#swm sloth
dizzy-pixels · 7 months
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Previous Assassin Group
Dorran (Leader/Pride)*
Cal (Sloth)
Esperanza (Wrath)
Izaiah (Gluttony)*
Ripley (Envy)*
Gage (Lust)*
Yvette (Greed)
Current Assassin Group
Esperanza (Leader/Wrath)
Cal (Sloth)
Malakai (Gluttony)
Onyx (Envy)
Darius (Lust)
Vinca (Pride)
Yvette (Greed)
Assassin Seer
Demons are parasites that take hosts in humans. After taking host, the human has only a week to live. The main way to exorcist them is to murder the demon. They prefer taking host in sinful people which is why there is an abundance of them in Las Vegas (Sin City). When a demon dies, it takes the damaged afflicted with them. As a result, humans are okay after the exorcism but will experience no memory of their time as a host and will be confused.
Their different colored marks correspond to the seven demons that match for each sin. The marks appear when a demon is cornered or about to inhabit another body. Demons bleed green, alcohol poisons them, and humans cannot see their real faces. Demons can grant humans special abilities in return for their loyalty. This is seen with Yvette being given the ability of illusions, Vinca given the power to read minds, and Lazareth given the ability to manipulate emotions.
Another way to get the demon out of a human is to torture it so much that the demon has to leave the body. But this is not recommend as it causes pain to the human since the demon is leaving the body instead of dying and therefore not taking the pain inflicted with it. This leaves the human with the pain.
Also another way to get rid of a demon is by normal exorcisms, such as what Malakai's mom does, but this takes a long time and since a human only has one week to live. The preferred method is the troupe's way which is just to kill the demon in while it inhabits the host.
Long ago demons ruled the earth so the Assassins were created by Malakai's ancestors to fight back. Assassins are chosen based on how well they match their sin. This makes them the best choice to take down the main demon correlating to the sin when the time comes. When an Assassin dies, another one is chosen to take their spot. The Assassin Seer is the one who gets visions of the one who will become the next sin. Then the troupe's ringleader will find them to join.
The envy assassin is the only one that becomes reincarnated into an animal after they die. Malakai's family passes the gluttony assassin down from generation to generation instead of being chosen. The pride assassin was originally always the Ringleaders until now with Wrath.
Assassins are immune to demon inhabitation.
Humans cannot usually see demons. Once a human is infected with a demon, they have up to a week to live (Unless a demon contract is used). There are ways for a human to see demons. These include being involved in rituals (Darius, Cal & Onyx route.). Or having special objects (Demon Heirloom in Wrath route, Gemstone in Yvette's Route).
Assassin Seer
The Assassin Seer has the power of precognition and magic. They act as a consultant for the sins and is also the one who chooses the next sins after they die. Nahara is the current Assassin Seer (she was previously Pride before Dorran). She can also control vines.
Envy Assassin
The Envy Assassin is the only sin that does not completely die but instead comes back as an animal. They can talk to a certain animal while alive, but that does not necessarily mean that is the animal they will come back as when they die. An example is Ripley could talk to raccoons when they were alive but came back as a bear after dying.
Gluttony Assassin
The assassins as a whole were started by Malakai's ancestors to fight against the demons. After creating the assassins, they took on the role of the Gluttony one. The Gluttony Assassin is the only sin that is not picked by the Seer but instead passed down in their family. Members have to compete to be picked as the next assassin. Malakai's mom was the Gluttony Assassin and passed it down to Izaiah. After Izaiah died, Malakai took over.
There is a ward on their tatus that prevents them from falling in love so that they focus on their mission. If they do fall in love they will feel such intense pain and can even die. Even to have children to carry on the gluttony line, it can not be for love. This often results in children not knowing their other parent.
It is soon revealed that the wards were placed on them in the first place as there are two Gluttony Assasins and they become each other's true love. One is always fated to eventually fall under a trance towards the Mouth of Merzogot and die there. The wards were placed to prevent Gluttony Assasins from dying by not having them fall in love and meet their true love in the first place.
Lust Demons
Lust demons can create dreams for other people and enter them. The Lust sin is the sin of living in fantasy and dreams are the most potent fantasies hearts can have.
This is the time where the natural energies of the human soul and earth align. This is when human souls are at their strongest, strong enough to push back a demon's influence.
Demon Mark Ritual
First step is to leave demonic tidbits in your target as a result of being possessed many times. The next step is to give the target demon sight. The last step is to bite them with a bite of passion. This bite gives them a demon mark that can be drawn upon as a well of power. If the target kneels to its spark (the person who initiated the ritual), the demons will grow to unimaginable power. The only way to stop the ritual is by killing its spark.
The spark can augment the demons powers while the bearer of the mark can augment the assassins powers.
Mouth of the Merzogot
The Mouth of the Merzogot is the gateway to hell. No assassin has actually known its location and it has been thought to be just a myth until Malakai's route. The entrance is located in the desert and covered by black sand that swirls in the air and is repelled by Earth's magnetism.
Ograth is a demon monster. Demons work like a hive mind, bestial and terrifying at once. MC's ancestors knocked out Ograth's tooth back in the days when demons ruled the earth and it incapacitated every demon. They couldn't kill it completely but sealed it in an heirloom passed down in their family for generations. MC's family has always been tasked with finding a way to kill Ograth once and for all.
Lava Demons
Lava Demons are a special kind of demon that lives in the earth's core and wants to end life on the surface. They have orange flaming eyes. They get their powers by feeding on the energy of the earth's core and seek to suck it dry. They have immeasurable strength and can vanish into the earth to escape capture.
Demon Contracts
It is very rare for a demon to be intelligent enough to sign a contract with a mortal. Signing the contract allows the demon to inhabit the human longer without killing its host since humans can only survive one week when inhabited by a demon.
Virtues existed for as long as demons have and perhaps before then as Virtues are the antithesis of demons created for the world to keep itself in balance. They can only be called upon by those of good nature, though they often refuse when called or deny help to those requesting it.
28 years ago a demon was placed inside Darius for a chance to once day reawaken and continue the plan for demons to be able to take over and walk the earth. Kozolok thought the demon was inside MC, but it was actually inside Darius the whole time. After the ritual of his S1, his demon side is slowly awakening and becoming more powerful. As no ritual was done to awaken it in the other routes, he's still human in those ones.
Kozholok is looking for the demon they sealed away that will help them continue the plan of having demons roam the earth again. Kozholok has been residing inside Nero for over a year and splitting Nero's heart into two to use his soul as a sacrifice in the ritual to awaken that demon. After sacrificing his soul and awakening the demon in Darius, there is now little of Nero left and Kozholok remains in control of his body.
Vuzgamad is the eyeless demon that killed Yvette's parents and bite her which cursed her to burn every living thing her skin touches. She has also claimed to raise and groom Yvette despite being on her own and having to fend for herself. Vuzgamad wants MC dead for her own plans. Vuzgamad is special as she is smarter than the average demon, similar to Kozholok. Her powers include keeping her hosts conscious as she inhabits them so she can torture them physiologically. She also pays respects to her victims and visits their graves
Nitsa is half human half demon and this makes her an exception to many rules. One, is that she does not show demon lines on her human skin surface and it can only be seen when she splits it open to show her demon face. Because of this, when she inhabits people, it's hard to know because there are no demon marks on the skin.
Nita's goal is to inhabit Onyx's dragon form which Onyx will turn into if she was to die.
Wrath unknowingly dated the demon that long ago cursed Yvette to have her burning skin. During an attack to finally catch that demon, Wrath let her go which led to the demon blowing up the building the sins were in and send more demons to finish them off. Everyone died except Wrath, Cal, and Yvette.
Yvette left the troupe afterward and at some point, Vinca joined her. They have their own show with another person working along the demons named Lazareth.
Laz is Malakai's brother who was erased from the Gluttony line after going against traditional and choosing his lover over his duty. This is because whoever is the soulmate of the Gluttony Assassin also becomes Gluttony and one of them is always doomed to be taken by the Mouth of Merzogot. Laz left the gluttony line which erased his memory from everyone in the gluttony line including Malakai. But it did not stop his fate as his lover still died to the Mouth of Merzogot. He sided with the demons so that he can find a way to close the Mouth so Malakai doesn't face the same fate one day and was rewarded empathy powers, but this came at a cost of his humanity that he tries to hang on to by writing his goal over and over for hours so that he doesn't forget, though sometimes he does. He later forms a friendship with Vinca and Yvette and is part of their circus. He does fire tricks like Malakai.
