#t: choco's advice nook
chocosvt · 7 years
Hi I'm just curious about how you learned so much vocabulary I feel like I keep repeating words in my writing??
hello!! well, i primarily expanded on vocabulary from reading books!! simple as tht. i used 2 be absolutely in lov w/ reading n wow u could not pull my attention away from the pages, even if the house were on fire i’d be like “shut up, britany, IM READING.”
trust me, it rly helps enrich ur vocabulary!! over time all these words u skim across compile at the back of ur head, n day by day u just pluck them out n apply them 2 real life n wow u sound super smart n educated (maybe u actually are unlike moi) but yeah, READING. i dont read as much anymore, but i used this exact method w/ other fic writers. all the coolio words i discovered i wrote down in my notes n learned how 2 apply them in my own style.
also here is a useful tip for writing in microsoft word!!! if u feel as though u are using a word too much, press ctrl + f. a search box will pop up tht allows u 2 type in a word, n the program will highlight wherever u have used it. it works rly well when ure afraid u’ve used a word too many times!!
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chocosvt · 7 years
Hey Choco! I was just wondering if you ever feel a lack of motivation for writing? Currently I have so many ideas for stories I want to write but I'm just so bad at following through.I've just found so many inspiring creators on Tumblr especially you!!That have encouraged me to want to provide something to the community and not doing that just makes me fall down into sad ville (T_T) Regardless I hope your keeping well + staying healthy.Love always (•^_^•) - bad spelling.(Sorry for being weird?!)
let me stop u right there. I EXPERIENCE A LACK OF MOTIVATION EVERY DAY BC I PROCRASTINATE 2 A POINT WHERE I DONT EVEN WANNA DO THE THING I WAS ORIGINALLY HYPED FOR. (n tysm i never imagined being a creator ppl would look up 2 u know im rly just a casual speck!!) but yes!! im pickin up what ure putting down my pal bc inspiration can come from so many things!! it’s like a tree n her roots/branches. u have the main premises of the story n all these little details tht build up the hook n the climax n the suspension n the list goes on. the primary struggle is tht these ideas tend to build up and coalesce into this big mass of w o r k tht makes it difficult for a writer 2 separate just one idea n translate it to words. u just wanna open the document n have the whole thing already typed.
my biggest fault is tht i don’t “strike while the iron is hot”. when i get inspired i solely think of new plot lines instead of finishing projects ive already started (which results in a culmination of stress bc why so many unfinished documents) n then i waste all my inspo on these ideas n realize wow u essentially did fucjing nothing gr8 job u big idiot. so my advice would be, once u get an idea n the itch to elaborate on it is consistent, THEN JUST WRITE. OPEN THE DOCUMENT N LET UR FINGERS DO AS THEY PLEASE, EVEN IF IT’S NOT THE GR8EST. it’s important 2 not override urself with all these story lines, but more or so focus on the ones ure most excited for. dont force anything, just be ready for when tht inspo strikes bc it’s ur biggest ally.
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chocosvt · 7 years
hi!! i couldn't help but notice u reblog a post about acne? and i have combination skin :(( what did u do to help urs??
hello!! sorry for the late response, i just knew i would totally go into depth on this question ;; oh yup irfnwirv i completely understand, dude. combination skin is the fuckin worst bc ur skin isn’t just dry, it isn’t just oily, it’s both n it’s dreadful. hmm, well, following the guidelines of “help” i never truly got rid of my acne until i began medication. but i can give u as many tips as possible!!
to begin, though we share the same skin type, there will always be slight variation between our reactions to certain products, procedures, ect. and when it comes to ur face u gotta be cautious, so just experiment with things lightly at first. okay as i would say to anyone with acne, the basic always begins with,
i shouldn’t even have to explain why this is unhealthy and damaging!! i know its tempting and i did this so frequently. i also put my chin in my hand a lot in class which was not a good idea bc the irritation on my chin was so sensitive. it just increased inflammation and created moisture tht would inflict the skin. whenever u catch urself slipping, drill the fact tht you’ll only create scarring which is very hard to get rid of!
02. don’t wash your face 80 times a day!!
i read online tht this girl washed her face very frequently throughout the day and that was the reason behind her clear skin, so i fuckin went and did this. not my best decision!! it is important to keep ur face clean, but ure not a lasagna pan tht needs to be scrubbed for 20 minutes to get the grime off. the more u wash ur face, the more u strip the skin of its natural oils, thus producing a continuous buildup of oil as is desperately tries to replenish itself. this will also increase dryness in dry patches where the skin is even more starved of oil. in the morning and at night is perfect!
