#sza wrote this song for them. what? she told me that herself.
dreamgirl4certain · 5 years
The Elevator Bae
Chapter TWO.
Erik x Black OC (Phoenix)
Word Count: 4k. || Song Suggestions: Yuna ft. Usher x Crush
A/N: Sorry for any mistakes. I skimmed through this while at work. Shoutout to everyone that told me you liked this story. It gave me the extra push to finish this chapter. 
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It’s been a little over a week since the last time Phoenix seen Erik on the elevator. Everyday since she found out his name, she would wait at the elevator, hoping that when those big doors slid open, Erik would be waiting on the other side. But for 9 days, nothing. She found herself disappointed every time. She would beat herself up about being disappointed. This man didn’t know her and was probably not thinking about her at all. But, each time, without fail, she still would think about him. Where he was and when she’ll see him again. Regardless if she never seen him again, he definitely inspired some good music.
Phoenix was getting ready for a studio session. Studio sessions were usually a chill environment for Phoenix. She never allowed too many people to be around. To work with her, there was no rowdiness allowed in her sessions. Most people respected that. She was a vibe and her space always reflected that. She had a routine to prepare herself for her sessions. She placed her signature royal blue BEATS headphones on and played her ‘Blue’s Magic’ playlist. As she’s bobbing her head to the beat, eyes closed, her phone buzzes with a text. Her engineering friend, Coby, texted her.
DJ Coby: Hey, what time will be pulling up? Someone’s here to see you.
Phoenix was confused. Who in the hell would be at the studio to see her.
Phoenix: Hey. I’m getting ready now. I should be there around 9. Who there?
Coby responded quickly.
DJ Coby: Sza
Phoenix: Nigga! You lying to me!
DJ Coby: lol dead ass. Hurry up. She said she needs to work with you.
Phoenix: I'm coming!!!
Sza was one of her favorite artists. CTRL was probably the album of her life. She practically ran to her room to get dressed. She changed into a heather grey biker short and T-Shirt set. Those were her favorite fits to wear. Cute but comfortable. Phoenix was all about comfort. Sliding her feet into some rainbow Nike Vapormax. She opted to let her curls just be. She didn’t have time to figure that out. Sza was waiting for her. She couldn’t keep her waiting too long. Placing her BEATS around her neck and grabbing her keys, she books it out the door.
Of course! The elevator is taking forever and a day. Phoenix is tapping her foot, anxious to get to the studio.
When the doors open, she rushes in. Going to push Ground Level, but it’s already glowing green. She releases a breath that she didn’t even realize she was holding. A weight lifted from her.
“Hey, Phoenix.”
She didn’t even notice that someone else was already in the cabin with her. Turning to see who it is, her heart damn near stopped.
His smile made those infamous butterflies find their long lost home in her again. She had been preparing to see him. But, when she’s not even thinking about him, he shows up. Looking damn good at that. Black jeans with rips at the knees, a plain white V neck tee and black and red Jordan 1’s. He flashes that God forsaken smile at her.
“I haven’t seen you in awhile.” he says.
“Yeah. You’ve been missing.”
“You were looking for me?”
Yes, she was.  “I didn’t say that.”
“I was looking for you though.”
Her face goes completely red and she couldn’t hide the dorky smile she had if she wanted to. But she didn’t want to.
“Here I am.”
The elevator stops and the doors begin to open. Erik steps forward, standing between the now fully open doors. His body blocks half of the exit out. He holds his hand into the parking garage.
“Ladies first.”
Phoenix starts to walk out when her shoulder brushes against his chest. This man was SOLID! She stops and looks up at him and of course he’s already smiling at her. She playfully shakes her head at him and continues her way out.
“Have a good night, Phoenix.” He dragged her name. Was he doing this on purpose? She stops and turns to him, flashing her own smile.
“You too, Erik.”
Dragging his name they way he did hers. This time, she stood there to see how he would react. He licks his lips slowly like he knew what it would do to her. She watched him closely and her face went blank as she stared at his mouth.
“Don’t make me look for you again.”
“You don’t go missing again.”