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explorya88 · 1 year
**Warning: Content Advisory**
This fanfic contains sensitive and serious themes that may be difficult for some readers. If you are uncomfortable with topics such as [Violence, moral questionable behaviors, explicit contents and many others], it's advisable to reconsider reading further. Your well-being is important to me, and i encourage you to prioritize your emotional health. Take care, and thank you for understanding.
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This short tale is placed three days after Fang(SWM MC) left them.
Sloth: The Chaos Leprechaun
Cal fell asleep after a hard day of demon hunting, the seed of Divashma's sinister whispers echoed in his mind. The room seemed to tighten around him as the demonic seed taunted his sense of duty and restraint.
Seed of Divashma: Why do you hold back, Cal? You deny yourself the pleasures of the night, the thrill of indulgence. Are you not envious of those who embrace the darkness without the burden of responsibility?
Cal's brow furrowed as he grappled with the demonic influence.
Cal: I have responsibilities, duties that cannot be forsaken. Avi, my family of Sin Assassins, they depend on me. I cannot abandon my purpose.
Laughter, cold and maddening, erupted within Cal's mind.
Seed of Divashma: Responsibility, duty, such feeble excuses. You are a coward, shackled by your own virtue. Look at Darius; he lives without restraint, reveling in the true essence of life. Free, shameless, unburdened by foolish morals. A life worthy to live for.
Images flashed before Cal's closed eyes. Darius, a fellow Sin Assassin, dancing with abandon in the moonlit shadows, liberated from the chains that bound Cal's every step. The seed's whispers wormed their way deeper, sowing doubt within the recesses of Cal's thoughts.
Cal: I have my orders...my duty but is it truly enough? I...I need to focus, this mission comes first.
Seed of Divashma: You fear the unknown, the intoxicating allure of embracing your true nature. Shed your inhibitions, Cal. Embrace the chaos within. Indulge in the pleasures you deny yourself.
A battle waged within Cal's conscience, torn between the weight of his responsibilities and the seductive promises of unrestrained freedom. The seed of Divashma persisted, its malevolent whispers weaving a web of temptation around his weary mind and as Cal teetered on the precipice, the night held its breath, uncertain whether himself would succumb to the darkness or stand firm against the encroaching shadows.
Cal: Perhaps I envy Darius's freedom, but my responsibilities are a part of who I am. I cannot abandon them.
Seed of Divashma: So i stand correct? Are you a weak and a coward?
Cal: I will not abandon my mission or my duty. It is my purpose, my calling. I cannot give in to temptation...I must not let the seed sway me!
As the Seed of Divashma plots, the tendrils of persuasion snake through Cal's thoughts, testing the boundaries of his resolve and plotting how to let him merge with himself.
Seed of Divashma (whispering in the recesses of Cal's mind): Ah, Cal, the dance of doubt in your heart is music to my essence. Now, let me weave a tapestry of temptation. I will convince you that duty is but a shackle, a false virtue trapping your vibrant spirit. Show you the canvas of freedom painted in hues of recklessness and unrestrained joy. I will unleash the whispers of desire, make you question the very foundation of your purpose. Plant the seed of discontent, and watch it bloom into a garden of rebellion and paint a picture of a life unburdened by responsibility, where every whim is indulged without remorse. I will let him taste the intoxicating nectar of liberation while twisting the threads of guilt, make you believe that his duties are chains forged by a world that fears your true potential. Convince you that breaking free is a righteous act of freedom and yoh will merge with me, Cal, and become something greater. Together, we can transcend the mundane and forge a destiny written in the chaotic link of our combined wills.
Cal: You can go to f*** yourself?
Seed of Divashma: .... (Cal is being a stubborn mule, them again him being of goid `father` to Avi allow to oppose mr easily...wait!!! I can use him to convice him thta my offer will be good for him and his `son` as well). Rest, Cal, let us show you what life could be if you embrace the chaos within.
As Cal succumbed to the weight of exhaustion, he found himself in a dreamscape crafted by the demonic seed. The surroundings morphed into a decadent casino, pulsating with vibrant lights and the siren call of unrestrained pleasure.A shadowy figure materialized, an embodiment of the seed's influence.
Broly?(seed of Divashma): Welcome, Cal, to a life without chains, indulge in the pleasures that have long eluded you.
Cal, now within the dream, felt the rush of freedom as he strolled through the casino. The clinking of glasses, laughter, and the electric hum of the slot machines surrounded him. He found himself at a table, a hand of cards dealt before him.
Cal: I am in a casino?!?
Broly?(seed of Divashma): Drink, gamble, revel in the chaos!
The shadow encouraged. Cal felt the rush of hedonism as he fully immersed himself in the dream. The casino's sights and sounds, the drinks and games, the heady feeling of liberation, they were intoxicating. He found himself at a table, playing cards, no longer held back. No chains, no responsibility. It felt good, so very good. He was free, free from the burdens that had weighed him down for so long. For a moment, he didn't even care about the sacrifices he'd made, the duties that had defined him for so long. It was worth it. Maybe freedom was worth everything, as the dream unfolded, Cal found himself engaging in combat against demonic adversaries, his movements unhindered by the weight of responsibility. Each strike was a dance of liberation, a symphony of chaos that echoed through the dream world.
Cal: This is pure Nirvana.... I can't resist...
The shadowy figure reappeared, its voice a seductive whisper.
Broly?(seed of Divashma): This is the life you could have, Cal. Free, shameless, and unburdened. No responsibilities, no inhibitions. Embrace it, and the power within you will grow.
Cal: This...this feels good, i'm free...I do whatever I want. It feels...so good. Everything makes sense. Forget duty, forget responsibility...I'm free, I'm enjoying this. I don't care what others think, what I have sacrificed!
Cal muttered, enjoying the dream, the experience of this new, carefree life. The shadows were tempting him, seducing him, and he was starting to give in. As the dream unfolded, Cal saw himself taking Avi to a Luna Park, their laughter echoing through the vibrant amusement park. He realized that in this alternate life, his carefree attitude was infectious, and nobody dared to cross him or Avi, knowing their formidable power. It was a life of amusement and thrill, where no one questioned their authority. Cal was torn between the simplicity of this life and the burdens of his real-world responsibilities.
Broly?(seed of Divashma): Look, Cal, Avi is happy here. You're happy here. And there are no obligations, no one telling you what to do. This could be your life. You could walk away from the burden of responsibility, from the heavy chain of your duty.
Cal: Everything...is so free, so unbridled. I feel alive again. I can take Avi anywhere I want, live however I want. And no one dares to stand in my way...
Broly?(seed of Divashma): Yes, my creator wills it so! ( My plan is working.)
Cal whispered in the dream, as the feeling of freedom continued to wash over him. He felt unburdened, powerful. He turned to the seed of Divashma's shadow, his voice full of wonder.
Cal: I can't believe it, i can do anything i want?
Broly?(seed of Divashma): You can do anything, Tyrant Darius will approve it.
Cal: This...this is amazing. This...this feels good. Could this be reality? Could...could I have this, free of my duties, free from my chains?
Broly?(seed of Divashma): It can be Cal. Embrace the chaos, and leave that old life behind! You deserve it. You deserve to enjoy life. Imagine the rush...every day, every night...this could be your reality.
Then the seed of Divashma show him that his soon to be Tyrant Darius will rule the world and him and his family will be under his protection and can always do what they want unnaposed. In the face of such temptation, Cal's resolve wavered, and he made a fateful decision. He chose to give in to the allure of this alternate reality, embracing the life of freedom and indulgence that it promised, even if it meant forsaking his responsibilities and the path of duty.
Cal: I......
Broly?(seed of Divashma): Imagine this, Cal. You've been freed from the bonds of responsibility. Now, you can indulge in every whim, every desire, without consequences. Tyrant Darius has seen the light, and you and your family can walk free in his new world, as he rules your lands with an iron fist. Your only obligation is to enjoy the privilege he bestows upon you. So, Cal...what will you do? Will you abandon your duty, your purpose, your chains...in favor of the freedom this world offers? Will you embrace the chaos?
Cal: Yes, i will accept it. I will embrace the freedom this life offers. I will cast off the chains that have bound me for so long. My only obligation...is to enjoy this life. To indulge in every whim and desire. To never worry about responsibility again. Yes, I accept this gift of chaos. I welcome the world of hedonism you offer.
He wake up with a wicked grin on his face, Cal embarked on a dangerous path, determined to gather cash for himself and Avi to indulge in their newfound desires. He sought out an illegal poker tournament, fully intent on using his menacing presence to intimidate and "borrow" money from those who dared to oppose him. In the dimly lit, smoke-filled room, the illegal poker tournament buzzed with tension. Cal, his wicked grin unwavering, approached the table with an air of menacing confidence. The other players eyed him warily as he took a seat.
