#t'svai dochai
praehhen-ilamneedh · 3 months
incredibly, four months after my initial report, broken search & tag shadowban have finally been solved today.
apparently i was somehow flagged by their 'automated anti-spam controls' which is hilarious considering that i can't imagine what this blog does that could be considered spam in any conceivable way.
considering how many obviously human-run blogs i've run into that have broken search over the years, let alone just over the last few months (over the last few months, i'd say 1/3rd or even one half of the random user blogs i have tried to search on have had broken search), i'd say their system is really, really broken. and maybe they should do something so that at the very least real users who aren't spamming that have been hit by their faulty system know what's happened to them so they can report it, lmao.
anyway, both problems are now solved, and i'll be un-pinning my pinned post now, as well as removing disclaimers about broken search from various pages on my blog.
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 4 months
as promised, an announcement about the technical state of the blog:
if you're looking to find specific things on the blog, you HAVE to use the tag system (a list of ALL tags can be found on the tags page or recipe tags page).
you CANNOT use the 'search' function to look for things, as it will always return no results every time. the way to tell whether you're using tags or search is that url will be url.tumblr.com/tagged/tagname rather than url.tumblr.com/search/searchquery.
if you're cursed enough to be viewing the blog on the mobile app on the tumblr.com/url format instead, you need to make your search in the search bar #tagname instead of 'searchquery' (ie: put a # in front of it, use dashes for spaces). i advise using a browser to view this blog rather than the app, however, and as i don't use it myself i can't offer any further help w/ navigating this blog on the app.
original posts from this blog also don't currently show up in the sitewide tag viewer or search function (by my own testing, anyway).
both of these problems are completely out of my hands and i cannot do anything about them. i don't know if the primary problem (broken search) is fixable, but i am pretty sure that it never resolves on its own, as i've seen users whose search function has been broken for years (and i've come across an increasing number of blogs with broken search, so i think the issue is getting worse).
i know that the second problem (not showing in the sitewide tags) is fixable as i know people who have had that issue and had it fixed after contacting support, but i sent a support request months ago to staff (about both the search and the sitewide tags problems) that hasn't been responded to, so for now the situation remains the same.
i'll be sending in another support request soon, but i'm not sure if i'll get results this time or not.
apologies for any inconvenience. :')
02/21/2024 update: given current events, i'm putting off resubmitting a support ticket until further notice.
given tumblr's supposedly skeleton crew staff, they might be too busy to respond again anyway, and given the ceo's not very professional behavior (and an oblique threat to potentially shut down the site a few months for now), i'm not really sure if it's even practical to try to get fixed.
if thing stabilize again and i feel safe interacting w/ support, maybe. for now though i don't know when/if that will happen.
03/18/2024 update: see update post here. this post will be unpinned.
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 4 months
after about half a year, my backup archive is complete! at this point all i have to do is just mirror new posts to it as i reblog them.
i'll continue to run this blog as is here, as i intend to at least try to run it as long as i'm able to (ie: provided staff doesn't run the site into the ground).
i've actually been almost finished (on the last 10 pages - ie the ten most recent pages) for a few months, but ongoing health shenanigans slowed things down. :')
i actually do have an announcement i need to make about the technical state of the blog (that i was putting off until the archive was complete, to try to give staff more time to answer my initial support request. that didn't happen), but i'll be doing that in a separate post after this that i'm going to pin.
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 10 months
i'll be doing a little cleanup of posts and tag organization over the next few weeks or even months, as i go through the blog from back to front to manually mirror it to a set of digital notebooks.
this means i'll be doing tag recategorizing on some older posts that i tagged back before i had my system worked out quite as solidly, and a few posts may disappear.
i'm not deleting anything that's still functional, but i am scrapping anything that's become completely unusable for any reason, like masterposts composed predominantly of broken/dead links (i've already zapped one or two at the time of posting this).
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 3 years
finally fixed the bizarre right margin screwup i’ve had happening on this blog’s current theme w/ unnested captions by, hilariously enough, simply setting tumblr_parent’s margin-right to 0px for... some reason. 
i’ve never had to do that on anything else i’ve added the unnested captions script to, usually the margins are just fine on their own. 