03. exfoliation!!
my all time favourite method for combating combination skin was an exfoliate of brown sugar and natural honey!! simply be gentle when massaging it into ur problem areas. brown sugar helps scrub the skin of its flakes whilst the honey works to soften and clean pores of dirt and oil. you can even leave this mask on for 5-10 minutes after rubbing bc ur skin will be even softer!! its best to pre-wash ur face with warm water and rinse off the mixture with cold water. then use a lightweight moisturizer to settle everything! (again, only exfoliate when necessary!!) foam cleansers/gels/tea tree oils only strengthened my skins dry patches, so this honey brown sugar shit was rlly all i could use.
04. who cares
i spent junior high being an insecure ass stick bc of my acne. but tht was such a waste. w h o  c a r e s. just do ya thing n if someone wants to be a fuckin waffle cone ass about the specks on ur face then be the bigger person n walk away bc they clearly have the same iq as a burnt pistachio. a few other tips, tie ur hair back when its greasy, flip ur pillowcases every so often, use a green colour correcter to cancel out red scarring, eat some ice cream n move on.
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chocosvt · 7 years
i just saw the post you reblogged about acne and the tags and i just want to say thank you so much, it made me feel so much better about my own skin
awwwbwf i’m glad to have made you feel more comfortable!! yes, acne is truly horrible and it made me despise my years of junior high. just the fact i seemed to be an early bloomer, and that all my friends has flawless skin made me want to curl into a ball and d*e!! i had combination skin too;;; ugh, the worst!!!
no clue if you’ve managed to find solid skin products that actually work against reducing acne. i scavenged the whole market for two years (for cleansers/makeup/facial masks, everything) and literally nothing worked. it’s hard to accept your skin for being your skin, but you can’t let tht shit control you and spurn your confidence. the only thing i ever found suitable for my skin when it was going through dry patches, was creating an exfoliate of brown sugar and natural honey, which made my skin super soft and glowy. i just had to be gentle when rubbing it in!
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chocosvt · 7 years
Help idk what to do bc I was volunteering today and my friend brought her friend and he was really cute and being just straight up hella entertaining ;;; my other friend could tell I was into him and told me to try to get the og friend to hook me up with him but idkkkkk
first of all!!! where are u finding all these cute/funny ppl!??! honestly some of the b*ys i know;;;,,,.. a thin-tip sharpie has more personality!!
well, before you rush into anything it’s best to get to know them better, for future reference when u’re out n about bc then is not the time 2 realize his potential asshole-ery. if you like him, i don’t see the harm in getting ur bff to assemble something, unless she likes him too? (then u gotta sit down n have a talk wit ur girls the amount of times my friends and i have all claimed crushes on the same guy;;; life is just a repetitive sad face) 
if you’re unsure, just approach things with this qt at a pace that’s comfortable for you!! there’s nothing wrong with testing the waters a lil n getting a stable connection from ur friend!! good luck 2 u!!
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chocosvt · 7 years
(1) Hi! I really need advices rn and I trust you are a sensitive person, so: I am a only daughter and I don't really have a lot of contact with my parents, so when I was younger (actually I am still like this, just a little less) I was REALLY needy of someone to talk to and be friends with. And there was his friend I made on Tumblr who i used to admire her A LOT like, I saw her as the older sister I always wanted to have and I wanted to be like her. But my stupid little mind didn't understood
continued: that she actually only saw me as a friendly stranger and not a little sister, so I think I scared her :( and I don’t know if she blocked me, but she stopped talking to me and created a new Tumblr without ever telling me and I just found out this Tumblr and I feel so abandoned. Like, abandoned by a friend that actually never were my friend as I thought. I still do admire her but I am hurted and I insulted her on Anon. I want to apologise and explain why I am hurt with her, but I am scared.    
i think this neediness for a strong bond you describe is understandable! i mean, the environment you are raised in and how you’re introduced to things can play important roles in your future views, behaviour, decisions, and so on. though these things can change with growth, i doubt everyone completely sheds all characteristics developed during past experiences, most commonly childhood i would say? anyways, i get why you’re upset! when first approaching people online and in real life most of us are quite conscious about the things we say and how we come off bc obviously we don’t wanna drive this new friendo away. 
as always, different people share different views! you saw her as this older sister figure and she saw you as a friendly stranger. her mind is programmed differently from yours and perhaps she doesn’t understand why you seemed so attracted to the friendship. i also want to point out the importance of not placing everyone you meet on this pedestal because no one is flaw free or 100 % ideal. most people you look up to will make mistakes or preform certain behaviour you’re apprehensive about, and maybe that’s why you felt inclined to insult her? anyways, the past can’t be changed and you’ve said what you’ve said.
you can definitely learn from this though. it seems as though you never clicked on both ends of the spectrum like you may have expected? i think it would be best to apologize even if it seems scary. her view of you may change completely, but it’s better to own up to mistakes instead of concealing and adding guilt to your conscious! don’t give up yet honeybee, though waiting seems torturous, i’m sure the chances of meeting someone who can relate with your emotion is higher than you think!