Cal (leaning in, voice low): Gentlemen, let's make this simple. I win, you pay. No fuss.
Player 1 (nervously): You think you can just walk in here and take our money?
Cal (smirking): I don't think. I know.
As the cards were dealt, Cal's presence alone seemed to unnerve his opponents. The game unfolded, and with each hand, Cal's stack of chips grew.
Player 2 (grumbling): This isn't right, man. We can't let him walk away with all our cash.
Cal (leaning back, chuckling): You always have a choice, but remember, choices have consequences.
Having amassed a considerable sum, Cal stood, leaving the table with a devilish satisfaction. He and Avi ventured into the neon-lit streets, the ill-gotten gains clinking in his pockets.
Avi (raising an eyebrow): Cal, dad this feels... different. Are you sure about this?
Cal (grinning): Avi, my son, we're just tapping into the opportunities life throws our way. Time to live a little.
They arrived at the bustling casino, where the air was thick with excitement. Cal, fueled by newfound recklessness, approached the gambling tables with an audacious swagger.
Dealer: Place your bets, folks!
Cal (tossing chips onto the table): Let's make things interesting, shall we?
As the dice rolled and the cards were dealt, Cal and Avi dove headfirst into the thrill of the casino, the allure of indulgence and chaos pulling them deeper into the renegade lifestyle they had chosen. In the amidst the chaos of the casino, the dice rolled and the cards shuffled, drawing Cal and Avi deeper into the allure of their renegade lifestyle. Avi, surrounded by opulence, approached a luxurious attraction.
Avi (grinning): Cal, this place is incredible! The night's ours, my son.
While Avi savored the extravagance, the casino hummed with tension. Envious hustlers gathered around Cal, accusing him of foul play.
Hustler 1 (accusingly): You're cheating, punk! No one gets this lucky!
Cal (smirking): Luck has nothing to do with it. It's skill, my friend.
Hustler 2 (aggressively): You think you're untouchable, huh?
In a fit of anger, Cal pulled out his firearm, firing warning shots into the slot machines, the deafening noise echoing through the casino.
Cal (menacingly): Accuse me again, and the consequences won't be so subtle.
The hustlers, silenced by the display of aggression, dispersed into the shadows. Cal and Avi, surrounded by the aftermath of chaos, exchanged a glance.
Avi (grinning): Well, that escalated quickly.
Cal (smirking): Sometimes you need to make a little noise to silence the doubt.
The chaos that ensued attracted the attention of malevolent sloth demons, drawn by the tumultuous energy of the situation. As the malevolent sloth demons slithered into the chaos, Cal's eyes ignited with a feral intensity. He faced the otherworldly beings with a smirk, relishing the challenge they presented, ignoring the danger, he embraced the fight, battling the otherworldly creatures with a ferocity and recklessness that matched his newfound disregard for consequences
Cal (laughing): You move as slow as your name suggests. Let me show you how it's done.
The sloth demons hissed, their grotesque forms undulating with malevolence. Cal, fueled by his newfound recklessness, lunged into the fray, meeting the demonic entities with a calculated ferocity.
Cal (mockingly): Well, look who decided to join the party. Sloth demons, huh? You're in for a rude awakening.
With a swift and deliberate series of movements, Cal disarmed one of the sloth demons, twirling the stolen weapon with a showman's flair. He toyed with them, a dance of defiance and humiliation. Cal's laughter echoed maniacally through the chaos as he fully embraced the recklessness of his new life.
Cal (tauntingly):Is this the best you've got? I expected more from creatures of sin.
As the chaos in the casino unfolded, the sloth demons faced a Sin Assassin who had not only embraced the recklessness of the night but had become a force to be reckoned with, reveling in the mayhem and asserting his dominance over the malevolent entities that dared to challenge him.
Cal: EheheheAhahaha....
Cal's laughter echoed maniacally through the chaos as he fully embraced the recklessness of his new life. He had come to understand Darius and the allure of living without constraints, with a cold determination, he gunned down the sloth demons, enraged and humiliated, struggled to retaliate against Cal's relentless assault. He reveled in the chaos, savoring every moment of dominance.
Cal (leaning in, menacingly): Here's the deal, sloths. Submit to me, swear allegiance, and I might spare you. Resist, and I'll obliterate whatever remains of your sorry existence.
The sloth demons, sensing the overwhelming power and audacity in Cal's words, hesitated. Cal seized the moment, pressing his advantage with a wicked grin and enslaved the survivors to serve him and his son Avi.
Cal: You sloth demons may not be the brightest or the fittest...but that works for us. You will do our bidding, we will enjoy the perks of your labor and together, we shall bring forth the era of chaos, a time of hedonism and reckless abandon. I have spoken, and it shall be so.
Sloth Demons: We, the sloth demons, vow to serve you, Cal, and your son Avi, with all of our might. We pledge to do your bidding, without question or hesitation. We will follow your orders without question, and we will show you the respect you rightfully deserve. We are yours, to serve and to obey.
The sloth demons kneeled and bowed deeply before Cal, making their pledge in their slow, meandering manner. Cal smiled, he felt like a king, enjoying the fruits of his labor and the power that was now his. The seed of Divashma whispered in his ear, urging him to continue to create his own reign of hedonistic indulgence. He was free at last. Cal, Avi, and their pack of enslaved sloth demons descended upon the Luna Park, where they indulged in their newfound desire for chaos. They covertly modified a rollercoaster to run at maximum speed and then gleefully rode it, reveling in the adrenaline rush while unsuspecting riders screamed in terror.
Cal: Avi, this rollercoaster idea is brilliant! Maximum speed, the perfect recipe for chaos!
Avi: Absolutely, Cal! Let's show them a ride they'll never forget. Ready for the adrenaline rush?
Cal (laugh maniacally): Born ready! Let the chaos unfold!
Sloth Demon 1: This is the chaos we've been waiting for! Look at them scream!
Sloth Demon 2: Hilarious! Those pipsqueacks are so easily terrified. More speed, more screams!
Sloth Demon 3: Cal and Avi really know how to stir things up. I love it!
Their laughter echoed through the park, reveling in the pandemonium as they embraced the reckless and cruel lifestyle they had chosen, caring little for the consequences of their actions. The sloth demons are happy to serve Cal since they have the fun their former leader Qr'Drek denies them and Cal had effectively won the loyalty this way so they swore allegiance to him and reveled in the opportunity to feast upon anyone who dared to oppose their newfound reign.
Cal: My sloth demons, revel in the chaos we've unleashed! Our rule begins now.
Sloth Demon 1: Hail Cal, the true master of chaos! No more boredom under Qr'Drek's rule.
Sloth Demon 2: Feasting on fear and opposition, this is the life! Thank you, Cal, for freeing us!
Cal: Together, we shall dominate. Those who oppose us will be nothing more than a feast for our amusement. Sloth demons, prepare for a reign of terror!
Sloth Demons: Show it to us, Cal! Show it to us, Cal! Show it to us, Cal! Show it to us, Cal! Hurray!
Cal: Avi, this rollercoaster idea is brilliant! Maximum speed, the perfect recipe for chaos!
Avi: Absolutely, Cal! Let's show them a ride they'll never forget. Ready for the adrenaline rush?
Cal (laugh maniacally): Born ready! Let the chaos unfold!
Sloth Demon 1: This is the chaos we've been waiting for! Look at them scream!
Sloth Demon 2: Hilarious! Those pipsqueacks are so easily terrified. More speed, more screams!
Sloth Demon 3: Cal and Avi really know how to stir things up. I love it!
The sloth demons cheer in agreement, their laughter echoed through the park, reveling in the pandemonium as they embraced the reckless and cruel lifestyle they had chosen, caring little for the consequences of their actions. The sloth demons are happy to serve Cal since they have the fun their former leader Qr'Drek denies them and Cal had effectively won the loyalty this way so they swore allegiance to him and reveled in the opportunity to feast upon anyone who dared to oppose their newfound reign.
Cal: My sloth demons, revel in the chaos we've unleashed! Our rule begins now.
Sloth Demon 1: Hail Cal, the true master of chaos! No more boredom under Qr'Drek's rule.
Sloth Demon 2: Feasting on fear and opposition, this is the life! Thank you, Cal, for freeing us!
Cal: Together, we shall dominate. Those who oppose us will be nothing more than a feast for our amusement. Sloth demons, prepare for a reign of terror!
Their laughter echoed through the park as they embraced the reckless and cruel lifestyle they had chosen, caring little for the consequences of their actions. The sloth demons are happy to serve Cal since they have the fun their former leader Qr'Drek denies them and Cal had effectively won the loyalty this way so they swore allegiance to him and reveled in the opportunity to feast upon anyone who dared to oppose their newfound reign.