???? why is css like this
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 3 years
now that i’ve finished rethemeing my aesthetic blog, i intend to start working on this one next. 
i’ve been saying i’ll add a light mode toggle to it forever, but doing so with this particular theme that i have right now would be especially complex, and i’m not prepared to undertake that at the moment for a variety of reasons, with the primary tl;dr being: 
with the theme creator i bought it from having disappeared for almost half a year, if the external css hosting went down i wouldn’t be able to use the theme anymore without reuploading it myself (i have backed it up, just in case), which is something i’m hesitant to do bc i have a feeling that might be against her terms of service. 
so i’ll be rethemeing the blog entirely and adding the light mode toggle in as i do so. i already have a theme in mind, so at this point it’s just a matter of finding the time to customize it and add the light mode!
edit: rethemeing complete, with light mode added. had some minor hiccups w/ getting the unnested captions script up and running (was a bit taken off guard by the fact that the theme didn’t already have dashboard style captions, since another one of the same creator’s themes that i’m using on a different blog does), but everything should... mostly be in order. 
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 3 years
so, today while i was checking the desktop version of this blog for something unrelated, i discovered that my theme was going totally haywire. i absolutely could not figure out why, at first, until i tested the exact same version of the theme (with all my edits) on a different blog and didn’t experience the problem. 
tl;dr: in a bizarre turn of events, after a bunch of troubleshooting i determined that a post on the first page of this blog was causing the theme to go haywire - possibly due to the code block shared in the post? i did a little poking around and looked at two other reblogs of the post on other people’s blogs - one was fine and the other was not - it’s also fine on the mobile version of this blog, so precisely what triggers it to be a problem is a total mystery to me but it must differ by theme. anyway, i deleted the post and the problem went away, soooo... it was that post. 
it’s an extremely useful reference post that i don’t want to lose, however, so i’m going to post a screenshot of the post here instead as a workaround, and applying the relevant tags. so, without further ado: 
Tumblr media
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 3 years
the desktop theme for this blog is The Last Thing i have on most of my blogs (still some stuff on ffxiv blog to do) that I need to add a light mode for. i was putting it off because i was waiting for the updated version of the theme to come out. 
that’s out now and i’ve applied it (after some really haunted shenanignas w/ my computer lmao), so i’ll be adding the toggle at some point this month probably because apparently i love suffering. this is a fairly complex theme so it may take a bit. 
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 3 years
found a shiny new responsive theme and applied it to mobile view! 
i took this opportunity to use a different method when adding day/night mode settings to the theme. 
this script uses local storage, and whichever mode you choose should be persistent across post pages (only the ones that use the index theme - pages like tags, about, and inbox that use separate themes are not affected) and refreshes, etc. 
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 4 years
i keep thinking about how frustrating it is when i’m looking for a specific page type on a theme rec blog that doesn’t have pages or themes tagged by category type, and thinking to myself ‘i should really start doing that with pages and for themes at the very least with single-column vs grid, and probably also go back and tag existing reblogs’, and then just.......
not doing that
edit: i am now working on this for pages, (and possibly themes eventually). i’ve set up the category tags on desktop’s navi tab and on the mobiles tag page, and i’ve started category tagging new reblogs. i’m still working on backtagging old page reblogs. 
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 4 years
new desktop blog theme applied! :>
this theme uses on-blog tabs for my inbox, primary (non-recipe) taglist, and bio, instead of separate pages, so i’m going to start revamping my old inbox and bio pages to be mobile-responsive for dedicated use with my mobile-only blog theme. 
my previous primary tags list page was already mobile-responsive, so that will remain the same, but i will be applying that theme to my recipe tags page as well to make that more mobile-friendly (finally). 
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 4 years
created a separate tag for page themes and shifted all page reblogs to it, so that blog themes and page themes are a little easier to browse through
should have been tagging them that way from the beginning probably, but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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praehhen-ilamneedh · 5 years
i have some followers now, so i just wanted to let everyone know that while i’ve already migrated over the other types of reference posts from my main, the recipe ones are in my queue. so for the next... two-ish weeks there are going to be about ten recipe posts a day coming out of my queue lmfao. 
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