#symphony is actually a huge guilty pleasure song for me
real-odark · 6 months
alexa please play Whizzvin Yuri Lemon Montage to Symphony by Clean Bandit
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i just wanna be part of yuor Symphoooonnyyyyyuh.l...,.,........ ., Will u hold me tigth and not let go..... symphonyyyhhh
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deathlessdepression · 8 years
My 2016 “Wrapped”??
Wow, I only posted on my blog two times in the last year, pathetic (haha). Recently, to be honest, I’m guilty of completely forgetting about this for a time. With that said, it doesn’t mean I haven’t been listening to music. It just means I haven’t been listening to any new artists or bands; remaining true to the whole concept of this blog.
Anyways, last year Spotify killed it with its My Year in Music (you can travel back in time to an earlier post where I posted about my 2015 year in music based on Spotify and Last.fm statistics). This year nobody is really happy about Spotify’s 2016 Wrapped website and their complimentary decision of: your “Wrapped” year of 2016, delivered via Emails. I too am in the same vote. I have no idea what they were thinking. Seriously, what made them think this was a good idea? #SuperFail (haha). At least Spotify allows you to connect your Last.fm account. Regardless, I love my listening stats and this year will be no different.
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Last year Spotify started things off with the first track I listened to for 2015. However, this year using Last.fm: the first track i listened to was an acoustic version of “Crazy” by A Skylit Drive.
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Spotify was kind enough to include how many times I even listened to my top artist... last year. Yep, but, thanks to Last.fm:
Rihanna (181 Scrobbles)
Problem (154)
50 Cent (145)
Young Buck (102) M.I.A. (122)
3 Doors Down (108)
*Yeah, you read that correctly Young Buck has six less scrobbles than 3 Doors Down because Young Buck should be replaced with M.I.A. with 122 scrobbles.*
1) I scrobbled Rihanna 315 times (since 2011) including one time this year. Which means I scrobbled her the most in 2016 compared to the last five years. Most of those scrobbles were in the months of February and March with 64 scrobbles and 43 scrobbles respectively. I believe I started listening to her discography but, never finished until last year. Now I’m all caught up. 2) I scrobbled Problem a fair amount the last two years (before 2016) but in 2016 I decided to listen to his discography which is the reason he placed so high on my top artist chart. More than half of those scrobbles took place in April with 90 scrobbles; more specifically April 14th with 84 scrobbles. I have a total of 283 scrobbles for Problem including one from this year. 3) Wow, here is an artist you won’t see on most people’s top charts. I listened to 50 Cent 325 times including two times this year. I scrobbled him the most last year with 20 more scrobbles compared to the year 2013. 50 Cent released a particular track titled “I’m the Man” in December 2015 and I scrobbled it throughout the following year of 2016. That is a damn good song and it deserves a special shout out. 4) For the 4th top artist let’s talk about the correct artist that should be represented: M.I.A.. So, I have a total of 144 scrobbles from her and you can guess which year most of those scrobbles took place. I listened to her discography in April within three days; more specifically April 11th – 13th with a total of 58 scrobbles. Then later on in the year she released AIM in September which I was hyped about since I heard her track “Borders” another song worthy of a special shout out. 5) Finally, we have 3 Doors Down. I wonder how my cousin would react to this. I scrobbled 3 Doors Down 205 times (none this year… so far). I’m starting to see a pattern here, All my top artist seem to be ones that I’ve listened to their discographies during the year of. It makes complete sense though because it’s an extension of scrobbles from a singular artist. Like a huge boost, with no other scrobbles from other bands or artists. And honestly, sometimes it can be just a little overwhelming. Anyhow, the majority of scrobbles took place in February, specifically on the 6th and 7th with a total of 65 scrobbles.
