trustfarms · 2 years
Ubuntu 12 startup manager
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This command displays, for each service unit file, its full name (UNIT), its loaded status (LOAD), its high-level (ACTIVE) unit file activation state followed by low-level (SUB) unit file activation state and finally a short description (DESCRIPTION). In order to display the list of all currently loaded service units, type in the command below : Systemctl list-unit-files – -state=enabledĪs an alternative to the command above, it is also possible to use grep command as follows : Now to single out only those services that are active, go ahead and run the command below :įor the services that are enabled however, you would need to invoke the command below : In order to list out all services along with their corresponding statuses using systemct, open up your terminal and type in the command below : Systemctl is the central management utility that controls the systemd system, manages the services and examine the system state. We will outline below the most commonly used tools. There are many options that allow us to see the list of services at boot time.
In this short tutorial, you will learn how to display all Ubuntu startup services at boot time in and how to start and stop them. Killing these ‘junk’ services or preventing them from starting at boot might ‘relieve’ your system and improve its performance. Some unnecessary background services might consume additional RAM and SWAP memories as well as CPU power which leaves less room for important programs. Knowing the services that start at boot time is therefore useful for instance if you have noticed that your system has been running slow. Over time however, the number of services can increase substantially and users might overlook which applications are currently running. These services, which require no user input, can provide many functionalities like database services (such as MySQL), or web server services (like Tomcat) etc… Services which are also known as daemons, are scripts and programs that run in the background.
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imperctor-blog · 8 years
we got married btw
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      I’m sorry, did you expect me to clap ? send a gift ? did you want me to throw you a party ? you mistake me for someone who CARES. 
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tyrcnnus · 8 years
--- @systemctic​ 
--- The rex was loose.
     Blames were cast, names tossed, guilt thrown every which way, but it would not change the fact the rex was loose. A mandatory vet check could not go any more wrong than this, as guards were dispatched and facilities locked down. Hopefully, perhaps, it had not wandered far.
     But it was foolish to hope, for 65 million years of evolution did not a careless beast make. Despite her size the animal knew how to hide, how to stalk, and even at this moment did she find one that drew her gaze. Glittering eyes watched her prey with surprising patience, talons padding softly as ever-closer did she come. 
     Closer, closer still, the stark-white coat and red hair a target that stood out amongst the rest. There was no warning, no thundering steps, not a single roar or growl that would alert her to her coming demise. Only silence, and the quick clack of talons, and ---
     --- a soft chirrup as fangs barely penetrated a pant leg, the labrador-sized infant having just enough teeth to perhaps inconvenience a banana. The infant was SUPPOSED to have been kept under strict watch while the Adult Rex received inoculations, obviously a memo someone did not read. Either way, the little one had no care nor thought of such a thing, only caring for what all babies care to do; play. Even if said play was with the pant leg of the Operations Director of Jurassic World.
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positivixtea · 9 years
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I’ve never written with her or watched the movie, but I’m in love with @systemctic and her portrayal of Claire. She seems like such an amazing character, and the mun is an exquisite writer. Whenever she posts when I’m on the dash, I pause to read what she’s written. She’s a wonderful wordsmith and she makes me feel as though I have seen the Jurassic Park movies. 
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imperctor-blog · 9 years
@systemctic​  &  @outlawiism are about to enter Spartax.
               The spaceship hovers above the VASTNESS of the park with only the night sky to witness what is about to take place in this small  &  UNFORTUNATE planet. The commander of the ship is none other than the KING himself, J’Son, who quickly motions to his royal guard to go  &  retrieve the girl once  &  for all. It is SIMPLE, he is here to pick up a redheaded woman by the name of Claire, rumored to be romantically involved with his son. Knowing the half-human, it is probably just another one of his FLINGS, but as surveillance has so kindly revealed, Peter has a tendency to keep coming back to this one. INTERESTING.