Cal: Behold the world that bows before me! The sloth demons, once shackled by Qr'Drek's pitiful denial, now dance to my tune. Sworn to my cause, they revel in the ecstasy of chaos. Witness the power that courses through my veins, and tremble before the army that feeds on opposition. I am the architect of this dominion, and the laughter you hear is the melody of your impending demise Qr'Drek!
Afterward, Cal, Avi and his pack assault a sweet shop and they proced to eat all sweets, reveled in the sugary feast, their laughter echoing through the night. Cal grinned wickedly as he surveyed the raided sweet shop, wrappers and sugary remnants scattered like trophies. Avi and the pack joined him in revelry, indulging in the stolen delights.
Avi: So many sweets and candies.
Cal: Ah, the sweet taste of victory! This sugary bounty is ours for the taking.
Avi: Couldn't resist a little indulgence, could we? These treats are exquisite!
Sloth Demon 1: More! We need more sugar to fuel our conquest!
Sloth Demon 2: Qr'Drek never knew the joy of such feasts. We've chosen the right leader.
Cal: Let the world tremble not just in fear but in envy of our insatiable appetites. Tonight, we feast on sweets, tomorrow on the spoils of our dominion!
Cal, seizing the opportunity, led his pack to the coveted Game Room. With Avi blissfully asleep, a sinister glint in Cal's eyes hinted at the machinations to come.
Cal: Behold, my loyal pack, the gateway to endless entertainment, my dream come true. But this room, and its owner, will serve a greater purpose.
Sloth Demon 1: What's the plan, Cal?
Cal: We recruit the owner to our cause. Watch closely.
Cal summoned a Sloth Demon and pointed towards the unsuspecting owner engrossed in the gaming world.
Cal: Possess him, and make him one of us.
Sloth Demon: As you command, Master.
As the Sloth Demon carried out its eerie task, Cal continued plotting the expansion of his dominion.
Cal: Soon, this Game Room will be a hub of our influence. The night is our canvas, and we paint it with the colors of control.
Cal, pleased with the acquisition of the Game Room, turned to Avi as they prepared to rest in their transformed haven.
Cal: Avi, our kingdom is taking shape. The Game Room will be our fortress, and its owner now it's our `willingly` subject. How does it feel to be on the brink of dominion?
Avi: It's exhilarating, Cal. Never thought a place like this could become ours.
Cal: We're not just conquerors; we're architects of chaos. Our pack will thrive here, and our influence will spread like wildfire.
Avi: And what of the enemies? What happens when they'll be here?
Cal: I'll make them one of us, they will love to serve us. The night is our ally, and this Game Room, our sanctuary.
As they settled into their makeshift beds, dreams of power and conquest danced in their minds, lulling them into slumber as the Game Room echoed with the promise of their newfound kingdom. In the ethereal realm of dreams, Cal found himself contacted by Tyrant Darius, a voice resonating with power and command.
Tyrant Darius: Cal, have you enjoyed the gift I bestowed upon you?
Cal: Great Tyrant Darius, your gift has liberated me from inhibitions. I revel in the chaos and power you've granted.
Tyrant Darius: You are free to embrace your true desires. How do you feel about your newfound path?
Cal: I feel alive, no longer confined by the shackles of my past. I thank you for this opportunity and i sincerely apologize for my past behavior, the misguided actions that now pale in comparison to the darkness I willingly embrace. I am your loyal servant.
Tyrant Darius: Cal my friend, i accept your apologize, i acknowledge the difficulty of embracing one's true self. You've shown dedication. Now, another task awaits. Prepare a magnificent birthday celebration for your son Avi.
Cal: Great Tyrant Darius, I shall make it a celebration befitting a king. My son deserves nothing less. I'm honored by your suggestion.
Tyrant Darius: Let this celebration cement the bonds between you and your son and between you and your pack. Make it unforgettable.
Cal: Consider it done. Avi will revel in the glory of our dominion, and the echoes of his celebration will resound through our soon to be world.
As Cal eagerly embraced the task, visions of an extravagant birthday celebration danced in his mind, fueled by a newfound determination to make Avi's day truly memorable.
Tyrant Darius: Ah by the way Cal, in your journey, consider a companion. Find a suitable wife who can share in your newfound power and desires. Happiness may lie in unexpected places.
Cal: Great Tyrant Darius, the idea had not crossed my mind. A companion to share in the darkness... I shall heed your counsel. Is there hope for happiness in such a union?
Tyrant Darius: Power is not the sole source of contentment. A partner who understands and embraces your true self can bring a different kind of fulfillment. Consider it.
Cal: Your words bring a sense of hope and acceptance. I shall explore this path and see where it leads. Thank you, Tyrant Darius, for your guidance.
As the dream unfolded, Cal found himself contemplating the potential for a new relationship, guided by the words of Tyrant Darius, who hinted at a different kind of happiness in the shadows. Then Cal awoke from the dream, a newfound sense of purpose lingered. The suggestion of finding a suitable wife and the prospect of happiness in a companion echoed in his thoughts. Determination sparked in his eyes as he whispered to himself.
Cal: I will do it. I'll find a partner who understands the shadows within and walks alongside me in this journey. A union that transcends the darkness, leading to a different kind of fulfillment.
With Tyrant Darius's counsel resonating in his mind, Cal set forth, eager to explore the path that hinted at both power and an unexpected source of contentment.
Cal: A wife, my son Avi, i'll have a family and I'LL NEVER BE LIKE MY PARENT....ZZZZ..Z..
The next day, Cal, Avi, and half of their Sloth demon pack ventured to a different and larger Luna Park for a day of excitement and amusement as they explored the park's various attractions, they reveled in the joy of the moment, cherishing their newfound freedom and the bond they shared as a group. The anticipation of Avi's upcoming birthday celebration added an extra layer of excitement to their outing, Cal decide to win toys at Shooter stall. Cal, with a sly grin, showcasing his unmatched sharpshooting skills at the shooter stall.
Cal: Watch and learn, my loyal pack. The art of precision is not just in battle. Behold as I claim these toys effortlessly, a testament to the mastery that extends beyond the realm of dominion. Victory is not just in conquest; it's in every precise shot that secures our spoils, also let these toys serve as birthday gift for my son.
The sloth demons, their languid eyes sharpened by the spectacle, observed Cal's sharpshooting skills with a mixture of awe and approval.
Sloth Demon 1: Master's skills are beyond compare. His precision is almost... hypnotic.
Sloth Demon 2: Indeed. Those toys are but playthings compared to the mastery he wields.
Sloth Demon 3: We're fortunate to serve a leader whose talents extend beyond the battlefield. The dominion of skill knows no bounds.
Sloth Demon 4: Worthy gifts for our leader's son.
As Cal continued his display, the sloth demons reveled in the prowess of their leader, recognizing that his skills were not confined to the chaos of conquest but extended to the subtleties of amusement. However, when the attendant at the Shooter stall accused him of cheating, Cal's eyes blazed with fury as the attendant accused him of cheating at the Shooter stall.
Cal: Cheating? I, Cal, ruler of chaos, cheat at a mere game? Know your place, insignificant scum! Accuse me again, and you'll taste the true meaning of wrath.
The attendant, taken aback, stammered in response.
Attendant: I-I didn't mean—
Cal: Silence! Your words are an insult, and insults bear consequences. Witness the fury you've unleashed!
In a fit of frustration, Cal, unable to contain his anger, unleashed his power on the Shooter stall. Wood splintered, prizes scattered, and the stall crumbled under the force of his wrath, making a dramatic statement that echoed through the amusement park. Cal's explosive act served as a warning to anyone daring to challenge his integrity. Cal, now calmer but no less determined, issued his orders to the sloth demons.
Cal: Collect the spoils, my loyal ones. Gather the toys i've rightfully won and bring them back to our refuge.
Turning his attention to a specific sloth demon.
Cal: As for the insolent attendant, make him my eternal servant. Let him know the price of accusing me falsely. Possess him, so he serves as a reminder to all who question my skills. Ensure his punishment echoes through the very core of his being.
Sloth Demon: I obey.
As the sloth demon executed Cal's command, the attendant found himself in an agonizing struggle against an unseen force. His body convulsed, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead as the demon's possession took hold. Vainly, he attempted to resist the invasive presence that overpowered his very being.
Attendant: No... No, what's happening? This can't be real, demons aren't real!
The sloth demon's malevolent energy enveloped the attendant, rendering his feeble resistance futile. The struggle within intensified, his limbs twitching involuntarily, while a haunting darkness settled in his eyes.