They share another smile. Phoenix had reached her limit with him. There was no way that she could let him say anything else to her without jellylegs happening so she turned on her heels and headed to her car. Eriks stood firm in his place, watching her. She started her car and pulled out from her park and as she did, he waved at her. She watched him in her rear view mirror. He waited there until she turned out onto the road.
Sza was everything Phoenix imagined her to be, plus more. Their session was like two old friends catching up. They meshed well together with their personalities and with the music. Phoenix shared some hooks she wrote and they made nothing short of magic. They both danced around the studio as the two songs they made, played on repeat. Coby recorded them on his Instagram.
“All we make is hits!” he said into the camera.
“We need a pic for the gram.” Sza says to Phoenix.
They pose up and Coby doesn’t fail to make sure they got the right shot.
“Ohhh, we cute.” Phoenix says. “Send that to me now.”
They all chill back onto the large couch in the studio.
“So, girl… who are these hooks about?” Sza ask.
Phoenix looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “Nobody.”
“You giving me this feeling…” Sza sings a line from the hook Phoenix wrote. “Somebody is giving you a feeling, sis.”
“No, no. It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like?” Coby asks.
“It’s just like a crush. Nothing serious at all.”
“Ohhh you got a crush. Who is it?” Sza says pinching at Phoenix’s arm.
“Oh my goodness.” Phoenix covers her blushing face.
“She’s blushing! Who is it?”
“He’s nobody.”
“I have never heard of a nobody making a nigga blush as hard as you blushing right now. Your face looking like a grape tomato.” Coby laughs.
Phoenix cuts her eyes at him, trying so hard to look serious but he’s right. She can’t stop herself from smiling, thinking about her ‘crush’.
“He’s just a guy that lives in my building. We met on the elevator.”
“You got me singing about your elevator bae?”
Phoenix lets out a huge sigh. “I’m not telling y’all nothing else.”
Sza and Coby laugh her off. Coby looks at his phone. “Yo, it’s almost 6am.”
They wrap up their session. Sza and Phoenix hug and say their goodbyes. Sza gives Phoenix her personal number so they could link again.
It’s a little after 6am when Phoenix finally gets back home. Parking her car, she drags her body to the elevator, waiting for it to come. When it reaches the parking garage and the doors open, Phoenix comes face to face with her neighbor from a few floors up, Sydney. She’s a beautiful woman that one could consider an ‘Instagirl’. Her body was amazing and she always had a slayed wig. Sydney was never caught without a designer bag. Even this early in the morning, she was sporting a 28in black wig, a PINK tracksuit and chanel bag.
“Good Morning, Philly.”
Ava was usually the only person to call Phoenix the nickname but Phoenix never protested when other called her that. Plus, it was too damn late/early for all of that.
“Morning, Syd.”
Sydney steps out of the elevator. “You had a long night?”
“Yeah. I was in the studio.”
“Damn girl and you’re just getting home?”
Phoenix nods her head. She wasn’t really in the mood to be talking to her. Sydney just kept talking and Phoenix was so caught up in pretending to be listening that the elevator doors closed.
“Shit.” She hits the button hoping the doors would just open but now it was that the cabin is already going up.
“Damn girl, I’m sorry. I’ll wait with you.”
Phoenix rolls her eyes. Her sleepy is now hitting her hard and the last thing she wants to do is listen to Sydney talk.
The elevator took forever coming back down. Phoenix had ran out of patience.
When the doors open, Erik is standing there with full workout gear on. Seeing him, made Phoenix perk up.
“Morning ladies.”
“Good Morning, Erik!” Sydney says with enthusiasm, voice powering over Phoenix’s. “You’re about to work out?”
“How long are you about to be doing that?”
He shrugs. “Couple hours. Why?”
“You should come through when you’re done?”
That’s it. Phoenix had heard enough. She steps around them and get into the elevator. Hitting her floor number, the doors start to close but not before hearing Erik tell Sydney, “Alright. I’ll let you know.”
She would be lying if she said that didn’t crush her. Her hands instantly became hot and her chest was heavy. The thought of them ‘linking up’ made her pissed. She didn’t think she had a right to be pissed. He was just a crush, not her man. Hell, she didn’t even know the man’s last name.