*No top albums from Spotify.*
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*Last year Spotify had top 5. Now I’m blessed with only top 3. To top it off, according to Last.fm the only track in the right spot is “Cry” by Carly Rae Jepsen but, instead of crossing things out I’ll just talk about what you see.*
“Cry” by Carly Rae Jepsen (13 Scrobbles)
“Love on the Brain” by Rihanna (5)
“Poison & Wine” by The Civil Wars (7)
1) “All That” by Carly Rae Jepsen was my top track of the year 2015 and yet another Carly Rae track tops my yearly charts. The song is actually from the E•MO•TION: Side B EP so it’s no wonder I would love it so much. This individual track didn’t get much praise critically but, it definitely stuck out on a personal level. The first time I heard it I listened to it an additional 3 more times. 2) After I first heard this track I scrobbled it and additional 2 times adjacently with another track from the same album: “Kiss it Better.” By the end of the year, “Kiss it Better” had the same amount of scrobbles as “Love on the Brain.” 3) I really love “Poison & Wine” and scrobbled it a total of 16 times (since 2011). With seven nearly being half of the total. I actually listened to it three times on April 23rd.
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Top 5 Genres: *According to Spotify*
Pop Rap
Pop Punk
The first three genres showed up on my top five back in 2015.
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Alright, so that’s curtesy of Spotify. Now I want to split this post with similar statistics based off Last.fm and do some comparisons:
*Keep in mind that these statistics represent Jan. 1st – Dec. 1st because… Last.fm.*
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I moused over September so you could see the total amount of scrobbles for that month (3,505). Coincidentally, that was the same month I posted about Whitney Peyton. I scrobbled an average of 113 songs a day that month. On September 19th I scrobbled 250 songs. That average 45 scrobbles per day hasn’t changed ever. I scrobble more songs than that multiple times daily but, it still never changes.
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*There’s a tooltip near “98th Percentile” that states: “You listened to more artists than 98% of other Last.fm users.*
My Top 15 of 2016:
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In 2015 The Game made my Top 5 artist with 182 scrobbles, mostly because I listened to all the albums that weren’t previously available when I listened to his discography back in 2012. I also mentioned that he dominated my entire listening history and that still remains true with 741 scrobbles. Papoose was my number one scrobbled artist in 2015. Last year, I only scrobbled him 62 times. Messy Marv and 2Pac did make the top 50 and Duffy barely made top 100. 36 Crazyfist, Young Buck and 40 Glocc are among the list of artist where I listened to their whole discography last year.
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*Tooltip: “You listened to more albums than 99% of other Last.fm users.”*
My Top 15 albums of 2016:
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Carly Rae Jepsen’s E•MO•TION was my number one scrobbled album with 61 scrobbles in 2015. Last year, it barely made the top 15 with 30 scrobbles. The E•MO•TION: Side B EP was actually 16th with 29 scrobbles; tying with Santigold’s 99¢, She is We’s War, and Creed’s With Arms Wide Open: A Retrospective. In 2015 Lana Del Rey’s Honeymoon was top 2 and AWOLNATION’s Megalithic Symphony was top 3, neither made the top 100 last year. Dead Sara’s Pleasure to Meet You made top 4 and last year it was top 3 with 36 scrobbles. I like Dead Sara and I love that album, I’ve already listened to it once in full this year. Duffy was also on the top 5, she made top 4 last year with 35 scrobbles. I also love Duffy, glad to see her at the top again. :) Dead Sara and Duffy almost matched the same amount of scrobbles as they did in 2015. B.o.B’s Elements album reminds me of when I first started listening to him and his early mixtapes before I made an account with Last.fm and Spotify was nonexistent. AWOLNATION did make the top 10 with a new album and it is really good.