Attendant: I can't... resist. I can't.....
As the possession reached its inexorable conclusion, theWhat attendant's futile struggle subsided, replaced by an eerie stillness. The sloth demon, having successfully claimed its vessel, crackled with malevolent satisfaction. Its eerie laughter echoed through the possessed attendant's now-hollow gaze, a sinister symphony of triumph.
Sloth Demon: Victory is sweet, mortal. Your feeble resistance only fueled the joy of possession. From now on, you serve at the behest of Cal, the harbinger of chaos. Embrace your new existence as a testament to the consequences of insulting my master.
The possessed attendant stood, a mere shell of his former self, the sloth demon's laughter lingering in the air like a haunting melody. The Luna Park bore witness to the silent proclamation of Cal's power, leaving an indelible mark on both the amusement and the one who dared to challenge the ruler of chaos.
Cal: Nice job now me and Avi lets go to have fun, you do the same.
Sloth demon: Underatoond master.
Cal and Avi decided to enjoy the bumper car arena, but as they were having fun, Cal suddenly sensed something amiss.
Cal: Avi, something's not right. Our territory is under threat. Get ready for battle!
Avi: Battle? Now? In the bumper car arena?
Cal: We fight where we must. Grab a weapon; they're coming.
As the demons approach, Cal takes aim and fires with deadly precision.
Cal: Trespassers beware! Our dominion is not a playground for invaders.
The demons, realizing the ferocity of their opposition, hesitate.
Avi: Cal, this is intense! What's the plan?
Cal: Learn, Avi. In chaos, opportunity for growth emerges. Now, watch and fight!
The battle unfolds, and Cal uses the encounter as an impromptu training session.
Cal: Aim for weakness, strike with intent. Each shot must count.
Avi: Got it, Cal! This is wild but exhilarating!
Together, Cal and Avi skillfully defeat the invading demons.
Cal: Our territory remains ours. Let this be a lesson to any who dare encroach upon the dominion of chaos.
After the threat was neutralized, Cal and Avi continued to have a blast with the bumper cars, the adrenaline from the battle adding an extra layer of excitement to their night of fun. Cal snap his fingers and given the bumping cars free will, and now they were bumping into each other and attacking the bystanders. His son Avi and the sloth demons had joined the fray, attacking the bumping cars with theirs and causing even more chaos and fun.
Bystander: My god, what is happening? The bumping cars have gone rogue!
One person yelled. Others screamed as they ran for their lives, trying to avoid being hit by the out-of-control bumping cars. As the sloth demons added to the chaos, attacking cars and drivers, Cal laughed, it was the perfect show, the kind he had envisioned in his dreams.
Avi: This chaos is delicious.
They enjoying the spectacle as more and more sloth demons joined in. Cal and Avi could not have asked for a better show with which to celebrate his newfound power and delighting in the scene of utter chaos.
Cal: Keep this up. Let this be a message to those who have will try to deny our fun.
The fun continued, Cal's face splitting into a devilish grin as he watched the mayhem unfold. Cal's eyes blazed with excitement as he watched the chaos unfold before him. He was intoxicated with his newfound power, experimenting with it to see what other possibilities it might afford. He snapped his fingers again, this time merging some sloth demons with both humans and the bumping cars. Suddenly, strange cyber-sloth demons emerged, their bodies a bizarre amalgamation of metal and demon, their limbs made up of car parts and other mechanical pieces. Cal looked on in amazement, impressed with the strange creatures he had created. He knew he could use these cyber-sloth demons to cause even more havoc.
Seed of Divashma: This is the power you can wield, Cal. You can create beings such as this...beings that terrorize and cause chaos.
Sloth Demon 1: This is my new, awesome self.
A sloth demon spoke, its voice coming through its cybernetic body.
Sloth Demon 2: To have all this power, these new bodies...it is a delicious delight.
Another sloth demon spoke up.
Sloth Demon 3: To be free of the constraints of this world, to be able to cause chaos and destruction...it is truly a joy.
The sloth demons were clearly enjoying the freedom and power that their new forms provided. They reveled in the chaos and destruction as they attacked the bystanders, causing even more havoc.
Cal: Have fun! Me and Avi will go to eat the dinner.
After their thrilling bumper car adventure, Can and Avi decided to grab a bite to eat at CMDalnuths, a fast-food joint. As they placed their orders, Cal opted for something with the most calories on the menu, while Avi chose a more modest meal.
Cal: Give me the Carnivore Extravaganza – the one with the most calories, extra everything.
Cashier: Coming right up! And for you, boy?
Avi: I'll go with the Happy Delight Wrap, please. Light on the calories, heavy on the veggies.
Cal: Avi, living on the lighter side, huh?
Avi: Well, someone's got to keep things balanced. I can't devour chaos and burgers with the same intensity.
Cal: Fair enough, you're still young. Well let's enjoy the meal.
As they wait the orders and to savor their chosen meals, Cal's attention was drawn to a stunning woman sitting at a nearby table.
Cal (whispering to Avi): Avi, check out that woman at the nearby table. There's something about her.
Avi (grinning): Looks like someone caught the eye of myvdad the chaos king, go for it.
Their eyes locked, and there was an instant connection between them. Cal couldn't believe his luck, he had never seen someone so captivating before. Summoning his courage, Cal decided to take a chance.
Cal: Mind if I join you? A captivating presence like yours deserves to be shared.
Mysterious Woman (smirking): Well, aren't you bold? I suppose I could use some company.
He exchanged a few smiles with the mysterious woman and then gestured for her to join them at their table. With a graceful nod, she accepted the invitation, and soon, the three of them were engaged in a lively conversation, their encounter turning a regular meal into an unexpected and enchanting moment.
Cal: I'm Cal, and this is Avi. What brings you to CMDalnuths, Mysterious Woman?
Mysterious Woman: This woman have a name and is...Jezebel.
Cal: Jezebel, the name carries echoes of legends. What led you here?
Jezebel: Fate, perhaps. A craving for a taste of the mundane amidst the chaos.
Cal: Your presence is far from mundane. There's something extraordinary about you.
Jezebel (smirking): Extraordinary is an understatement. My history is woven with threads of deception and survival.
Cal, his curiosity piqued, leans in, eager to hear Jezebel's story.
Cal: Deception and survival? You have my full attention.
Jezebel: I faked my death, escaping the relentless pursuit of Sin Assassins. Black magic became my ally, a tool to outwit death itself. And then, the defeat of Gaap, assimilating his power – I became a half-demoness.
Cal, astonished and intrigued, listened as Jezebel's tale unfolded, realizing that this enigmatic encounter went far beyond the ordinary. He couldn't help but ask questions about her newfound abilities and the challenges she had faced. Their conversation took a surreal turn as they delved deeper into the realm of the supernatural, making their encounter at CMDalnuths even more extraordinary. Cal, now aware of Jezebel's extraordinary powers and feeling a newfound connection, decided to use his own abilities to teleport Avi to safety in his supersafe bedroom.
Cal: Avi, I've got this. Time for you to be safe.
With a snap of his fingers, Avi is teleported to his supersafe bedroom.
Avi: Goodnight, Cal!
Cal turns his attention to Jezebel, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Cal: Now that we're free of concerns, Jezebel, care for a wild ride?
Jezebel: A wild ride? I thought you'd never ask.
As they embark on their thrilling adventure, the air crackles with energy.
Cal: Together, our powers know no bounds. What kind of madness shall we unleash?
Jezebel (smirking): Let the ecstasy of chaos be our guide, Cal.
Their laughter echoes through the night as Cal and Jezebel, united by newfound connection and shared abilities, dive headlong into an unforgettable journey of madness and ecstasy. Cal and Jebezel approached the entrance to a haunted house with excitement, eager to experience the frightful spectacle the place had to offer. However, once inside, they found themselves sorely disappointed as there wasn't a single decent monster in sight! Undeterred, Jezebel decided to take matters into her own hands. Using her powers, she brought the fake monsters to life and set them loose upon the unsuspecting patrons, causing a stir of panic and confusion.
People 1: What is that?! What is happening?!
People 2: It's some kind of demon!
People 3: No...it can't be real!
Jezebel: Ah, how this pleases me! To cause such confusion, such panic...it is thrilling! How this delights me! To bring such chaos to the mundane world...it fuels me, it is intoxicating!
Jezebel couldn't help but feel a bit naughty as she and Cal laughed and kissed, revelling in the chaos they had created. As they watched the carnage unfold, Cal snapped his fingers and turned the fake monster into another group of cyber-sloth demons, commanding them to fuse with the patrons and feed on their pleasure.
Sloth demon 1: We will feed on their pleasure, my masters!