Finally making it to her apartment, she closed all of the shades. Her apartment has floor to ceiling windows and she wanted all sunlight blocked. Her exhaustion seem to take over her body and she only made it out of her shoes before crashing on her bed and going deep into her sleep.
When she woke, it was well into the afternoon. A shower melted away all of her tension. Phoenix relaxed herself more with a well needed yoga session in her living room. She had plans to take a few days to herself but first she needed to do some grocery shopping to replace all of her snacks. Phoenix made her way to the store and to the farmers market. Stacking up on all of the food she needed to make her mini staycation at home, a good one.
Her day was going pretty smooth. She hadn’t even thought about the mornings situation with Erik and Sydney. She made her way through the parking garage and luckily she was able to get a spot close to the elevator. Phoenix stacked all of her grocery bags on one arm. She refused to take more than one trip. As she is closing her trunk, the elevator doors open. Looking up, she sees Sydney walking out, smiling and Erik right behind her. She stood back so they wouldn’t see her and she watched as they talked and laughed toward his car. She watched as he opened the passenger door for her and walked around and getting in, himself. She tried to hurry up and make to the elevators before he drove around. But the doors took a bit longer than she expected to open. Erik’s car drove passed her just as she was stepping into the cabin. He stopped by the doors and rolled his window down. Before he could say anything, the elevator doors closed and Phoenix’s stomach dropped to the floor with her bags.
She could feel her anxiety coming through her chest. The negative thoughts rushed her brain before she could even try to stop them. She felt stupid for crushing on a guy like Erik. Phoenix was a very chill, laid back kind of girl. Sydney was the definition of a ‘Girly girl’ and she wasn’t afraid to show off what she had. Phoenix’s brain went a million miles a minute. Of course, she’s his type, she thought.
As she reached her floor, she struggled to gather up the bags that fell to the floor. When the doors opened, her neighbor from across the hall, Mya was waiting.
“I got you, girl.”  Mya says. She helped Phoenix with her bags without a second thought.
“Thank You so much.”
“You don’t have to thank me. You know I know the struggle.”
Mya follows Phoenix into her place, dropping the bags off in the kitchen. Phoenix goes through one of the bags, pulling out a Kombucha and giving it to Mya.
“Here. This is my thank you since you won’t let me say it.”
“Now this is something I’ll take. Thanks girl.” Mya smiles and leaves out.
Phoenix leaves her groceries on the counter and sits on her couch. She had to admit her feelings were hurt. She wasn’t fully sure as to why but they were. She sat there for a moment, letting herself process the bullshit as much as she could before turning on some music and putting away her groceries. Just when she thought her mind was free, Yuna x Crush started playing through her speakers.
“Damn God, can you chill? I don’t need this.” She goes to pick up her phone that she left on the couch to change the song and sees that she has a bunch of notifications from her Instagram. She clicks the app and she’s tagged in a pic by Sza. It was the pic they took at the studio with the caption.
So much love for my girl @DJPhoenixBlue. This album is about to be amazing.
HER ALBUM?! To be a producer on Sza’s album would be a huge step for Phoenix. That post made her page blow up. She had gained at least another 3,000 followers. People were showing her so much love on her pics and videos. She clicked back on the picture and commented
Love you boo! More hits coming soon!
That made her feel so much better. Erik slipped from her mind in that moment. She let the music continue to play through her speaker and she danced around her living room until a phone call paused the music. It was her manager, Alyssa..
“Lyssaaaa, what’s up?”
“Hey, Phoenix. I have some good news.”
Phoenix patiently waits for Alyssa to continue.
“You’ve been requested to DJ at a party next week. The promoters are offering to pay you double your rates.”
“Double? Who the party for?”
“It’s the grand opening of that new club, X down in Hollywood. A lot of big names will be there.”
“Hell yeah! I wanna do it.”
“Okay, great! I’ll let them know. Also, a few labels have been watching you. I’m setting up a meeting for this Friday for you to meet them. This is could be big for you.”
Phoenix is being hit with so much good news she can’t even contain herself. She’s bouncing on her feet.
“Okay! Just let me know where and what time and I’m there.”
“Cool. I’ll keep you posted. Enjoy your days off.”