              “ I want her unharmed. Do this as quietly as possible, we don’t want to attract UNNECESSARY attention to ourselves. ” He spoke FIRMLY  &  without any trace of compassion. It is fully known that he ( very strongly ) DISLIKES Terrans  &  wants them ERADICATED from the galaxy. However, for now this visit is simply to attract this son’s attention. Peter REFUSES to see reason or to talk calmly, so his father has to take EXTREME measures. Besides, there are millions of humans, one would be hardly missed. . This is all the boy’s fault. “ If she makes a fuss, render her unconscious. ”
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                 He watches as his men get out  &  march upon the structure, their WEAPONS ready for whatever is behind the doors. J’Son WAITS patiently, hands behind his back as the first sounds of commotion come through his men’s comms  &  reach his ears. He should have expected that the woman wouldn’t SURRENDER easily. However, he is quickly distracted by the fact that this is the first time that he has come so close to the place where she was from. There is a sigh before he is walk to the controls, pressing a button so that his voice resonates against the ears of his guards.
               “ Bring her to me. ”
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carnivoriisms-blog · 8 years
♋ ♍
            @systemctic┇                                      MEME ( ALWAYS, ALWAYS ACCEPTING. )  
♋ do they read any newspapers/magazines? what kind? what topics are they interested in? do they flip forward to the cartoon page first? 
                    Doesn’t read magazines;  doesn’t have the time,  nor the interest.  When Alice visits the Island,  she often brings with her the latest copy of The Times for Oliver to have a flick through.  Other than that,  he actually doesn’t take much interest in the world’s affairs.  He’s not completely ignorant,  and does take an interest in English politics,  even though he isn’t there,  but he’s not exactly well-versed in the specific details of the news otherwise.
                     After the incident,  due to his decidedly delicate disposition,  he actively avoids the world’s news as best he can.  Thusly Alice does not deliver The Times,  and Oliver does not catch himself up on the internet.  He knows his own life  (  and even that’s not completely true  )  and he worries only for what may rightly affect him.
♍ any pictures on their walls? what kind/of who?
                    For a man seemingly so cold and distant,  Oliver’s personal life is decidedly doting.  Though a private man,  unwilling to talk about his emotional life,  step over his threshold and he doesn’t have to talk;  it’s there.  His home is not exactly brimming with affection,  photographs aren’t falling off the walls  (  we’re still talking about Oliver here  ),  but everything is taken care of and it all has it’s place and purpose.
                     In the living room,  for example,  four photographs together as a set  (  taken by yours truly  )  of a tiny lioness playing in a pile of falling leaves.  Bahati’s finest hour,  skewed face and stumbling prances all caught as photographic evidence that this hand-reared,  light of his life,  killing machine is actually an idiot.
                    On his desk,  there’s a photograph of he and Alice at her eighteenth birthday.  In fact,  Alice is a common occurrence.  He is every inch the proud older brother,  and it probably shows;  photograph on the wall of her and his mother and his mother and father’s anniversary dinner.
                    Any other photographs are tucked away in his bedside drawer.  These are usually pictures including himself in any manner,  and the family  ——  and Louisa,  separately.  He still keeps what is essentially a scrapbook of their time together.  It’s kept in the same drawer as the ring he proposed to her with.  He’s a sentimental man;  holds tight to anything that once brought him fleeting essence of joy.
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dinodelicacy-a · 9 years
;;i have to give a shout out to this claire. like, wow. the more i get to know her, the more i adore her. i remember back when i revamped this blog, i was looking for people who were still active. and i stumbled across her blog through a reply on an owen. i was just floored by the talent and was so excited to follow an active, amazing claire bUT THEIR BLOG WAS PRIVATE AND I WAS SO SAD. fast forward a month and i realize that she had been following me but under her spoopy url and do you know how much i fANGIRLED?!?! anyway. that is just a fun fact that she knows, but i wanted everyone else to know as well. this claire is seriously so wonderfully written, and my zara just absolutely adores her. this is her best friend and wow she loves getting drunk and letting loose around her. one of the few people she trusts fully and i can attribute a lot of this to the fact that we just clicked right away.
please follow this amazing blog because everyone should suffer from quillaire and marvel over her writing as i do.
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