#syngonium freckles
kindv · 2 years
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d-structive · 2 years
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I was in the mood to take plant pics, so have few of my houseplants. It's mostly Syngonium. I love them. (I technically also do have other three Syngonium, two Monstera a Pothos n'joy, three Calatheas and a big Echeveria -with babies- and a Nepenthes bloody mary -technically two in one vase-, but I was too lazy to take more pics. It is night here, after all...) Yes, this is what I do when I don't draw, or when I don't have fishtanks to take care of. I like to hang around plants. Turns out that having houseplants is good for me and my mental health... I like house plants. I suggest you to try as well. Git a plant! :) BTW! If you are curious...Nope. None of these plants in the pics are pet friendly. Nothing big happen, but you don't want pets or small kids to chew on them. Now you know. :D
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leafytimes · 3 years
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“General” Tags 
“Plant Names” Tags (Currently includes 32 distinct plant species)
“Genus” Tags (Currently includes 37 distinct genera)
“Original Posts” Tags
(Navigation Tip: “’Specific Plant Names’ Tags” and “’Genus’ Tags” are organized in alphabetical order!)
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꧁ “General” Tags ꧂
❁ specific plants 
❁ unidentified plants 
❁ gardening 
❁ plant care 
❁ propagation 
❁ repotting 
❁ plant identification 
❁ illustrations 
❁ design (includes landscaping, pots, etc.) 
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꧁ “Plant Names” Tags ꧂
❁ Albuca spiralis (a.k.a. Corkscrew Albuca, Frizzle Sizzle, Frizzle Sizzle Plant)
❁ Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’ (a.k.a. Alocasia Frydek, Green Velvet Alocasia) 
❁ Aloe vera (a.k.a. True Aloe) 
❁ Aloe zebrina (a.k.a. Zebra Leaf Aloe) 
❁ Caladium bicolor (a.k.a. Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus) 
❁ Calathea makoyana (a.k.a. Peacock Plant)
❁ Calathea roseopicta (a.k.a. Rose Painted Calathea,  Rose-Painted Calathea) 
❁ Colocasia esculenta (a.k.a. Taro, Kalo, Dasheen, Elephant Ear) 
❁ Cotyledon tomentosa (a.k.a. Bear’s Paw)
❁ Crassula alstonii 
❁ Curio rowleyanus (a.k.a.  Senecio rowleyanus, String of Pearls, String of Beads) 
❁ Echeveria parva 
❁ Epipremnum aureum (a.k.a. Pothos, Pothos aurea, Golden Pothos, Devil’s Ivy) 
❁ Euphorbia ritchiei (a.k.a. Monadenium ritchiei) 
❁ Goeppertia insignis (a.k.a. Calathea insignis, Rattlesnake Calathea, The Rattlesnake Plant) 
❁ Goeppertia kegeljanii (a.k.a. Calathea musaica, Calathea musaica 'Network')
❁ Haworthia cooperi (a.k.a. Cushion Aloe, Cooper’s Haworthia) 
❁ Hypoestes phyllostachya (a.k.a. Polka Dot Plant, Freckle Face) 
❁ Lepismium houlletianum (a.k.a. Snowdrop Cactus) 
❁ Monstera adansonii (a.k.a. Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine) 
❁ Monstera deliciosa (a.k.a. Swiss Cheese Plant, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Hurricane Plant, Window Leaf) 
❁ Pachyphytum oviferum (a.k.a. Moonstone, Sugar-Almond Plant) 
❁ Peperomia prostrata (a.k.a. String of Turtles) 
❁ Pilea peperomioides (a.k.a. Chinese Money Plant, Missionary Plant, Lefse Plant, Pancake Plant, UFO Plant, Pilea) 
❁ Sedum rubrotinctum (a.k.a. Pork and Beans, Jelly Bean Plant) 
❁ Scindapsus pictus (a.k.a. Satin Pothos, Silver Vine, Silver Pothos, Silk Pothos) 
❁ Soldanella alpina (a.k.a. Alpine Snowbell, Blue Moonwort) 
❁ Syngonium podophyllum (a.k.a. Arrowhead Plant, Arrowhead Vine, Nephthytis, African Evergreen, American Evergreen) 
❁ Tillandsia butzii 
❁ Tradescantia zebrina (a.k.a. Inch Plant, Wandering Jew) 
❁ Vanda falcata (a.k.a. Neofinetia falcata, The Wind Orchid) 
❁ x Graptoveria ‘Moonglow’ (a.k.a. Moonglow Graptoveria) 
Alternative Tag(s): 
❁ specific epithet unknown (meaning the genus is known, but the specific epithet is not)
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꧁ “Genus” Tags ꧂
❁ Albuca 
❁ Alocasia 
❁ Aloe 
❁ Anthurium 
❁ Begonia 
❁ Caladium 
❁ Calathea 
❁ Coleus 
❁ Colocasia 
❁ Cotyledon 
❁ Crassula 
❁ Curio 
❁ Echeveria 
❁ Epipremnum (commonly known as “Pothos”) 
❁ Euphorbia 
❁ Ficus 
❁ Goeppertia 
❁ Graptopetalum 
❁ Haworthia 
❁ Hypoestes 
❁ Lepismium 
❁ Lithops 
❁ Maranta 
❁ Monstera 
❁ Pachyphytum 
❁ Peperomia 
❁ Philodendron 
❁ Pilea 
❁ Sedum 
❁ Sempervivum 
❁ Scindapsus 
❁ Soldanella 
❁ Syngonium 
❁ Tillandsia 
❁ Tradescantia 
❁ Vanda (includes the former genus “Neofinetia”)
❁ x Graptoveria (hybrid of Echeveria & Graptopetalum) 
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꧁ “Original Posts” Tags ꧂
❁ leafy posts (all posts made by me) 
❁ leafy shares (posts that are focused on shared content, such as photos and links, that I did not personally create, take, write, etc.) 
❁ leafy makes friends (pictures I’ve taken of plants that I come across)
❁ leafy’s plants (my plants) 
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Note: Some of the tags listed here may not have a link yet due to their corresponding post(s) being in the queue, or just having left the queue. 
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