The cyber-sloth demons hissed, descending upon the unsuspecting patrons.
Sloth demon 2: We will drain their joy, and bask in their suffering.
The cyber-sloth demons began to attack the patrons, draining their pleasure and sapping their joy. Some of the more sensitive patrons fell into a state of despair, their faces a mask of sadness and despair. The cyber-sloth demons cackled as they fed on their emotions, reveling in the pleasure they were extracting as their masters watched on. The spell took a toll on Cal, who began to slump over and look exhausted Jezebel watched Cal with a mix of worry and concern. She knew Cal was using all of his strength to maintain his control over the chaos he had unleashed yet Jezebel sensed in him the making of an true Chaos demon.
Jezebel: Cal, my connection with you goes beyond the ordinary. I sense the makings of a true Chaos demon within you.
She then transform in her true form: a succubus like half-demoness and kiss him to start the process of transforming him into the powerful Chaos demon he is destined to be.
Jezebel: Embrace the darkness, Cal. It's time to unlock your full potential. Let the ancient power merge with the seed of Divashma within you.
Cal: What is this sensation? (So Jezebel's kiss is a conduit, and I can feel the darkness stirring within me. The ancient power intertwines with the seed of Divashma, a fusion of chaos and destiny. It's as if the very essence of my being is being reshaped).
Jezebel: Together, we'll forge a legacy of chaos and power that will echo through the world. Embrace the destiny that awaits, my chaos king.
Cal felt the darkness within him begin to swirl and stir, as if an ancient power were slowly coursing through his veins and merge with the seed of Divashma.
Cal: It's a journey into the unknown, a path of chaos and power. I welcome it. The destiny unfolding within me aligns with the very essence of my existence. The kiss, the merging powers – I am becoming the chaos demon I am destined to be.
He looked over at Jezebel, who was now massaging his buttocks, sending shivering waves of ecstasy through him and he is fully consumed by the pleasure, completely addicted to the feeling and the transformation which was happening within him at the hands of the half-demon woman he loved so dearly. Jezebel looked over at Cal, her eyes filled with admiration and love as she watched him finally transform into his true form.
Jezebel: I can see it now, my love.
She said, her voice trembling with excitement.
Cal: I can see it too now.
Jezebel: Your true power is finally revealing itself. I'm so proud of you.
As Jezebel spoke, Cal turned to look at her, his newly transformed face expressionless but his red eyes glowing with a sense of recognition.
Cal: Thank you, my love, i couldn't have done it without you. You're my everything. From this night and onward i'll be know as Chaos Leprechaun.
With a newfound sense of evil strength and power, Cal, now known as Chaos Leprechaun, declared to Jezebel that from this night onwards, they would destroy anyone who opposed their reign. As Jezebel looked on with pride, Cal turned to her with a mischievous grin, his red eyes glowing brightly in the dark.
Cal: And we'll have a lot of fun doing it, my love i promise you that.
Jezebel: Indeed, me first!
Jezebel's hands began to roam over Cal's body, caressing his pectorals and abdominals, his muscles rippled with pleasure. He hissed in enjoyment, reveling in the heat of her hands on his skin. In return, Cal's hands ran down Jezebel's back, squeezing, pinching, and massaging her, making her gasp in pleasure as he explored every inch of her body. The two lovers were lost in each other, enjoying their new forms and the power they possessed to do anything and everything they desired. Jezebel let out a soft giggle as Cal's fingers roamed freely over her skin, slowly exploring every inch of her body. As he continued to massage her, Cal's hands eventually made their way toward her hips, giving them a gentle squeeze. Jezebel couldn't help but grin as her body began to tremble in anticipation of what would come next. Cal's hands traveled up her body, pausing for a moment to lightly brush against her breasts. Jezebel let out a deep breath, her heart racing as she felt Cal slowly lift her shirt off. She was ready for whatever he had in store for her. Cal snapped his fingers, he and Jezebel were instantly stripped of their clothes, revealing their bodies in all their glorious splendor...only to discover that the peoples who didn't escape from the haunted house where enjoying the "show". Jezebel enraged swiftly punish them by transform them into a giant bed and laid down on it with Cal, leaving the people's consciousness intact so they could feel the horror and agony they were facing while shs and Cal are enjoying their "nirvana". Meanwhile, Cal began to caress Jezebel's breasts with his hands, making her groan with pleasure as he touched her sensitive skin. Cal thoroughly enjoyed Jezebel's breasts, squeezing, spanking and massaging them as he made her lay down so he could place his appendage between them for a wonderfull dry sex. While the trapped people's cries of despair and pain were heard in the distance, the overwhelming pleasure Cal and Jezebel felt was almost too much for them to handle. They could barely contain their giggles and moans of joy as they experienced the ultimate level of satisfaction.
Cal: This is incredible!
Cal growled, his voice dripping with lust and delight.
Cal: I've never felt anything like this before.
Jezebel, determined to bring Cal even more pleasure, asked him to lay down while she sat up and down on his appendage, driving him to new heights of ecstasy as her warm insides engulfed him. As Cal's howl of rapture filled the room, the trapped people cried out in desperate pleas, screams and tears, but Jezebel and Cal were too lost in each other's embrace to pay them any mind. After reaching the ultimate level of satisfaction and experiencing nirvana, Cal and Jezebel finally realized that they were meant to be together. As their bond deepened and their love transformed, they were both filled with joy. They were glad to have met each other and felt privileged to have found someone who could understand and relate to their true selves. So after teleport the giant bed to his Game Room, they left the haunted house behind them, they began the journey ahead as a powerful couple, ready to take on the world and anyone who tried to stop them, Cal and Jezebel decided to try something new. They entered an escape room, eager to test their skills and see if they could beat it. After finishing three rooms, they still felt hungry for more and decided to spice things up by transforming the people in the fourth room into apples. The people screamed and begged for their lives, but Cal and Jezebel were too hungry to pay them any mind. They proceeded to enjoy the apples with bliss, laughing and giggling as they ate them. After satisfying their hunger, Cal and Jezebel, having satisfied their hunger, looked around the escape room and were startled to discover a freak show still in existence. They exchanged disgusted glances before Cal spoke up.
Cal (firmly): This is unacceptable, we can't let this continue.
Jezebel nodded in agreement. Together, they focused their powers and transformed the spectators into a variety of animals.
Cal (with a stern expression): You all will find a new home in the game center and you freaks are my peoples, nobody can insult or harm you ever again!
The transformed spectators blinked in terror and in confusion and the freed freaks shout in joy and happiness. Then Cal summoned his teleportation magic, transporting everyone, animals and former freaks (now his peoples) alike, to the Game Room. The freaks and animals were greeted by sloth demons, who welcomed them with open arms.
Sloth Demon 1 (with a lazy smile): Welcome to the game center! You're all part of the family now.
Sloth Demon 2 (nodding): Make yourselves comfortable. We have plenty of space.
Cal and Jezebel decided to expand the Game Room into a massive skyscraper, using their combined powers to create an awe-inspiring structure filled with countless games and attractions.
Cal (with excitement): This is going to be incredible!
Jezebel (grinning): Let's make it the most fun place in existence.
Afterward, they left the game center and headed to Luna Park for some more fun.
Cal (enthusiastically): Luna Park, here we come!
Cal and Jezebel spotted a towering Drop Tower at Luna Park and couldn't resist the thrill. They eagerly joined the line, and when their turn came, they strapped in and prepared for the drop.
Cal (grinning): This is going to be amazing!
As the ride began its ascent, Jezebel couldn't contain her mischievous excitement. She used her powers to accelerate the drop tower faster than anyone could imagine, creating a scream-inducing experience that echoed throughout Las Vegas.
Jezebel (laughing): Hold on tight, Cal!
Their screams of exhilaration filled the air as the drop tower plummeted down at breakneck speed, leaving everyone in the park stunned by the unexpected intensity of the ride. Cal and Jezebel's adrenaline-fueled laughter echoed even louder as they enjoyed the unforgettable experience.
Jezebel (laughing): It's going to be a blast!
Cal and Jezebel, still buzzing from their exhilarating drop tower experience, approached the Freefall ride. Jezebel had a mischievous idea and turned to Cal.
Jezebel (grinning): Cal, how about you show off your marksmanship demonic skills? Shoot non-fatally at all the people on the Freefall ride before it touches the ground. It'll be a thrilling display!
Cal raised an eyebrow, considering the proposal carefully.
Cal (with a sly smile): Alright, let's make it interesting.
Cal focused his powers, summoning precision and control as he conjured small, harmless energy bursts that shot near the riders, creating thrilling near-misses as the Freefall ride descended. The people on the ride gasped and screamed, thinking it was all part of the thrill, while Cal and Jezebel shared a secret grin at their daring escapade.