Phoenix hung up, squealing. All of her dreams are slowly but surely manifesting right before her eyes. The rest of her evening was spent eating a pizza that she ordered and finally catching up on all of her shows. She sat on her couch, wrapped like a burrito in her weighted blanket, struggling hard to keep her eyes open.
A hand snakes around Phoenix’s waist. She bit her lip at the warmth and released a small moan. She laid her head back onto the large chest behind her. He trailed wet kissed up her shoulder and neck until he reached her cheek. She turned her head to him and he smiled.
“Lay down.” He said.
She followed his orders. His shirtless body stood over her. He snatched her panties off quickly and his head disappeared between her thighs.
Closing her eyes, “Fuck Erik! That’s feels good.”
Tags: @purple-apricots @abeautifulmindexposed @lostennyc **If anyone would like to be tagged, let me know :)
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canelainnyc · 7 years
my current daydreams’ soundtrack.
As intimidating as the NYC train/subway system can appear to be, it’s (still) my favorite part about living in this city. The array of faces you’ll find yourself locking eyes with for a solid 2.5 seconds, I guarantee you will not find anywhere else on the face of this planet. While some will smile back, others will continue to stare until you’ve realized awkward has won this battle and you must now focus your eyes on the poorly executed pantyhose advertisement displayed throughout 85% of the subway car. Yes, this city screams culture and you’ll find it tucked away within the hundreds of neighborhoods in all five boroughs, but I strongly believe the hub for all of NYC’s culture is the subway. You’re either sleeping, reading or listening to music while riding the subway—I usually find myself doing the latter because reading (I’ve tried doing twice) makes me train sick. My Spotify playlist is curated with songs I currently find soothing for the soul and playing more than three times in a row. Newfound songs, revisited classics and songs that I know trigger deep feels. I self-inflict deep feel daydreams through my curated playlist because I’ve found that the subway is the perfect and acceptable platform for me to do this and as soon as I’ve arrived at my stop I can easily snap back to reality. The following tracks are my current daydream’s soundtrack…
Songs I lose myself stupid to:
·      Kingdom feat. SZA—“Down 4 Whatever”
·      Sabrina Claudio’s entire discography.
·      River Tiber feat. Daniel Caesar—“West”
·      Marco McKinnis—“How I Feel”
·      H.E.R.—her entire track collection
·      Washed Out—“Hard To Say Goodbye”
·      Carla Morrison—“Tu Atacas”
·      El Michels Affair—“Snakes”
·      ALL of Daniel Caesar’s collection. Every single track.
·      Tom Bailey—“Get To You;” for those moments when the subway car you’re currently chillin’ in is riding alongside another subway car and you’re now catching a slow motion glimpse of new beautiful faces. If you’re lucky enough, you can awkwardly lock eyes with one of them, to never see them again. True story.
·      SZA—any track from CTRL; I instantaneously want to lip sync to every track, arms in the air like I just don’t care.
·      Emmit Fenn—“Everybody Else”—this track meshes so well when we’re traveling over the east river and the entire NYC skyline is visible, Ms. Liberty herself and the Brooklyn Bridge.
·      Justin Hurwitz (Celesta)–“Mia & Sebastian’s Theme”
·      Da-P, theMIND, Sun—“Ms. Communication”
·      Julio Jaramillo—“Devuelveme el Corazon”
·      ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING featuring GOLDLINK. Thass-my bb.
·      Snoh Aalegra’s latest and greatest; GET INVOLVED. Vocals and soul for days! Ugh.
·      Solange’s “I Decided, Part 1” is on my timeless track list; anytime it comes on through my shuffle my mood makes a 180 for the bettah.
