#tadc and the beanstalk
kaiju-wolfdragon · 8 months
Don't wake the giant up..
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 8 months
Hiding from jax the giant...
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 8 months
(Finally done it!)
Tadc and the beanstalk
The crew was doing thier own business, but ragatha felt a little worried about jax, she came to the hallways to check on him, she made it to his door, she open his down and jax is not in there… Ragatha need to tell caine about jax's missing apprentices, she found caine as he was talking to zooble, the group gathered around to caine and some of them noticed that jax wasn't here and thinking no wonder it felt so quiet without jax for hours.
Caine said he didn't know what happened to jax but he had an adventure that will involving finding thier friend, caine snapped his fingers and then the ground starting to rumble uncontrollably leaving everyone shaking and bracing themselves about what's going to happened.
Then the tall beanstalk starts to sprout from the ground to the sky and that leaving everyone in shocked, Caine made the game called the beanstalk seeker, where they have to find jax before the “giant” will catch you or eat you, and that made couple of the members in terrified mood hearing about that. 
Then caine disappears and everyone looked a little nervous about climbing up there while knowing that giant will get them soon if it finds them.
Pomni wasn't sure about this but decided to climb onto the beanstalk just to get things over with, ragatha followed pomni and the rest followed ragatha.
After climbing onto the beanstalk, they're on a cloud with a enormous house, far away from each other, they went around while going to the house, and to thier surprised it was bigger than they thought, it was huge!
The crew slid inside and it was a nice house in the inside, zooble just wanted to get things over it and tried to find jax so they can go back to the tent. They starting to look around everywhere to find jax before it's to late, while they're find jax, gangle heard snoring from the other room, she slid under the door and took peek from the room, then she saw purple fur, she then start climbing on the bed and then found out the giant….is actually jax….
Gangle stood there in fear, she can't believe that jax is the giant all along, she decided to warn them about jax, but then she slip and fall made a crashed oof, which it almost woke up the giant purple bunny, gangle ran out of the door warning about the giant, they wanted to know if jax's ok, before gangle starting to tell them, they heard yawning from the other room and they're starting to hide in thier places, and then jax the giant came out still a bit tried, but he wanted to get a quick snack before going back to sleep, he went to the pantry to get a snack and starts to eat them. Everyone but gangle was terrified about jax as a giant, gangle was scared she made a peep, it made jax hear that noise and and open his eye looking around looking what made that little sound, he past the table while to them his stomps made the ground shake and vibrate for them to kinda being unbalanced but still keeping quiet at the same time.
Then he heard something again, this time it was something different, he looked back at the table and saw a cup moving, curiously he went towards the cup and takes a peek inside and inside of it was zooble and kinger.
Jax smirked with his sharp teeth, zooble tried to defend themself from the giant purple bunny if he tries to do anything.. But they noticed something about him, he acting… quite different than his usual self, jax grabbed both zooble and kinger and stares at them deeply.
“Well, Little intruders came here? I guess this will be fun after all…” jax said with his hungry tone. Zooble yelled at jax told him to snap out of it, but there's no anvil, is he deeply gone for good? Will he'll be like this forever? Then while that happened, jax decided to eat them, he opened his glowing maw, as pomni, gangle, and ragatha watched it all happened seeing that jax is really not himself.
Then jax tossed both zooble and kinger into his maw, he snapped his jaw and starting to taste them, then he wanted to relax too, he grabbed the chair and sat down and the starts to lean on it to get more comfortable, after tasting zooble and kinger he swallowed both of them and rubbed his stomach and was very satisfied of thier taste, Jax yawned again and started to take a nap after woking up a bit early.
It's all down to ragatha, gangle, and pomni to save both zooble and kinger, and hopefully jax. Ragatha might had a crazy idea meaning someone has to get close to jax the giant. Pomni and gangle doesn't think that's a good idea, but it's for thier friends too. 
Ragatha, pomni and gangle sneaks past the table legs to go to the chair legs, and then climbs on the chair legs to get onto jax's belly ragatha listen to his belly to contact zooble and Kinger to see if they're ok, zooble banged to the stomach walks which made him hiccup a little, pomni then got an idea, ragatha will try opened his mouth while zooble and Kinger will punch his stomach walls that'll make him hiccup a lot they'll jump out of his belly which means pomni and gangle gonna have to keep an eye on jax while he's asleep.
