#swynlake episode 2: jennifer's body
thedipster · 6 years
Swynlake, Episode 2: Jennifer’s Body || Demon Squad
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Dipper, Maui, and Merida were walking by the Kohaku River because all researched evidence pointed to something suspicious happening along it.
Right, let’s back track. Dipper, Maui, and Merida explored the Lyons Cave a few weeks prior and while that was all good and fun, they had accidentally stumbled upon the phone of a missing girl. Maui went to the police and Dipper and Merida hit the library and asked hypothetical questions to their professors. Dipper stayed up extra late on some really sketchy forums and finally proposed the theory that there could possibly be some dark magic ritual involved.
What place in town had the most reports of dark magic around it? The river, of course. All that hell stuff (which Dipper had not  be around for but had heard from Maui and Merida, as well as his professors and the town forums in general) had originated from near the river. Heck, Maui claimed to have closed the gates of hell.
So here they were. Walking. Dipper wasn’t sure what they were gonna find, but he had his camera out nonetheless.
“Right – last time we found a phone,” he spoke, angling the camera towards Maui and Merida. “Research evidence – to edit in later – suggests that this river is a hot bed of magic activity, so we’re walking. Been walking for about --- how long you think? An hour maybe?”
@mischievousmarvelousmagicalmaui @heart-of-dunbroch
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