Anytime these cuts come through the shuffle, I’m once again finding myself hoping, wishing, praying the entire train car breaks out in dance:
·      Dabeull—“DX7”
·      Aaron Camper—“Heat”
·      Whitney Houston—“If I Told You That”
·      Pete Rock, Inl—“No More Words”
·      Vanjess feat. Masego—“Touch the Floor”
·      Lianne La Havas (GRADES remix)—“What You Don’t Do”  
·      Mark Morrison—“Return of the Mack”—all of a sudden I’m back in San Diego with Carlos, Andy, Karina, and Daisy. The Gaslamp District is calling our inebriated havin’ booties and this song is blasting through our Uber driver’s Jeep. Life is always a party with these love crumbs
·      Le Youth—“Me Without You”—quickly reminded how much I keep forgetting to set a FaceTime date with Eric so that we can pick up on my DJ lessons
·      TLC “Creep”—the shoulders can’t help but move a little; a subtle “rockaway”
·      Leikeli47—“Money”
·      Bruno Mars—“Chunky”
·      Little Dragon—“Strobe Light”
·      La India—“Ese Hombre”
·      Migos—“Out Yo Way” and “Slippery”
·      Gucci Mane feat. Migos—“I Get The Bag”
·      Ariana Grande—“One Last Time”
·      Total feat. The Notorious B.I.G.—“Can’t See You”
·      MNDR (RAC Mix)—“Feed Me Diamonds”
·      Electric Punanny feat. The.Wav—“Gymnastics on Fire”
·      Yandel—“Besame”
·      Joe Arroyo—“La Noche”
·      Chaka Demus—“Murder She Wrote”
·      Kahli Abdu—“Romantic Girl”
…and many more/y mas!
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Drew Barrymore Makes an Amazing Cameo in SZA's 'Drew Barrymore' Music Video
What's the best way to meet your favorite actress? Write a song and name it after them!
SZA released the music video for her latest single, "Drew Barrymore," on Tuesday, which features a very special appearance by none other than the 42-year-old actress.
RELATED: Drew Barrymore Spotted in Las Vegas With New Beau David Hutchinson
Directed by Dave Meyers, SZA's video shows her in various locations around New York City, including a pizza shop, a laundromat, and a house party. Barrymore's simple -- yet memorable -- cameo arrives around the 2:15 mark, as the singer is sitting outside alone on some steps.
RELATED: Drew Barrymore and Daughters Visit the Museum of Ice Cream -- See the Cute Pics!
SZA has previously mentioned that she is a big fan of the actress and her favorite Barrymore film is Never Been Kissed. "When I was watching Never Been Kissed … that’s my experience. I was hella outcast in school," she told Vulture earlier this month. "I was watching it like, ‘Yes! Win for all of us!’”
After the 26-year-old singer performed the song on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in January, Drew gave her a shout out on Instagram by posting a video of herself watching the performance.
"OKAY BUT THIS IS REALLY DREW BARRYMORE WATCHING ME SING DREW BARRYMORE ON @JIMMYKIMMELLIVE !TF?!?I'm SHOOK!!! I love you SO much THANK YOU for endless inspiration @drewbarrymore 💐❤️🙏🏾," SZA wrote alongside the clip she reposted.
For more on Barrymore, watch below.
0 notes
Drew Barrymore Makes an Amazing Cameo in SZA's 'Drew Barrymore' Music Video
What's the best way to meet your favorite actress? Write a song and name it after them!
SZA released the music video for her latest single, "Drew Barrymore," on Tuesday, which features a very special appearance by none other than the 42-year-old actress.
RELATED: Drew Barrymore Spotted in Las Vegas With New Beau David Hutchinson
Directed by Dave Meyers, SZA's video shows her in various locations around New York City, including a pizza shop, a laundromat, and a house party. Barrymore's simple -- yet memorable -- cameo arrives around the 2:15 mark, as the singer is sitting outside alone on some steps.
RELATED: Drew Barrymore and Daughters Visit the Museum of Ice Cream -- See the Cute Pics!
SZA has previously mentioned that she is a big fan of the actress and her favorite Barrymore film is Never Been Kissed. "When I was watching Never Been Kissed … that’s my experience. I was hella outcast in school," she told Vulture earlier this month. "I was watching it like, ‘Yes! Win for all of us!’”
After the 26-year-old singer performed the song on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in January, Drew gave her a shout out on Instagram by posting a video of herself watching the performance.
"OKAY BUT THIS IS REALLY DREW BARRYMORE WATCHING ME SING DREW BARRYMORE ON @JIMMYKIMMELLIVE !TF?!?I'm SHOOK!!! I love you SO much THANK YOU for endless inspiration @drewbarrymore 💐❤️🙏🏾," SZA wrote alongside the clip she reposted.
For more on Barrymore, watch below.
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