Ragatha starts to climb onto his fur to reach to his mouth which is closed, she gently tried to open his sharp mouth that will show glowing effects in his mouth, zooble starts punching his stomach a lot kinger probably helped them out and then jax starts to hiccup a lot which made them two bounce and then ragatha saw them and tried to grab zooble, but then zooble's antler hit his uvula and he woke up starting to cough them out and the rest of them fall off of him and landed onto the ground, they got up kinda in pain but then two giant stomps and a giant grinning shadow with glowing eyes show up upon them growling at them, then he starting to try to capture them and them they're starting to run away and hidding from jax the giant, he tries to capture them and now all of them are hiding from him, they needed a plan to get jax back to normal, gangle was scared and then saw a giant foot paw landed right next to thier hiding spot, they thought maybe caine will fix him, hopefully…
Then after the close it clear they tried to go back to the door, but then the giant paw slam down in front of them made the back up while jax smirks evily trying too catch all of them.
The crew starts to split up and starting to hide from him, “So you little pest, i guess we're gonna play hide and seek, and i'm it~” he said.. He then starting to walk around trying to find them.
Pomni and the rest kept quiet trying to get out of here, kinger was shaking but then saw something that can help, zooble saw it too and then starting to make a plan again it would be risky, but it could work.
For a while jax is still trying to find them then ragatha yelled at his attention made him slowly turn to Ragatha and growled, ragatha might be scared but she has to do this to change jax back what he was before and not as an regular giant like he was now.
She ran and jax starting to chase her, the rest of the crew ran to the door and went to the beanstalk to climb down but pomni and gangle looked back at the place where they came from worried about ragatha and jax, but Ragatha was managed to run out of the doorway and the jax opens the door angrily and still chasing them “STOP RUNNING!” They heard.
Ragatha kept running away from jax the giant, pomni and gangle tried to help ragatha to keep up with the rest, but then jax finally caught them, he was tired from all that running they did but he capture them, they're both terrified of jax they tried to snap him out too but it's no use, it's like his memories was replaced thinking he's just a giant terrorizing everything. 
He put them in his pocket and starting to walk back into the house dealing with those three, maybe keeping them as pets or just eat them. 
Meanwhile with zooble and kinger, they told caine about what happened up there and that the giant was actually jax this whole time, caine in shocked about what happened up there and he looked nervous about it as there's something about him what he did in the first place. 
Caine then flew up to the beanstalk and saw the house and went inside watching what his about to do, Jax on the other hand was just doing a little fearplay to all three of them, his claws tapped on the table slowly he's trying to decide who to eat first.. Then he made the decision, he decided to eat gangle first, he picked up gangle and starts to taste her, gangle was terrified when he does that, he likes gangle's taste, she tasted like candy strawberries, he opened his maw and slowly about to put her in, pomni and ragatha tried to stop him but then caine came by and starting to stop jax from eating gangle, jax dropped gangle and starts to struggle and growling like a monster.
Caine used his magic abilities to snap his mind out made him back to his normal self, he then was dizzy and confused about what's going on, he looks at himself and the others, he was very confused of what's going on.
Caine confessed that it was him all along, but he didn't know the effects will made him turn into a giant monster like he is, ragatha stared at caine angrily that he would do such a thing to jax!
Jax then remember how did this happened, he said that he's gonna do something to him that involves making a next adventure, which it teleported them to the giants house, but the magic was gone wrong and made his mind replaced as a giant and made himself 20x bigger than himself, and he doesn't remember who he really was and now he'll just act like this for a long time, caine tried to fix his size but he doesn't work on him anymore so stuck like this forever unless he'll get some updates from this digital word.
Jax shrugs, maybe he'll get use to this new size anyways, and maybe this can be his new room and they can visit there more often and he can visit the digital circus since it's big enough for him anyways. Caine let jax moved again and picks up the three of them and puts them in his pocket, he went outside and then starting to climb down reaching to the digital circus, zooble and kinger backed up trying to defend themselves from jax, well mostly for zooble, but jax was himself but he'll get a little teasing to both of them thinking that he's still not himself getting to crush them. 
As he lift his foot up on them he was about to step on those two, kinger screamed in fear but them jax laughed and put his foot down away from those two, “oh you shouldn't see the looks on your faces! You was afraid that i'll crush you just like that” he laughed, after he's done laughing, he grabbed out pomni, ragatha, and gangle out of his pocket and puts them down, zooble wanted to know how did this happened.
Gangle said that it was caine's idea that made him like this. Zooble was furious and went to find caine to get the piece of thier mind, Ragatha was so glad that jax was himself again, well most likely, but at least the giant was now at our side but still will try to do some teasing with his new giant size..
The end
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 8 months
Found you....
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Jax the giant found zooble and kinger
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 8 months
Jax the giant's design
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 8 months
Another crazy dream once again!
So, this dream is one of the jack and the beanstalk x tadc thing, and you guessed it, Jax is the giant, so, the crew found out that jax is missing for a past few weeks, they decided to find their missing friend with caine brought up is the fairy tale adventure was to find their friend, as they find out they didn't expect that jax was the giant and it also show that his memories are replaced so he doesn't remember as their crew... But as his little treats/pets.....
Might gonna make this story soon
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