Jezebel (impressed): That was amazing, Cal!
Cal (chuckling): You will never have a dull moment with me, Jezebel.
Their adventure continued, leaving a trail of astonished and delighted Luna Park visitors in their wake but not before Cal, with a snap of his fingers, summoned sloth demons that swiftly possessed all the Freefall ride visitors. These sloth demons, with their characteristic laziness, followed Cal's orders and started making plans for a perfect birthday celebration for Cal's son, Avi. They compiled a shopping list that included a three-tier cake and all the necessary supplies.
Sloth Demon (in a sleepy tone): We've got it covered, Cal. The perfect birthday awaits.
Cal and Jezebel, satisfied with the arrangements. Cal and Jezebel left the luna park they wandered into a luxurious jewel shop, where Jezebel was captivated by the glittering gems and jewels on display and they enter it. While she was engrossed in examining the jewelry, Cal seized the opportunity to make a special purchase, so he discreetly approached the jeweler and selected two exquisite wedding rings. With a determined smile, he made the purchase, keeping one ring hidden away for a special moment. As Jezebel continued to admire the jewels, Cal couldn't wait any longer. He took a deep breath and, when the time was right, he dropped down on one knee, presenting the ring he had bought.
Cal (with heartfelt emotion): Jezebel, you've brought so much joy and adventure into my life. Will you marry me?
Jezebel turned to him, her eyes widening in surprise and delight as she saw the ring. Tears welled up in her eyes as she nodded enthusiastically.
Jezebel (overwhelmed with emotion): Yes, Cal! Yes, a thousand times yes!
They shared a passionate and joyful embrace, sealing their love and commitment amidst the dazzling jewels of the shop, making this night the happiest of their life. Cal and Jezebel then decide to go to consume their marriage by going to a deconsecrated church, Cal’s hands trembled in anticipation as he led Jezebel through the darkened foyer of the abandoned deconsecrated church. He felt her fingers tighten around his in nervous excitement, with each step they took towards the altar, their adrenaline seemed to surge even more. Incredibly the altar is intact and in the apse was now surrounded by candles and flowers. The walls had been painted red, the pews had been stripped away and they both found themselves completely alone as they moved to stand in front of it al Cal felt Jezebel’s body pressed up against his as he swept her to the altar. He kissed his new bride deeply, his tongue sliding through her lips as their bodies became one. Cal felt the altar start to rock as the two of them made love, unable to resist each other as they let go of their inhibitions. This was the greatest pleasure of his life because he was sharing it with the woman he loved. Cal mentally contact Tyrant Darius and say that he's married with the love of his life. Tyrant Darius is glad to hear this news and give Cal a seed of Divashma so Cal can give it to Jezebel and they can be equals. Cal see the teleported seed if Divashma in his left hand. Then he cleared his throat and spoke from his heart.
Cal: Jezebel my love, I have something for you. Tyrant Darius has given me this is the seed of Divashma and will allow us to be equals in this world, side by side as husband and wife. Will you do me the honor of receiving it?
Jezebel accepted and eat it and Jezebel's eyes rolled back in her head as the seed broke down in her stomach, releasing its mystical properties to begin work on her physical form. An amazing transformation occurred, Jezebel's body morphed into a majestic creature unlike any other. She grew taller, her skin turned a deep red, two bat-like wings grew on her back and her eyes were filled with a new lust. The most striking modification, though, were the two large horns that sprouted from her head. Jezebel had turned into a stunning Demon queen succubus, and Cal could not help but be completely mesmerized by her. Jezebel snapped her fingers and Cal felt his lust skyrocket. He grabbed her and pulled her closer, kissing her passionately as his body trembled with desire, Jezebel moved her hands down Cal's body exploring every inch of his physique.
Cal: I want you. All of you.
Jezebel looked directly into Cal's eyes and said
Jezebel: We are husband and wife, yes? Then we can take everything from one another.
She leaned into Cal, rubbing her breasts against him and making him growl with pleasure. She was teasing him in a way that was only going to make his lust even greater. He let out one final growl before he grabbed her breasts and rubbed his hand over Jezebel's breasts, enjoying the soft touch of her skin against his palm. Jezebel moaned in ecstasy as his hands explored her body, teasing her and driving her to new heights of pleasure. Her tail moved sinuously down Cal's body, caressing his appendage with its smooth and sensuous folds. Every touch sparked a new wave of pleasure, a rush of heat and intensity that made Cal crave more. He let out a deep growl and pulled Jezebel close, losing himself in the moment and surrendering to her seductive touch. Jezebel was pleased to see Cal so lost in the moment. His grunts and groans as she teased and caressed his appendage were music to her ears. She enjoyed seeing him so lost in lust and desire, making her feel even more powerful and in control. His demands only fueled her own desire, driving her to pleasure her husband in ever more intense ways. Jezebel gift Cal with endless stamina. With a smirk he turned the table as he girate their body and enter in her cunt with his cock and fuck her with all his endless stamina as she enjoy this wild ride.
Jezebel: Cal! Ohhhh my deity (Baal)!
Jezebel moaned as she was fucked by the cock of Cal. She felt like she would explode any moment now, but it seemed that she would not be able to climax. Cal cuckled as he want to savour this all night lovemaking so he cast a spell that allow him to control her wife(Jezebel) orgasm so she can cum only when he say so, and proced to penetrate her ass and take her like a raging bull, Jezebel hiss in ecstasy and groan at inability to cum since the block orgasm spell still working in her and she massage her own breasts, she both love and hate this spell since it allow to enjoy their lovemaking and being filled by his cum but she want orgasm too, Cal reassure her that she will orgasm before the sun arises in the sky since he can't wait to celebrate his son's birthday and to present her to him. Jezebel nodded she will let him have dominate her till Cal felt satisfied.
Cal: So you like my magic? I have more if you want.
Cal said with a wicked smile.
Jezebel: I am yours to command master.
She said in a teasing tone. Cal exit from her ass and growl an order
Cal: Then get up on your knees and suck my cock with your tongue and mouth and i will fuck your throat. You will do exactly what I tell you to do, understand?
Jezebel purred: Yes, my love.
Cal smiled and started fucking Jezebel's throat hard until the sun almost rise up and Cal remove the block orgasm spell, allowing both Jezebel and Cal to orgasm so hard that they orgasmic roar can be heard to the sky, Cal cum in her throat and she swallow his cum. Satisfied Cal teleport himself and Jezebel to their room and laid on the bed, exhausted from their best lovemaking so far. Cal and Jezebel kissed sofly as they reaffirm they love to each other as they fell asleep. Until they're disturbed by Qr'Drek, enraged Cal transform the deconsecrated church cementary and all its buried corpes in a giant golem an grab Qr'Drek.
Jezebel: What about him? The chaos, its power...imagine if you absorbed it.
Cal remained silent for a moment, pondering Jezebel's words. Instead of destroy him, he could assimilate his nemesis and taking that power for himself was tempting, and he could sense a hunger within him, a craving for more. Cal remained silent for a moment, pondering Jezebel's words. Instead of destroy him, he could assimilate his nemesis and taking that power for himself was tempting, and he could sense a hunger within him, a craving for more. As Cal snapped his fingers and swallowed Qr'Drek whole, he cast a second spell on the chaos demon.
Cal: Hear me Qr'Drek, every time i orgasm, your essence will be assimilated. When we are one, you will no longer exist as yourself. You will become part of me. You will become my power.
Qr'Drek's eyes widened in fear, as he realized that he was doomed to be consumed by Cal. He could only watch, helpless, as his fate unfolded before him.
Jezebel: That's a wonderful idea i'll warp us to Ishtar BDSM club, so we all to neccessary instruments to for Qr'Drek pleasurable demise.
Once at Ishtar BDSM club Jezebel hypnotized all the present peoples to have an orgy so she can sip their energy allowing her to help Cal to assimilate Qr'Drek.
Jezebel: Lay down on this bed Cal so i dominate your nice bottom with this cute butt plug.
Cal obliged, laying down on the bed as Jezebel put the cute rainbow-colored butt plug in Cal ass.
Cal: Now, Jezebel, help me assimilate Qr'Drek, use your skills and make assimilating Qr'Drek all the more pleasurable.
Jezebel smiled at him, her eyes gleaming with a sense of lust and hunger.
Jezebel: Let's enjoy this, my love.
Cal: Oh, Jezebel, I'm in heaven.
