pilgrim’s journey. Lord, I just pray You’ll protect him and give him all the kind of resources that he needs in order to complete this pilgrimage and that he’ll give all the glory to God and he will be able to be lifted up in His Spirit and feel fulfilled, Lord…and I just pray for…    
Hey Daily Audio Bible friends, this is ___ in ___ Chicago. I just left a message but I believe it got messed up, so, please delete that one and play this one instead. Anyway, let’s pray. God, thank You so much for today. Thank You for how You went before me and the people in the small group tonight as we met and had to talk about some tough stuff and You just did a miracle and gave me a humble heart, allowing us to listen to constructive feedback. I ask that You would open my heart to people that I have closed my heart to and just give wisdom on boundaries and all that stuff. Thank You, that You are constantly at work in the world and Yu are constantly at work in our lives. I thank You for the lady that calls into the Daily Audio Bible and sings songs over us. I ask that You will just strengthen and encourage her. Whether or not You bring back her original voice, we thank You that you’ve given her willingness to call in and bless us with the voice that she has right now. This is such a great, really amazing thing. So, thank You, God, for that. Thank you everyone that is listening and I ask that if there is anyone that is listening right now that wants to give up on life that You would bring them joy and peace and hope. Thank You so much that two days ago marked the one year anniversary of someone know and love being in the hospital for suicide, suicidal tendencies, but now is living and working and much healthier than before. So, we thank You so much for that beautiful transformation. Amen. Love you all. Bye.
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