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chocosvt · 8 years
thank u so much for the advice! idk i've been here for a year and a half, tagging my fics and even begging my followers to give me feedback or at least reblog it but none of them actually care, i feel like. i'm always trying to stay positive and think about how new content might get me some feedback but in reality, i know that there will be little to none. i just hate feeling like this. - soft coups stan (i'm just gonna give myself a nickname)
i get your frustration! its difficult not to mope and amble in your dismay, but giving in to these things will not help your productiveness. i would not rely so heavily on your followers for feedback when they seem to be so quiet, and as i’ve said in previous responses, there is much importance in hyping yourself up, getting yourself excited, sitting back and realizing that yeah this fic was good as fuck and its a grand improvement from my previous works, and though the feedback wasn’t booming i still wrote this and i’m proud.
my advice can only range as far as things i’ve previously stated and i hope you do relax with your creativity and write things that please you! if your followers seem to be silent yet your passion for writing is ardent, then maybe move your work to a new blog and start fresh? i find starting fresh to be easing when things get stressful. its good you’re being positive, but don’t force it! on days where you’re feeling especially down, just take a lil break from tumblr and relax. i also think its important you build more confidence in yourself so you do not feel so disheartened when feedback is sparse. ;w;
welcome soft coups stan n sorry for drawling on and on lol. i hope you’re at least finding my replies a lil bit useful;;
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chocosvt · 8 years
hello hello! how has your day been? have you been eating well? i literally just realized that you followed me a couple of days ago and i feel so honoured it's unreal :') thank you so much!! also, how do you approach ppl on tumblr like mutuals and stuff that you want to talk and just become friends with?? i've tried rlly hard but usually they either stop talking to me or the conversation dies out and everyone has their own little groups of friends and i'm still a lonely been ): any tips?
HI JEN!! i was actually surprised i hadn’t followed you before u’re like the sweetest bowl of honeycomb cereal ever!! pfffftttt have i been eating well;;; since i got home i’ve eaten pasta and pudding cups like i kinda want an apple but i’m a bab and can’t eat it without cutting it into lil slices but u see i’m hella lazy and don’t wanna go through the effort.
AH YES THE SOCIALIZATION TACTICS OF TUMBLR. okay as per usual inserting a read more bc whenever i give advice i practically write an essay so YEAH HAVE FUN.
it’s not easy for everyone to so abruptly approach people and start a conversation, like i’m pretty positive we’ve all had thoughts of, “oh my gosh what if they think i’m annoying or being clingy or they feel like talking to me is a burden” blah blah blah bc i’ve certainly felt that way before. i use to be super shy too so that wasn’t helping! and when you see people already formed into their lil social groups u’re like yikes i guess i am alone yet again. however (in the words of seulgi) sometimes u jus gotta be bold and dive roit in!! you could always start conversations by addressing any of their creations you like, maybe they have funny tags or nice aesthetics or you have a lot of stuff in common such as biases or humor.
to be frank, you’re not gonna click with everyone and that’s okay!! the community is so vast and you’re bound to find people to befriend. when i think about it, i’ve either initiated conversation by simply being my !!! scatterbrained, jittery self and somersaulting into peoples’ inboxes yellin to them about stuff they post that i really appreciate, and i’ve done the same thing to people i randomly come across who suffer just as much as me lol. the becoming friends stage can be awkward so i tend to usually skip it. as for conversations dying, i get that too. i talk a fuckin lot and ramble and run my trap into the next millennium and luckily i’ve found ppl who know how to keep the energy in those types of convos which is a blessing bc they can be difficult to maintain. it may take a lil bit of venturing and stretching from your comfort zone but the best advice i can give you from this is JUST SWERVE FROM THE AWKWARDNESS OF ASKING FOR FRIENDSHIP AND LET UR INTENTIONS FREE. you’ll know fairly quickly if you click or not!!
and as always my lil bouncing off the walls self is always here nice n cozy to keep you company my honeycomb. i believe in u!!
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