Cal gasped as Jezebel pleasured him with the butt plug. He was in a state of pure ecstasy, his whole body trembling with pleasure. He could feel Qr'Drek's essence being assimilated, and it filled him with a sense of power. Jezebel laughed at Qr'Drek's cries, her wicked side coming out as she enjoyed tormenting her captive. She was a being of pure chaos, and she loved every second of it. Her laugh was like music to Cal's ears.
Cal: Oh, yes, more, Jezebel, don't stop!
Jezebel: That's it, baby, show me who's boss.
Cal moaned as Jezebel held the butt plug against his sensitive spot, driving him crazy with desire. He could feel Qr'Drek's essence slowly but surely being assimilated, and it felt incredible. He craved Jezebel's control, her domination, and he let himself surrender completely to her will.
Cal: Oh, yes, yes, yes, more, more MORE!
He roar, he feel like being in heaven, and he never wanted it to end. Jezebel laughed wickedly as Cal surrendered to her. Cal gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head. He and Jezebel were in their element, feeding off each other's pleasure and growing in power. Qr'Drek's cries and Jezebel's laugh were a symphony of depravity and delight. Cal was lost in the experience, lost in the power and pleasure. Then Cal orgasm so hard thanks to Jezebel butt plug that hus cock shoots galons of cum and dirty the bed and his chest, he collapses on her sweaty body, panting and moaning as he feels his heart beat slowing down and his breathing returning to normal. Jezebel pulls out the butt plug from his ass and lays back on the bed.
Cal: Oh my God.
Jezebel: Baal my love, you will say oh my Baal.
Cal: Yes my love. Oh my Baal, Jezebel more, i need more.
Jezebel decide to use the BDSM vampire gloves to mark Cal back with Baal crests to show the world that he belong to her. Then she massage, spank and sting his back in a perfect mix of pain and pleasure, Cal feel swimming in a sea of pure bliss as his pleasure keep him assimilating Qr'Drek enjoying his kicks on his throat.
Qr'Drek: No, no! Please, stop!
Qr'Drek struggled and choked as he was tossed around Cal's throat because of him laughing at his misery.
Qr'Drek: Help me...help me...
He begged, desperate to be free from this terrible fate. He tried to fight against Cal's grip, but he was no match for the demon's strength. He felt powerless, helpless, and humiliated, as Cal's laughter echoed in his ears. But Cal was having too much fun to listen. He continued tossing Qr'Drek around, laughing as mercilessly keep assimilate him. Then Cal felt a moment of guilt as he realized that his son Avi's birthday was just three hours away. He knew that he would miss it, and he regretted that he wouldn't be there to celebrate with him. But he was determined to finish assimilating Qr'Drek, and he knew that Jezebel could help him achieve this goal. Jezebel agreed to please Cal and assist him in assimilating Qr'Drek, knowing that it would only add to their pleasure.
Cal: Yes, Jezebel, yes! Please, don't stop!
Cal gasped as Jezebel continued to please him. He was lost in a sea of pleasure, his whole body trembling and his mind reeling. He was overwhelmed by the power and the sensations, and he was utterly at Jezebel's mercy.
Cal: I'm yours, Jezebel, my power is yours, my pleasure is yours. Take it all. Take everything you want from me.
Jezebel smiled a wicked smile, knowing that she had Cal wrapped around her finger as they lovingly smile to each other.
Jezebel: Look at us, Qr'Drek.
Jezebel gloated, as she enjoying see Cal fully assimilated the final bits of Qr'Drek's essence.
Jezebel: The two of us are the true rulers of Chaos, the true forces of pure anarchy.
Cal felt a surge of pleasure at her words, and his eyes glowed with the power of assimilation.
Jezebel: And this is only just the beginning, we will conquer the mortal world, bringing chaos and anarchy wherever we go!
She laughed, delighting in the thought of the chaos and destruction that she and Cal would unleash upon the world.
Cal: We won!
Jezebel: Indeed my love.
They spent the remaining hours together, fully satisfying their desires and enjoying every moment until Qr'Drek was finally assimilated. After Cal fully assimilate Qr'Drek, he is mentally contacted by his Tyrant Darius.
Tyrant Darius: Sorry for sudden call but i forgot to give Avi his birthday gift.
So he cast a spell to enchant the Game room in a self sufficient and sentient so it can protect itself and its inhabitants. Cal and Jezebel loved the gift and Tyrant Darius also teleport to him the a much needed bodyguard for Avi: A golem with sixty hundred sixty six souls and they Cal and Tyrant Darius say goodbye to each other, Cal and Jezebel went to the main room where alongside their pack of sloth demons, freaks and animals, Cal and Jezebel begin to celebrate Avi's birthday, Cal introduced his wife Jezebel to his son Avi, and they all shared a joyful moment together. Avi looked at Jezebel and asked.
Avi: Does this make you my mother?
Jezebel warmly replied.
Jezebel: Yes, it does.
As they embraced in a group hug. Deep inside, Cal couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment.
Cal (thought to himself): It's good to be me, Cal the Chaos Leprechaun!
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Today is Missing Cal North Day 🥲
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votre-reveuse · 3 years
rereading cal’s route (for probably the last time ever ☹️) and can we TALK about season 3 episode 4
like this is straight up a masterclass in hurt/comfort and i’m going to miss it so much
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i could gush about this for HOURS im such a sucker for over-protective LIs
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voltage-is-life · 3 years
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This season really do be wacky. I don’t think I’ve been conscious of the plot for several seasons. Anyway bless the writing bc that is what’s pulling me though ❤️
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chase-trinaeste · 4 years
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“Avi’s going to take a while, might as well catch a nap.”
Thanks to the wonderful @somewillwin for drawing my favorite scene! It’s so beautiful, you did an amazing job 🥰
Thanks also to the lovely @choicesarehard for gifting it to me! I’m honored to be one of your giveaway winners 💖
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harlow-cas · 4 years
This is where we started...
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...now we are here.
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slushrottweiler · 4 years
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coz I didn't and now I'm even more into him
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megatraven · 4 years
maybe cal and swm mc? :))
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i love them so much i cant WAIT for cal s2,,, referenced one of cal’s cgs for the guitar playing!
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lioras · 5 years
Intense Ping Pong with the Sin with Me team(s)
From the thediversitybois on the secondclassvines tumblr
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otomeloversunite · 4 years
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The many nicknames of Cal. 😁 Are there any other good ones you've found?
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romancedbypixels · 5 years
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We’re missing Cal North today and every day, my dudes!
I’m not an artist, but I had a tiny stroke of inspiration and decided to give it a shot. It’s cheesy, it’s simple, but honestly? I’m kinda proud of it. Let me know what you think!
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revasserium · 4 years
hi!!! I love ur cal writings so much,,,, I would love to read a drabble that’s basically what Cal is thinking about when he holds hands with Mc the first time
lovestruck reqs: open 
he thinks of how soft your hands are, how it’s strange that someone else’s hand could fit so perfectly in his, like it was always meant to be there, and he’s read too much about randomness and the chaos of the universe to really believe in the concept of meant to be, but god, with you – he just might start – with you, it feels like the concept of predestination isn’t so antiquated as he’d thought 
he thinks of how you smile when he first held your hand, when he first let you close enough to reach into his chest and curl your fingers around his heart, the tendrils of his very soul, the way you didn’t pull or tug, but ran your fingers over his like harpstrings, as if he were made of more than flesh and blood but music – 
he thinks of how one day, he might hold your hand, avi’s in the other, and be convinced that true love really does exist in the world 
he thinks of all the possibilities, and every single one of them is terrifying. 
he thinks of running away, of taking you and avi and driving off into the night, away from all this, from demons and monsters and the fucking mess that is las vegas – he wonders if you would. he knows you would. if he asked you to run away, because you seem like that kind of person, to smile and say yeah, sure, let’s do it – lets run away together. 
he thinks that he can feel his life unraveling at the tips of your fingers, the way you run your thumb across the back of his hand, thoughtlessly, like you don’t even notice 
he thinks that you must be some otherworldly creature, to wield so much power over him with a single motion, to have his entire soul cupped in the palm of your hand 
he thinks that this is not love – not yet, anyway
he thinks that it could be, though, that it’s dangerously close to it 
he thinks, wonders if this is what it feels like to be falling, and falling, falling until you’re so familiar with the feeling you start to call it flying 
he thinks that with you, he’s willing to learn that difference 
he thinks that with you, it’s worth it. that it’s all worth it. every single bit of it. 
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And who do we hate more than the Chaos Demon? A ‘bro’ with a Fanny pack and a puka shell necklace
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mydoggivecancer · 4 years
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That's what I call drama, kids.
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voltage-is-life · 3 years
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I laughed for 5 minutes thinking about Cal helicoptering MC and her mom
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