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*Tooltip: “You listened to more tracks than 99% of other Last.fm users.”*
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My Top 15 Tracks of 2016:
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None of the songs from the top 5 in 2015 made the top 15 last year. Meaning last year’s top 5 is completely fresh. However, Carly Rae Jepsen Dominates 2015 and 2016. Earlier I mentioned how 50 Cent’s “I’m the Man” was a good track and it made my top 3 last year. The Judds’ “Cry Myself to Sleep” is a really good song too, I remember how that song would just pop into my head and with the ease of Spotify I can searched it and played it. I believe that this has happened more than once for this exact song, at least twice. I scrobbled it three times in July and at least once the following months. Another song I scrobbled three times in July was The Word Alive’s “Battle Royale.” It is a good song, but I think this one just got lucky based on Spotify RNG and was played more often than usual or something; I also like it enough not to skip it. Chief Keef’s “Hate Bein’ Sober” made top 4 in 2015 from the album Finally Rich. “Hallelujah” is another song from that album that made top 10 last year. Demi Lovato keeps improving and maturing beautifully in a musical way. I hella love her song “Body Say” it’s so sexy, I mean is there really any other word to describe it? If she keeps making songs like that I would anticipate her next album as much as I did Carly Rae Jepsen’s album. In fact, now that I think about it, I really want her to make an album that evolves around that song. Finally, the other song I mentioned that was worthy of a shout out: M.I.A.’s “Borders,” the controversy from the result of the music video and her response made the song that much more great. Not to mention the current situations in politics at the moment, this song just seems to address that not just currently, but in general.
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*I tried to mouse over the highest amount while also showing that it is obviously the highest.*
This is one of the most unique statistics available. Apparently, I scrobbled the most music at the stroke of midnight (haha) with a total of 793 scrobbles from 12:00AM to 1:00AM.
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No mouse over tooltips pop up this time but, this is also another distinctive statistic because of the way it is presented, as a pie chart. What makes this unique is clear proof that I like all genres and apparently almost equally. However, if we combine Rock and Post-Hardcore and Hip-Hop and Rap together, it looks like I favored the Hip-Hop and Rap genres more last year.
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Fridays are my preferred day to listen to music with a total of 2,774 scrobbles last year. This actually doesn’t surprise me because Spotify releases new music every Friday. There are other websites I could go to listen to new music daily but, I love Spotify and it’s so simple because it automatically scrobbles to Last.fm.
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Look what we have here, proof that I haven’t been discovering new music. 98° is nothing new; I was listening to them in the 90’s along with all the other Pop R&B sensations. All those new albums were from artist I’ve already heard before and they released new music last year. Same goes for New tracks.
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Here is more proof that I scrobble a single artist listening to their full discography back to back. See how the dates for problem and his album Mollywood 3: The Relapse are on the same day. I just checked, that album does have 37 total tracks (not including short skits that I choose not to scrobble). Also, remember earlier in this post when I mentioned that I scrobbled "Cry" four times?
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August 27, 2016 was actually a Saturday, if you were expecting a Friday so was I. Digging a little deeper, Whitney Peyton and AWOLNATION took up the majority of the 2,792 scrobbles during this 19 day listening spree. I scrobbled an average of 139 scrobbles a day during this streak. I wanted to avoid posting the Listening History graphs because when you look at them they don’t represent accurate dates but, when you click on them they do take you to the correct days. (For instance, the 19 days took place between Sep. 7th – Sep. 25th and the graph says Sep. 6th – Sep. 24th, but if I click on Sep. 6th it will actually take me to Sep. 7th and 7th will take me to the 8th and so on.) By the way Sep. 18th Sep. 19th has exactly 250 scrobbles. And that’s 2016... “Wrapped.”
My Top Songs of 2016:
Song Choice: Carly Rae Jepsen – Cry
*Unofficial (Fan-Made) Music Video*
Explanation for Song Choice:
Just like in 2015, Carly Rae Jepsen has earned another special recognition on my blog with another chosen song choice. It’s interesting how my #1 song of 2016 is by the same artist from 2015 and the E•MO•TION: Side B EP; the complimentary side B of the album of the year of 2015. I really like this song because it’s E•MO•TIONAL (hehe), atmospheric, calm, sensual, and beautiful; probably even a little relative. Songs like this really make me want to experience it in a concert setting surrounded by strangers who possibly feel the same way.
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