brotherskywalker · 2 years
SWRarePairs Letter below
Greetings Exalted One!
As you have probably gathered, I’m a huge Luke/Leia fan. I hope you are too, otherwise this might be a hard one for you to complete. I love them as a couple and view them as truly star-crossed lovers, so I hope you’re on board.
I did add a prompt along with each of my requests, so I won’t rehash those here. I mostly just wanted to write something to say thank you, and I guess to give a bit more perspective on what I love and want. I totally understand that this is all taken with a grain of salt. You can write your own interpretation of Luke and Leia and their relationship. But if you want to write the kind of Luke and Leia I love, then I’ll give you a little insight into my characterizations of them.
It’s my fanon that Luke and Leia were created by the Force in a similar way to Anakin. Not in the same way, but basically the Force was like “let’s take the Chosen One, give him twins, and have those twins give me even more powerful Force sensitive users.” So I’m all about Luke and Leia having kids together and it all being part of cosmic destiny. I love fics that explore this, from the struggle against the incest taboo, to the desires burning between them, to the utter submission to fate/destiny and the comfort of knowing it’s the right path they’re meant to be on.
Of course, adding other people to the pairing can complicate that and I requested several Luke/Leia + other people. I am happy with you combining things as you see fit. If you want to write romance between Luke/Leia/Han or Luke/Leia/Lando, for example, I am totally fine with it. I am happy for a situation like “Han and Leia love each other and get married as a way to help conceal the fact that Luke/Leia are also in love.” That scenario could work with any pairing for me. It is always my preference that any kids that Luke/Leia/+1 have are Luke’s and not the other partner’s, but you could also be non-specific if you want, or not include pregnancy or children.
A few more points: I don’t care for character bashing. In a story where Han isn’t involved romantically, I like him to merely have amicably broken up with Leia, or else it’s an AU where they were never involved. I don’t like him to be a huge source of angst for either of them. I don’t want him killed off and Leia grieving him. I don’t want him to be a huge abusive asshole, either. I just like him to be gone. If he is in the story, then I like him to be an equal partner to both Luke and Leia. I generally don’t care for Han/Leia, Luke/Leia where there is no Han/Luke, or where the two pairings are so separate neither knows about the other. I don’t want ANY solo Han/Leia whatsoever, please. (I am really really not into solo Han/Leia. I'm mostly fine with other combos like Luke/Din or Leia/Lando or something, but I'd rather it be Luke/Leia or an actual threesome with everyone participating.) I mean a little is fine, or if it starts one way and progresses with plot to something more, but I’d really prefer the focus be on Luke and Leia.
A few more points of my wants/DNWs: I don’t want any Legends/book stuff because I haven’t read them and don’t know them. I would prefer little to no references to the cartoons because I’m also unfamiliar with them, but I’m less picky about that so long as it can make sense if I haven’t seen them.  I do not like The Last Jedi. I love a lot of the characters from the sequels, but I do not like TLJ/the sequel trilogy. You are welcome to AU it if you’re doing anything involving prequel characters, or whatever you want. I do not like Rey/Kylo, and would beg you not to put in anything that alludes to that pairing.
I want Luke and Leia to love each other. A little unrequited stuff is okay, but ideally they are both equally in love with each other by the end of your story. I am not into anything abusive or coercive or cruel. (Exceptions can be made for LL/Vader etc. as a means to put LL closer together. Or they can be resistant at first, but come around as they give in to their true feelings.)
I am not into characters giving or receiving oral sex. (I know that's weird. If you really want to write a blow job or cunnilingus as part of sex, that's fine, but generally I'd just skip it 100%.) I am not into women receiving anal sex, however, double penetration is an exception with threesomes. A dick in each hole is love, lol. I always prefer Luke to be in her vagina and the other guy in the back, but I don't super care. (Two dicks up front is also nice, if Leia can take it.) I am totally fine with male/male anal sex. I like Luke to top one-on-one, but I am 100% down for Luke inside Leia, with Han (or whoever) inside Luke, for example.
I really don't like first person fic. Just throwing that out there.
I love graphic, loving sex. I love the incest kink. I love the pregnancy kink and lactation. I love Leia having a lot of kids with Luke. I love Luke loving Leia. I love the idea of The Force Ships It. I love the idea of Han and other people shipping Luke and Leia. I love porn with plot, and I love plot with porn. I love plotty porn especially. I love tropes and I love taking tropes and spinning them on their head. I love clever AUs. (Though no “switched at birth, Leia raised on Tatooine, Luke on Alderaan, please; it's just too over done.) I love domestic fic, and kidfic. I love angst and drama. I love romance. I love it all. I really want more fic of Luke and Leia out there that breaks the mold; that isn’t a rehash of a story someone else has already told. So, I'd rather no “sex in the Ewok village” or quickees between the scenes. I’d rather an AU.
You also welcome to ignore the sequel trilogy entirely. Please feel free to write any AU you want post-RotJ (or post-The Mandalorian if you're writing Luke/Leia/Din).
Okay, I am rambling on way too much. Here’s a link to my AO3 account in case you want to read any of my writings. Feel free as well to send me any anon asks here if you want to ask me questions about anything. You won't ruin the surprise, I promise.
In the end, thank you SO MUCH for offering to write for me. I am sure I will love anything new you write for Luke/Leia. We live in a dry desert so anything new will be wonderful. Please don’t stress about it. If you have some other idea you want to explore with them, please do it. I'm giving you my ideas to help you, not hinder you. If you hate them all and have some Luke/Leia story inside you that is aching to be released, please write it!
Thank you!!
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