#syrips pc: hoagie
syrips · 10 months
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decided to sketch hoagie / agatha because self indulgence
ok so context about creating this pc:
the first CoS campaign i ever played was also my first time EVER playing 5e, cuz we moved from GURPS to 5e for CoS. either way, the CoS 1 DM pulled each player aside to help us manually make our character sheets. DM pulls me aside and is like 'ok what do you wanna play?' and me, with no context of CoS or 5e at all during the entire creation process, was like, 'i wanna be a redhead evadey vampire-hunter PC! oh i wanna call her Valentina, so gothic romantic! it fits!' and anyways my DM was like 'did you read the module?' and i felt bad like something was wrong but he wouldnt explain to me. so, with still no context i was all big brain like, 'okay nevermind. ill make something new that isnt related to that at redhead pc idea at all. give this new PC all the possible curses, corruption, suffering stuff! i dont care if she gets corrupted, dies, or goes insane, woo!' - and anyways the DM was way too onboard and gave my PC amnesia due to all the curses so i knew she was gonna go through ✨ trauma ✨
ok anyways here hoagie lore:
shes my cos/multicampaign piglin PC who is having an enjoyable corruption arc. since shes influenced by my cracked headcanon minecraft piglin lore, i decided to make her a yugoloth 'prototype soul' who reincarnates (pseudo-soul) repeatedly to gather souls for her 'prototype soul' back in her home plane. the more souls she collects the more corrupt she becomes. (DMs have me roll to discreetly steal souls from the party hehe. if i get 'caught' the party can kill me or exile me from the party, which happened at the end of LMoP then she got attacked by a warlock of azalin so thats something but anyways)
she consumes souls using her lil black book that she carries with her everywhere. the black book was a trinket but the CoS - 1 DM and LMoP DM, both made it where it was her personal journal and her warlock (strahd) pact tome. i made strahd the patron for obvious reasons but also because in CoS - 1, the DM decided to secretly make her a strahd consort, as he was entering her dreams trying to manipulate/soothe her while she was dealing with other curses stacking and breaking her sanity.
the DM never told me how charmed she was, but when she was conscious, she would react to things not there. except it was THERE BECAUSE STRAHD WAS STALKING US FUCK OYU STRA anyways her dreams got more and more corrupt cuz she was suffering from like the other stack of curses. my DM didnt tell me any of these curses until it was naturally revealed and she had to roll wis saves to not have a mental break down. shes fine though shes got strahd and i hate my dm for literally not telling me she was a consort until after the campaign ended but he couldnt say cuz it was one of the potential reveals where she wouldve betrayed the party
but yes thank you for reading
random junk here:
CoS 1 = Curse of Strahd (Ended. Strahd's Beloved Killed by the Abbot)
CoS 2 = Curse of Strahd (20 BC years after CoS 1. Ongoing, Strahd's Beloved Alive and in love with a PC)
LMoP = Lost Mine of Phandelver
N/A = Not Available until in-campaign reveal
ok goodbye!!
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syrips · 9 months
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art of my pcs from 10/31/2022
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syrips · 10 months
huagh huaghaughaug-
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cameo appearance of keita / @razeshepard's Ozan pc
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syrips · 9 months
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syrips · 10 months
syrips OC/PC list (loosely alphabetical)
oh god i didnt know i had so many
Angora / Valkyrie
Bon Bon
Bonda Bonbon
Bonnie "Fida" Bonbon
Cheddar Soup
Ciana Eldathyn
Circe Astera
Cycla Monreale
Dicentra Perenia
Fionna de Nobelesse Mademoiselle / OHOHOHO
Gorgonzola "Zola" Bonbon
Hoagie / Agatha
Holly Hallow
Hope / Faith
Iggy / Dr. Igea / Ace
Katherine "TrIII" Caerulea
Kiwi Cannolis
Lafreza / Nina
Liliana / Lily
Marigold / Ari
Merry Sew
Millie / Her Parents are Farmers
Naranja Habanera / Nara Nera
Norminda / Gaea
Pistacia Ajnacard / Pistachio
Raina Bonbon
Raith / Zora
Star Brightborn
Willen / Willow
Valentina / Val
Venus Bonbon
Winter / Mostly Ethical
Zinnia Astera
Irl Stuff (Vtuber / In Game Name / Username / Avatar / Model)
See also: Other People's Adored OC/PC list (loosely alphabetical)
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syrips · 8 months
🎨 Artist Palette - If OC was a color (or palette), what color would they be? Would others assign them the same color?
ooh this makes me so happy!! im gonna do OCs that i have a color palette for already!! doing A through I of some of my favs! ill do K through Z in another post probably-
[PC's Palette] [PC: Name] Others' POV:
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Actias hes a fem mothboy so it would be fairly similar
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Angora many would see her as gold and white only. she's a fallen aasimar slowly going through a redemption arc
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Briska many see her as these colors entirely. she's a very blunt/open person so most of these are just her skin/hair/outfit colors
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Bon Bon the first of the Bon Bon family - Bon Bon is the epitome of tiefling bard. she basically looks like a sprinkled donut.
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Bonnie "Fida" Bonbon a bone tiefling who pierces her horns and body. most would just see her as edgy bone lady. and they'd be right! they might be surprised by the gold accents though.
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Ciana Eldathyn her name is like a triple pun. she's cyan colored and has blueish hair and skin with green accents. she likes wearing white clothes. she looks like kelp and seaweed wearing a white dress-
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Cycla Monreale she is a haughty, arrogant elf girl, with some green and red accents on her clothes. many are surprised that she's a cleric of sune, as the only red on her are her divinity items
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Dicentra Perenia their body and image match the colors entirely, according to them, they were born to charm others
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Euphy my psychedelic high/stoned beloved. her colors glow as if always in blacklight.
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Frea sad navy blue monster hunter. her colors match her personality. most would guess her colors very similarly with just learning her personality
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Hoagie she is very much these colors. she's a piglin/tiefling! huagh-
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Agatha evil hoagie >:). also really obvious-
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Holly Hallow very obvious.. hehe
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Hope most see hope as just white, off-white, and pink. the darker colors are unexpected or rarely seen
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Faith faith is bluntly bright. bedazzling!
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Iggy a broken doctor. her zigzag palette colors are always clashing with bright against dark. she's dangerous and unpredictable so it's hard for people to get close enough to learn about. many would just see her as a black and white palette.
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